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Jama client for Python

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description: | API documentation for modules: jama_client.

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Module jama_client {#jama_client}

Jama client library


Use pip to install:

pip install jama-client-CERTIC

Quick start

from jama_client import Client
client = Client("https://acme.tld/rpc/", "secretapikeyhere")
file_id = client.upload("/path/to/some/file.jpg")
collection_id = client.add_collection("title of the collection")
client.add_file_to_collection(file_id, collection_id)


Class Client {#jama_client.Client}

class Client(
    endpoint: str,
    api_key: str


Method add_collection {#jama_client.Client.add_collection}
def add_collection(
    title: str,
    parent_id: int = None
) ‑> Union[Dict, NoneType]

Create a new collection based on 'title'. If 'parent_id' is set, will create new collection as child of parent. Otherwise, the new collection is created at root.

Returns either the serialized new collection of null if parent does not exist.

Example output:

    "id": 3,
    "title": "paintings",
    "resources_count": 0,
    "children_count": 0,
    "descendants_count": 0,
    "descendants_resources_count": 0,
    "parent": null,
    "children": null,
    "metas": [],
    "public_access": false,
    "tags": [],
Method add_collection_from_path {#jama_client.Client.add_collection_from_path}
def add_collection_from_path(
    path: str
) ‑> List[Dict]

Will take take a path such as '/photos/arts/paintings/' and build the corresponding hierarchy of collections. The hierarchy is returned as a list of serialized collections.

Beware: Because the collections are serialized before their children, all the children/descendants counts are set to 0.

Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "title": "photos",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": null,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 2,
        "title": "arts",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 1,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 3,
        "title": "paintings",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 2,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
Method add_file_to_collection {#jama_client.Client.add_file_to_collection}
def add_file_to_collection(
    file_id: int,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use add_resource_to_collection instead.

Method add_meta_to_collection {#jama_client.Client.add_meta_to_collection}
def add_meta_to_collection(
    collection_id: int,
    meta_id: int,
    meta_value: str
) ‑> Union[int, bool]

Add a meta value to a collection given their ids.

Method add_meta_to_file {#jama_client.Client.add_meta_to_file}
def add_meta_to_file(
    file_id: int,
    meta_id: int,
    meta_value: str
) ‑> Union[int, bool]

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use add_meta_to_resource instead.

Method add_meta_to_resource {#jama_client.Client.add_meta_to_resource}
def add_meta_to_resource(
    resource_id: int,
    meta_id: int,
    meta_value: str
) ‑> Union[int, bool]

Add a meta value to a resource given their ids.

Method add_metadata {#jama_client.Client.add_metadata}
def add_metadata(
    title: str,
    metas_set_id: int,
    metadata_type_id: int = None
) ‑> Union[int, bool]

Add a new metadata to metadata set.

Set optional 'metadata_type_id'

Method add_metadataset {#jama_client.Client.add_metadataset}
def add_metadataset(
    title: str
) ‑> int

Create new metadata set from title.

Method add_resource_to_collection {#jama_client.Client.add_resource_to_collection}
def add_resource_to_collection(
    resource_id: int,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Add a resource to a collection given ids.

Method add_tag_to_collection {#jama_client.Client.add_tag_to_collection}
def add_tag_to_collection(
    tag_uid: str,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Add tag to a collection based on tag uid and collection id.

Method add_tag_to_resource {#jama_client.Client.add_tag_to_resource}
def add_tag_to_resource(
    tag_uid: str,
    resource_id: int
) ‑> bool

Add tag to a resource based on tag uid and resource id.

Method advanced_search {#jama_client.Client.advanced_search}
def advanced_search(
    search_terms: List[Dict]
) ‑> Dict[str, List]

Performs a complex search using terms such as 'contains', 'is', 'does_not_contain'.

Multiple conditions can be added.

