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Python Multi-Objective Simulation Optimization: a package for using, implementing, and testing simulation optimization algorithms.

Project description


This project implements the R-PERLE algorithm for solving bi-objective simulation optimization problems on integer lattices and the R-MinRLE algorithm, a benchmark algorithm for solving multi-objective simulation optimization problems on integer lattices. This project is in beta! Please email the authors with any issues.

## Reference
If you use this software for work leading to publications, please cite the article in which R-PERLE and R-MinRLE were proposed:

Cooper, K., Hunter, S. R., and Nagaraj, K. 2018. Bi-objective simulation optimization on integer lattices using the epsilon-constraint method in a retrospective approximation framework. Optimization Online,

We also include an implementation of R-SPLINE, which can be cited as follows:

Wang, H., Pasupathy, R., and Schmeiser, B. W. 2013. Integer-ordered simulation optimization using R-SPLINE: Retrospective Search with Piecewise-Linear Interpolation and Neighborhood Enumeration. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 23, No. 3, Article 17 (July 2013), 24 pages. DOI:

## Installation
### Install Python 3.6+
This software requires Python 3.6 or higher. Python can be downloaded from

### Install from PyPI
`pip install pymoso`

### Install latest trunk version from git
`pip install git+`

### Install from source
1. Install prerequisite packages.
`pip install wheel docopt`
1. Download the project code either from
for the official releases or using
`git clone`
for the latest version.
1. Navigate to the newly downloaded project directory containing and build the binary wheel.
`python bdist_wheel`
1. Install the wheel.
`pip install dist/pymoso-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl`
Replace the x.x.x with the correct file name corresponding to the code version. Modify the command to select the particular wheel you've built or downloaded.

## Command line help
pymoso listitems
pymoso solve [--budget=B] [--odir=D] [--radius=R] [--simpar=P]
[(--seed <s> <s> <s> <s> <s> <s>)] [(--params <param> <val>)]...
<problem> <solver> <x>...
pymoso testsolve [--budget=B] [--odir=D] [--radius=R] [--isp=T] [--proc=Q]
[(--seed <s> <s> <s> <s> <s> <s>)] [(--params <param> <val>)]...
<tester> <solver> [<x>...]
pymoso -h | --help
pymoso -v | --version

--budget=B Simulation budget [default: 50000]
--isp=T Number of independent sample paths of the algorithm to solve. [default: 1]
--odir=D A name to assign to the output. [default: testrun]
--simpar=P Number of processes available for simulation replications. [default: 1]
--seed Specify a seed by entering 6 spaced integers > 0.
--radius=R Specify a neighborhood radius. [default: 1]
--proc=Q Total number of processes to make available to pymoso. [default: 1]
--params Allows specifying a <param> <val> pair.
-h --help Show this screen.
-v --version Show version.

pymoso listitems
pymoso solve ProbTPA RPERLE 4 14
pymoso solve --budget=100000 --odir=test1 --radius=3 ProbTPB RMINRLE 3 12
pymoso solve --seed 12345 32123 5322 2 9543 666666666 ProbTPC RPERLE 31 21 11
pymoso solve --parsim --proc=4 --params betaeps 0.4 ProbTPA RPERLE 30 30
pymoso solve --params betaeps 0.7 --params betadel 0.5 ProbTPA RPERLE 45 45
pymoso testsolve --isp=16 --proc=4 TPATester RPERLE
pymoso testsolve --isp=20 --proc=10 TPBTester RMINRLE 9 9

Use the listitems command to view a list of available solvers, problems, and
test problems.
The `<x>` argument cannot take negative numbers from the command line. Use the commands in a Python program if a negative starting point is required (see examples below).

## Programming guide
### Example problem (
# import the Oracle base class
from pymoso.chnbase import Oracle

class MyProblem(Oracle):
'''Example implementation of a user-defined MOSO problem.'''
def __init__(self, rng):
'''Specify the number of objectives and dimensionality of points.'''
self.num_obj = 2
self.dim = 1

def g(self, x, rng):
'''Check feasibility and simulate objective values.'''
# feasible values for x in this example
feas_range = range(-100, 101)
# initialize obj to empty and is_feas to False
obj = []
is_feas = False
# check that dimensions of x match self.dim
if len(x) == self.dim:
is_feas = True
# then check that each component of x is in the range above
for i in x:
if not i in feas_range:
is_feas = False
# if x is feasible, simulate the objectives
if is_feas:
#use rng to generate random numbers
z0 = rng.normalvariate(0, 1)
z1 = rng.normalvariate(0, 1)
obj1 = x[0]**2 + z0
obj2 = (x[0] - 2)**2 + z1
obj = (obj1, obj2)
return is_feas, obj

To set up a problem to solve, typically a Monte Carlo simulation oracle, follow the example above which can be used with the `solve` command. Subclass the Oracle class shipped with pymoso. Implement `__init__` and `g` with the signatures `__init__(self, rng)` and `g(self, x, rng)`. For `__init__`, it's enough to set the desired values for the number of objectives, `self.num_obj`, and the dimensionality of the feasible domain, `self.dim`.

