Python tools for working with Star Citizen data files.
Project description
Python API for interactive with the data files in Star Citizen.
Free software: MIT license
Hey! Listen!
This tool is in very early development. The CLI is a WIP and may not be completely plumbed up yet. If you’d like to help out and know Python, try out the API a little bit and see if you run into errors parsing files! We’re also at the stage that feature/usability feedback would be much appreciated.
cli interface
CLI Examples
usage: scdt [-h] [--verbose] [--stderr] [--command-timeout COMMAND_TIMEOUT] [command] ...
positional arguments:
[command] Subcommand to run, if missing the interactive mode is started instead.
cryxml-to-json Convert a CryXML file to JSON
cryxml-to-xml Convert a CryXML file to xml
unforge Convert a DataForge file to a readable format
unp4k Extract files from a P4K file
actionmap Dumps the default profile action map (keybinds) as JSON
API Examples
Read a DataForge database (.dcb)
from scdatatools.forge import DataCoreBinary
dcb = DataCoreBinary('research/Game.dcb.3.9.1-ptu.5229583')
jav_records = dcb.search_filename('*javelin.xml')
Use the StarCitizen class:
from import StarCitizen
sc = StarCitizen('D:/Path/To/LIVE')'idris')
This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. All game content and materials are copyright Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.. Star Citizen®, Squadron 42®, Roberts Space Industries®, and Cloud Imperium® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC. All rights reserved.
1.0.3 (2022-04-09)
Export converter options naming standardization
New material name normalization. All material names in mtl have spaces converted to underscores as the Blender DAE importer does not handle material names with spaces. This happens during any export as long as cryxml conversion is enabled
Fix cdf/chr files that have attachment points without geometry
Improvements and fixes to the hardsurface normals and emissions
Improved action map exports
3.17 lighting fixes
1.0.2 (2022-03-23)
Many shader, texture and material enhancements and fixes in Blender importer
Added sentry error reporting context generation. This is used by StarFab, scdatatools does not do sentry reporting directly on it’s own
Added Model Asset Extractor “converter” that will automatically select the associated mtl and textures for each model in the extraction task. Not recommended while extracting the entire p4k as this will just increase the overhead
1.0.1 (2022-02-02)
Fixed issue when the primary part of a model was missing (cgam, but no cga)
Fixed an issue in texture extraction when _not_ converting or un-splitting textures
Improved Blender compatability checking and Blender version handling
Support for Blender 3.0
1.0.0 (2022-01-18)
First major version
Texture conversion utilities
Improved CLI commands
Refactored and improved Star Engine format handling
Star Citizen Blueprint (scbp) system
Plugin framework
Blender add-on supporting scbp imports
Audio (wwise) system handling
P4K converters to enable auto-conversion of proprietary formats during export (textures, models, etc.)
Prefab Library Manager
Object Container Manager
Material Library processor (mtl)
Launcher utilities to auto-discover installed SC versions
0.1.7 (2021-04-02)
Added Datacore v5 support
0.1.6 (2020-12-30)
Moved to GitLab
Updated docs
Improved filename searches in P4Ks
Dataforge records can now be outputed to xml as well
Improved pretty printing of XML output
0.1.5 (2020-12-9)
Improved path and error handling
0.1.3 (2020-12-06)
Added SC profile dumping (actionmaps)
New StarCitizen class convenience wrapper around the installation dir
Support for looking up localization strings
Dataforge fixes
0.1.2 (2020-05-20)
Initial commit
Project details
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