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Glasswall Python Wrapper

Project description

Glasswall Python Wrapper

A high level Python wrapper for interfacing with Glasswall libraries.


Install or upgrade to the latest version via pip:

Online installation

pip install --upgrade glasswall

Offline installation

Run the following commands within the directory containing the offline installation files.

pip install --upgrade --no-index --find-links=. glasswall

Note: The wheels available for offline installation include all necessary dependencies for their respective packages and have been tested on amazonlinux.2023, rockylinux.8.9, and ubuntu.22.04 environments.


Auto-generated Documentation


Loading a Glasswall library

Each library is a subclass of the glasswall.libraries.library.Library class and can be accessed from the top level of the glasswall module. The following subclasses are available:

  • ArchiveManager
  • Editor
  • Rebuild
  • SecurityTagging
  • WordSearch

Libraries are loaded on initialisation and have one required argument: library_path which can be the path to a file or a directory. If a directory is specified it is recursively searched and the library with the latest change time will be loaded.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")
>>> 2021-03-15 12:27:42.337 glasswall INFO     __init__                  Loaded Glasswall Editor version 2.173 from C:\gwpw\libraries\sdk.editor\windows-drop-no-kill-switch\glasswall_core2.dll


Logs are saved to the temp directory and are also output to console with a default logging level of INFO. You can view the file path of the temp directory or the log file:

import glasswall

>>> C:\Users\ANGUSR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\glasswall
>>> C:\Users\ANGUSR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\glasswall\logs\2021-03-15 122826.txt

The logging level can be modified, for a list of levels see:

import logging

import glasswall

# Modify logging level for logs to the console

# Modify logging level for logs to file

Content management policies

Documentation about content management policies can be found on the Policy Management page.

Subclasses of the glasswall.content_management.policies.Policy class can be used to easily create content management policies of varying complexity by passing the default and config keyword arguments. Subclasses include:

  • ArchiveManager
  • Editor
  • Rebuild
  • WordSearch

Some examples of content management policies are below. Note that if a content management policy is required but has not been specified with the keyword argument content_management_policy then the default content management policy will be used.

Content management policies can be specified using subclasses of the Policy class:

Expand setting an Editor policy
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")


...or loaded from a file path:

Expand setting an Editor policy from file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")


Some examples of policies and how to create them using the Policy subclasses are shown below.

Expand Editor default sanitise all policy
import glasswall

# Print the default Editor content management policy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Expand Rebuild custom allow all policy
import glasswall

# Print a custom Rebuild content management policy with a default of allow
# that only sanitises macros in wordConfig, and embedded images and files in
# xlsConfig
        "wordConfig": {
            "macros": "sanitise",
        "xlsConfig": {
            "embedded_files": "sanitise",
            "embedded_images": "sanitise",
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Elements within a content management policy may have attributes. Attributes can be set by prefixing a key with the @ character. In the below example the recursionDepth attribute is set with a value of "30".

Expand Archive Manager custom recursionDepth policy
import glasswall

# Print a custom Archive Manager content management policy with a default of
# sanitise and an archive default of process. Set the recursionDepth attribute
# to 30. Discard any bmp files in the archive.
        "archiveConfig": {
            "@recursionDepth": "30",
            "bmp": "discard",
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <archiveConfig defaultCompression="zip" libVersion="core2" recursionDepth="30">
Expand Word Search custom policy
import glasswall

# Print a custom Word Search content management policy with a default of
# allow. Redact instances of the string "lorem" by replacing each character
# with an asterisk, and redact instances of the string "ipsum" by replacing
# each character with the letter "X".
        "textSearchConfig": {
            "textList": [
                {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                    {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                    {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                    {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                    {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "X", "value": "redact"},
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <textSearchConfig libVersion="core2">
                <textSetting replacementChar="*">redact</textSetting>
                <textSetting replacementChar="X">redact</textSetting>

Multiprocessing timeouts and memory limits

The GlasswallProcessManager class is designed to manage multiprocessing with a designated timeout and memory limit for each file being processed by the Glasswall engine.

The GlasswallProcessManager consumes Task objects which must be created and added to the queue. A Task object consists of a function that will be called, and arguments and keyword arguments that will be passed to that function.

The GlasswallProcessManager produces either a list of TaskResult objects once processing has completed, or yields individual TaskResult objects as they are completed. A TaskResult object contains attributes related to the processing of the file.

Expand TaskResult attributes
task: Task
success: bool  # True if function did not raise an exception
result: Any  # function return value
exception: Union[Exception, None],  # the exception raised by the function
exit_code: Union[int, None],  # multiprocessing.Process.exitcode, 0 = success
timeout_seconds: Optional[float]  # time limit for each process
memory_limit_in_gib: Optional[float]  # memory limit for each process, 1 gibibyte = 1024 ** 3 bytes
start_time: float  # uses time.time(), current time in seconds since the Epoch
end_time: float  # uses time.time(), current time in seconds since the Epoch
elapsed_time: float  # end_time - start_time
timed_out: bool  # terminated for exceeding the time limit: 'timeout_seconds'
max_memory_used_in_gib: float  # the highest recorded memory usage of the process
out_of_memory: bool  # terminated for exceeding the memory limit: 'memory_limit_in_gib'
Expand Example: Producing a list of `TaskResult` objects once processing has completed

In this example tasks are queued and processed in parallel up to the maximum number of workers, which by default is equal to the number of logical CPUs in the system.

