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A minimal dependency keyring backend for lean virtual environments.

This is achieved by locating a virtual environment which has keyring-subprocess[landmark] installed whose keyring-subprocess can be found on the PATH. keyring-subprocess is effectively a renamed keyring executable and serves as a more unique landmark file.

The virtual environment that is found this way should have the actual keyring backend(s) you need installed into it.


  • Minimal dependencies for a clean pip list command and to always be compatible with the rest of your dependencies. Which makes it more suitable to be added to PYTHONPATH after installing with Pip's --target flag.
  • Has keyring and the minimal required dependencies vendored to make the chainer and null backends work.
    • It uses the ModuleSpec apis provided by PEP451 to make the vendored keyring importable.
  • Provices an extra named landmark that will provide the keyring-subprocess executable.
  • Provides a virtualenv Seeder named keyring-subprocess.
    • Set VIRTUALENV_SEEDER to keyring-subprocess or set seeder in the config file to the same value.
  • Provides a sitecustomize entry point for the sitecustomize-entrypoints package. This can be useful if you install it somewhere that is not a so-called site directory by using Pip's --target flag.
    • You can install both keyring-subprocess and sitecustomize-entrypoints in one go by executing pip install keyring-subprocess[sitecustomize].
      • sitecustomize-entrypoints is required if you if keyring-subprocess is installed into a PYTHONPATH location.


  • It does require keyring-subprocess[landmark] to be installed into a virtual environment whose keyring-subprocess can be found on the PATH.
  • Adds, or replaces, points of failures. Depending on how you look at it.
  • Being able to import keyring, importlib_metadata and zipp but pip list not listing them might be confusing and not very helpful during debugging.

Example on Windows

This is a Powershell script which installs Pipx into C:\Users\Public\.local\pipx.

  • First it sets some environment variables, including VIRTUALENV_SEEDER.
  • Then it installs keyring via Pipx and injects artifacts-keyring and keyring-subprocess[landmark] into the virtual environment of keyring.
  • Lastly it installs keyring-subprocess and sitecustomize-entrypoints into Pipx's shared virtualenv which Pipx makes sure is available to all virtual environments it manages.

When using your new Pipx installation to install Poetry or Pipenv the virtual environment created by virtualenv will contain keyring-subprocess. This should cause installing the project dependencies from your private repository to succeed!

Assuming of couse that your private repository requires artifacts-keyring to authenticate, and is therefor a Azure DevOps Artifact Feed. If this is not the case this should be easily fixed by replacing artifacts-keyring by the package that provides the keyring backend that you actually need.

$EnvironmentVariableTarget = $(Read-Host "Target environment (User/Machine) [Machine]").Trim(); `
if ($EnvironmentVariableTarget -eq "") {
  $EnvironmentVariableTarget = "Machine";
} `
if ($EnvironmentVariableTarget -inotin @("User", "Machine")) {
  Write-Host "Invalid option.";
} else {
  try {
    $PATH = $env:PATH;
    $ExecutionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy;

    try {
      if (!$env:PIPX_HOME) {
        $env:PIPX_HOME = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_HOME", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
      if (!$env:PIPX_HOME) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_HOME", "C:\Users\Public\.local\pipx", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
        $env:PIPX_HOME = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_HOME", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);

      if (!$env:PIPX_BIN_DIR) {
        $env:PIPX_BIN_DIR = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_BIN_DIR", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
      if (!$env:PIPX_BIN_DIR) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_BIN_DIR", "C:\Users\Public\.local\bin", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
        $env:PIPX_BIN_DIR = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PIPX_BIN_DIR", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);

      if (!$env:VIRTUALENV_SEEDER) {
        $env:VIRTUALENV_SEEDER = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("VIRTUALENV_SEEDER", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
      if (!$env:VIRTUALENV_SEEDER) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("VIRTUALENV_SEEDER", "keyring-subprocess", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
        $env:VIRTUALENV_SEEDER = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("VIRTUALENV_SEEDER", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);

      if (Test-Path "C:\Users\Public\.local\bin\pipx.exe") {
        try {
          $env:PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $EnvironmentVariableTarget);

          Get-Command -Name pipx -OutVariable pipx > $null;
        } catch {
        } finally {
          $env:PATH = $PATH

        if (-not $pipx) {
          $env:PATH = $PATH = "C:\Users\Public\.local\bin;"+$env:PATH;

      [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "C:\Users\Public\.local\bin;" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $EnvironmentVariableTarget), $EnvironmentVariableTarget);
      $env:PATH = $PATH = "C:\Users\Public\.local\bin;"+$env:PATH;

      $env:PIP_NO_INPUT = '1';
      $env:PIP_INDEX_URL = '';
    } catch {
      throw "Run as Administrator or choose `"User`" as the target environment"

    $venv = Join-Path $env:TEMP ".venv"

    <# Use the py executable if it can be found and default to the python executable #>
    Get-Command -Name py, python -OutVariable py 2>&1 > $null;
    $py = $py[0];
    $env:PATH = $(& $py -c "import sys; import sysconfig; import os; from pathlib import Path; from itertools import chain; print(os.pathsep.join(chain(set([str(Path(sys.executable).parent), sysconfig.get_path(`"`"scripts`"`")]), [os.environ[`"`"PATH`"`"]])))");

    & $py -m venv "$venv";

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
    . "$venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1";

    & $py -m pip install -qqq --no-input --isolated pipx;
    pipx install --pip-args="--no-input --isolated" pipx;
    pipx install --pip-args="--no-input --isolated" keyring;
    pipx inject --pip-args="--no-input --isolated" keyring artifacts-keyring;
    pipx inject --pip-args="--no-input --isolated" --include-apps --include-deps keyring keyring-subprocess[landmark];
    pipx install --pip-args="--no-input --isolated" virtualenv;

    <# Minor hack since Pipx does not allow us to do this via the cli #>
    & "$env:PIPX_HOME\shared\Scripts\pip.exe" install --no-input --isolated keyring-subprocess[sitecustomize];

    if (Test-Path -Path $venv) {
      Remove-Item -Path "$venv" -Recurse -Force;

    <# Fill virtualenv's wheel cache with keyring-subprocess and up-to-date versions of the embeded wheels #>
    <# I might take a stab at making keyring-subprocess a Quine at some point... #>
    <# Update: I started and figured out that the size of the vendored dependencies are a problem #>
    <# DEFLATE uses a 32KiB sliding window so the size of the .whl before making it a quine should definately be below 64KiB #>
    <# Maybe I can get Pip to vendor keyring and keyring-subprocess? #>
    virtualenv --upgrade-embed-wheels;
    virtualenv --seeder keyring-subprocess --download $venv;

  } catch {
    $env:PATH = $PATH;
  } finally {
    if ($venv -and (Test-Path -Path $venv)) {
      Remove-Item -Path "$venv" -Recurse -Force;

    if ($ExecutionPolicy) {
      Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy $ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -Force;

Project details

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Source Distribution

keyring-subprocess-0.11.1.tar.gz (287.1 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

keyring_subprocess-0.11.1-py3-none-any.whl (282.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file keyring-subprocess-0.11.1.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: keyring-subprocess-0.11.1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 287.1 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.0 CPython/3.10.5

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Hashes for keyring-subprocess-0.11.1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 5c9f0a04d84bc1d07db4ffb199ebc735075d331483e98ab378db391b65997577
MD5 deef90affbb4aaca9ad21bd0ac8e2722
BLAKE2b-256 1edd70237f2a11aa138c5317e9861179f2d647376d90ceea3ebebdc33cfe4622

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File details

Details for the file keyring_subprocess-0.11.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for keyring_subprocess-0.11.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 302864991b7477d2f9ef61fac22be8eadf824c7bef5439d081a5f2f3c45225d6
MD5 1efe0f4a69429edf57dbaab4933847b8
BLAKE2b-256 556424ffb998bbe43eace35bd13946327ff8500fb0ff6fa47f535f39abb33891

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