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Python envelope of Slovak Railways API

Project description


Python envelope of Slovak Railways API


Install the package simply typing

pip install slovakrailways

Import into Python3 with

import slovakrailways as zsr

And you're good to go. Btw ZSR is an abbreviation of Slovak railways.


Lookup station

Lookup stations by prefix with search_stations(). The prefix to match is case- and diacritic- insensitive.

result = zsr.search_stations('zilina') # get stations with "zilina" prefix

Result has following structure.

        "uicCode": "5617915",
        "name": "Žilina",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 49.21945,
        "longitude": 18.7408
        "uicCode": "5617930",
        "name": "Žilina-Solinky",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 49.198517,
        "longitude": 18.736596
        "uicCode": "5617925",
        "name": "Žilina-Záriečie",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 49.218306,
        "longitude": 18.730756

Another example

rimavsk_stations = zsr.search_stations('rimavsk')
        "uicCode": "5615293",
        "name": "Rimavská Baňa",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 48.511147,
        "longitude": 19.941259
        "uicCode": "5615213",
        "name": "Rimavská Píla",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 48.650532,
        "longitude": 19.944147
        "uicCode": "5615033",
        "name": "Rimavská Sobota",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 48.38123,
        "longitude": 20.019545
        # ...
        "uicCode": "5615303", 
        "name": "Rimavské Zalužany",
        "image": None,
        "latitude": 48.500525,
        "longitude": 19.935475

Identifier uicCode from Slovak Railways system is used for unique identification of stations.

Station can be looked up with uicCode

x = zsr.station("5613206")

Since uicCode is unique identifier, the result is either single station or an error is raised. The result for previous call is

    'uicCode': '5613206',
    'name': 'Bratislava',
    'image': None,
    'latitude': 48.157653,
    'longitude': 17.106339

Departures from stations

List the departures from a station with zsr.departures(). The station is specified by uicCode.

departures = zsr.departures("5615033") # Rimavská Sobota

The departures has following structure

        "isDeparture": True,
        "station": "Fiľakovo",
        "timestamp": 1587662220000,
        "train": {
            "type": 1,
            'typeList': [1],
            'number': '6258',
            'name': '',
            'features': [
                    'id': 5, # second class
                    'featureDescription': 'Druhá trieda',
                    'featureName': 'Druhá trieda',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
                    'id': 23, # bike 
                    'featureDescription': 'Preprava bicyklov', 
                    'featureName': 'Preprava bicyklov',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
                    'id': 107, # tickets without integrated reservation
                    'featureDescription': 'SCIC NRT tarifa bez integrovanej rezervácie',
                    'featureName': 'SCIC NRT tarifa',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
                    'id': 101, # stops on demand
                    'featureDescription': 'Vlak zastavuje len na znamenie, alebo požiadanie',
                    'featureName': 'Zastavenie na znamenie',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
            'exceptions': [],
            'carrier': 'Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.',
            'trainDelay': None
        # ...

Arrivals can be returned instead of departures with setting departure = False.

Time of departure (or arrival) can be specified as well as second parameter dt.

# 3h from now
import datetime
dt = + datetime.timedelta(hours = 3)
# get trains arriving till 3h from now
rimavska_sobota_arrivals = slovakrailways.departures(5615033, dt, departure=False)

The result has form of

        'isDeparture': False, # arrival
        'station': 'Tisovec',
        'timestamp': 1597597920000,
        'train': {
            'type': 1,
            'typeList': [1],
            'number': '6729',
            'name': '',
            'features': [
                    'id': 5,
                    'featureDescription': 'Druhá trieda',
                    'featureName': 'Druhá trieda',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
                # ...
                    'id': 104,
                    'featureDescription': 'Vlak zastavuje len na znamenie, alebo požiadanie',
                    'featureName': 'Zastavenie na znamenie',
                    'order': 0,
                    'reservationType': -1,
                    'reservationName': None,
                    'startStationIndex': None,
                    'stopStationIndex': None
            'exceptions': [],
            'carrier': 'Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.',
            'trainDelay': None
    # ...