The function `g` must run one simulation at the feasible point `x`. The return values must be ordered correctly. The first value is a boolean (`True` or `False`) indicating whether `x` is feasible. It is up to the programmer to implement the feasibility check. The second value is a tuple of length `self.num_obj` where each element is a number indicating one of the objective values. The simulation doesn't necessarily have to be implemented in Python, but of course the implementation of `g` must be valid Python code. For example, `g` may wrap a function call to a C library which runs the simulation and returns the objectives.

The `rng` parameter is a subclass of Python's built-in `random.Random()` class and implements the same methods. Thus, its used in the same way as a `random.Random()` object for programmers implementing their simulations in Python. For example, `rng.random()`, `rng.normalvariate()`, `rng.normalvariate(4, 7)`, and `rng.getState()` are valid. The generator uses mrg32k3a as it's backbone and uses Beasley-Springer-Moro to generate normal random variates.

Once implemented, the problem can be solved with, say, R-PERLE using the following command. For your problem, choose an appropriate starting point.
`pymoso solve RPERLE 97`

### Example tester (
import sys, os
# use hausdorff distance (dh) as an example metric
from pymoso.chnutils import dh
# import the MyProblem oracle
from myproblem import MyProblem

# optionally, define a function to randomly choose a MyProblem feasible x0
def get_ranx0(rng):
val = rng.choice(range(-100, 101))
x0 = (val, )
return x0

# compute the true values of x, for computing the metric
def true_g(x):
'''Compute the objective values.'''
obj1 = x[0]**2
obj2 = (x[0] - 2)**2
return obj1, obj2

# define a solution as appropriate for the metric
soln = {(0, 4), (4, 0), (1, 1)}

class MyTester(object):
'''Example tester implementation for MyProblem.'''
def __init__(self):
self.ranorc = MyProblem
self.soln = soln
self.true_g = true_g
self.get_ranx0 = get_ranx0

def metric(self, eles):
'''Metric to be computed per retrospective iteration.'''
efrontier = []
for point in eles:
objs = self.true_g(point)s
haus = dh(efrontier, self.soln)
return haus
To test a problem using the `testsolve` command, implement a `Tester` object as above. The only strict pymoso requirement is that a tester is a class with a member called `ranorc` which is an Oracle class. To generate useful test metrics, programmers may find it convenient to include a solution and a function which can generate the expected values of the objectives of the oracle. Once implemented, the tester can be solved as follows.
`pymoso testsolve RPERLE 97`

Implement a `MyTester.get_ranx0(rng)` method if you want a tester that can generate random starting points. For example, using `MyProblem` feasible space.
def get_ranx0(self, rng):
val = rng.choice(range(-100, 101))
x0 = (val, )
return x0
Then, testsolve can run multiple independent sample paths of an algorithm using different starting points, and no `x0` needs to be specified. The following command will run 16 independent sample paths using 4 processes, where each sample path has a random starting points.

`pymoso testsolve --isp=16 --proc=4 RPERLE`

### Example of a (bad) RLE accelerator algorithm (
from pymoso.chnbase import RLESolver

# create a subclass of RLESolver
class MyAccel(RLESolver):
'''Example implementation of an RLE accelerator.'''

def accel(self, warm_start):
'''Return a collection of points to send to RLE.'''
# bring up the sample sizes of the "warm start"
return warm_start
Programmers can use pymoso to create new algorithms that use RLE for convergence. The novel part of these algorithms will be the `accel` function, which should efficiently collect points to send to RLE for certification. The function `accel` must have the signature `accel(self, warm_start)` where `warm_start` is a set of tuples. The tuples are feasible points. The pymoso method, shown above, allows programmers to easily implement and test these accelerators. These accelerators are to be used in a retrospective approximation framework. Every retrospective iterations, pymoso will first call `accel(self, warm_start)` and send the returned set to `RLE`. The return value must be a set of tuples, where each tuple is a feasible point. The implementer does not need to implement or call `RLE`.