After all tasks are queued, processing begins automatically when exiting the GlasswallProcessManager context. Once all tasks are completed, the process_manager.task_results list attribute is populated with TaskResult objects that show the processing results.

Once all tasks are completed, this example iterates process_manager.task_results in a for loop and prints each TaskResult object.

import os
import time

import glasswall
from glasswall.multiprocessing import GlasswallProcessManager, Task

INPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\input"
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\multiprocessing"
LIBRARY_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0"

gw_policy = glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor(default="sanitise")

def worker_function(*args, **kwargs):
    EDITOR.export_file(*args, **kwargs)

def main():
    start_time = time.time()
    input_files = glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(INPUT_DIRECTORY)
    with GlasswallProcessManager(max_workers=None, worker_timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4) as process_manager:
        for input_file in input_files:
            relative_path = os.path.relpath(input_file, INPUT_DIRECTORY)
            output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, relative_path) + ".zip"

            task = Task(

    for task_result in process_manager.task_results:

    print(f"Elapsed: {time.time() - start_time} seconds")

if __name__ == "__main__":
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_11.doc', outp..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507465.3883162, end_time=1710507466.5565898, elapsed_time=1.168273687362671, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.06385421752929688, out_of_memory=False)
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_9.doc', outpu..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507466.299694, end_time=1710507467.366209, elapsed_time=1.0665149688720703, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.06365966796875, out_of_memory=False)
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\PDFWithGifAndJpeg.pdf'..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507465.3763025, end_time=1710507467.7441902, elapsed_time=2.3678877353668213, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.1662139892578125, out_of_memory=False)
Elapsed: 6.226853370666504 seconds
Expand Example: Yielding individual `TaskResult` objects as they are completed

This example uses the external library tqdm to visualise progress during processing.

Tasks are queued and processed in parallel up to the maximum number of workers, which by default is equal to the number of logical CPUs in the system.

After all tasks are queued, processing begins within the GlasswallProcessManager context by invoking the process_manager.as_completed() generator method. Once any task is completed, its corresponding TaskResult object is yielded. This allows results to be accessed as they become available, rather than waiting for the completion of all tasks. The process_manager.task_results list attribute will not be populated.

As each task is completed, this example prints the yielded TaskResult object.

import os
import time

from tqdm import tqdm

import glasswall
from glasswall.multiprocessing import GlasswallProcessManager, Task

INPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\input"
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\multiprocessing"
LIBRARY_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0"

gw_policy = glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor(default="sanitise")

def worker_function(*args, **kwargs):
    EDITOR.export_file(*args, **kwargs)

def main():
    start_time = time.time()
    input_files = glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(INPUT_DIRECTORY)
    with GlasswallProcessManager(max_workers=None, worker_timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4) as process_manager:
        for input_file in tqdm(input_files, desc="Queueing files", miniters=len(input_files) // 10):
            relative_path = os.path.relpath(input_file, INPUT_DIRECTORY)
            output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, relative_path) + ".zip"

            task = Task(

        for task_result in tqdm(process_manager.as_completed(), total=len(input_files), desc="Processing tasks", miniters=len(input_files) // 100):

    print(f"Elapsed: {time.time() - start_time} seconds")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Queueing files: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 2993.79it/s]
Processing tasks:   0%|                                                                   | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_11.doc', outp..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507493.8832896, end_time=1710507496.1666203, elapsed_time=2.2833306789398193, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.072662353515625, out_of_memory=False)
Processing tasks:  33%|███████████████████▋                                       | 1/3 [00:04<00:08,  4.08s/it]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_9.doc', outpu..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507495.4604173, end_time=1710507497.5040953, elapsed_time=2.043678045272827, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.06534576416015625, out_of_memory=False)
Processing tasks:  67%|███████████████████████████████████████▎                   | 2/3 [00:05<00:02,  2.46s/it]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\PDFWithGifAndJpeg.pdf'..., success=True, result=None, exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710507495.3951488, end_time=1710507498.389851, elapsed_time=2.9947023391723633, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.1673431396484375, out_of_memory=False)
Processing tasks: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:06<00:00,  2.11s/it] 
Elapsed: 6.356592416763306 seconds

Note that while the GlasswallProcessManager can handle large returns of data from the worker_function, holding this data in memory can quickly fill up the available RAM. When possible, it is advised not to return from the worker_function, and instead to rely on file to file processing. If processing files to disk is undesirable or returning the file bytes from the worker function is required, we recommend the following steps:

  • Limit max_workers to allow for at least 4 GiB of memory available for each process.
  • Use the as_completed generator.
  • Ensure file bytes are not retained after being yielded from as_completed so that the Python garbage collector will free up memory after the file bytes are no longer referenced.
Expand Example: Yielding file bytes in file to memory mode and limiting max_workers

This example uses the external library tqdm to visualise progress during processing.

The worker_function has been modified to return the result of EDITOR.export_file, which will be either the export zip file's bytes, or None.

The max_workers is limited based on the logical CPUs and RAM available.

Tasks are queued and processed in parallel up to the specified number of workers.

