write shell in sh.yml
Project description
Sometimes gnu make reminds me how old I am, shyml makes me feel like a baby again.
Getting started
Install with pip install shyml.
Executable and shebang
Create a executable yaml file in your repo (name it sh.yml by convention) with shyml in the shebang as such:
#!/usr/bin/env shyml
Then, start adding a YAML document in it.
#!/usr/bin/env shyml
name: foo
help: bar
- other
- ./super
- shyml_otherjob # call another job as a bash function
name: otherjob
script: |
your code here
Document model
Each YAML document (separated by —) should contain a name key.
Other keys it can define:
script: a bash script in list or string format, arguments will be proxied
help: a help text to describe the job
color: a color to render the job name
requires: the list of other jobs to execute prior to this job
hook: set to before toautomatically execute before any other
env: a YAML hash of env var
CLI Usage
./sh.yml # lists jobs
./sh.yml jobname # run a job in a local bash shell
shell=xonsh ./sh.yml jobname # apparently you your sh.yml contains xonsh instead of bash ^^
./sh.yml debug jobname # print a job script code
./sh.yml test jobname # print a job help
Replace tox.ini
So, initially shyml was born because I wanted to get too much out of tox. Namely, centralizing test automation and eventually deployment (for integration testing) in a single multi-script file, for usage in various contexts:
in the system python environment, ie. in a built container
in the user python environment, that is where i have checked out all development source code I want to hack at the version that I develop with (and I try hard to stick to upstream and have forward-compatible code)
in a virtualenv, to test against released module versions.
To address this, I use such shyml job, that will make a venv with python3 by default, not setup any venv if venv=none, and use the user environment if venv=user.
name: install
help: |
Setup and activate a venv for a python executable
If venv=none, it will not do any venv.
If venv=user, it will use pip install --user.
script: |
if [ "${venv-}" = "user" ]; then
pip_install="pip install --user"
elif [ "${venv-}" != "none" ]; then
export python="${python-python3}"
export path="${path-.venv.$python}"
test -d $path || virtualenv --python=$python $path
set +eux; echo activating $path; source $path/bin/activate; set -eux
${pip_install-pip install} -Ue .[test]
name: test
help: Run test in a python3 venv by default.
script: shyml_install && py.test -vv --cov src --strict -r fEsxXw ${@-src}
Then, I can run:
venv=user ./sh.yml test # in my home
venv=none ./sh.yml test # in a built container
./sh.yml test # just run tests in the default venv tox-like
Embed docker-compose.yml
--- name: compose script: | docker-compose -p $(pwd) -f <(cat <<EOF version: '3.5' services: django: build: dockerfile: Dockerfile context: ./ shm_size: 512mb depends_on: - postgres volumes: - ./:/app postgres: image: postgres:10 EOF ) $@
Replace Dockerfile with buildah
--- name: buildah script: - buildcntr1=$(buildah from --quiet docker.io/node:10-alpine) - buildmnt1=$(buildah mount $buildcntr1) - buildah config --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mrs.settings --env UWSGI_MODULE=mrs.wsgi:application --env NODE_ENV=production --env PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 --env PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 --env STATIC_URL=/static/ --env STATIC_ROOT=/app/static --env UWSGI_SPOOLER_NAMES=mail,stat --env UWSGI_SPOOLER_MOUNT=/app/spooler --env VIRTUAL_PROTO=uwsgi --env LOG=/app/log --env VIRTUAL_PROTO=uwsgi --env GIT_COMMIT=$CI_COMMIT_SHA $buildcntr1 - mkdir -p .cache/{apk,pip,npm} - buildah run -v $(pwd)/.cache/apk:/root/.cache/apk $buildcntr1 apk add --update --cache-dir /root/.cache/apk ca-certificates gettext shadow python3 py3-pillow py3-psycopg2 dumb-init bash git curl uwsgi-python3 uwsgi-http uwsgi-spooler uwsgi-cache uwsgi-router_cache uwsgi-router_static - buildah -v $(pwd)/.cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip run $buildcntr1 pip3 install --upgrade pip - buildah run $buildcntr1 bash -c 'curl -sL https://sentry.io/get-cli/ | bash' - buildah run $buildcntr1 bash -c 'mkdir -p /app && usermod -d /app -l app node && groupmod -n app node && chown -R app:app /app' - buildah config --workingdir /app $buildcntr1 - buildah copy $buildcntr1 yarn.lock .babelrc package.json webpack.config.js /app/ - buildah run $buildcntr1 yarn install --frozen-lockfile - buildah copy $buildcntr1 src/mrs/static /app/src/mrs/static - buildah run $(pwd)/.cache/npm:/npm $buildcntr1 yarn --cache-folder /npm prepare - buildah copy $buildcntr1 requirements.txt /app/ - buildah run -v $(pwd)/.cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip $buildcntr1 pip3 install --upgrade -r /app/requirements.txt - buildah run $buildcntr1 bash - buildah copy $buildcntr1 setup.py src /app/ - buildah run $buildcntr1 bash - buildah run -v $(pwd)/.cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip $buildcntr1 pip3 install --editable /app - buildah run $buildcntr1 mkdir -p /app/{log,static} - buildah run $buildcntr1 mrs collectstatic --noinput --clear - buildah copy $buildcntr1 locale /app/locale - buildah run $buildcntr1 mrs compilemessages -l fr - buildah run $buildcntr1 'find $STATIC_ROOT -type f | xargs gzip -f -k -9'
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