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Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier

Project description

pytz_deprecation_shim: Shims to help you safely remove pytz

pytz has served the Python community well for many years, but it is no longer the best option for providing time zones. pytz has a non-standard interface that is very easy to misuse; this interface was necessary when pytz was created, because datetime had no way to represent ambiguous datetimes, but this was solved in in Python 3.6, which added a fold attribute to datetimes in PEP 495. With the addition of the zoneinfo module in Python 3.9 (PEP 615), there has never been a better time to migrate away from pytz.

However, since pytz time zones are used very differently from a standard tzinfo, and many libraries have built pytz zones into their standard time zone interface (and thus may have users relying on the existence of the localize and normalize methods); this library provides shim classes that are compatible with both PEP 495 and pytz’s interface, to make it easier for libraries to deprecate pytz.


This library is intended for temporary usage only, and should allow you to drop your dependency on pytz while also giving your users notice that eventually you will remove support for the pytz-specific interface.

Within your own code, use pytz_deprecation_shim.timezone shims as if they were zoneinfo or zones — do not use localize or normalize:

>>> import pytz_deprecation_shim as pds
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> LA = pds.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")

>>> dt = datetime(2020, 10, 31, 12, tzinfo=LA)
>>> print(dt)
2020-10-31 12:00:00-07:00

>>> dt.tzname()

Datetime addition will work like normal Python datetime arithmetic, even across a daylight saving time transition:

>>> dt_add = dt + timedelta(days=1)

>>> print(dt_add)
2020-11-01 12:00:00-08:00

>>> dt_add.tzname()

However, if you have exposed a time zone to end users who are using localize and/or normalize or any other pytz-specific features (or if you’ve failed to convert some of your own code all the way), those users will see a warning (rather than an exception) when they use those features:

>>> dt = LA.localize(datetime(2020, 10, 31, 12))
<stdin>:1: PytzUsageWarning: The localize method is no longer necessary, as
this time zone supports the fold attribute (PEP 495). For more details on
migrating to a PEP 495-compliant implementation, see

 >>> print(dt)
2020-10-31 12:00:00-07:00
>>> dt.tzname()

>>> dt_add = LA.normalize(dt + timedelta(days=1))
<stdin>:1: PytzUsageWarning: The normalize method is no longer necessary,
as this time zone supports the fold attribute (PEP 495). For more details
on migrating to a PEP 495-compliant implementation, see

>>> print(dt_add)
2020-11-01 12:00:00-08:00
>>> dt_add.tzname()

For IANA time zones, calling str() on the shim zones (and indeed on pytz and zoneinfo zones as well) returns the IANA key, so end users who would like to actively migrate to a zoneinfo (or backports.zoneinfo) can do so:

>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> LA = pds.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")
>>> LA_zi = ZoneInfo(str(LA))
>>> print(LA_zi)

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Source Distribution

pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz (60.2 kB view details)

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Built Distribution

pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15.7 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

File details

Details for the file pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 60.2 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/47.1.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.46.1 CPython/3.8.3

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Hashes for pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 af097bae1b616dde5c5744441e2ddc69e74dfdcb0c263129610d85b87445a59d
MD5 f563b4bdc56f40acb2498fd1caf6dd1b
BLAKE2b-256 94f0909f94fea74759654390a3e1a9e4e185b6cd9aa810e533e3586f39da3097

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File details

Details for the file pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 15.7 kB
  • Tags: Python 2, Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/47.1.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.46.1 CPython/3.8.3

File hashes

Hashes for pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 8314c9692a636c8eb3bda879b9f119e350e93223ae83e70e80c31675a0fdc1a6
MD5 d311c7fac8e259fb03f41911d50e134e
BLAKE2b-256 eb733eaab547ca809754e67e06871cff0fc962bafd4b604e15f31896a0f94431

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