After all tasks are queued, processing begins within the GlasswallProcessManager context by invoking the process_manager.as_completed() generator method. Once any task is completed, its corresponding TaskResult object is yielded. This allows results to be accessed as they become available, rather than waiting for the completion of all tasks. The process_manager.task_results list attribute will not be populated.

As each task is completed, this example prints the yielded TaskResult object, and if the task_result.result attribute is populated, it also prints information on the file size of the export zip file.

import os
import time

from tqdm import tqdm

import glasswall
from glasswall.multiprocessing import GlasswallProcessManager, Task
from glasswall.multiprocessing.memory_usage import get_available_memory_gib

INPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\input"
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\multiprocessing"
LIBRARY_DIRECTORY = r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0"

gw_policy = glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor(default="sanitise")

def worker_function(*args, **kwargs):
    return EDITOR.export_file(*args, **kwargs)

def main():
    start_time = time.time()
    available_memory_gib = get_available_memory_gib()
    print(f"Available memory: {available_memory_gib} GiB")
    # Set max_workers to lowest between cpu_count or available memory // 4 (4gib per process)
    cpu_count = os.cpu_count() or 1
    max_workers = int(min(cpu_count, available_memory_gib // 4))
    print(f"Max workers: {max_workers}")

    input_files = glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(INPUT_DIRECTORY)
    with GlasswallProcessManager(max_workers=max_workers, worker_timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4) as process_manager:
        for input_file in tqdm(input_files, desc="Queueing files", miniters=len(input_files) // 10):
            # No output_file specified, export_file will run in file to memory mode
            task = Task(

        for task_result in tqdm(process_manager.as_completed(), total=len(input_files), desc="Processing tasks", miniters=len(input_files) // 100):
            # Do something with export zip file bytes in memory
            if task_result.result:
                print(f"Export zip file size is: {len(task_result.result)} bytes for input_file: '{task_result.task.kwargs['input_file']}'")
            # task_result no longer referenced and is garbage collected here, freeing up memory

    print(f"Elapsed: {time.time() - start_time} seconds")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Available memory: 13.020416259765625 GiB
Max workers: 3
Queueing files: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Processing tasks:   0%|                                                                   | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_11.doc', cont..., success=True, result=b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x0e\x00\x08\x00\xceloX\xc7\x95\x89\xba\xce\x07\x00\x00-\x19\x00\x00\x19\..., exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710509905.3188772, end_time=1710509908.5976403, elapsed_time=3.2787630558013916, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.06348419189453125, out_of_memory=False)
Export zip file size is: 97553 bytes for input_file: 'C:\gwpw\input\TestFile_11.doc'
Processing tasks:  33%|███████████████████▋                                       | 1/3 [00:04<00:09,  4.99s/it]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\PDFWithGifAndJpeg.pdf'..., success=True, result=b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x0e\x00\x08\x00\xcdloX\xca@\xc8\x8a\xf0\x1d\x00\x00k\xc6\x00\x00\x19\x00..., exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710509905.1324441, end_time=1710509908.958884, elapsed_time=3.82643985748291, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.166259765625, out_of_memory=False)
Export zip file size is: 664734 bytes for input_file: 'C:\gwpw\input\PDFWithGifAndJpeg.pdf'
Processing tasks:  67%|███████████████████████████████████████▎                   | 2/3 [00:05<00:02,  2.25s/it]
TaskResult(task=Task(func=worker_function, args=(), kwargs=(input_file='C:\\gwpw\\input\\TestFile_9.doc', conte..., success=True, result=b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x0e\x00\x08\x00\xcfloX\xc7\x95\x89\xba\xce\x07\x00\x00-\x19\x00\x00\x19\..., exception=None, exit_code=0, timeout_seconds=5, memory_limit_in_gib=4, start_time=1710509907.833435, end_time=1710509910.3073368, elapsed_time=2.4739017486572266, timed_out=False, max_memory_used_in_gib=0.0728759765625, out_of_memory=False)
Export zip file size is: 139697 bytes for input_file: 'C:\gwpw\input\TestFile_9.doc'
Processing tasks: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:06<00:00,  2.23s/it] 
Elapsed: 6.706916809082031 seconds



Files can be protected individually from a file path or in memory using the protect_file method, or all files from a directory can be protected using the protect_directory method.

Protect from file path to file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to sanitise a file, writing the sanitised file to a new path
Protect from file path to memory

protect_file returns the protected file's bytes. The below example demonstrates assigning the variable file_bytes. We can see that after sanitisation the first 8 bytes of file_bytes matches the file signature for the Microsoft Compound File Binary (CFB) format, D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to sanitise a file in memory, returning the file bytes in memory
file_bytes = editor.protect_file(

assert file_bytes[:8] == b'\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1'
Protect from memory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Read file from disk to memory
with open(r"C:\gwpw\input\TestFile_11.doc", "rb") as f:
    input_bytes =

# Use the default policy to sanitise a file
file_bytes = editor.protect_file(

assert file_bytes[:8] == b'\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1'
Protect files in a directory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to protect a directory of files, writing the sanitised files to a new directory.
Protect files in a directory that may contain unsupported file types

The default behaviour of the Glasswall Python wrapper is to raise the relevant exception (see: glasswall.libraries.editor.errors) if processing fails. Passing raise_unsupported=False will prevent an exception being raised and can be useful when working with a directory containing a mixture of both supported and unsupported file types when it is desired to process as many of the files as possible instead of terminating on the first failure.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to protect a directory of files, writing the sanitised files to a new directory.
Protect files in a directory using a custom content management policy

