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InsightFace Python Library

Project description

InsightFace Python Library


The code of InsightFace Python Library is released under the MIT License. There is no limitation for both academic and commercial usage.

The pretrained models we provided with this library are available for non-commercial research purposes only, including both auto-downloading models and manual-downloading models.


Install Inference Backend

For ``insightface<=0.1.5``, we use MXNet as inference backend.

Starting from insightface>=0.2, we use onnxruntime as inference backend.

You have to install ``onnxruntime-gpu`` manually to enable GPU
inference, or install ``onnxruntime`` to use CPU only inference.

Change Log

[0.7.1] - 2022-12-14


-  Change model downloading provider to cloudfront.

.. _section-1:

[0.7] - 2022-11-28


-  Add face swapping model and example.

.. _changed-1:


-  Set default ORT provider to CUDA and CPU.

.. _section-2:

[0.6] - 2022-01-29

.. _added-1:


-  Add pose estimation in face-analysis app.

.. _changed-2:


-  Change model automated downloading url, to ucloud.

Quick Example


   import cv2
   import numpy as np
   import insightface
   from import FaceAnalysis
   from import get_image as ins_get_image

   app = FaceAnalysis(providers=['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'])
   app.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(640, 640))
   img = ins_get_image('t1')
   faces = app.get(img)
   rimg = app.draw_on(img, faces)
   cv2.imwrite("./t1_output.jpg", rimg)

This quick example will detect faces from the ``t1.jpg`` image and draw
detection results on it.

Model Zoo

In the latest version of insightface library, we provide following model

Name in **bold** is the default model pack. **Auto** means we can
download the model pack through the python library directly.

Once you manually downloaded the zip model pack, unzip it under
``~/.insightface/models/`` first before you call the program.

| Nam | Dete | Recogn | Al | A | M | Link                      | Aut |
| e   | ctio | ition  | ig | t | o |                           | o   |
|     | n    | Model  | nm | t | d |                           |     |
|     | Mode |        | en | r | e |                           |     |
|     | l    |        | t  | i | l |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | b | - |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | u | S |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | t | i |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | e | z |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | s | e |                           |     |
| ant | SCRF | ResNet | 2d | G | 4 | `link < | N   |
| elo | D-10 | 100@Gl | 10 | e | 0 | |     |
| pev | GF   | int360 | 6  | n | 7 | J4K3Ly5wpTejPfDzp-8fI8/vi |     |
| 2   |      | K      | &  | d | M | ew?usp=sharing>`__        |     |
|     |      |        | 3d | e | B |                           |     |
|     |      |        | 68 | r |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | & |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | A |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | g |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | e |   |                           |     |
| **b | SCRF | ResNet | 2d | G | 3 | `link < | Y   |
| uff | D-10 | 50@Web | 10 | e | 2 | |     |
| alo | GF   | Face60 | 6  | n | 6 | _xSmWIYy85IcidpiZudOCB/vi |     |
| _l* |      | 0K     | &  | d | M | ew?usp=sharing>`__        |     |
| *   |      |        | 3d | e | B |                           |     |
|     |      |        | 68 | r |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | & |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | A |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | g |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | e |   |                           |     |
| buf | SCRF | ResNet | 2d | G | 3 | `link < | N   |
| fal | D-2. | 50@Web | 10 | e | 1 | |     |
| o_m | 5GF  | Face60 | 6  | n | 3 | 3NNV6WP7k56FS6V53tq-64/vi |     |
|     |      | 0K     | &  | d | M | ew?usp=sharing>`__        |     |
|     |      |        | 3d | e | B |                           |     |
|     |      |        | 68 | r |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | & |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | A |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | g |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | e |   |                           |     |
| buf | SCRF | MBF@We | 2d | G | 1 | `link < | N   |
| fal | D-50 | bFace6 | 10 | e | 5 | |     |
| o_s | 0MF  | 00K    | 6  | n | 9 | HKDjeBTXYB3yOQ0EtTonNE/vi |     |
|     |      |        | &  | d | M | ew?usp=sharing>`__        |     |
|     |      |        | 3d | e | B |                           |     |
|     |      |        | 68 | r |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | & |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | A |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | g |   |                           |     |
|     |      |        |    | e |   |                           |     |
| buf | SCRF | MBF@We | -  | - | 1 | `link < | N   |
| fal | D-50 | bFace6 |    |   | 6 | |     |
| o_s | 0MF  | 00K    |    |   | M | mVf3nu5Da3HS6KH5LBfdzG/vi |     |
| c   |      |        |    |   | B | ew?usp=sharing>`__        |     |

