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Call graph addressing library.

Project description


Ptera is a powerful way to instrument your code for logging, debugging and testing purposes. With a simple ptera.Probe(), you can:

  • Obtain a stream of the values taken by any variable.
  • Probe multiple variables from multiple functions in multiple scopes.
  • Apply maps, filters, reductions, and much more to the streams.
  • Override the values of variables based on complex conditions.
  • Create external asserts or conditional breakpoints.
  • Et cetera :)

The main interface to ptera are the Probe and probing functions. The only difference between them is that the first applies globally whereas the second is a context manager and applies only to the code inside a block:

from ptera import Probe, probing

def f(x):
    y = x * x
    return y + 1

Probe("f > y").print()

f(9)  # prints {"y": 81}

with probing("f > y") as probe:
    probe.print("y = {y}")

    f(10)  # prints {"y": 100} and "y = 100"

f(11)  # prints {"y": 121}

print() is only one of a myriad operators. Ptera's interface is inspired from functional reactive programming and is identical to the interface of giving (itself based on rx). See here for a more complete list of operators.

Note: reduction operators such as min or sum are applied at program exit for Probe or at the end of the with block with probing, so it is usually best to use probing for these.


Ptera is all about providing new ways to inspect what your programs are doing, so all examples will be based on this simple binary search function:

from ptera import Probe, probing

def f(arr, key):
    lo = -1
    hi = len(arr)
    while lo < hi - 1:
        mid = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
        if (elem := arr[mid]) > key:
            hi = mid
            lo = mid
    return lo + 1


f(list(range(1, 350, 7)), 136)

To get the output listed in the right column of the table below, the code in the left column should be inserted before the call to f, where the big comment is. Most of the methods on Probe define the pipeline through which the probed values will be routed (the interface is inspired from functional reactive programming), so it is important to define them before the instrumented functions are called.

Code Output

The display method provides a simple way to log values.

Probe("f > mid").display()
mid: 24
mid: 11
mid: 17
mid: 20
mid: 18
mid: 19

The print method lets you specify a format string.

Probe("f(mid) > elem").print("arr[{mid}] == {elem}")
arr[24] == 169
arr[11] == 78
arr[17] == 120
arr[20] == 141
arr[18] == 127
arr[19] == 134

Reductions are easy: extract the key and use min, max, etc.

Probe("f > lo")["lo"].max().print("max(lo) = {}")
Probe("f > hi")["hi"].min().print("min(hi) = {}")
max(lo) = 19
min(hi) = 20

Define assertions with fail() (for debugging, also try .breakpoint()!)

def unordered(xs):
    return any(x > y for x, y in zip(xs[:-1], xs[1:]))

probe = Probe("f > arr")["arr"]
probe.filter(unordered).fail("List is unordered: {}")

f([1, 6, 30, 7], 18)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 30, in <module>
    f([1, 6, 30, 7], 18)
  File "<string>", line 3, in f__ptera_redirect
  File "", line 3, in f
    def f(arr, key):
giving.gvn.Failure: List is unordered: [1, 6, 30, 7]

Accumulate into a list:

results = Probe("f > mid")["mid"].accum()
f(list(range(1, 350, 7)), 136)


with probing("f > mid")["mid"].values() as results:
    f(list(range(1, 350, 7)), 136)

[24, 11, 17, 20, 18, 19]


Usage: with ptera.probing(selector) as probe: ...

The selector is a specification of which variables in which functions we want to stream through the probe. One of the variables must be the focus of the selector, meaning that the probe is triggered when that variable is set. The focus may be indicated either as f(!x) or f > x (the focus is x in both cases).

The probe is a wrapper around rx.Observable and supports a large number of operators such as map, filter, min, average, throttle, etc. (the interface is the same as in giving).

