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Python module to convert christian system time to vedic sanatan time.

Project description


Python module for converting the currently used Christian System Time to historic and vedic Sanatan System Time. For explanation of the Sanatan Time System, its linkage with the Current Time System, and explanation of the time system conversion process, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section.


Simply using PyPi:

pip install sanatantime


Simply use this code (Modify according to your needs):

from sanatantime import SanatanTime

sanatan_time = SanatanTime() #Optional Parameters for constructor specified below in Parameters Section.
# Functions and Attributes available are specified in Functions Section and Attributes Section respectively.


  • sun_rise_time (Optional)

    Specifies the time when sun rises as sun rise time plays a crucial role in determining the day start in Sanatan Time System (For more details, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section).

    sanatan_time = SanatanTime([sun_rise_hour, sun_rise_minutes])
    • Parameter Value Type: list [].

    • Default Value: [3, 30] i.e. 3:30 AM.


  • convert(datetime)

    Converts Current System Time (datetime object) into Sanatan System Time.

    christian_to_sanatan_time = sanatan_time.convert(
    • Parameter Required: datetime Object.

    • Returns: String representing Sanatan System Time in the format "%number_of_ghadis% Ghadis, %number_of_pals% Pals, %number_of_lipts% Lipts, %number_of_vilipts% Vilipts".

  • now()

    Returns String representing the Sanatan Time of that Christian Time when the SanatanTime() constructor was called (exactly like what function does for Christian Time).



  • ghadi

    Returns number of Ghadis when the SanatanTime() constructor was called (Ghadi is a Sanatan Time System Unit. For more details, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section).

    • Value: int representing number of Ghadis.
  • pal

    Returns number of Pals when the SanatanTime() constructor was called (Pal is a Sanatan Time System Unit. For more details, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section).

    • Value: int representing number of Pals.
  • lipt

    Returns number of Lipts when the SanatanTime() constructor was called (Lipt is a Sanatan Time System Unit. For more details, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section).

    • Value: int representing number of Lipts.
  • vilipt

    Returns number of Vilipts when the SanatanTime() constructor was called (Vilipt is a Sanatan Time System Unit. For more details, you can read the documentation cum explanation of the whole system in the Concept section).

    • Value: int representing number of Vilipts.


In the Sanatan Time System, the day starts when the sun rises which happens around 3:30 AM everyday (It may differ by 1 to 2 Hours in different places and weather conditions). The units of the Sanatan Time System and its mathematical relation with the Current Time System Units are given below:

  • 1 Vilipt (Sanatan Time Unit) = 1/150 Seconds OR 6.67 Milliseconds (approx.)(Christian Time Unit)

  • 1 Lipt (Sanatan Time Unit) = 60 Vilipt (Sanatan Time Unit) = 2/5 Seconds OR 400 Milliseconds (Christian Time Unit)

    (60 Vilipt = 60 x 1 Vilipt = 60 x 6.67 Milliseconds = 400 Milliseconds (approx.) = 2/5 Seconds)

  • 1 Pal (Sanatan Time Unit) = 60 Lipt (Sanatan Time Unit) = 24 Seconds (Christian Time Unit)

    (60 Lipt = 60 x 1 Lipt = 60 x 400 Milliseconds = 24000 Milliseconds = 24 Seconds)

  • 1 Ghadi (Sanatan Time Unit) = 60 Pal (Sanatan Time Unit) = 24 Minutes (Christian Time Unit)

    (60 Pal = 60 x 1 Pal = 60 x 24 Seconds = 1440 Seconds = 24 Minutes)

  • 1 Day = 60 Ghadi (Sanatan Time Unit) = 24 Hours (Christian Time Unit)

    (60 Ghadi = 60 x 1 Ghadi = 60 x 24 Minutes = 1440 Minutes = 24 Hours)

Now, using the above relations, I have derived the mathematical formulas and mathematical functions which can be used to convert the Current System Time to Sanatan System Time and are listed below with explanation.