Using glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use a custom Editor policy to sanitise all files in the input directory
# and write them to the input_sanitised directory. If macros are present
# in ppt or word files, the file will be marked as non-conforming and blocked.
# If internal or external hyperlinks are present in word files they will not
# be sanitised, and will remain in the regenerated document.
            "pptConfig": {
                "macros": "disallow",
            "wordConfig": {
                "internal_hyperlinks": "allow",
                "external_hyperlinks": "allow",
                "macros": "disallow",
Protect files in a directory conditionally based on file format

The example below demonstrates processing of only doc and docx files from a nested directory containing multiple file formats.

import os

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

input_directory = r"C:\gwpw\input"
output_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\protect_directory_file_format"

# Iterate relative file paths from input_directory
for relative_file in glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(input_directory, absolute=False):
    # Construct absolute paths
    input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, relative_file)
    output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, relative_file)

    # Get the file type of the file
    file_type = editor.determine_file_type(

    # Protect only doc and docx files
    if file_type in ["doc", "docx"]:
        editor.protect_file(input_file, output_file)


Files can be analysed individually from a file path or in memory using the analyse_file method, or all files from a directory can be analysed using the analyse_directory method.

Analyse from file path to file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to analyse a file, writing the analysis report to a new path
Analyse from file path to memory

analyse_file returns the analysis report xml file's bytes. The below example demonstrates assigning the variable analysis_report and checking the contents of the beginning of an Editor analysis report.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to analyse a file
analysis_report = editor.analyse_file(

assert analysis_report[:500] == b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<gw:GWallInfo xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gw="">\n\t<gw:DocumentStatistics>\n\t\t<gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t\t\t<gw:TotalSizeInBytes>35840</gw:TotalSizeInBytes>\n\t\t\t<gw:FileType>doc</gw:FileType>\n\t\t\t<gw:Version>Not Applicable</gw:Version>\n\t\t\t<gw:InputSHA256>9FDE85B8800C1019D2865FA298A7F75873E09870B71F9825827E354B865686A6</gw:InputSHA256>\n\t\t\t<gw'
Analyse from memory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Read file from disk to memory
with open(r"C:\gwpw\input\TestFile_11.doc", "rb") as f:
    input_bytes =

# Use the default policy to analyse a file
analysis_report = editor.analyse_file(

assert analysis_report[:500] == b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<gw:GWallInfo xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gw="">\n\t<gw:DocumentStatistics>\n\t\t<gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t\t\t<gw:TotalSizeInBytes>35840</gw:TotalSizeInBytes>\n\t\t\t<gw:FileType>doc</gw:FileType>\n\t\t\t<gw:Version>Not Applicable</gw:Version>\n\t\t\t<gw:InputSHA256>9FDE85B8800C1019D2865FA298A7F75873E09870B71F9825827E354B865686A6</gw:InputSHA256>\n\t\t\t<gw'
Analyse files in a directory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to analyse a directory of files, writing the analysis reports to a new directory.
Analyse files in a directory that may contain unsupported file types

The default behaviour of the Glasswall Python wrapper is to raise the relevant exception (see: glasswall.libraries.editor.errors) if processing fails. Passing raise_unsupported=False will prevent an exception being raised and can be useful when working with a directory containing a mixture of both supported and unsupported file types when it is desired to process as many of the files as possible instead of terminating on the first failure.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to analyse a directory of files, writing the analysis reports to a new directory.
Analyse files in a directory using a custom content management policy

Using glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use a custom Editor policy to analyse all files in the input directory
# and write them to analyse_directory_custom directory. If macros are
# present in ppt or word files, a GeneralFail exception will be raised if the
# raise_unsupported argument is left at it's default value of False, but the
# analysis report will still be written to file and will contain IssueItems.
# If internal or external hyperlinks are present in word files they will not
# be sanitised, and will remain in the regenerated document.
            "pptConfig": {
                "macros": "disallow",
            "wordConfig": {
                "internal_hyperlinks": "allow",
                "external_hyperlinks": "allow",
                "macros": "disallow",
Analyse files in a directory conditionally based on file format

The example below demonstrates processing of only doc and docx files from a nested directory containing multiple file formats.

import os

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

input_directory = r"C:\gwpw\input"
output_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\analyse_directory_file_format"

# Iterate relative file paths from input_directory
for relative_file in glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(input_directory, absolute=False):
    # Construct absolute paths
    input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, relative_file)
    output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, relative_file + ".xml")

    # Get the file type of the file
    file_type = editor.determine_file_type(

    # Analyse only doc and docx files
    if file_type in ["doc", "docx"]:
        editor.analyse_file(input_file, output_file)


Files can be exported individually from a file path or in memory using the export_file method, or all files from a directory can be exported using the export_directory method.