Track train

A current train can be tracked for station and delay with

x = zsr.track_train("609")
        'trainNumber': '609',
        'travelDate': 1597584311000, # [ms] timestamp of issuing the response
        'trainDelay': {
            'previousStationUic': '56-137463-00',
            'previousStationName': 'Piešťany',
            'nextStationUic': '56-138164-00',
            'nextStationName': 'Nové Mesto nad Váhom',
            'currentUic': '56-186874-00',
            'currentName': 'Výh. Horná Streda',
            'delayMinutes': 9,
            'arrivedAtDestination': False,
            'timestamp': 1597584117000 # [ms] timestamp of scheduled departure from next station


Search connections between two stations given by their uicCode.

x = zsr.route("5613206","5613600")
        'id': None,
        'length': 445,
        'duration': 276,
        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597603320000,
        'departureTimestamp': 1597586760000,
        'infoForCurrentConnection': None,
        'timeForCurrentConnection': None,
        'infoForNextConnection': 428253,
        'timeForNextConnection': 1597586760,
        'infoForPreviousConnection': 431702,
        'timeForPreviousConnection': 1597603320,
        'finalOfferExpiration': None,
        'routeSegments': [
                'duration': 276,
                'length': 445,
                'departureTimestamp': 1597586760000,
                'arrivalTimestamp': 1597603320000,
                'trainStops': [
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597586280000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597586760000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {
                            'uicCode': '5613206',
                            'name': 'Bratislava',
                            'image': None,
                            'latitude': 48.157653,
                            'longitude': 17.106339
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597588200000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597588260000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {
                            'uicCode': '5613676',
                            'name': 'Trnava',
                            'image': None,
                            'latitude': 48.370911,
                            'longitude': 17.583322
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597593180000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597593300000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {
                            'uicCode': '5617915',
                            'name': 'Žilina',
                            'image': None,
                            'latitude': 49.21945,
                            'longitude': 18.7408
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597599300000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597599360000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {
                            'uicCode': '5613250',
                            'name': 'Poprad-Tatry',
                            'image': None,
                            'latitude': 49.051122,
                            'longitude': 20.295414
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597602540000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597602600000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {'uicCode': '5613560', 'name': 'Kysak', 'image': None, 'latitude': 48.853428, 'longitude': 21.220987}
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597603320000,
                        'departureTimestamp': None,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {'uicCode': '5613600', 'name': 'Košice', 'image': None, 'latitude': 48.716386, 'longitude': 21.261075}
                'previousTrainStops': [
                        'arrivalTimestamp': None,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597581720000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {
                            'uicCode': '8101003',
                            'name': 'Wien Hbf',
                            'image': None,
                            'latitude': 0.0,
                            'longitude': 0.0
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597584180000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597584180000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {'uicCode': '5610046', 'name': 'Kittsee Gr.', 'image': None, 'latitude': 48.11087, 'longitude': 17.111543}
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597584360000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597584540000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {'uicCode': '5614576', 'name': 'Bratislava-Petržalka', 'image': None, 'latitude': 48.11087, 'longitude': 17.111543}
                        'arrivalTimestamp': 1597585320000,
                        'departureTimestamp': 1597585920000,
                        'trainStops': True,
                        'transferStation': False,
                        'trainStation': {'uicCode': '5614616', 'name': 'Bratislava-Nové Mesto', 'image': None, 'latitude': 48.167152, 'longitude': 17.136849}
                'nextTrainStops': [],
                'availableTicketClasses': None,
                'hasReservation': None,
                'ticketClass': None,
                'train': {
                    'type': 4096,
                    'typeList': [4096],
                    'number': '45',
                    'name': '',
                    'features': [
                            'id': 86, # luggage storage on train
                            'featureDescription': 'Pojazdná úschovňa batožín',