Once implmented, solve a problem using the accelerator as follows.
`pymoso solve 97`

### Example of a (bad) RA algorithm (
from pymoso.chnbase import RASolver

# create a subclass of RASolver
class MyRAAlg(RASolver):
'''Example implementation of an RA algorithm.'''

def spsolve(self, warm_start):
'''Compute a solution to the sample path problem.'''
# bring up the sample sizes of the "warm start"
return warm_start
More generally, algorithm designers can quickly implement a retrospective approximation algorithm by subclassing `RASolver` and implementing the `spsolve` function as shown. For convergence, the output of `spsolve` should be a certified sample path solution. The algorithm can be a single-objective algorithm even though its class is a child of `MOSOSolver`.

`pymoso solve 97`

### Example of a (bad) MOSO algorithm (
from pymoso.chnbase import MOSOSolver

# create a subclass of MOSOSolver
class MyMOSO(MOSOSolver):
'''Example implementation of a MOSO algorithm.'''

def solve(self, budget):
'''Compute a solution using fewer than budget simulations.'''
# implement your genius algorithm here
# return a set of points.
Arbitrary algorithms can used in pymoso by implementing the `solve` function of a `MOSOSolver` class as shown. It does not have to be a multi-objective algorithm.

`pymoso solve 97`

### Class Structure and internal functions
The base class `MOSOSolver` implements basic members required to solve MOSO problems. To implement a general (i.e. non-RA) MOSO algorithm in pymoso, one must subclass `MOSOSolver` and implement the `MOSOSolver.solve` function with signature `solve(self, budget)` and it must return a set, even if the set contains a single point. `RASolver` is a subclass of `MOSOSolver` which provides the machinery needed to quickly implement a retrospective approximation algorithm. To implement an RA algorithm, one must subclass `RASolver` and implement its `spsolve` method with signature `spsolve(self, warm_start)` which returns a set of points.`RLESolver`, subclass of `RASolver`, allows quick implementation of MOSO solvers that use `RLE` to ensure convergence, as shown in the example accelerator above. One only needs to implement the `accel` method of `RLESolver`. Oracles are the problems that pymoso can solve. Here, we provide a listing of the important objects available to pymoso programmers who are implementing MOSO algorithms.

| pymoso object | Example | Description |
| ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
|`pymoso.prng.mrg32k3a.MRG32k3a`| `rng = MRG32k3a()` | Subclass of `random.Random()` for generating random numbers. |
|`pymoso.prng.mrg32k3a.get_next_prnstream`| `prn = get_next_prnstream(seed)` | Returns a stream 2^127 places from the given `seed` |
|`pymoso.chnbase.Oracle`| `orc = Oracle(rng)` | Implements the `Oracle` class. |
|`pymoso.chnbase.MOSOSolver` | `ms = MOSOSolver(orc)` | Implements the `MOSOSolver` class. |
|`pymoso.chnbase.RASolver` | `ras = RASolver(orc)` | Implements the `RASolver` class. |
|`pymoso.chnbase.RLESolver` | `res = RLESolver(orc)`| Implements the `RLESolver` class. |
|`pymoso.chnutils.solve` | `soln = solve(prob, alg, x0)` | The solve command used in the examples. |
|`pymoso.chnutils.testsolve` | `solns = testsolve(tester, alg, x0)`| The testsolve command used in the examples. |
|`pymoso.chnutils` | Not applicable. | The module contains a number of functions useful in algorithm implementation. See the next table. |
| `Oracle.hit` | `isfeas, gx, se = Oracle.hit(x, 4)` | Call the simulation 4 times and compute the mean value and standard error of each objective at `x`. For RA algorithms, don't call this directly but use `RASolver.estimate`. |
| `Oracle.set_crnflag` | `Oracle.set_crnflag(False)` | Turn common random numbers on or off. Default is true (on). |
| `Oracle.crn_advance` | `Oracle.crn_advance()` | Wind the rng forward. pymoso handles this automatically for RA algorithms. |
| `Oracle.rng` | `r = Oracle.rng.random()` | A random.Random() object used in `hit`. Usually don't use `rng` directly in algorithms. |
| `Oracle.num_obj` | `no = Oracle.num_obj` | The number of objectives. |
| `Oracle.dim` | `dim = Oracle.dim` | The cardinality of the feasible points. |
| `MOSOSolver.orc` | `MOSOSolver.orc.hit(x, 4)` | The simulation oracle object being solved. |
| `MOSOSolver.num_calls` | nc = MOSOSolver.num_calls | The current number of simulations used. |
| `MOSOSOlver.num_obj` | `no = MOSOSolver.num_obj` | Should match `MOSOSolver.orc.num_obj` |
| `MOSOSolver.dim` | `dim = MOSOSolver.dim` | Should match `MOSOSolver.orc.dim` |
| `RASolver.gbar` | `objs = self.gbar[x]` | A dictionary of the estimated values for visited points in the current retrospective iteration. |
| `RASolver.sehat` | `seobjs = self.sehat[x]`| A dictionary of the estimated standard errors for visited points in the current retrospective iteration. |
| `RASolver.nbor_rad` | `radius = RASolver.nbor_rad` | The radius defining which points are considered neighbors. |
| `RASolver.sprn` | `RASolver.sprn.random()` | The random generator used by the solver. |
| `RASolver.x0` | `x0 = RASolver.x0` | The initial feasible point. |
| `RASolver.estimate` | `isfeas, gx, se = RASolver.estimate(x, 4, const, obj)` | Performs simulations and updates `gbar` and `sehat`. `const` and `obj` are optional. If provided, `isfeas` will only be `True` when `gx[obj] < const`. |
|`RASolver.upsample`| `RASolver.upsample(mcS)` | Sample a set of points at the current iteration's sample size. |
|`RASolver.calc_m` | `m = RASolver.calc_m(nu)` | Compute the sample size for iteration `nu`. Overwrite this function if desired. |
|`RASolver.calc_b` | `b = RASolver.calc_b(nu)` | Compute the searching sample limit for iteration `nu`. Overwrite this function if desired. |
|`RASolver.spline` | `T, xmin, gxmin, sexmin = RASolver.spline(x, const, objmin, objcon)` | Find a sample path local minimizer such that `gxmin[objmin]` is a local min and `gxmin[objcon] < const`. |
|`RLESolver.betadel` | `bd = RLESolver.betadel` | The relaxation parameter used by `RLE`. |
|`RLESolver.calc_delta` | `d = RLESolver.calc_delta(nu)` | Compute the relaxation for iteration `nu`. |