Example input:

    {"property": "title", "term": "contains", "value": "cherbourg"},
    {"meta": 123, "term": "is", "value": "35mm"},
    {"tags": ["PAINTINGS", "PHOTOS"]}

Example output:

    "collections": [],
    "resources": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Cherbourg by night",
        "original_name": "cherbourg_by_night.jpg",
        "type": "image/jpeg",
        "hash": "0dd93a59aeaccfb6d35b1ff5a49bde1196aa90dfef02892f9aa2ef4087d8738e",
        "metas": null,
        "urls": [],
        "tags": [],
Method advanced_search_terms {#jama_client.Client.advanced_search_terms}
def advanced_search_terms(
) ‑> List[str]

Return terms conditions to be used in advanced search.

Example output:

Method ancestors_from_collection {#jama_client.Client.ancestors_from_collection}
def ancestors_from_collection(
    collection_id: int,
    include_self: bool = False
) ‑> List[dict]

Get ancestors from collection id as a list of serialized collections.

If 'include_self' is true, will add the current collection at the begining.

Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "title": "photos",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": null,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 2,
        "title": "arts",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 1,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 3,
        "title": "paintings",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 2,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
Method ancestors_from_resource {#jama_client.Client.ancestors_from_resource}
def ancestors_from_resource(
    resource_id: int
) ‑> List[List[dict]]

Get ancestors from resource id as a list of serialized collections.

Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "title": "photos",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": null,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 2,
        "title": "arts",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 1,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
        "id": 3,
        "title": "paintings",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": 2,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
Method change_collection_meta_value {#jama_client.Client.change_collection_meta_value}
def change_collection_meta_value(
    meta_value_id: int,
    meta_value: str
) ‑> bool

Change the value of a meta for a collection.

Method change_resource_meta_value {#jama_client.Client.change_resource_meta_value}
def change_resource_meta_value(
    meta_value_id: int,
    meta_value: str
) ‑> bool

Change the value of a meta for a resource

Method collection {#jama_client.Client.collection}
def collection(
    collection_id: int
) ‑> Union[Dict, NoneType]

Get a particular collection given its id.

Example output:

    "id": 2,
    "title": "art works",
    "resources_count": 23,
    "children_count": 5,
    "descendants_count": 12,
    "descendants_resources_count": 58,
    "parent": 1,
    "children": None,
    "metas": [],
    "public_access": False,
    "tags": [],
Method collections {#jama_client.Client.collections}
def collections(
    parent_id: int = None,
    recusive: bool = False
) ‑> List[Dict]

Return the user's collections under the parent collection specified by 'parent_id'. If 'parent_id' is null, will return collections available at root. If 'recursive' is true, will return all the descendants recusively in the 'children' key. If recursive is false, 'children' is null.

Example output:

        "id": 2,
        "title": "art works",
        "resources_count": 23,
        "children_count": 5,
        "descendants_count": 12,
        "descendants_resources_count": 58,
        "parent": 1,
        "children": None,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": False,
        "tags": [],
Method delete_collection {#jama_client.Client.delete_collection}
def delete_collection(
    collection_id: int,
    recursive: bool = False
) ‑> bool

Delete collection given its id.

Collection MUST be empty of any content (no children collections and no resources), unless the 'recursive' parameter is set to True.

Method delete_file {#jama_client.Client.delete_file}
def delete_file(
    file_id: int
) ‑> bool

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use delete_resource instead.

Method delete_resource {#jama_client.Client.delete_resource}
def delete_resource(
    resource_id: int
) ‑> bool

Permanently delete a resource given its id.

Method file {#jama_client.Client.file}
def file(
    file_id: int
) ‑> Union[Dict, NoneType]

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use resource instead.

Method files {#jama_client.Client.files}
def files(
    collection_id: int,
    include_metas: bool = True
) ‑> List[Dict]

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use resources instead.

Method metadata {#jama_client.Client.metadata}
def metadata(
    metadata_id: int
) ‑> Union[Dict, NoneType]

Get one particular metadata given its id.

Example output:

    "id": 2,
    "title": "ICC_Profile:GrayTRC",
    "set_id": 1,
    "set_title": "exif metas",
    "rank": 1,
    "owner": "john",
Method metadatas {#jama_client.Client.metadatas}
def metadatas(
    metadata_set_id: int
) ‑> List[Dict]

Get all metadatas given a metadata set id.

Metadatas MAY be ordered with the rank attribute.

Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "title": "PNG:ProfileName",
        "set_id": 1,
        "set_title": "exif metas",
        "rank": 0,
        "owner": "john",
        "id": 2,
        "title": "ICC_Profile:GrayTRC",
        "set_id": 1,
        "set_title": "exif metas",
        "rank": 1,
        "owner": "john",
Method metadatasets {#jama_client.Client.metadatasets}
def metadatasets(
) ‑> List[Dict]

Get the list of all the user's metadata sets. For each metadatas set, the number of metadatas is given in metas_count

Example output:

    {"id": 1, "title": "exif metas", "owner": "john", "metas_count": 23},
    {"id": 2, "title": "dublin core", "owner": "john", "metas_count": 17}
Method metadatatypes {#jama_client.Client.metadatatypes}
def metadatatypes(
) ‑> List[dict]

Get a list of available data types

Example output:

    {"id": 1, "title": "text"},
    {"id": 2, "title": "numeric"},
Method move_collection {#jama_client.Client.move_collection}
def move_collection(
    child_collection_id: int,
    parent_collection_id: int = None
) ‑> bool

Move a collection from a parent to another.

Will return false in the following cases:

  • 'child_collection_id' and 'parent_collection_id' are equal
  • parent collection does not exist
  • parent collection is a descendant of child collection

If 'parent_collection_id' is null, collection is moved to the root.

Method ping {}
def ping(
) ‑> str

This is a test method to ensure the server-client communication works. Will return "pong [name authenticated of user]"

Example output:

pong john
Method publish_collection {#jama_client.Client.publish_collection}
def publish_collection(
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Mark a collection as public

Method remove_file_from_collection {#jama_client.Client.remove_file_from_collection}
def remove_file_from_collection(
    file_id: int,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use remove_resource_from_collection instead.

Method remove_meta_from_collection {#jama_client.Client.remove_meta_from_collection}
def remove_meta_from_collection(
    collection_id: int,
    meta_value_id: int
) ‑> bool

Remove a meta from a collection given their ids.

Method remove_meta_from_file {#jama_client.Client.remove_meta_from_file}
def remove_meta_from_file(
    file_id: int,
    meta_value_id: int
) ‑> bool

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use remove_meta_from_resource instead.

Method remove_meta_from_resource {#jama_client.Client.remove_meta_from_resource}
def remove_meta_from_resource(
    resource_id: int,
    meta_value_id: int
) ‑> bool

Remove a meta from a resource given their ids.

Method remove_resource_from_collection {#jama_client.Client.remove_resource_from_collection}
def remove_resource_from_collection(
    resource_id: int,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Remove a resource from a collection given ids.

Method remove_tag {#jama_client.Client.remove_tag}
def remove_tag(
    uid: str
) ‑> bool

Remove (delete) a tag based on its uid.

Beware: This will remove ALL associations with the tag.

Method remove_tag_from_collection {#jama_client.Client.remove_tag_from_collection}
def remove_tag_from_collection(
    tag_uid: str,
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Remove tag from a collection based on tag uid and collection id.

Method remove_tag_from_resource {#jama_client.Client.remove_tag_from_resource}
def remove_tag_from_resource(
    tag_uid: str,
    resource_id: int
) ‑> bool

Remove tag from a resource based on tag uid and resource id.

Method rename_collection {#jama_client.Client.rename_collection}
def rename_collection(
    collection_id: int,
    title: str
) ‑> bool

Rename a collection (ie. change its title).

Method rename_file {#jama_client.Client.rename_file}
def rename_file(
    file_id: int,
    title: str
) ‑> bool

DEPRECATED. Do not use. Will be removed later. Use rename_resource instead.

Method rename_meta {#jama_client.Client.rename_meta}
def rename_meta(
    meta_id: int,
    title: str
) ‑> bool

Rename a metadata (ie. change its title).

Method rename_resource {#jama_client.Client.rename_resource}
def rename_resource(
    resource_id: int,
    title: str
) ‑> bool

Rename a resource (ie. change its title).

Method resource {#jama_client.Client.resource}
def resource(
    resource_id: int
) ‑> Union[Dict, NoneType]

Get a resource given its id.

