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Cloud Provisioning Tool

Project description



Sceptre is a tool to drive AWS `CloudFormation <>`_. It automates away some of the more mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, allowing you to concentrate on building better infrastructure.


- Code reusability by separating a stack's template and its configuration
- Support for templates written in JSON, YAML, Jinja2 or Python DSLs such as Troposphere
- Dependency resolution by passing of stack outputs to parameters of dependent stacks
- Environment support by bundling related stacks into logical groups (e.g. dev and prod)
- Environment-level commands, such as creating multiple stacks with a single command
- Fast, highly parallelised builds
- Built in support for working with stacks in multiple AWS accounts
- Infrastructure visibility with meta-operations such as stack querying protection
- Support for inserting dynamic values in templates via customisable resolvers
- Support for running arbitrary code as hooks before/after stack builds


Sceptre organises stacks into environments. Each stack is represented by a YAML configuration file stored in a directory which represents the environment. Here, we have two stacks, ``vpc`` and ``subnets``, in an environment named ``dev``::

$ tree
├── config
│   └── dev
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── subnets.yaml
│   └── vpc.yaml
└── templates

We can create a stack with the ``create-stack`` command. This ``vpc`` stack contains a VPC::

$ sceptre create-stack dev vpc
dev/vpc - Creating stack
dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_COMPLETE
dev/vpc sceptre-demo-dev-vpc AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE

The ``subnets`` stack contains a subnet which must be created in the VPC. To do this, we need to pass the VPC ID, which is exposed as a stack output of the ``vpc`` stack, to a parameter of the ``subnets`` stack. Sceptre automatically resolves this dependency for us::

$ sceptre create-stack dev subnets
dev/subnets - Creating stack
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_COMPLETE
dev/subnets sceptre-demo-dev-subnets AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE

Sceptre implements meta-operations, which allow us to find out information about our stacks::

$ sceptre describe-env-resources dev
- LogicalResourceId: Subnet
PhysicalResourceId: subnet-445e6e32
- LogicalResourceId: VirtualPrivateCloud
PhysicalResourceId: vpc-c4715da0

Sceptre provides environment-level commands. This one deletes the whole ``dev`` environment. The subnet exists within the vpc, so it must be deleted first. Sceptre handles this automatically::

$ sceptre delete-env dev
dev/subnets - Deleting stack
dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/subnets - Stack deleted
dev/vpc - Deleting stack
dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
dev/vpc - Stack deleted


Sceptre can be used from the CLI, or imported as a Python package.


Usage: sceptre [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--version Show the version and exit.
--debug Turn on debug logging.
--dir TEXT Specify sceptre directory.
--output [yaml|json] The formatting style for command output.
--no-colour Turn off output colouring.
--var TEXT A variable to template into config files.
--var-file FILENAME A YAML file of variables to template into config
--help Show this message and exit.

continue-update-rollback Roll stack back to working state.
create-change-set Creates a change set.
create-stack Creates the stack.
delete-change-set Delete the change set.
delete-env Delete all stacks.
delete-stack Delete the stack.
describe-change-set Describe the change set.
describe-env Describe the stack statuses.
describe-env-resources Describe the env's resources.
describe-stack-outputs Describe stack outputs.
describe-stack-resources Describe the stack's resources.
execute-change-set Execute the change set.
generate-template Display the template used.
get-stack-policy Display the stack policy used.
launch-env Creates or updates all stacks.
launch-stack Create or launch the stack.
list-change-sets List change sets.
lock-stack Prevent stack updates.
set-stack-policy Set stack policy.
unlock-stack Allow stack updates.
update-stack Update the stack.
update-stack-cs Update the stack via change set.
validate-template Validate the template.


.. code-block:: python

from sceptre.environment import Environment

env = Environment("/path/to/sceptre_dir", "environment_name")
stack = env.stacks["stack_name"]

A full API description of the sceptre package can be found in the `Documentation <>`__.



$ pip install sceptre

More information on installing sceptre can be found in our `Installation Guide <>`_.

Tutorial and Documentation

- `Get Started <>`_
- `Documentation <>`__


See our `Contributing Guide <CONTRIBUTING.rst>`_.


1.3.1 (2017.10.23)

* Removing sceptre diff command.
* Adding support for the stack notifications attribute in stack config.
* Fixing bug which caused session re-creation on every boto call.