Export from file path to file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to export a file, writing the export archive to a new path
Export from file path to memory

export_file returns the exported archive file's bytes. The below example demonstrates assigning the variable export_archive and checking the contents of the beginning of an Editor export archive.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to export a file
export_archive = editor.export_file(

assert export_archive[:8] == b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x0e\x00'
Export from memory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Read file from disk to memory
with open(r"C:\gwpw\input\TestFile_11.doc", "rb") as f:
    input_bytes =

# Use the default policy to export a file
export_archive = editor.export_file(

assert export_archive[:8] == b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x0e\x00'
Export files in a directory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to export a directory of files, writing the export archives to a new directory.
Export files in a directory that may contain unsupported file types

The default behaviour of the Glasswall Python wrapper is to raise the relevant exception (see: glasswall.libraries.editor.errors) if processing fails. Passing raise_unsupported=False will prevent an exception being raised and can be useful when working with a directory containing a mixture of both supported and unsupported file types when it is desired to process as many of the files as possible instead of terminating on the first failure.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to export a directory of files, writing the export archives to a new directory.
Export files in a directory using a custom content management policy

Using glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use a custom Editor policy to export all files in the input directory
# and write them to export_directory_custom directory. Write streams as
# ".xml" instead of the default interchange_type, ".sisl". Export embedded
# images as ".xml" instead of their default image file type.
            "sysConfig": {
                "interchange_type": "xml",
                "export_embedded_images": "true",
Export files in a directory conditionally based on file format

The example below demonstrates processing of only doc and docx files from a nested directory containing multiple file formats.

import os

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

input_directory = r"C:\gwpw\input"
output_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\export_directory_file_format"

# Iterate relative file paths from input_directory
for relative_file in glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(input_directory, absolute=False):
    # Construct absolute paths
    input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, relative_file)
    output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, relative_file + ".zip")

    # Get the file type of the file
    file_type = editor.determine_file_type(

    # Export only doc and docx files
    if file_type in ["doc", "docx"]:
        editor.export_file(input_file, output_file)


Export archives can be imported individually from a file path or in memory using the import_file method, or all export archives from a directory can be imported using the import_directory method.

Import from file path to file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to import an export archive, writing the imported file to a new path
Import from file path to memory

import_file returns the imported file's bytes. The below example demonstrates assigning the variable file_bytes and checking the contents of the beginning of an Editor export archive.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to import an export archive
file_bytes = editor.import_file(

assert file_bytes[:8] == b'\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1'
Import from memory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Read file from disk to memory
with open(r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\export_f2f\", "rb") as f:
    export_archive_bytes =

# Use the default policy to import an export archive
file_bytes = editor.import_file(

assert file_bytes[:8] == b'\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1'
Import files in a directory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to import a directory of export archives, writing the import archives to a new directory.
Import files in a directory that may contain unsupported file types

The default behaviour of the Glasswall Python wrapper is to raise the relevant exception (see: glasswall.libraries.editor.errors) if processing fails. Passing raise_unsupported=False will prevent an exception being raised and can be useful when working with a directory containing a mixture of both supported and unsupported file types when it is desired to process as many of the files as possible instead of terminating on the first failure.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default policy to export a directory of export archives, writing the export archives to a new directory.
Import files in a directory using a custom content management policy

Using glasswall.content_management.policies.Editor:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use a custom Editor policy to import all files in the export directory
# and write them to import_directory_custom directory. Read streams as
# ".xml" instead of the default interchange_type, ".sisl".
            "sysConfig": {
                "interchange_type": "xml",
Import files in a directory conditionally based on file format

The example below demonstrates processing of only doc and docx files from a nested directory containing multiple file formats.

import os

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

input_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\export_directory_file_format"
output_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\editor\import_directory_file_format"

# Iterate relative file paths from input_directory
for relative_file in glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(input_directory, absolute=False):
    # Construct absolute paths
    input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, relative_file)
    output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, os.path.splitext(relative_file)[0])

    # Get the file type of the file
    file_type = editor.determine_file_type(

    # Import only and files
    if file_type == "zip" and input_file.endswith(("", "",)):
        editor.import_file(input_file, output_file)


See Editor documentation. High level functionality is the same between the Editor and Rebuild classes, simply use the Rebuild class instead of the Editor class:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Rebuild library
rebuild = glasswall.Rebuild(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\rebuild\1.661.0")

# Use the default policy to sanitise a file, writing the sanitised file to a new path

Archive Manager

Protect an archive
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use the default Archive Manager policy: sanitise all, process all, writing
# the sanitised archive and the analysis report to the output directory.
Protect all archives in a directory using a custom content management policy
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Use a custom Archive Manager policy: sanitise all, process all, but discard
# mp3 and mp4 files. Write the sanitised archives and the analysis reports to
# different directories
            "archiveConfig": {
                "mp3": "discard",
                "mp4": "discard"

Extraction - Unpacking an archive

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Unpack the archive to a new directory

A new directory is created: C:\gwpw\output\archive_manager\unpack\Nested_4_layers containing the unpacked contents of the Nested_4_layers zip archive. Nested archives are recursively unpacked while maintaining the same directory structure. To disable recursive unpacking use the recursive arg:

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Unpack the archive to a new directory without recursing the archive.
Other useful arguments when unpacking
  • include_file_type default False, keep the archive format in the directory name when unpacking. e.g. when True will be unpacked to a directory instead of Nested_4_layers. This can be necessary when unpacking multiple same-named archives that have different archive formats.
  • raise_unsupported default True, raise an error if the Glasswall library encounters an error.
  • delete_origin default False, delete the input_file after it has been unpacked to output_directory.