Example 1: intermediate variables

Ptera is capable of capturing any variable in a function, not just inputs and return values:

def fact(n):
    curr = 1
    for i in range(n):
        curr = curr * (i + 1)
    return curr

with probing("fact(i, !curr)").print():
    # {'curr': 1}
    # {'curr': 1, 'i': 0}
    # {'curr': 2, 'i': 1}
    # {'curr': 6, 'i': 2}

The "!" in the selector above means that the focus is curr. This means it is triggered when curr is set. This is why the first result does not have a value for i. You can use the selector fact(!i, curr) to focus on i instead:

with probing("fact(!i, curr)").print():
    # {'i': 0, 'curr': 1}
    # {'i': 1, 'curr': 1}
    # {'i': 2, 'curr': 2}

You can see that the associations are different (curr is 2 when i is 2, whereas it was 6 with the other selector), but this is simply because they are now triggered when i is set.

Example 2: multiple scopes

A selector may act on several nested scopes in a call graph. For example, the selector f(x) >> g(y) >> h > z would capture variables x, y and z from the scopes of three different functions, but only when f calls g and g calls h (either directly or indirectly). (Note: f(x) > g(y) > h > z is also legal and is supposed to represent direct calls, but it may behave in confusing ways depending on which functions are instrumented globally, so avoid it for the time being).

def f(x):
    return g(x + 1) * g(-x - 1)

def g(x):
    return x * 2

# Use "as" to rename a variable if there is a name conflict
with probing("f(x) >> g > x as gx").print():
    # {'gx': 6, 'x': 5}
    # {'gx': -6, 'x': 5}
    # Prints nothing

Example 3: sibling calls

Selectors can also specify variables on different paths in the call graph. For example:

def f(x):
    v = g(x + 1) * h(-x - 1)
    return v

def g(y):
    return y * 2

def h(z):
    return z * 3

with probing("f(x, g(y), h(!z))") as probe:
    # {'z': -11, 'x': 10, 'y': 11}

Remember to set the focus with !. It should ideally be on the last variable to be set.

There is currently no error if you don't set a focus, it will simply do nothing, so beware of that for the time being.

Example 4: tagging variables

Using annotations, variables can be given various tags, and probes can use these tags instead of variable names.

def fishy(x):
    a: "@fish" = x + 1
    b: "@fish & @trout" = x + 2
    return a * b

with probing("fishy > $x:@trout").print():
    # {'x': 12}

with probing("fishy > $x:@fish").print():
    # {'x': 11}
    # {'x': 12}

The $x syntax means that we are not matching a variable called x, but instead matching any variable that has the right condition (in this case, the tags fish or trout) and offering it under the name x. You can pass raw=True to probing to get Capture objects instead of values. The Capture object gives access to the variable's actual name. For example:

with probing("fishy > $x:@fish", raw=True) as probe:
    probe["x"].map(lambda x: { x.value}).print()
    # {'a': 11}
    # {'b': 12}

Example 5: overriding variables

It is also possible to override the value of a variable with the override (or koverride) methods:

def add_ct(x):
    ct = 1
    return x + ct

with probing("add_ct(x) > ct") as probe:
    # The value of other variables can be used to compute the new value of ct
    probe.override(lambda data: data["x"])

    # You can also use koverride, which calls func(**data)
    # probe.koverride(lambda x: x)

    print(add_ct(3))   # sets ct = x = 3; prints 6
    print(add_ct(10))  # sets ct = x = 20; prints 20

Important: override() only overrides the focus variable. As explained earlier, the focus variable is the one to the right of >, or the one prefixed with !. A Ptera selector is only triggered when the focus variable is set, so realistically it is the only one that it makes sense to override.

This is worth keeping in mind, because otherwise it's not always obvious what override is doing. For example:

with probing("add_ct(x) > ct") as probe:
    # The focus is ct, so override will always set ct
    # Therefore, this sets ct = 10 when x == 3:

    print(add_ct(3))   # sets ct = 10; prints 13
    print(add_ct(10))  # does not override anything; prints 11


Probe works more or less the same way as probing, but it is not a context manager: it just works globally from the moment of its creation. This means that streams created with Probe only end when the program ends, so operators that wait for the full stream before triggering, such as min(), will run at program exit, which limits their usefulness.

