Hostapd wrapper for hostapd
Project description
# roguehostapd
Roguehostapd is a fork of hostapd, the famous user space software access point. It provides Python ctypes bindings and a number of additional attack features. It was primarily developed for use in the Wifiphisher project.
## Build
To build the latest development version type the following commands:
git clone # Download the latest version
cd hostapd_binder # Switch to the hostapd_binder directory
python build # Build the shared library of hostapd
## Usage
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha
Use wlan0 for spawning the OPEN rogue AP on channel 6 and the ssid is haha.
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha -pK 12345678
Use wlan0 for spawning the WPA2/WPA rogue AP with passhrase 12345678
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha -kA
Use wlan0 for spawning the OPEN rogue AP supporting the KARMA attack.
'ssid': 'haha',
'interface': 'wlan0',
'karma_enable': 1}
'debug_level': hostapd_constants.HOSTAPD_DEBUG_OFF
HOSTAPD_OBJ = Hostapd()
The above configuration will perform the KARMA attack.
Following are all the options along with their descriptions (also available with `python -h`)
| Short form | Long form | Explanation |
| :----------: | :---------: | :-----------: |
|-h | --help| show this help message and exit |
|-ssid SSID| --ssid SSID| Select the ssid for the spawn rogue AP|
|-c CHANNEL| --channel CHANNEL| Select the channel number for the spawn rogue AP|
|-bI BEACON_INT| --beacon_int BEACON_INT| Define the beacon interval in milliseconds for the spawn rogue AP|
|-i INTERFACE| --interface INTERFACE| Select the interface for the spawn rogue AP. Example: -i wlan0|
|-pK WPA_PASSPHRASE| --wpa_passphrase WPA_PASSPHRASE| Define the password for the spawn rogue AP.|
|-kA|| Enabling the KARMA attack|
|-d {0, 1, 2}|--debug_level {0, 1, 2}| Enabling the verbose debug log: --0 disable all the log --1 enable the debug log, --2 enable verbose debug log|
|-K|--key_data|Include key data in debug messages|
|-t|--timestamp|Include timestamps in some debug messages|
|-v|--version|Show hostapd version|
Roguehostapd is a fork of hostapd, the famous user space software access point. It provides Python ctypes bindings and a number of additional attack features. It was primarily developed for use in the Wifiphisher project.
## Build
To build the latest development version type the following commands:
git clone # Download the latest version
cd hostapd_binder # Switch to the hostapd_binder directory
python build # Build the shared library of hostapd
## Usage
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha
Use wlan0 for spawning the OPEN rogue AP on channel 6 and the ssid is haha.
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha -pK 12345678
Use wlan0 for spawning the WPA2/WPA rogue AP with passhrase 12345678
python -i wlan0 -ssid haha -kA
Use wlan0 for spawning the OPEN rogue AP supporting the KARMA attack.
'ssid': 'haha',
'interface': 'wlan0',
'karma_enable': 1}
'debug_level': hostapd_constants.HOSTAPD_DEBUG_OFF
HOSTAPD_OBJ = Hostapd()
The above configuration will perform the KARMA attack.
Following are all the options along with their descriptions (also available with `python -h`)
| Short form | Long form | Explanation |
| :----------: | :---------: | :-----------: |
|-h | --help| show this help message and exit |
|-ssid SSID| --ssid SSID| Select the ssid for the spawn rogue AP|
|-c CHANNEL| --channel CHANNEL| Select the channel number for the spawn rogue AP|
|-bI BEACON_INT| --beacon_int BEACON_INT| Define the beacon interval in milliseconds for the spawn rogue AP|
|-i INTERFACE| --interface INTERFACE| Select the interface for the spawn rogue AP. Example: -i wlan0|
|-pK WPA_PASSPHRASE| --wpa_passphrase WPA_PASSPHRASE| Define the password for the spawn rogue AP.|
|-kA|| Enabling the KARMA attack|
|-d {0, 1, 2}|--debug_level {0, 1, 2}| Enabling the verbose debug log: --0 disable all the log --1 enable the debug log, --2 enable verbose debug log|
|-K|--key_data|Include key data in debug messages|
|-t|--timestamp|Include timestamps in some debug messages|
|-v|--version|Show hostapd version|
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