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Script that organizes the Google Photos Takeout archive into one big chronological folder

Project description

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Google Photos Takeout Helper

What is this for?

If you ever want to move from Google Photos to other platform/solution, your fastest choice to export all photos is Google Takeout

But when you download it, you will find yourself with hundreds of little folders with few photos and weird .json files inside. What if you want to just have one folder with all photos, in chronological order? Good luck copying all of that :confused:

This script does just that - it organizes and cleans up your Takeout for you :+1:

It will take all of your photos from those tiny folders, set their exif and last modified, and other properties correctly, and put it in one big folder (or folders divided by a month)

How to use:

  1. Get all your photos in Google Takeout (select only Google Photos)
  2. pip install -U google-photos-takeout-helper
  3. Extract all contents from your Google Takeout to one folder
  4. Run google-photos-takeout-helper -i [INPUT TAKEOUT FOLDER] -o [OUTPUT FOLDER]

If you want your photos to be divided by a year and month, run it with the --divide-to-dates flag.

Occasionally, Google Photos will not have stored any date/time information for some of your photos. If you'd like additional heuristics to be run on the filenames of those files, attempting to guess the date it was taken on, run it with the --guess-timestamp-from-filename flag. If you leave this off, or if no date can be guessed from the filename, those photos will be assigned the timestamp of when the script was run.

How to use for dummies (non-programming people):

This script is written in Python - but if you have Windows, and don't want to bother installing it, you can download a standalone .exe :tada:

  1. Go to releases->latest release->assets and download takeout-helper.exe

  2. Prepare your Takeout:

If your Takeout was divided into multiple .zips, you will need to extract them, and move their contents into one folder

  1. Open cmd, and type:
cd C:\Folder\Where\You\Downloaded\takeout-helper
takeout-helper.exe -i [C:\INPUT\TAKEOUT\FOLDER] -o [C:\OUTPUT\FOLDER]

// Ps note: Don't use the "[ ]" in the command above.



If you have issues/questions, you can hit me up either by Reddit, Twitter Email:, or if you think your issue is common: Issues tab

If I helped you, you can consider donating me:

I spent a lot of time fixing bugs and making standalone .exe file for Windows users :sparkling_heart: - would be super thankful for any donations

You can also send me some Bitcoin: 3GezcSsZ6TWw1ug9Q8rK44y9goWa3vTmbk, DOGE: DTKFGSzPCDxZPQQtCTyUHbpRYy6n8fSpco, or Monero: 43HorPVy1PTGVph3Qh3b6vVSfW2p3fH4ChjtiLVdLZw4Kw1vZUgCCcZSmfGCeEFq6bdeuF7zMutAcAcuuYFf8vEr6htBWTk

But, be aware if you move your photos on you Android phone...

Beware, that (99% of the times), if you move some files in Android, their creation and modification time is reset to current.

"Simple Gallery" app usually keeps original file creation time when moving and coping (but I don't guarantee it). It's also pretty cool and you can check it out:

What to do when you got rid of Google Photos? What are the alternatives?

  • I really recommend you using Syncthing for syncing your photos and files across devices. It does so through your local WiFi, so you're not dependend on any service or internet connection. It will also keep original file creation date and metadata, so it resolves Android issue that I mentioned before.

  • If you want something more centralized but also self-hosted, Nextcloud is a nice choice, but it's approach to photos is still not perfect. (And you need to set up your own server)

  • Guys at Photoprism are working on full Google Photos alternative, with search and AI tagging etc, but it's stil work in progress. (I will edit this when they are done, but can't promise :P )

Google has changed folder structure

Around december 2020, Google stopped putting photos in thousands of "yyyy-mm-dd" folders, and started putting them in tens of "Photos form yyyy" folders instead 🙄

  • If you have new "year folders" (that is, few folders named like "Photos from 2012") (+albums) - use the newest version
    • pip install -U google-photos-takeout-helper
  • If you have old "date folders" (that is, ton of folders named like "2012-06-23") - use version 1.2.0
    • pip install -U google-photos-takeout-helper==1.2.0 Old version is... well, old, and I recommend you to just request the takeout again and run against newest version of script :+1:

Other Takeout projects

I used this tool to export my notes to markdown - you can then edit them with any markdown editor you like :)

This one saves them in format ready for Evernote/ClintaNotes:

TODO (Pull Requests welcome):

  • Videos' Exif data - probably impossible to do :confused:
  • Gps data: from JSON to Exif - Thank you @DalenW :sparkling_heart:
  • Some way to handle albums - THANK YOU @bitsondatadev :kissing_heart: :tada: :woman_dancing:
  • Windoza standalone .exe file - Thank you, me :kissing_heart:

Project details

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Source Distribution

google-photos-takeout-helper-2.3.0.tar.gz (21.4 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file google-photos-takeout-helper-2.3.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for google-photos-takeout-helper-2.3.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 aa58aec80272431e7b949a6ffce8875fe9a4ae9a1dd0ae80d8f15120e676bf54
MD5 4851ecb72c7316283b4a371e33a59a00
BLAKE2b-256 748015fac86f1c1e0d35c92712904c485f565edf9ad0089703c0cb2b018ff8da

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file google_photos_takeout_helper-2.3.0-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for google_photos_takeout_helper-2.3.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 bcb06402957b1ed956c119ede6ea70088dfd478bbe1f22a7e6603b27ccb76cad
MD5 ebb3ee537d750ca8d495f7e26ca8a060
BLAKE2b-256 44ecce1bd999c9f412e4131cd72404da1e9e471bcd1fb2df029e68e61be7be1c

See more details on using hashes here.

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