Probe("fact() as result").print()
# {'result': 1}
# {'result': 2}
# {'result': 1}
# {'result': 2}
# {'result': 6}

Absolute probes

Here is a notation to probe a function using an "absolute path" in the module system:

Probe("/xyz.submodule/Klass/method > x")

# is essentially equivalent to:

from xyz.submodule import Klass
Probe("Klass.method > x")

The slashes represent a physical nesting rather than object attributes. For example, /module.submodule/x/y means:

  • Go in the file that defines module.submodule
  • Enter def x or class x (it will not work if x is imported from elsewhere)
  • Within that definition, enter def y or class y


  • Unlike the normal notation, the absolute notation bypasses decorators: /module/function will probe the function inside the def function(): ... in, so it will work even if the function was wrapped by a decorator (unless the decorator does not actually call the function).
  • Although the /module/function/closure notation can theoretically point to closures, this does not work yet. (It will, eventually.)
  • Use /module.submodule/func, not /module/submodule/func. The former roughly corresponds to from module.submodule import func and the latter to from module import submodule; func = submodule.func, which can be different in Python. It's a bit odd, but it works that way to properly address Python quirks.


All the operators defined in the rx and giving packages should be compatible with Probe and probing. You can also define custom operators.

Read this operator guide for the most useful features (the gv variable in the examples has the same interface as probes).

Query language

Note: this section contains some references to a different interface to ptera which is still valid, but not documented.

Here is some code annotated with queries that will match various variables. The queries are not exhaustive, just examples.

  • The semicolon ";" is used to separate queries and it is not part of any query.
  • The hash character "#" is part of the query if there is no space after it, otherwise it starts a comment.
from ptera import ptera, tag

Animal = tag.Animal
Thing = tag.Thing

def art(a, b):               # art > a ; art > b ; art(!a, b) ; art(a, !b)

    a1: Animal = bee(a)      # a1 ; art > a1 ; art(!a1) ; art > $x
                             # a1:Animal ; $x:Animal
                             # art(!a1) > bee > d  # Focus on a1, also includes d
                             # art > bee  # This refers to the bee function
                             # * > a1 ; *(!a1)

    a2: Thing = cap(b)       # a2 ; art > a2 ; art(!a2) ; art > $x
                             # a2:Thing ; $x:Thing

    return a1 + a2           # art > #value ; art(#value as art_result)
                             # art() as art_result
                             # art > $x

def bee(c):
    c1 = c + 1               # bee > c1 ; art >> c1 ; art(a2) > bee > c1
                             # bee > c1 as xyz

    return c1                # bee > #value ; bee(c) as bee_value

def cap(d: Thing & int):     # cap > d ; $x:Thing ; cap > $x
                             # art(bee(c)) > cap > d
    return d * d
  • The ! operator marks the focus of the query. There will be one result for each time the focus is triggered, and when using tweak or rewrite the focus is what is being tweaked or rewritten.
    • Other variables are supplemental information, available along with the focus in query results. They can also be used to compute a value for the focus if they are available by the time the focus is reached.
    • The nesting operators > and >> automatically set the focus to the right hand side if the rhs is a single variable and the operator is not inside (...).
  • The wildcard * stands in for any function.
  • The >> operator represents deep nesting. For example, art >> c1 encompasses the pattern art > bee > c1.
    • In general, a >> z encompasses a > z, a > b > z, a > b > c > z, a > * > z, and so on.
  • A function's return value corresponds to a special variable named #value.
  • $x will match any variable name. Getting the variable name for the capture is possible but requires the map_full method. For example:
    • Query: art > $x
    • Getting the names: results.map_full(lambda x: == ["a1", "a2", "#value"]
    • Other fields accessible from map_full are value, names and values, the latter two being needed if multiple results are captured together.
  • Variable annotations are preserved and can be filtered on, using the : operator. However, Ptera only recognizes tags created using ptera.Tag("XYZ") or ptera.tag.XYZ. It will not filter over types.
  • art(bee(c)) > cap > d triggers on the variable d in calls to cap, but it will also include the value of c for all calls to bee inside art.
    • If there are multiple calls to bee, all values of c will be pooled together, and it will be necessary to use map_all to retrieve the values (or map_full).

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ptera-0.4.1.tar.gz (38.3 kB view hashes)

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ptera-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (34.3 kB view hashes)

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