                            'featureName': 'Preprava batožín',
                            'order': 0,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 4, # first class
                            'featureDescription': 'Prvá trieda',
                            'featureName': 'Prvá trieda',
                            'order': 1,
                            'reservationType': 5,
                            'reservationName': 'povinná rezervácia miesta',
                            'startStationIndex': -1, 'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 5, # second call
                            'featureDescription': 'Druhá trieda',
                            'featureName': 'Druhá trieda',
                            'order': 2,
                            'reservationType': 5,
                            'reservationName': 'povinná rezervácia miesta',
                            'startStationIndex': -1, 'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 9, # restaurant wagon
                            'featureDescription': 'Reštauračný alebo bistro vozeň',
                            'featureName': 'Reštauračný alebo bistro vozeň',
                            'order': 3,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 21, # lift for wheelchair
                            'featureDescription': 'Vo vlaku je radený vozeň so zdvíhacou plošinou a kupé na prepravu imobilných cestujúcich',
                            'featureName': 'Zdvíhacia plošina a oddiel na prepravu invalidov n',
                            'order': 15,
                            'reservationType': 5,
                            'reservationName': 'povinná rezervácia miesta',
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 22, # wagon for parents and children (up to 10y)
                            'featureDescription': 'Vozeň, alebo kupé vo vozni vyhradené pre cestujúcich s deťmi do 10 rokov',
                            'featureName': 'Oddiel pre cestujúcich s deťmi do 10 rokov',
                            'order': 4,
                            'reservationType': 5,
                            'reservationName': 'povinná rezervácia miesta',
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 23, # bicycle
                            'featureDescription': 'Preprava bicyklov',
                            'featureName': 'Preprava bicyklov',
                            'order': 5,
                            'reservationType': 21,
                            'reservationName': 'povinná rezervácia',
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 29, # electric sockets
                            'featureDescription': 'vo vlaku sú radené vozne s prípojkou 230 V',
                            'featureName': 'K dispozícii sú elektrické zásuvky',
                            'order': 12,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 91, # WiFi
                            'featureDescription': 'V označených vozňoch je v cene cestovného bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu.',
                            'featureName': 'WiFi pripojenie',
                            'order': 0,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': -1,
                            'stopStationIndex': -1
                            'id': 103, # skipping a station
                            'featureDescription': 'Vlak v stanici nezastavuje',
                            'featureName': 'Vlak v stanici nezastavuje',
                            'order': 0,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': -3,
                            'stopStationIndex': -3
                            'id': 171, # train does not wait
                            'featureDescription': 'Vlak nečaká na žiadne prípoje',
                            'featureName': 'Vlak nečaká na žiadne prípoje',
                            'order': 0,
                            'reservationType': -1,
                            'reservationName': None,
                            'startStationIndex': 0,
                            'stopStationIndex': 0
                    'exceptions': [],
                    'carrier': 'Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.',
                    'trainDelay': {
                        'previousStationUic': '56-145763-00',
                        'previousStationName': 'Bratislava-Petržalka',
                        'nextStationUic': '56-146167-00',
                        'nextStationName': 'Bratislava-Nové Mesto',
                        'currentUic': '56-132266-00', 'currentName':
                        'Bratislava ústredná nákladná stanic',
                        'delayMinutes': 2,
                        'arrivedAtDestination': False,
                        'timestamp': 1597585080000
                'finalStation': {
                    'uicCode': '5613600',
                    'name': 'Košice',
                    'image': None,
                    'latitude': 48.716386,
                    'longitude': 21.261075
        'routeSelfRefs': [
            {'selfRef': 371},
            {'selfRef': -142417112},
            {'selfRef': 251},
            {'selfRef': 3},
            {'selfRef': 182281},
            {'selfRef': 428253},
            {'selfRef': 431702}
        'passengers': []
    # ...

Age category and discount can be specified.

route(start, end, dt=None, age_category=103, discount=1)

Get pricing of route by

pricing(route_reference, age_category=103, discount=1, free=True)
# todo: output

Implicitly the pricing is for adult without any discount. Free ticket must be requested explicitly (by free=True).