Recognition Accuracy:

| Name  | MR | Afr | Cauca | South  | East   | L | CF | AgeD | IJB-C |
|       | -A | ica | sian  | Asian  | Asian  | F | P- | B-30 | (E4)  |
|       | LL | n   |       |        |        | W | FP |      |       |
| buffa | 91 | 90. | 94.70 | 93.16  | 74.96  | 9 | 99 | 98.2 | 97.25 |
| lo_l  | .2 | 29  |       |        |        | 9 | .3 | 3    |       |
|       | 5  |     |       |        |        | . | 3  |      |       |
|       |    |     |       |        |        | 8 |    |      |       |
|       |    |     |       |        |        | 3 |    |      |       |
| buffa | 71 | 69. | 80.45 | 73.39  | 51.03  | 9 | 98 | 96.5 | 95.02 |
| lo_s  | .8 | 45  |       |        |        | 9 | .0 | 8    |       |
|       | 7  |     |       |        |        | . | 0  |      |       |
|       |    |     |       |        |        | 7 |    |      |       |
|       |    |     |       |        |        | 0 |    |      |       |

*buffalo_m has the same accuracy with buffalo_l.*

*buffalo_sc has the same accuracy with buffalo_s.*

**Note that these models are available for non-commercial research
purposes only.**

For insightface>=0.3.3, models will be downloaded automatically once we
init ``app = FaceAnalysis()`` instance.

For insightface==0.3.2, you must first download the model package by


   insightface-cli buffalo_l

Use Your Own Licensed Model

You can simply create a new model directory under
``~/.insightface/models/`` and replace the pretrained models we provide
with your own models. And then call
``app = FaceAnalysis(name='your_model_zoo')`` to load these models.

Call Models

The latest insightface libary only supports onnx models. Once you have
trained detection or recognition models by PyTorch, MXNet or any other
frameworks, you can convert it to the onnx format and then they can be
called with insightface library.

Call Detection Models


   import cv2
   import numpy as np
   import insightface
   from import FaceAnalysis
   from import get_image as ins_get_image

   # Method-1, use FaceAnalysis
   app = FaceAnalysis(allowed_modules=['detection']) # enable detection model only
   app.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(640, 640))

   # Method-2, load model directly
   detector = insightface.model_zoo.get_model('your_detection_model.onnx')
   detector.prepare(ctx_id=0, input_size=(640, 640))

Call Recognition Models


   import cv2
   import numpy as np
   import insightface
   from import FaceAnalysis
   from import get_image as ins_get_image

   handler = insightface.model_zoo.get_model('your_recognition_model.onnx')

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

insightface-0.7.3.tar.gz (439.5 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

File details

Details for the file insightface-0.7.3.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: insightface-0.7.3.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 439.5 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.8.10

File hashes

Hashes for insightface-0.7.3.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 f191f719612ebb37018f41936814500544cd0f86e6fcd676c023f354c668ddf7
MD5 ea173bd9f5145c4d93212d8cdb5cb36d
BLAKE2b-256 0b8d0f4af90999ca96cf8cb846eb5ae27c5ef5b390f9c090dd19e4fa76364c13

See more details on using hashes here.

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