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Raisable HTTP Exceptions

Project description

HTTP Exceptions


Python 3.7+ PyPI - License PyPI - Version

CodeQL codecov status

Imports: isort Code style: black Checked with mypy

Raisable HTTP Exceptions


Simply install the package from PyPI.

$ pip install -U http-exceptions

And that is it, you are ready to raise HTTP Exceptions.

What is it good for?

  1. Saves writing boilerplate code:

    Converts this:

    # e.g. app/
    def some_function() -> None:
        raise SomeError()
    # e.g. app/
    def api(request: Request) -> Response:
            response = some_function()
        except SomeError:
            response = Response(status_code=403)
        return response

    into this:

    # e.g. app/
    from http_exceptions import ForbiddenException
    def some_function() -> None:
        raise ForbiddenException()
    # e.g. app/
    def api(request: Request) -> None:
        return some_function()
  2. Dynamic exception raising:

    from http_exceptions import HTTPException
    def raise_from_status(response: Response) -> None:
        if 400 <= response.status < 600:
            raise HTTPException.from_status_code(status_code=response.status_code)(message=response.text)
    >>> response = Response(status_code=403)
    >>> raise_from_status(response=response)  # ForbiddenException raised

What else?


Base class that provides all the exceptions to be raised.


Returns the relevant Exception corresponding to status_code

e.g. HTTPExceptions.from_status_code(status_code=431) -> RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException


Subclass of HTTPException serving as a base class for exceptions with statuses in the [400, 499] range.

from http_exceptions import ClientException, RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException

    raise RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException  # 431 - Client exception
except ClientException:
    # exception is caught here


Subclass of HTTPException serving as a base class for exceptions with statuses in the [500, 599] range.

from http_exceptions import HTTPVersionNotSupportedException, ServerException

    raise HTTPVersionNotSupportedException  # 505 - Server exception
except ServerException:
    # exception is caught here

Available Exceptions

Client Exceptions: 400 <= status <= 499

400: BadRequestException
401: UnauthorizedException
402: PaymentRequiredException
403: ForbiddenException
404: NotFoundException
405: MethodNotAllowedException
406: NotAcceptableException
407: ProxyAuthenticationRequiredException
408: RequestTimeoutException
409: ConflictException
410: GoneException
411: LengthRequiredException
412: PreconditionFailedException
413: PayloadTooLargeException
414: URITooLongException
415: UnsupportedMediaTypeException
416: RangeNotSatisfiableException
417: ExpectationFailedException
418: ImATeapotException
421: MisdirectedRequestException
422: UnprocessableEntityException
423: LockedException
424: FailedDependencyException
425: TooEarlyException
426: UpgradeRequiredException
428: PreconditionRequiredException
429: TooManyRequestsException
431: RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException
444: NoResponseException
451: UnavailableForLegalReasonsException

Server Exceptions: 500 <= status <= 599

500: InternalServerErrorException
501: NotImplementedException
502: BadGatewayException
503: ServiceUnavailableException
504: GatewayTimeoutException
505: HTTPVersionNotSupportedException
506: VariantAlsoNegotiatesException
507: InsufficientStorageException
508: LoopDetectedException
510: NotExtendedException
511: NetworkAuthenticationRequiredException


Contributions are welcome via pull requests.

First time setup

$ git clone
$ cd http-exceptions
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

Tools including black, mypy etc. will run automatically if you install pre-commit using the instructions below

$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run --all-files

Running tests

$ poetry run pytest


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

http-exceptions-0.2.10.tar.gz (9.5 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

http_exceptions-0.2.10-py3-none-any.whl (8.8 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file http-exceptions-0.2.10.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: http-exceptions-0.2.10.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 9.5 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.1.12 CPython/3.10.2 Linux/5.11.0-1028-azure

File hashes

Hashes for http-exceptions-0.2.10.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 77484475de13ead5dac72816387dd3c5d3898fd2588af02c1cd5454fb7412c06
MD5 cb6cf1153e73fb0fc55f9471d44390fe
BLAKE2b-256 1aeeeed139b5dcd4019d1148eebffb199a22320b9e46e268de3bffcca9a9012c

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file http_exceptions-0.2.10-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: http_exceptions-0.2.10-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 8.8 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.1.12 CPython/3.10.2 Linux/5.11.0-1028-azure

File hashes

Hashes for http_exceptions-0.2.10-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 26c97d021f798f8e6c9db477385d2e8f49ae2b26e6acb92b857637fb21cb1e2e
MD5 4a87e37ecebdd44e8fec0efe3b8d2a38
BLAKE2b-256 9dca53101f30b30fe3c6c247aced01aeda263ef4ce8c8dad44f2d0d591a4f0b3

See more details on using hashes here.

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