1.3.0 (2017.10.16)

* Re-adding the ability to specify credential profile in the environment config.
* Adding init project command to help initialize a new Sceptre project.
* Adding init env command to help initialize a new Environment config.
* Adding diff command to display differences between the local and deployed stack template.
* Fixed error message displayed for empty environments.
* Adding ``environment_config`` to config template rendering.
* Adding ``on_failure`` parameter to stack config.
* Adding automatic renewal of expired credentials when assuming IAM Roles.
* Deprecating use of ``bash`` hook in favour of ``cmd`` hook.
* Deprecating use of ``asg_scheduled_actions`` hook in favour of ``asg_scaling_processes`` hook.
* Adding status colouring for output of describe-env command.
* Fix spelling mistakes in documentation.

1.2.1 (2017.7.21)

* Changing Jinja rendering for templates only with '.j2' extension.
* Fixing broken links in documentation website.
* Updating references to Python templates instead of Troposphere templates.

1.2.0 (2017.7.14)

* Increasing maximum number of boto call retires from 5 to 30.
* Adding support Jinja rendering for stack templates.
* Adding stricter requirements for existing stack state when launch environments.
* Adding ``cmd`` hook for better cross platform support.
* Adding documentation around architecture of Sceptre projects.
* Adding versioned documentation.
* Improving documentation formatting.
* Fixing path error bug when using environment level commands on Windows.
* Fixing bug to correctly throw an AtrributeError in a Python stack template.

1.1.2 (2017.5.26)

* Fixing bug for ``protect`` in stack config.

1.1.1 (2017.2.29)

* Respect --dir when loading custom resolvers and hooks.

1.1.0 (2017.3.3)

* Include Scope in ``update-stack-cs`` output.
* Updates to documentation.

1.0.0 (2017.1.31)

* Removing deprecation notices.
* Updating documentation.

0.50.0 (2017.1.24)

* Changing syntax used for resolvers and hooks in config files.
* Deprecating use of ``sceptre_get_template`` function in Troposphere templates.
* Deprecating the accessing of Troposphere templates returned from ``sceptre_get_template``.
* Deprecating the accessing of Troposphere templates from the global variable ``t``.
* Deprecating the global variable ``SCEPTRE_USER_DATA``.
* Adding support for ``sceptre_handler`` function in Troposphere templates.
* Adding support for pure CloudFormation JSON strings returned by ``sceptre_handler``.
* Adding support for ``sceptre_user_data`` passed to ``sceptre_handler``.
* Fixing bug in update-stack-cs.
* Adding project-variables resolver.

0.49.1 (2017.1.6)

* Adding documentation for CloudFormation Service Role.

0.49.0 (2017.1.6)

* Updating documentation on hooks.
* Adding support for CloudFormation Service Role.
* Adding support for custom stack names.
* Removing (before|after)_launch hook.
* Changing documentation styling.
* Adding Python 3 support.
* Adding --verbose argument to describe-change-set.
* Adding support for launching stacks without uploading the template to S3.
* Adding a FAQ section on ``parameters`` vs ``sceptre_user_data``.
* Adding support for CloudFormation template written in YAML.
* Bumping boto3 requirement.
* Adding more intuitive delete stack message.
* Removing profile.
* Fixing a multithreading bug.
* Improve CLI UX by printing only an exception's message, not the whole stack trace.
* Adding environment path check.
* Refactoring out code that fetches stack status.

0.48.0 (2016.12.5)

* Fixing StackStatusColourer: UPDATE_FAILED wan't coloured.
* Fixing bug from uploading templates to S3 from Windows.
* Improving exception thrown when a user tries to use the stack output resolve on a stack with no outputs.

0.47.0 (2016.12.1)

* Launch now deletes stacks in the CREATE_FAILED or ROLLBACK_COMPLETE states before re-creating them.
* Adding support for Troposphere<1.10.0.

0.46.0 (2016.11.11)

* Adding support for multiple environments.
* Speeding up integration tests.
* Switching to CircleCI for continuous integration and deployment of documentation.
* Changing template S3 key to use a UTC timestamp rather than seconds since epoch.
* Changing update-stack-cs to delete the change set by default.
* Stopping appending region to template bucket name.
* Refactoring logger.
* Changing exception names from <Name>Exception to <Name>Error.
* Publishing development docs to

0.45.0 (2016.08.25)

* Adding support for Troposphere 1.8.
* Adding stack protection support.
* Adding support for allowing Troposphere templates to import modules from parent directories.
* Adding documentation section for IAM role setup.
* Fixing bug in update-wth-cs command.

