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A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar.

Project description

Python SDK for OpenFGA

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This is an autogenerated python SDK for OpenFGA. It provides a wrapper around the OpenFGA API definition.

Table of Contents


OpenFGA is an open source Fine-Grained Authorization solution inspired by Google's Zanzibar paper. It was created by the FGA team at Auth0 based on Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA), available under a permissive license (Apache-2) and welcomes community contributions.

OpenFGA is designed to make it easy for application builders to model their permission layer, and to add and integrate fine-grained authorization into their applications. OpenFGA’s design is optimized for reliability and low latency at a high scale.



pip install


The openfga_sdk is available to be downloaded via PyPI, you can install directly using:

pip3 install openfga_sdk

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip3 install openfga_sdk)

Then import the package:

import openfga_sdk


The openfga_sdk is also hosted in GitHub, you can install directly using:

pip3 install

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip3 install

Then import the package:

import openfga_sdk


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import openfga_sdk

Getting Started

Initializing the API Client

Learn how to initialize your SDK

No Authentication

Without Store ID

To configure the SDK API client without store ID, we can initialize the api client by specifying the scheme and host.

import openfga_sdk
from openfga_sdk.api import open_fga_api

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = 'https',
    api_host = 'api.fga.example'

async def api_setup():
    # Enter a context with an instance of the API client
    async with openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
        # Create an instance of the API class
        api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
With Store ID

To configure the SDK API client store ID, we can initialize the api client by specifying the scheme, host and store_id.

import openfga_sdk
from openfga_sdk.api import open_fga_api

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = 'https',
    api_host = 'api.fga.example',
    store_id = 'YOUR_STORE_ID'

async def api_setup():
    # Enter a context with an instance of the API client
    async with openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
        # Create an instance of the API class
        api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

Another possibility is to use the existing configuration and add store id in its configuration

import openfga_sdk
from openfga_sdk.api import open_fga_api

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = 'https',
    api_host = 'api.fga.example'

async def api_setup():
    configuration.store_id = 'YOUR_STORE_ID'

    # Enter a context with an instance of the API client
    async with openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
        # Create an instance of the API class
        api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

Authentication via API Token

To configure the SDK API client with authentication via API TOKEN, we can initialize the api client by specifying the scheme, host and credentials.

import openfga_sdk
from openfga_sdk.api import open_fga_api
from openfga_sdk.credentials import Credentials, CredentialConfiguration

credentials = Credentials(method='api_token', configuration=CredentialConfiguration(api_token='TOKEN1'))
configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = 'https',
    api_host = 'api.fga.example',
    credentials = credentials

async def api_setup():
    # Enter a context with an instance of the API client
    async with openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
        # Create an instance of the API class
        api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

Get your Store ID

You need your store id to call the OpenFGA API (unless it is to call the CreateStore or ListStores methods).

If your server is configured with authentication enabled, you also need to have your credentials ready.

Calling the API

List Stores

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),

# Get all stores
async def list_stores():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    response = await api_instance.list_stores()
    # response = ListStoreResponse(...)
    # response.stores = [Store({"id": "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB", "name": "FGA Demo Store", "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "updated_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"})]
    await api_client.close()

Create Store

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),

# Create a store
async def create_store():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    body = CreateStoreRequest(
        name = "FGA Demo Store",
    response = await api_instance.create_store(body)
    # = "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"
    await api_client.close()

Get Store

API Documentation

Requires a client initialized with a storeId

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Get a store
async def get_store():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    response = await api_instance.get_store()
    # response = Store({"id": "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB", "name": "FGA Demo Store", "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "updated_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"})
    await api_client.close()

Delete Store

API Documentation

Requires a client initialized with a storeId

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Delete a store
async def delete_store():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    await api_instance.delete_store()
    await api_client.close()

Write Authorization Model

API Documentation

Requires a client initialized with a storeId

Note: To learn how to build your authorization model, check the Docs at

Learn more about the OpenFGA configuration language.

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Create a new authorization model
async def write_authorization_model():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    type_definitions = WriteAuthorizationModelRequest(

    response = await api_instance.write_authorization_model(type_definitions)
    # response.authorization_model_id = "1uHxCSuTP0VKPYSnkq1pbb1jeZw"
    await api_client.close()

Read a Single Authorization Model

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Return a particular version of an authorization model
async def read_authorization_id():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    id = "1uHxCSuTP0VKPYSnkq1pbb1jeZw" #  Assuming `1uHxCSuTP0VKPYSnkq1pbb1jeZw` is an id of an existing model

    response = await api_instance.read_authorization_model(id)
    # response.authorization_model =  AuthorizationModel(id='1uHxCSuTP0VKPYSnkq1pbb1jeZw', type_definitions=type_definitions[...])
    await api_client.close()

Read Authorization Model IDs

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Return all the authorization models for a particular store
async def read_authorization_models():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    response = await api_instance.read_authorization_models()
    # response.authorization_models = [AuthorizationModel(id='1uHxCSuTP0VKPYSnkq1pbb1jeZw', type_definitions=type_definitions[...], AuthorizationModel(id='GtQpMohWezFmIbyXxVEocOCxxgq', type_definitions=type_definitions[...])]
    await api_client.close()


