Interface problem solver based on the phase-field methodology
Project description
Automatic Construction of Phasefield Approximations from Sharp-Interface Models
The title says it all: this module uses a simple description of a sharp
interface problem to derive a phasefield approximation which can then be
solved using a finite-element toolbox. The domain specific language
UFL is used both for defining the sharp interface model and for
the weak formulation of the phasefield approximation. The resulting UFL form
can then be inserted into any of the finite element packages available
which can take UFL forms as an input. A class for evolving the solution
over time is available based on dune and fenics.
The bindings for the dune
package are based on the dune module
dune-fem package include both dynamic local grid refinement
and coarsening. This makes it easy to track the interface with a fine grid
while a coarser grid can be used away from the interface. This is essential
for evolving phasefield models efficiently. In addition the dune
also provides an efficient solver for obstacle problems so that double
obstacle potentials can be used in the modelling. This solver is based
on tnmg.
So far this module has been tested with:
- two phase models including additional bulk equations, e.g., for the temperature
- multphase models
- single phase models, e.g., crack propagation problems
The easiest way to test this module is to install the python package from the python package index:
pip install phasefield
Some example scripts showing how to use the package can then be optained by calling
python -m phasefield
The scripts are then located in the subfolder phasefield_tutorial
You can also clone the git repository
git clone
and access the examples in the folder phasefield/tutorial
To get the python package up and running first execute
pip install -e .
in the main folder of the repository.
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