Wrapper around nanosvg
Project description
Pynanosvg is a wrapper around nanosvg a simple svg parsing library. I created pynanosvg because the only other options in Python were the librsvg bindings, which are very large!
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ethanhs/pynanosvg.git
cd pynanosvg
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install
or just
python3 -m pip install pynanosvg
The following parses an SVG file, rasterizes it, and saves it as a PNG
# import things
from svg import Parser, Rasterizer, SVG
from PIL import Image # for saving rasterized image
# Parse from a file
svg = Parser.parse_file('my_cool_img.svg')
print('Image is {} by {}.'.format(svg.width, svg.height))
rast = Rasterizer()
buff = rast.rasterize(svg, svg.width, svg.height)
im = Image.frombytes('RGBA', svg.width, svg.height, buff)
im.save('my_cool_img.png') # save the converted image!
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