Extraction - Unpacking a directory of archives

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Recursively unpack all archives found in the `archives` directory

The unpack_directory method shares the same optional arguments as unpack. See also: Extraction - Unpacking an archive

Compression - Packing a directory into an archive

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Archive Manager library
am = glasswall.ArchiveManager(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Pack the `input_archives` directory as zip to `` in the 'C:\gwpw\output\archive_manager\pack' directory


Glasswall WordSearch can be used to redact text from files and generates an XML report on the redacted file's details.

This report includes details on the file size, the determined file type, the total number of text matches, and the location of each of the text matches.

Example report
<gw:WordSearchStatistics xmlns:gw="">

A homoglyphs JSON file can be specified either as a file path or in memory as bytes, bytearray, or io.BytesIO. If this is not specified then the default will be used:

Default homoglyphs.json file
	"!": "ǃⵑ",
	"$": "$",
	"%": "%",
	"&": "ꝸ&",
	"'": "`´ʹʻʼʽʾˈˊˋ˴ʹ΄՚՝י׳ߴߵᑊᛌ᾽᾿`´῾‘’‛′‵ꞌ'`𖽑𖽒",
	"(": "❨❲〔﴾([",
	")": "❩❳〕﴿)]",
	"*": "٭⁎∗*𐌟",
	"+": "᛭+𐊛",
	",": "¸؍٫‚ꓹ,",
	"-": "˗۔‐‑‒–⁃−➖Ⲻ﹘",
	".": "٠۰܁܂․ꓸ꘎.𐩐𝅭",
	"/": "᜵⁁⁄∕╱⟋⧸Ⳇ⼃〳ノ㇓丿/𝈺",
	"0": "OoΟοσОоՕօסه٥ھہە۵߀०০੦૦ଠ୦௦ం౦ಂ೦ംഠ൦ං๐໐ဝ၀ჿዐᴏᴑℴⲞⲟⵔ〇ꓳꬽﮦﮧﮨﮩﮪﮫﮬﮭﻩﻪﻫﻬ0Oo𐊒𐊫𐐄𐐬𐓂𐓪𐔖𑓐𑢵𑣈𑣗𑣠𝐎𝐨𝑂𝑜𝑶𝒐𝒪𝓞𝓸𝔒𝔬𝕆𝕠𝕺𝖔𝖮𝗈𝗢𝗼𝘖𝘰𝙊𝙤𝙾𝚘𝚶𝛐𝛔𝛰𝜊𝜎𝜪𝝄𝝈𝝤𝝾𝞂𝞞𝞸𝞼𝟎𝟘𝟢𝟬𝟶𞸤𞹤𞺄",
	"1": "Il|ƖǀΙІӀ׀וןا١۱ߊᛁℐℑℓⅠⅼ∣⏽Ⲓⵏꓲﺍﺎ1Il│𐊊𐌉𐌠𖼨𝐈𝐥𝐼𝑙𝑰𝒍𝓁𝓘𝓵𝔩𝕀𝕝𝕴𝖑𝖨𝗅𝗜𝗹𝘐𝘭𝙄𝙡𝙸𝚕𝚰𝛪𝜤𝝞𝞘𝟏𝟙𝟣𝟭𝟷𞣇𞸀𞺀",
	"2": "ƧϨᒿꙄꛯꝚ2𝟐𝟚𝟤𝟮𝟸",
	"3": "ƷȜЗӠⳌꝪꞫ3𑣊𖼻𝈆𝟑𝟛𝟥𝟯𝟹",
	"4": "Ꮞ4𑢯𝟒𝟜𝟦𝟰𝟺",
	"5": "Ƽ5𑢻𝟓𝟝𝟧𝟱𝟻",
	"6": "бᏮⳒ6𑣕𝟔𝟞𝟨𝟲𝟼",
	"7": "7𐓒𑣆𝈒𝟕𝟟𝟩𝟳𝟽",
	"8": "Ȣȣ৪੪ଃ8𐌚𝟖𝟠𝟪𝟴𝟾𞣋",
	"9": "৭੧୨൭ⳊꝮ9𑢬𑣌𑣖𝟗𝟡𝟫𝟵𝟿",
	"I": "",
	"O": "0",
	"a": "@ɑαа⍺a𝐚𝑎𝒂𝒶𝓪𝔞𝕒𝖆𝖺𝗮𝘢𝙖𝚊𝛂𝛼𝜶𝝰𝞪",
	"b": "ƄЬᏏᖯb𝐛𝑏𝒃𝒷𝓫𝔟𝕓𝖇𝖻𝗯𝘣𝙗𝚋",
	"c": "ϲсᴄⅽⲥꮯc𐐽𝐜𝑐𝒄𝒸𝓬𝔠𝕔𝖈𝖼𝗰𝘤𝙘𝚌",
	"d": "ԁᏧᑯⅆⅾꓒd𝐝𝑑𝒅𝒹𝓭𝔡𝕕𝖉𝖽𝗱𝘥𝙙𝚍",
	"e": "еҽ℮ℯⅇꬲe𝐞𝑒𝒆𝓮𝔢𝕖𝖊𝖾𝗲𝘦𝙚𝚎",
	"f": "ſϝքẝꞙꬵf𝐟𝑓𝒇𝒻𝓯𝔣𝕗𝖋𝖿𝗳𝘧𝙛𝚏𝟋",
	"g": "ƍɡցᶃℊg𝐠𝑔𝒈𝓰𝔤𝕘𝖌𝗀𝗴𝘨𝙜𝚐",
	"h": "һհᏂℎh𝐡𝒉𝒽𝓱𝔥𝕙𝖍𝗁𝗵𝘩𝙝𝚑",
	"i": "ıɩɪ˛ͺιіӏᎥιℹⅈⅰ⍳ꙇꭵi𑣃𝐢𝑖𝒊𝒾𝓲𝔦𝕚𝖎𝗂𝗶𝘪𝙞𝚒𝚤𝛊𝜄𝜾𝝸𝞲",
	"j": "ϳјⅉj𝐣𝑗𝒋𝒿𝓳𝔧𝕛𝖏𝗃𝗷𝘫𝙟𝚓",
	"k": "k𝐤𝑘𝒌𝓀𝓴𝔨𝕜𝖐𝗄𝗸𝘬𝙠𝚔",
	"l": "1",
	"m": "m",
	"n": "ոռn𝐧𝑛𝒏𝓃𝓷𝔫𝕟𝖓𝗇𝗻𝘯𝙣𝚗",
	"o": "",
	"p": "ρϱр⍴ⲣp𝐩𝑝𝒑𝓅𝓹𝔭𝕡𝖕𝗉𝗽𝘱𝙥𝚙𝛒𝛠𝜌𝜚𝝆𝝔𝞀𝞎𝞺𝟈",
	"q": "ԛգզq𝐪𝑞𝒒𝓆𝓺𝔮𝕢𝖖𝗊𝗾𝘲𝙦𝚚",
	"r": "гᴦⲅꭇꭈꮁr𝐫𝑟𝒓𝓇𝓻𝔯𝕣𝖗𝗋𝗿𝘳𝙧𝚛",
	"s": "$ƽѕꜱꮪs𐑈𑣁𝐬𝑠𝒔𝓈𝓼𝔰𝕤𝖘𝗌𝘀𝘴𝙨𝚜",
	"t": "t𝐭𝑡𝒕𝓉𝓽𝔱𝕥𝖙𝗍𝘁𝘵𝙩𝚝",
	"u": "ʋυսᴜꞟꭎꭒu𐓶𑣘𝐮𝑢𝒖𝓊𝓾𝔲𝕦𝖚𝗎𝘂𝘶𝙪𝚞𝛖𝜐𝝊𝞄𝞾",
	"v": "νѵטᴠⅴ∨⋁ꮩv𑜆𑣀𝐯𝑣𝒗𝓋𝓿𝔳𝕧𝖛𝗏𝘃𝘷𝙫𝚟𝛎𝜈𝝂𝝼𝞶",
	"w": "ɯѡԝաᴡꮃw𑜊𑜎𑜏𝐰𝑤𝒘𝓌𝔀𝔴𝕨𝖜𝗐𝘄𝘸𝙬𝚠",
	"x": "×хᕁᕽ᙮ⅹ⤫⤬⨯x𝐱𝑥𝒙𝓍𝔁𝔵𝕩𝖝𝗑𝘅𝘹𝙭𝚡",
	"y": "ɣʏγуүყᶌỿℽꭚy𑣜𝐲𝑦𝒚𝓎𝔂𝔶𝕪𝖞𝗒𝘆𝘺𝙮𝚢𝛄𝛾𝜸𝝲𝞬",
	"z": "ᴢꮓz𑣄𝐳𝑧𝒛𝓏𝔃𝔷𝕫𝖟𝗓𝘇𝘻𝙯𝚣",
	"£": "₤",
	"©": "Ⓒ",
	"®": "Ⓡ"