| chnutils function | Example | Description |
| ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
|`does_weak_dominate` | `dwd = does_weak_dominate(g1, g2, rel1, rel2)` | Returns true if `g1[i] - rel1[i] <= g2[i] + rel2[i]` for every `i`.
|`does_dominate` | `dd = does_dominate(g1, g2, rel1, rel2)` | Returns true if `g1[i] - rel1[i] <= g2[i] + rel2[i]` for every `i` and `g1[i] - rel1[i] < g2[i] + rel2[i]` for at least one `i`. |
|`does_strict_dominate` | `dsd = does_strict_dominate(g1, g2, rel1, rel2)` | Returns true if `g1[i] - rel1[i] < g2[i] + rel2[i]` for every `i`. |
|`get_biparetos` | `pars = get_biparetos(mcS)` | `mcS` is a dictionary where each key is a tuple and each value is a tuple of length 2. Returns the set of keys with non-dominated values. |
|`get_nondom` | `nd = get_nondom(mcS)` | Like `get_biparetos` but the values are tuples of any length. |
|`get_nbors` | `nbors = get_nbors(x, r)` | Return the set of points no farther than `r` from `x` and exclude `x`. |
|`get_setnbors` | `nbors = get_setnbors(S, r)` | Excluding points in the set `S`, return `get_nbors(s, r)` for every `s` in `S`. |

### Solve example
# import the solve function
from pymoso.chnutils import solve
# import the module containing the RPERLE implementation
import pymoso.solvers.rperle as rp
# import MyProblem - should usually be in the script directory
import myproblem as mp

# specify an x0. In MyProblem, it is a tuple of length 1
x0 = (97,)
soln = solve(mp.MyProblem, rp.RPERLE, x0)

The `solve` function can take keyword arguments. The keyword values correspond to options in the command line help.
Here is a listing: `radius`, `budget`, `simpar`, `seed`.

### TestSolve example
# import the testsolve functions
from pymoso.chnutils import testsolve
# import the module containing RPERLE
import pymoso.solvers.rperle as rp
# import the MyTester class
from mytester import MyTester

# choose a feasible starting point of MyProblem
x0 = (97,)
run_data = testsolve(MyTester, rp.RPERLE, x0)

The `testsolve` function can take keyword arguments. The keyword values correspond to options in the command line help.
Here is a listing: `radius`, `budget`, `seed`, `isp`, `proc`.

Project details

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pymoso-0.1.18.tar.gz (39.1 kB view hashes)

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pymoso-0.1.18-py3-none-any.whl (41.8 kB view hashes)

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