Example output (file resource):

    "id": 1,
    "title": "letter",
    "original_name": "letter.txt",
    "type": "text/plain",
    "hash": "0dd93a59aeaccfb6d35b1ff5a49bde1196aa90dfef02892f9aa2ef4087d8738e",
    "metas": null,
    "urls": [],
    "tags": [],
Method resources {#jama_client.Client.resources}
def resources(
    collection_id: int,
    include_metas: bool = True
) ‑> List[Dict]

Get all resources from a collection.

If 'include_metas' is true, will return the resources metadatas. If 'include_metas' is false, 'metas' will be null.

Different resources types may have different object keys. The bare minimum is 'id', 'title' and 'tags'.

Example output (file resource):

        "id": 1,
        "title": "letter",
        "original_name": "letter.txt",
        "type": "text/plain",
        "hash": "0dd93a59aeaccfb6d35b1ff5a49bde1196aa90dfef02892f9aa2ef4087d8738e",
        "metas": null,
        "urls": [],
        "tags": [],
Method set_tag {#jama_client.Client.set_tag}
def set_tag(
    uid: str,
    label: str = None,
    ark: str = None
) ‑> dict

Get or create a Tag by uid (unique identifier). 'label' is an optional human-readable name.

Example output:

    "id": 1,
    "uid": "PAINTINGS",
    "label": "peintures",
    "ark": null,
Method simple_search {#jama_client.Client.simple_search}
def simple_search(
    query: str
) ‑> Dict[str, List]

Performs a simple search on resources and collections, based on their titles.

Example output:

    "collections": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "photos",
        "resources_count": 0,
        "children_count": 0,
        "descendants_count": 0,
        "descendants_resources_count": 0,
        "parent": null,
        "children": null,
        "metas": [],
        "public_access": false,
        "tags": [],
    "resources": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "letter",
        "original_name": "letter.txt",
        "type": "text/plain",
        "hash": "0dd93a59aeaccfb6d35b1ff5a49bde1196aa90dfef02892f9aa2ef4087d8738e",
        "metas": null,
        "urls": [],
        "tags": [],
Method supported_file_types {#jama_client.Client.supported_file_types}
def supported_file_types(
) ‑> List[Dict]

Get a list of all supported file type, complete with their mimes.

Example output:

    "mime": "image/jpeg",
    "extensions": [".jpg", ".jpeg"],
    "iiif_support": true,
Method tags {#jama_client.Client.tags}
def tags(
) ‑> List[dict]

Returns all tags available to the current user.

Example output:

    "id": 1,
    "uid": "PAINTINGS",
    "label": "peintures",
    "ark": null,
    "id": 2,
    "uid": "PHOTOS",
    "label": "photos",
    "ark": null,
Method unpublish_collection {#jama_client.Client.unpublish_collection}
def unpublish_collection(
    collection_id: int
) ‑> bool

Mark a collection as private

Method upload {#jama_client.Client.upload}
def upload(
    file_path: str,
    chunk_size: int = 1048576,
    file_name: str = None,
    origin_dir_name: str = None
) ‑> int

This methods uploads a file in multiple chunks, allowing resumable uploads.

file_path is the local path to the file.

chunk_size is the number of bytes uploaded with each chunk of the file.

file_name overides the name of the file, should you want a different name in Jama than the local name.

origin_dir_name is a directory path (dirA/dirB/dirC). This path triggers the creation of the corresponding collections and sub-collections in Jama.

Method upload_infos {#jama_client.Client.upload_infos}
def upload_infos(
    sha256_hash: str
) ‑> Dict

Get information for an upload based on the file hash.

Example output:

    "status": "not available",
    "id": null,

"status" being one of "not available", "available" or "incomplete"

Class IncompleteUpload {#jama_client.IncompleteUpload}

class IncompleteUpload(

Unspecified run-time error.

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class ServiceError {#jama_client.ServiceError}

class ServiceError(

Unspecified run-time error.

Ancestors (in MRO)

Generated by pdoc 0.9.1 (

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Source Distribution

jama_client_certic-0.0.30.tar.gz (23.2 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

jama_client_certic-0.0.30-py3-none-any.whl (20.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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