So, first of all, here is the list of information which we have with us:

  • sun_rise_hour = The hour in which the sun rises (Most likely 3 in majority of the world).
  • sun_rise_minutes = Number of minutes passed in sun_rise_hour after which the sun rises (Most likely 30 in majority of the world).
  • current_hour = The hour in which the time is being calculated.
  • current_minutes = Number of minutes passed in current_hour at the moment when time is being calculated.
  • actual_current_seconds = Number of seconds passed in current_minutes at the moment when time is being calculated.
  • current_milliseconds = Number of milliseconds passed in actual_current_seconds at the moment when time is being calculated.
  • current_seconds = actual_current_seconds + (current_milliseconds / 1000) (Milliseconds are converted to seconds and added to actual_current_seconds for most precise time conversion).

Now our first objective is to calculate number of minutes passed between the sun rise time and the current time.

So for that, there are 2 cases which need to be considered and the calculations have to be done accordingly. The cases with explanation are as follows:

  • Case 1: current_hour is not equal to sun_rise_hour OR current_hour is equal to sun_rise_hour but current_minutes is less than sun_rise_minutes

    In this case, the formula which we will use is as follows:

    minutes_from_day_start = (60 - sun_rise_minutes) + (number_of_hours(sun_rise_hour + 1, current_hour) x 60) + current_minutes

    • The expression (60 - sun_rise_minutes) gives the minutes which were passed in the sun_rise_hour after the rise of the sun.
    • The expression (number_of_hours(sun_rise_hour + 1, current_hour) x 60) gives the number of minutes passed between the hour after sun_rise_hour and the current_hour via function number_of_hours() which will be explained in detail below (60 is multiplied to number of hours to convert them into minutes passed).
    • Then, current_minutes is added to the result of above expressions to add the number of minutes passed in the current_hour till the moment where time is being calculated.

    For eg. if sun rises at 3:30 AM and we are calculating time at 6:40 AM, then:

    • sun_rise_hour = 3
    • sun_rise_minutes = 30
    • current_hour = 6
    • current_minutes = 40

    Hence, minutes_from_day_start = (60 - 30) + ((number_of_hours(3 + 1, 6) x 60) + 40 = 30 + (2 x 60) + 40 = 30 + 120 + 40 = 190 minutes.

  • Case 2: current_hour is equal to sun_rise_hour and current_minutes is equal to or greater than sun_rise_minutes

    In this case, since the day has started less than an hour ago, hence we will use this formula which is as follows:

    minutes_from_day_start = current_minutes - sun_rise_minutes

    Basically, these are the minutes passed after sun rise in sun_rise_hour.

    For eg. if sun rises at 3:30 AM and we are calculating time at 3:45 AM, then:

    • sun_rise_hour = 3
    • sun_rise_minutes = 30
    • current_hour = 3
    • current_minutes = 45

    Hence, minutes_from_day_start = 45 - 30 = 15 minutes.

Now here's the explanation of number_of_hours(1st hour, 2nd hour) function:

So to calculate the number of hours between 2 hours, there are 2 cases which need to be considered and the calculations have to be done accordingly. The cases with explanation are as follows:

  • Case 1: 2nd hour is greater than 1st hour

    In this case, we simply use the formula which is as follows:

    hours_difference = 2nd hour - 1st hour

    For eg. if 1st time is 3:30 AM and 2nd time is 6:30 AM, then:

    • 1st hour = 3
    • 2nd hour = 6

    Hence, hours_difference = 6 - 3 = 3 hours.

  • Case 2: 1st hour is greater than 2nd hour

    In this case, since the new day has already started according to Current Time System, hence we will use this formula which is as follows:

    hours_difference = 24 - (1st hour - 2nd hour)

    • The expression (1st hour - 2nd hour) gives the number of hours remaining before the number of hours between 1st hour and 2nd hour is exactly equal to 24 hours (1 Day).

    For eg. if 1st time is 3:30 AM and 2nd time is 1:30 AM, then:

    • 1st hour = 3
    • 2nd hour = 1

    Hence, hours_difference = 24 - (3 - 1) = 24 - 2 = 22 hours.

Now as we have completed our first objective i.e. have calculated the number of minutes passed between the sun rise time and the current time, we are now ready to convert Current System Time into Sanatan System Time with the help of formulas which are listed with their explanation as follows:

Number of Ghadis = minutes_from_day_start / 24

Since 1 Ghadi = 24 Minutes, hence to find total number of ghadis we simply divide number of minutes passed between the sun rise time and the current time by 24.

minutes_from_ghadi_start = minutes_from_day_start mod 24

This formula gives us the number of minutes passed in the current ghadi.

