Project description
quant vnpy
一、 简介
1. 功能简介
- quant_vnpy 目录包含各种增强函数及类库
- strategies 为策略库
2. 版本历史
2021-01-22 v0.6.0
feat: add track performance feature.
2021-01-19 v0.5.12
fix: TargetPosAndPriceTemplate current_pos -> target_pos by one step fix: strategy_class_name wrong
2021-01-15 v0.5.5
fix: add exception handle and logger on TradeDataCollector fix: TargetPosAndPriceTemplate current_pos -> target_pos by one step
2021-01-14 v0.5.1
feat: record backtest stats
feat: add default rate for backtest
fix: DCE夜盘交易日期为下一交易日,将会被重写为当前系统日期 fix: 修复跨日报表统计错误
fix: cross_limit_method param missing for file_name_func function
fix: 主力合约、次主力合约数据复权整理 bug
2021-01-08 v0.5.0
refactor: merge portfolio run_backtest and cta run_backtest
2021-01-07 v0.4.13
feat: set_strategy_status(StrategyStatusEnum.Stopped)
feat: monitor add setting
2021-01-05 v0.4.11
refactor: longer interval of plotly.io._orca.cleanup
feat: backtest: output param file if it's available
2021-01-04 v0.4.10
fix: MACDSignal
2021-01-04 v0.4.9
fix: check not strategy_status_monitor.is_alive()
2020-12-27 v0.4.8
feat: backtest: reset_index on result_df
fix: portfolio template, last_order_dt -> dict
feat: add new TargetPosAndPriceTemplate, MACrossSignal
2020-12-27 v0.4.7
feat: backtest: default rate
feat: backtest: available filter for return_drawdown_ratio < 2 and np.round for some stats items
2020-12-25 v0.4.6
feat: backtest: auto search symbol size
fix: report gl calc wrong in some cases
2020-12-23 v0.4.4
fix: report holding pos status calc wrong
fix: stop_opening_pos on templates
2020-12-22 v0.4.2
fix: order_data_collector error on portfolio_strategy.template
2020-12-21 v0.4.1
fix: open_price -> last_price
2020-12-18 v0.4.0
feat: support user_name, broker_id
feat: add last_order_dt on template
2020-12-18 v0.3.9
fix: orm close connection
feat: position daily stat.
2020-12-16 v0.3.7
feat: add CrossLimitMethod.fix_price for backtest
feat: add quant_vnpy.backtest.cta_strategy.template.CtaTemplate
feat: backtest cross price method
2020-12-14 v0.3.2
add position monitor
2020-12-11 v0.2.16
feat: on_tick active on_bar by bg on template.py
feat: add OrderDataCollector, TradeDataCollector class
feat: add stop_if_pos_2_0 on cta template
fix: bug fix of on_tick and report error
2020-12-04 v0.2.8
feat: more readable log
2020-11-30 v0.2.7
feat: orm add symbols
2020-11-27 v0.2.3
fix: bug fix on log format
2020-11-25 v0.2.2
fix: bug fix on on_stop of portfolio template
2020-11-25 v0.2.1
feat: add strategy status monitor
2020-11-24 v0.1.10
feat: add bar_count
2020-11-20 v0.1.8
bug fix on portfolio's template
2020-11-17 v0.1.7
feat: 对 cta 及 portfolio 增加 template 模板类
feat: signal 增加 0 判断 当 0 时,默认为 default 值
feat: add current_bar for cta, portfolio's template classes
fix: template bugs
2020-11-15 v0.1.2
feat: 最新依赖版本 IBATS_Common>=0.20.8,最新支持道 vnpy 2.1.7 版本
feat: 调整 INSTRUMENT_TRADE_TIME_PAIR_DIC 道 constants.py
2020-11-10 v0.1.0
feat: 基于vnpy 2.1.6进行的功能增强。此前版本不支持。
二、 环境设置及组件安装(首次运行前需要)
1. 系统环境包含 Anaconda 或 Miniconda(python 3.7 版本)
2. 安装 vnpy 2.1.6或以上版本 \
3. 运行安装相关组件
pip isntall -r requirement.txt
conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
conda install -c plotly python-kaleido
pip install -r requirement.txt
orca 组件 orca 组件为回测功能中保存回测视图结果的组件,windows系统性需要单独安装,才可保证功能正常使用
conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
下载并安装 orca 应用
安装后设置话就环境变了 Path 加入相应路径,默认情况下window10操作系统 orca 组件将被安装在如下路径:
- 批量关闭 orca 进程方法
ps -ef | grep orca | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
到pandoc官网下载对应的软件并安装后即可运行 Scripts\md_2_docx.bat 脚本
三、 常用命令
1. 切换远程仓库地址方法
>git remote
>git remote get-url --all origin
>git remote set-url origin http://209386rt46.51vip.biz:23987/quant/quant_vnpy.git
>git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 25% (2/8)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 72 (delta 8), reused 8 (delta 8), pack-reused 64
Unpacking objects:
6% (5/72)Unpacking objects:
34% (25/72)Unpacking objects:
Unpacking objects: 100% (72/72), 17.93 KiB | 23.00 KiB/s, done.
From http://209386rt46.51vip.biz:23987/quant/From http://209386rt46.51vip.biz:23987/quant/quant_vnpy
cb6c014..1afe166 master -> origin/master
Updating cb6c014..1afe166
README.md | 7 +
8 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)
2. 数据库 dump 数据
"c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u mg -p --databases vnpy dbbardata --where="symbol in ('rb9999', 'hc9999', 'i9999') and `interval`='1m'" > dbbardata_dump.sql
"c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u mg -p vnpy dbbardata --where="(symbol like'%9999' or symbol like'%8888') and `interval`='1m'" > dbbardata_dump.sql
3. 压缩命令
zip -r0q /media/mg/Data/output_20201220.zip output
4. 独立启动交易界面
d:\ide\vnstudio\python.exe -m vnstation runtrader "{'gateway': {'CTP': true}, 'app': {'CtaStrategy': true, 'PortfolioStrategy': true, 'PortfolioManager': true}, 'path': 'D:\\TradeTools\\vnpy\\jianxin_11859077'}"
四、 各个版本常见错误
python.exe -m vnstation
ValueError: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 216 from C header, got 192 from PyObject 解决方法:
Scripts\pip.exe install numpy==1.16.1 --user
穿透式测试通不过,采集不到CPU、硬盘、BIOS信息 修改环境变量 增加目录
Project details
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Built Distribution
Hashes for quant_vnpy-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 4cadf991578e36051db3b8ad90ab35c5609031ae27f07dc460250eb440166627 |
MD5 | 23d3aa4d7e59715bc209573a56ebcaf8 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 336d9cb5ffb1685223928d8d91c846e7e54bf7a8bf8701179b673ec56d1c3599 |