Meta information

Check whether API is working by zsr.meta.status(). Function returns True or False.

assert zsr.meta.status()

List avaliable discounts for various age categories with zsr.meta.age_categories().

age_categories = zsr.meta.age_categories()

The format of output is

        'id': 100, # children 0 - 5y
        'fromAge': 0, 'toAge': 5,
        'description': 'Dieťa (0 - 5 r.)',
        'availableDiscounts': [
            # no discount
            {'id': 1, 'description': 'Bez zľavy', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # international
            {'id': 613, 'description': 'Medzinárodný lístok/ Interrail', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False}
        'id': 101, # children 6 - 15y
        'fromAge': 6, 'toAge': 15,
        'description': 'Dieťa (6 - 15 r.)',
        'availableDiscounts': [
            # no discount
            {'id': 1, 'description': 'Bez zľavy', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # student
            {'id': 600, 'description': 'Preukaz pre žiaka/Študenta', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': True},
            {'id': 601, 'description': 'Držiteľ trať. lístka - študent', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # disabled
            {'id': 607, 'description': 'Preukaz ŤZP', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            {'id': 608, 'description': 'Preukaz ŤZP-S', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            {'id': 609, 'description': 'Sprievodca ŤZP-S', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # railway card
            {'id': 610, 'description': 'Železničný preukaz ČD', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            {'id': 611, 'description': 'Železničný preukaz SR', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # international
            {'id': 613, 'description': 'Medzinárodný lístok/ Interrail', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': False},
            # child card
            {'id': 614, 'description': 'Preukaz pre dieťa do 16 r.', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': True},
            # ISIC (slovak schools)
            {'id': 617, 'description': 'ISIC aktivovaný školou v SR', 'documentRequired': False, 'freeTransportAvailable': True}
        'id': 102, # youngster 16 - 25y
        'fromAge': 16, 'toAge': 25,
        # ...
        'id': 103, # adult 26 - 61y 
        'fromAge': 26, 'toAge': 61,
        # ...
        'id': 104, # adult 62 - 69y
        'fromAge': 62, 'toAge': 69,
        # ...
        'id': 105, # adult 70y+
        'fromAge': 70, 'toAge': 999,
        # ...

List train types of ZSR by zsr.meta.train_types().

train_types = zsr.meta.train_types()

The output has format such as

    {'value': 1, 'name': 'Os', 'description': 'osobný vlak'}, # regular (local) train
    {'value': 2, 'name': 'RR', 'description': 'Regionálny rýchlik'}, # regional "fast train"
    {'value': 4, 'name': 'R', 'description': 'rýchlik'}, # "fast train"
    {'value': 8, 'name': 'IR', 'description': 'IR'},
    {'value': 16, 'name': 'Ex', 'description': 'expresný vlak'}, # express
    # ...
    {'value': 137438953472, 'name': 'RB', 'description': 'Regionalbahn'},
    {'value': 274877906944, 'name': 'RE', 'description': 'Regional-Express'},
    {'value': 36028797018963968, 'name': 'Peší prechod', 'description': 'peší presun'} # on foot

List all possible attributes place can have by

place_attributes = zsr.meta.place_attributes()

The format of place attributes is

    {'description': 'vozeň s kupé', 'id': 1}, # compartment
    {'description': 'vozeň veľkopriestorový', 'id': 2}, # open-type
    {'description': 'Miesto pri stolíku', 'id': 3}, # with table
    {'description': 'Miesto so zásuvkou', 'id': 5}, # with socket
    {'description': 'Miesto s WIFI', 'id': 6}, # with wifi
    {'description': 'Miesto v smere jazdy', 'id': 7}, # facing forward
    {'description': 'Miesto proti smeru jazdy', 'id': 8}, # facing backwards
    {'description': 'Miesto pre cest. s inv.vozíkom', 'id': 9}, # wheelchair user
    {'description': 'Miesto pre spriev.s inv.voz.', 'id': 10} # accompany of wheelchair user


Developed by Martin Benes.

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Source Distribution

slovakrailways-0.1.0.tar.gz (168.5 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

slovakrailways-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (162.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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