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Runs PubMed search strings over pubmed API using a batch logic

Project description

Problem Statement

Due to recent changes in PubMed API policies, they don't allow users get more than 10k results, resulting in results capping against search strings.

Solution #1

  1. edirect - edirect is a command-line utility. It provides capabilities of fetching PMIDs against a search string when esearch and efetch commands are piped together.

Solution #2

  1. Running pubmed API on search strings with some date-ranges. But sometimes even a single day has more than 10k PMIDs

Solution #3

Instead of using edirect or concept of date-ranges, let's divide the search strings results in ranges of PMIDs.


  1. Take a usual string and run over PubMed API using sort=pub_date. It will get some PMIDs and Count of actual PMIDs from the pubmed db.
  2. The returned results are sorted on the basis of most recent articles as we have used sort=pub_date. In essence, the most recent PMID is returned in the very first API call. So, take the maximum PMID from the batch of 10K PMIDs as this PMID is the most is most recent.
  3. If the returned PMIDs count (counted PMIDs from response) <= actual counts <Counts>47851</Counts> mentioned in the API response. Then our first API call is the required result.
  4. If not Step 3 and current call is first API call, then divide the maximum PMID from Step 2 by 2. It will give you two halves. First from 1 to max_pmid / 2 and second from max_pmid / 2 to max_pmid
  5. If not Step 3 and current call is 2nd, 3rd or so on. API call then divide end by 2 and make two halves First from 1 to end / 2 and second from end / 2 to end
  6. Now, change the original search string as follows:

Suppose max_pmid = 15000 or end = 15000 (end is null during first API call. It is initialised with max_pmid / 2 during 1st API call and used in all subsequent recursive API calls)

NOTE: we are only using max_pmid in first API call. In all subsequent call we're just making half of max_pmid again and again.

Suppose our search string is "human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)", so, two new search strings will be "human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)" AND 1:7500[UID] and "human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)" AND 7500:15000[UID] For 1st half make start = 1 end = 7500 For 2nd half make start = 7500 end = 15000 Now, Run these two string over the API and repeat Step 3 for each new string.

This way we can grab all PMIDs using API, without shifting to any other new tool.

If you see we are dividing each sets into two halves recursively. That means PMIDs from range 1 to x can be fetched in an API call and the minimum x can go is 1. We are using same concept of date ranges but dividing sets into halves using PMID itself. This way the issue of more than 10k PMIDs in a day can be corrected, and it's far simpler than using edirect on the terminal.

The above process takes only 41 Seconds for 106K PMIDs.

The edirect actually uses the PubMed API to get the results, but how it is able to get the results from PubMed API if it is using the same API? 🤔

Actually it uses the same above concept to get the results from API. 🎉


To get PMIDs for a search string

from pubmed_api.pubmed import PubMedAPI

pa = PubMedAPI()  # instantiate once and use it for n number of search terms
# pa = PubMedAPI(10)  # pass any number. This number tells API to fetch only last 10 years of PMIDs
# pa.__PUBMED_LIMIT__ = 100_000  # update with new pubmed limit

search_terms = [
    '"parkinson\'s disease"',
    '"human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)"'

for term in search_terms:
    result = pa.extract(term)  # result will the object of ResultSet()
    print(result.pmids)  # will return list of PMIDs (list)
    print(result.record_count)  # will return number if PMIDs (int)

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pubmed_api-2.1.3.tar.gz (6.4 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file pubmed_api-2.1.3.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: pubmed_api-2.1.3.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 6.4 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.10.11

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Hashes for pubmed_api-2.1.3.tar.gz
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SHA256 d9ecc29b01836a4cc007a6d34d631ff2d797811a624e68e05129f60ee40f56c9
MD5 c4039542dea99ba48ab0a610f8e729ea
BLAKE2b-256 1c8a7a8b02cc5d6f83147063bf71c3938a94e45f7c3c7afdff285bf439422569

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