Files can be redacted individually from a file path or in memory using the redact_file method, or all files from a directory can be redacted using the redact_directory method.

Redact from file path to file path
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within the input file, writing the redacted file to a new path
            "textSearchConfig": {
                "@libVersion": "core2",
                "textList": [
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
Redact from file path to memory

redact_file returns an object with the attributes: "status" (int), "output_file" (bytes), "output_report" (bytes). The below example demonstrates assigning the variable result and checking the contents of the beginning of the redacted output_file and the output_report.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within the input file, writing the redacted file to a new path
result = word_search.redact_file(
            "textSearchConfig": {
                "@libVersion": "core2",
                "textList": [
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},

assert result.output_file[:6] == b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00'
assert result.output_report[:500] == b'<gw:WordSearchStatistics xmlns:gw="">\n\t<gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t\t<gw:TotalSizeInBytes>14292</gw:TotalSizeInBytes>\n\t\t<gw:FileType>docx</gw:FileType>\n\t\t<gw:TotalItemMatchCount>14</gw:TotalItemMatchCount>\n\t</gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t<gw:WordItem>\n\t\t<gw:Name>ipsum</gw:Name>\n\t\t<gw:ItemMatchCount>8</gw:ItemMatchCount>\n\t\t<gw:Locations>\n\t\t\t<gw:Location>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Offset>120</gw:Offset>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Page>0</gw:Page>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Paragraph>0</gw:Paragraph>\n\t\t\t</gw:Location>\n\t\t\t<gw:Location>\n\t\t\t'
Redact from memory
import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Read file from disk to memory
with open(r"C:\gwpw\input_redact\lorem_ipsum.docx", "rb") as f:
    input_bytes =

# Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within the input file, writing the redacted file to a new path
result = word_search.redact_file(
            "textSearchConfig": {
                "@libVersion": "core2",
                "textList": [
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},

assert result.output_file[:6] == b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00'
assert result.output_report[:500] == b'<gw:WordSearchStatistics xmlns:gw="">\n\t<gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t\t<gw:TotalSizeInBytes>14292</gw:TotalSizeInBytes>\n\t\t<gw:FileType>docx</gw:FileType>\n\t\t<gw:TotalItemMatchCount>14</gw:TotalItemMatchCount>\n\t</gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t<gw:WordItem>\n\t\t<gw:Name>ipsum</gw:Name>\n\t\t<gw:ItemMatchCount>8</gw:ItemMatchCount>\n\t\t<gw:Locations>\n\t\t\t<gw:Location>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Offset>120</gw:Offset>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Page>0</gw:Page>\n\t\t\t\t<gw:Paragraph>0</gw:Paragraph>\n\t\t\t</gw:Location>\n\t\t\t<gw:Location>\n\t\t\t'
Redact files in a directory

redact_directory returns a dictionary of file paths relative to the input_directory, and an object with the attributes: "status" (int), "output_file" (bytes), "output_report" (bytes). The below example demonstrates assigning the variable results and checking the keys and values of the results dictionary.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within each file in the input_directory, writing the redacted file
# to a new path in the output_directory
results = word_search.redact_directory(
            "textSearchConfig": {
                "@libVersion": "core2",
                "textList": [
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},

assert list(results.keys()) == ['lorem_ipsum.docx', 'lorem_ipsum.pptx']
assert all(result.status == 1 for result in results.values())
Redact files in a directory that may contain unsupported file types

The default behaviour of the Glasswall Python wrapper is to raise the relevant exception (see: glasswall.libraries.word_search.errors) if processing fails. Passing raise_unsupported=False will prevent an exception being raised and can be useful when working with a directory containing a mixture of both supported and unsupported file types when it is desired to process as many of the files as possible instead of terminating on the first failure.

The below example input directory contains the same two files in the above example as well as a file with an unsupported file format: python-package.yml. We can inspect the key value pairs in the results dictionary and see that the object returned for the python-package.yml file returned a status: 0, a failure. The output_file attribute is empty bytes, and the output_report bytes is populated with a report that includes an IssueItem describing the problems encountered while attempting to redact the file: File contents could not be accessed.

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within each file in the input_directory, writing the redacted file
# to a new path in the output_directory
results = word_search.redact_directory(
            "textSearchConfig": {
                "@libVersion": "core2",
                "textList": [
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                    {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                        {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                        {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},

assert list(results.keys()) == ["lorem_ipsum.docx", "lorem_ipsum.pptx", "python-package.yml"]
assert [result.status for result in results.values()] == [1, 1, 0]

# {'status': 0,
# 'output_file': b'',
# 'output_report': b'<gw:WordSearchStatistics xmlns:gw="">\n\t<gw:IssueItem>\n\t\t<gw:Description>File contents could not be accessed</gw:Description>\n\t</gw:IssueItem>\n\t<gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t\t<gw:TotalSizeInBytes>1460</gw:TotalSizeInBytes>\n\t\t<gw:FileType>Unknown</gw:FileType>\n\t\t<gw:TotalItemMatchCount>0</gw:TotalItemMatchCount>\n\t</gw:DocumentSummary>\n\t<gw:WordItem>\n\t\t<gw:Name>ipsum</gw:Name>\n\t\t<gw:ItemMatchCount>0</gw:ItemMatchCount>\n\t\t<gw:Locations/>\n\t</gw:WordItem>\n\t<gw:WordItem>\n\t\t<gw:Name>lorem</gw:Name>\n\t\t<gw:ItemMatchCount>0</gw:ItemMatchCount>\n\t\t<gw:Locations/>\n\t</gw:WordItem>\n</gw:WordSearchStatistics>\n\n'}
Redact files in a directory conditionally based on file format

The example below demonstrates redacting of only docx and pptx files from a directory that also contains other unsupported file types.

import os

import glasswall

# Load the Glasswall Editor library
editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

# Load the Glasswall WordSearch library
word_search = glasswall.WordSearch(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0")

input_directory = r"C:\gwpw\input_redact_with_unsupported_file_types"
output_directory = r"C:\gwpw\output\word_search\redact_directory_file_format"

# Iterate relative file paths from input_directory
for relative_file in glasswall.utils.list_file_paths(input_directory, absolute=False):
    # Construct absolute paths
    input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, relative_file)
    output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, relative_file)

    # Get the file type of the file
    file_type = editor.determine_file_type(

    # Protect only doc and docx files
    if file_type in ["docx", "pptx"]:
        # Redact occurrences of the text "lorem" and "ipsum" within the input file, writing the redacted file to a new path
                    "textSearchConfig": {
                        "@libVersion": "core2",
                        "textList": [
                            {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                                {"name": "text", "value": "lorem"},
                                {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},
                            {"name": "textItem", "switches": [
                                {"name": "text", "value": "ipsum"},
                                {"name": "textSetting", "@replacementChar": "*", "value": "redact"},

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glasswall-5.2.4-py3-none-any.whl (111.2 kB view hashes)

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