0.44.0 (2016.08.5)

* Adding require_version.
* Renaming --machine-readable to --output.
* Refactoring

0.43.4 (2016.08.2)

* Improving logging.

0.43.3 (2016.08.2)

* Updating CONTRIBUTING.rst.

0.43.2 (2016.08.1)

* Fixing multithreaded S3 bucket create bug.

0.43.1 (2016.08.1)

* Deprecating the CLI flags --iam-role, --profile, --region.

0.43.0 (2016.08.1)

* Adding machine readable output support.

0.42.0 (2016.08.1)

* Adding support for CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM.

0.41.0 (2016.07.28)

* Adding Resolver support for sceptre_user_data.

0.40.0 (2016.07.28)

* Adding plugin support for Parameter Resolvers and Hooks.

0.39.2 (2016.07.21)

* Fixing exit status bug.

0.39.1 (2016.07.15)

* Updating requirements.

0.39.0 (2016.07.15)

* Add sceptre_hooks.
* Add builtin suspend and resume asg scaling actions.

0.38.4 (2016.07.14)

* Adding deprecation warning for --profile, --region, --iam_role.

0.38.3 (2016.07.14)

* Combining account_id and iam_role into a single parameter, iam_role, which is now the ARN of the IAM Role to assume.
* Fixing bug in integration tests.

0.38.2 (2016.07.14)

* Updating docs.

0.38.1 (2016.07.14)

* Updating docstrings.

0.38.0 (2016.07.14)

* Removing autocomplete as it broke integration tests.
* Fixing integration tests.

0.37.0 (2016.07.13)

* Adding the ability to tag stacks created by Sceptre.

0.36.0 (2016.07.12)

* Adding templating support to config files.

0.35.1 (2016.07.12)

* Fixing permissions on autocomplete files.

0.35.0 (2016.07.12)

* Sceptre now encrypts templates uploaded to S3 using AES256 by default.

0.34.0 (2016.07.12)

* Adding autocomplete support for bash and zsh.

0.33.0 (2016.07.11)

* Specify sceptre directory via --dir flag.

0.32.0 (2016.07.11)

* Refactoring how parameters are handled internally.
* Adding stack_output_external resolver.
* Adding the ability to explicitly specify dependencies.

0.31.0 (2016.07.11)

* Adding sceptre-update-cs.

0.30.0 (2016.07.08)

* Tail stack events for sceptre execute-change-set.
* Added formatted output for sceptre describe-change-set.

0.29.1 (2016.07.08)

* Fixing CI bug in 0.29.0.

0.29.0 (2016.07.08)

* Adding automatic support for no-colour'ed output.

0.28.0 (2016.07.07)

* Adding --no-colour flag.

0.27.2 (2016.07.07)

* Updating docs to add get-stack-policy and set-stack-policy.

0.27.1 (2016.07.07)

* Patching unittests and lint from previous release.

0.27.0 (2016.07.07)

* Adding get-stack-policy and set-stack-policy.

0.26.1 (2016.07.06)

* Changing ConfigReader object to Config object.

0.26.0 (2016.07.06)

* Adding more integration tests.

0.25.1 (2016.07.05)

* Fixing UnrecognisedHookTaskTypeException import in

0.25.0 (2016.07.05)

* Adding describe-env command.

0.24.1 (2016.07.05)

* Updating documentation.

0.24.0 (2016.07.04)

* Ability to specify the region via the cli.
* Ability to specify a profile via the cli or config.yml.
* Ability to specify a role via the cli.
* Skip role assume when no role is specified in config.yaml or via the cli.

0.23.1 (2016.06.30)

* Moving upload_template_to_s3 into the Template object.

0.23.0 (2016.06.30)

* Adding support for the cascading of <stack_name>.yaml files.
* Moved --debug flag to be after sceptre keyword ($ sceptre --debug <command>).
* Refactor how config is handled internally.
* Lazy load stack config and templates.

0.22.1 (2016.06.28)

* Adding dependency resolving to create-change-set.

0.22.0 (2016.06.27)

* Adding hooks.

0.21.2 (2016.06.24)

* Refactoring connection_manager.