API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Check whether a user is authorized to access an object
async def check():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    body = CheckRequest(

    response = await api_instance.check(body)
    # response.allowed = True
    await api_client.close()

Write Tuples

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Add tuples from the store
async def write():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    body = WriteRequest(

    response = await api_instance.write(body)
    await api_client.close()

Delete Tuples

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Delete tuples from the store
async def delete():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    body = WriteRequest(

    response = await api_instance.write(body)
    await api_client.close()


API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Expand all relationships in userset tree format, and following userset rewrite rules.  Useful to reason about and debug a certain relationship
async def expand():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    body = ExpandRequest(

    response = await api_instance.expand(body)
    # response = ExpandResponse({"tree": UsersetTree({"root": Node({"name": "document:roadmap#viewer", "leaf": Leaf({"users": Users({"users": ["user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b", "user:f52a4f7a-054d-47ff-bb6e-3ac81269988f"]})})})})})
    await api_client.close()

Read Changes

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

async def read():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    # Find if a relationship tuple stating that a certain user is a viewer of certain document
    body = ReadRequest(

    # Find all relationship tuples where a certain user has a relationship as any relation to a certain document
    body = ReadRequest(

    # Find all relationship tuples where a certain user is a viewer of any document
    body = ReadRequest(

    # Find all relationship tuples where any user has a relationship as any relation with a particular document
    body = ReadRequest(

    // Read all stored relationship tuples
    body := ReadRequest()

    response = await
    # response = ReadResponse({"tuples": [Tuple({"key": TupleKey({"user":"...","relation":"...","object":"..."}), "timestamp": datetime.fromisoformat("...") })]})
    await api_client.close()

Read Changes (Watch)

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# Return a list of all the tuple changes
async def read_changes():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)

    type = "document"
    page_size = 25
    continuation_token = "eyJwayI6IkxBVEVTVF9OU0NPTkZJR19hdXRoMHN0b3JlIiwic2siOiIxem1qbXF3MWZLZExTcUoyN01MdTdqTjh0cWgifQ=="

    response = await api_instance.read_changes(type=type, page_size=page_size, continuation_token=continuation_token)
    # response.continuation_token = ...
    # response.changes = [TupleChange(tuple_key=TupleKey(object="...",relation="...",user="..."),operation=TupleOperation("TUPLE_OPERATION_WRITE"),timestamp=datetime.fromisoformat("..."))]
    await api_client.close()

List Objects

API Documentation

configuration = openfga_sdk.Configuration(
    api_scheme = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_SCHEME),
    api_host = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_API_HOST),
    store_id = os.environ.get(OPENFGA_STORE_ID),

# ListObjects lists all of the object ids for objects of the provided type that the given user has a specific relation with.
async def list_objects():
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_client = openfga_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)
    api_instance = open_fga_api.OpenFgaApi(api_client)
    body = ListObjectsRequest(
        contextual_tuples=ContextualTupleKeys( # optional

    response = await api_instance.list_objects(body)
    # response.objects = ["document:roadmap"]
    await api_client.close()

API Endpoints

Class Method HTTP request Description
OpenFgaApi check POST /stores/{store_id}/check Check whether a user is authorized to access an object
OpenFgaApi create_store POST /stores Create a store
OpenFgaApi delete_store DELETE /stores/{store_id} Delete a store
OpenFgaApi expand POST /stores/{store_id}/expand Expand all relationships in userset tree format, and following userset rewrite rules. Useful to reason about and debug a certain relationship
OpenFgaApi get_store GET /stores/{store_id} Get a store
OpenFgaApi list_objects POST /stores/{store_id}/list-objects [EXPERIMENTAL] Get all objects of the given type that the user has a relation with
OpenFgaApi list_stores GET /stores List all stores
OpenFgaApi read POST /stores/{store_id}/read Get tuples from the store that matches a query, without following userset rewrite rules
OpenFgaApi read_assertions GET /stores/{store_id}/assertions/{authorization_model_id} Read assertions for an authorization model ID
OpenFgaApi read_authorization_model GET /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models/{id} Return a particular version of an authorization model
OpenFgaApi read_authorization_models GET /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models Return all the authorization models for a particular store
OpenFgaApi read_changes GET /stores/{store_id}/changes Return a list of all the tuple changes
OpenFgaApi write POST /stores/{store_id}/write Add or delete tuples from the store
OpenFgaApi write_assertions PUT /stores/{store_id}/assertions/{authorization_model_id} Upsert assertions for an authorization model ID
OpenFgaApi write_authorization_model POST /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models Create a new authorization model


Documentation For Models



If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them on the sdk-generator repo issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker.

Pull Requests

All changes made to this repo will be overwritten on the next generation, so we kindly ask that you send all pull requests related to the SDKs to the sdk-generator repo instead.




This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

The code in this repo was auto generated by OpenAPI Generator from a template based on the python legacy template, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Project details

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Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

openfga-sdk-0.1.1.tar.gz (74.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

openfga_sdk-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (132.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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