Helps with sanitizing data.
Project description
Srambler is a utility class to assist with tasks like sanitizing data for a developer DB or, for just scrambling strings/ints/floats/bools.
Why is it called Srambler?
- “Srambler” is how my four year old said the word “scrambler” when he was around 2 years old. Also, Web 2.0 and
marketing firms have conditioned me to spell things incorrectly.
How do I use it?
Put srambler in your Python path then:
>>> from srambler import Srambler >>> Srambler.srambled("Jimmy Page") 'YBNnm seua' >>> Srambler.srambled("867-5309") '949-1209'
I realize it may become tedious to type srambled over and over again. So, you could also do it this way:
>>> from srambler import scramble >>> scramble("$33.49") '$86.13' >>> scramble(1620) 2280
Srambler is the product of an ad-hoc job (needed to sanitize some data before handing a SQL dump off via email), and is still very young.
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