Python runtime and integrated development environment
Project description
Python Runtime and Integrated Development Environment
Q: What is it?
- A: An application framework. Programs written with pride tend to be very concise
yet very capable.
Q: What features does it offer?
- A: Most features are aimed at productivity and an improving minimum standard of quality.
Automatically generated documentation (docstrings and websites) - zero config
Automatically generated command line argument parsers - zero config
Automatic verbosity handling and logging
Simple mutex free concurrency
Objects can be updated from source at runtime without pausing or stopping execution
Application state can be saved/loaded
A concurrent interactive shell that reduces/eliminates the need for a debugger
Simple, secure remote procedure calls with authenticated clients/servers. remote object access requires zero config, aside from username/password setup.
Q: Where can I learn more?
- A: Investigate or jump straight into the documentation
Q: What are the dependencies?
- A: Python 2.7+ is required. optional modules require additional dependencies:
Low level audio support requires pyalsaaudio on linux or pyaudio otherwise
SDL support requires SDL2.0 and pysdl2