Number of Pals = ((minutes_from_ghadi_start x 60) + current_seconds) / 24

Since 1 Pal = 24 Seconds, hence to find total number of pals, we first convert minutes_from_ghadi_start to seconds by multiplying it with 60, then add current_seconds, hence getting the number of seconds passed in the current ghadi, and then divide that by 24 to get number of pals.

Number of Lipts = (((minutes_from_ghadi_start x 60) + current_seconds) mod 24) / (2 / 5)

Since 1 Lipt = 400 Milliseconds or 2/5 of a Second, hence to find total number of lipts, we first convert minutes_from_ghadi_start to seconds by multiplying it with 60, then add current_seconds, hence getting the number of seconds passed in the current ghadi, then we mod that by 24 to get number of seconds passed in the current pal, then we divide that by (2/5) to get total number of lipts (lipt is a sub unit to pal like second is a sub unit to minute and hence total number of lipts is number of lipts passed in the current pal).

Number of Vilipts = ((((minutes_from_ghadi_start x 60) + current_seconds) mod 24) mod (2 / 5)) / (1 / 150)

Since 1 Vilipt = 1/150 of a Second or 6.67 Milliseconds, hence to find total number of vilipts, we first convert minutes_from_ghadi_start to seconds by multiplying it with 60, then add current_seconds, hence getting the number of seconds passed in the current ghadi, then we mod that by 24 to get number of seconds passed in the current pal, then we mod that by (2/5) to get number of seconds passed in the current lipt, then we divide that by (1/150) to get total number of vilipts (vilipt is a sub unit to lipt like millisecond is a sub unit to second and hence total number of vilipts is number of vilipts passed in the current lipt).

These are the formulas derived by me which can convert any Christian System Time to Sanatan System Time.

For eg. if the sun rises at 3:30:00 AM and we are calculating Sanatan System Time at 7:50:40 AM (Assume milliseconds to be 0 for ease in calculations), then:

  • sun_rise_hour = 3
  • sun_rise_minutes = 30
  • current_hour = 7
  • current_minutes = 50
  • actual_current_seconds = 40
  • current_milliseconds = 0
  • current_seconds = 40 + (0 / 1000) = 40

So, according to the whole procedure explained above, first we will calculate number of minutes passed between the sun rise time and the current time.

Now since current_hour is not equal to sun_rise_hour, hence:

minutes_from_day_start = (60 - 30) + (number_of_hours(3 + 1, 7) x 60) + 50

Now for number_of_hours(), since 2nd hour is greater than 1st hour, hence:

hours_difference = 7 - 4 = 3 Hours.

substituting value of number_of_hours(3 + 1, 7) in equation for minutes_from_day_start, we get:

minutes_from_day_start = (60 - 30) + (3 x 60) + 50 = 30 + 180 + 50 = 260 Minutes


  • Number of Ghadis = 260 / 24 = 10 Ghadis (Ignore the decimal part as Ghadi Unit is an integer)

  • minutes_from_ghadi_start = 260 mod 24 = 20 Minutes

  • Number of Pals = ((20 x 60) + 40) / 24

    • = (1200 + 40) / 24
    • = 1240 / 24
    • = 51 Pals (Ignore the decimal part as Pal Unit is an integer)
  • Number of Lipts = (((20 x 60) + 40) mod 24) / (2 / 5)

    • = ((1200 + 40) mod 24) / (2 / 5)
    • = (1240 mod 24) / (2 / 5)
    • = 16 / (2 / 5)
    • = 16 x (5 / 2)
    • = 16 x 2.5
    • = 40 Lipts
  • Number of Vilipts = ((((20 x 60) + 40) mod 24) mod (2 / 5)) / (1 / 150)

    • = (((1200 + 40) mod 24) mod (2 / 5)) / (1 / 150)
    • = ((1240 mod 24) mod (2 / 5)) / (1 / 150)
    • = (16 mod (2 / 5)) / (1 / 150)
    • = 0.39 / (1 / 150)
    • = 0.39 x 150
    • = 59 Vilipts (Ignore the decimal part as Vilipt Unit is an integer)

Hence, 7:50:40 AM (Current System Time) is converted to 10 Ghadis, 51 Pals, 40 Lipts, 59 Vilipts (Sanatan System Time) using the above explained procedure. So, this is how you can convert any Christian System Time to Sanatan System Time.

Jai Shree Ram!

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