0.21.1 (2016.06.14)

* Fixing bug in

0.21.0 (2016.06.14)

* Adding sceptre describe-stack-outputs command.

0.20.0 (2016.06.14)

* Switching from configure to PyYaml.
* Fixing a print stack events error.

0.19.0 (2016.06.8)

* Adding Boto3 call retries when request limits are hit.

0.18.2 (2016.06.2)

* Removing a potential race condition when storing templates in S3.

0.18.1 (2016.05.27)

* Tidying up method names in the Stack() object.

0.18.0 (2016.05.26)

* Moving to using threading to launch/delete environments.
* Create/update/launch/delete commands now return non-zero if the command fails.

0.17.0 (2016.05.10)

* Adding basic integration tests.

0.16.1 (2016.05.9)

* Bumping to Troposphere 1.6.0.

0.16.0 (2016.05.4)

* Switching from Docopt to Click, improving support for use as a Python module.

0.15.3 (2016.04.21)

* Bumping boto3 dependency version to 1.3.1.

0.15.2 (2016.04.21)

* Defend against troposphere_data being a string in yaml.

0.15.1 (2016.04.14)

* Moving exceptions into their own file, ````.

0.15.0 (2016.04.14)

* Support for automatic reading in of arbitrary files.

0.14.1 (2016.04.14)

* Refactor ````.

0.14.0 (2016.04.11)

* Adding change set support.

0.13.3 (2016.04.11)

* Moving dependency resolver code from ```` to ````.

0.13.2 (2016.04.7)

* Refactoring ````.

0.13.1 (2016.04.7)

* Improving troposphere template not found exception.

0.13.0 (2016.04.6)

* Adding ``$ sceptre --version``.

0.12.1 (2016.04.6)

* Hiding internal class names.

0.12.0 (2016.04.6)

* Adding support for reading in environment variables for use as CloudFormation parameters.

0.11.0 (2016.03.31)

* Adding ``continue-update-rollback`` command.

0.10.2 (2016.03.31)

* Refactoring ConfigReader.

0.10.1 (2016.03.31)

* Updating documentation.

0.10.0 (2016.03.31)

* Adding Troposphere data injection support.

0.9.1 (2016.03.21)

* Minor refactor.

0.9.0 (2016.03.21)

* Adding --debug option.

0.8.2 (2016.03.21)

* Adding date time to printed out stack events.

0.8.1 (2016.03.21)

* Fixing bug in generate-template.

0.8.0 (2016.03.21)

* Sceptre now prints out stack events as stacks are being launched or deleted.

0.7.1 (2016.03.18)

* Refactoring interactor commands.

0.7.0 (2016.03.17)

* Adding lock-stack and unlock-stack commands.

0.6.3 (2016.03.16)

* Adding improved error handling for when users enter incorrect stack names.

0.6.2 (2016.03.16)

* Adding improved error handling for when users enter incorrect environment paths.
* Refactoring config_reader

0.6.1 (2016.03.15)

* Updating documentation.

0.6.0 (2016.03.15)

* Adding support for user-defined config directory structure.

0.5.1 (2016.03.10)

* Sceptre waits after checking a stack's status. This update drops the wait time from 3s to 1s.

0.5.0 (2016.03.10)

* Adds sceptre validate-template <env> <stack_name> command.

0.4.0 (2016.03.10)

* Sceptre now creates, updates and launches stacks from a template it uploads to s3.

0.3.2 (2016.03.10)

* Fixing create_bucket for region us-east-1.

0.3.1 (2016.03.10)

* Sceptre removes trailing slash from template_bucket_name.

0.3.0 (2016.03.09)

* Sceptre now appends time since epoch to uploaded JSON template names.

0.2.0 (2016.03.09)

* Sceptre now appends region to supplied bucket name.

0.1.3 (2016.03.08)

* Adding support for subdirectories in the template_bucket_name param.

0.1.2 (2016.03.08)

* Updating Troposphere to version 1.5.0.

0.1.1 (2016.03.08)

* Updating tox to only support Python 2.6 versions > 2.6.9.

0.1.0 (2016-03-07)

* Changing how parameter chaining is stated in yaml files.

0.0.1 (2015-12-13)

* First release.

Project details

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Source Distribution

sceptre-1.3.1.tar.gz (82.1 kB view hashes)

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