React Components for Streamlit.
Project description
✨ Streamlit Elements

Create a draggable and resizable dashboard in Streamlit, featuring Material UI widgets, Monaco editor (Visual Studio Code), Nivo charts, and more!
Getting started
1. Introduction
Streamlit Elements is a component that gives you the tools to compose beautiful applications with Material UI widgets, Monaco, Nivo charts, and more. It also includes a feature to create draggable and resizable dashboards.
pip install streamlit-elements==0.1
Caution: It is recommended to pin the version to 0.1. Future versions might introduce breaking API changes.
Available elements and objects
Here is a list of elements and objects you can import in your app:
Element | Description |
elements | Create a frame where elements will be displayed. |
dashboard | Build a draggable and resizable dashboard. |
mui | Material UI (MUI) widgets and icons. |
html | HTML objects. |
editor | Monaco code and diff editor that powers Visual Studio Code. |
nivo | Nivo chart library. |
media | Media player. |
sync | Callback to synchronize Streamlit's session state with elements events data. |
lazy | Defer a callback call until another non-lazy callback is called. |
- A few Material UI widgets may not work as expected (ie. modal dialogs and snackbars).
- Using many element frames can significantly impact your app's performance. Try to gather elements in few frames at most.
2. Display elements
2.1. Create an element with a child
# First, import the elements you need
from streamlit_elements import elements, mui, html
# Create a frame where Elements widgets will be displayed.
# Elements widgets will not render outside of this frame.
# Native Streamlit widgets will not render inside this frame.
# elements() takes a key as parameter.
# This key can't be reused by another frame or Streamlit widget.
with elements("new_element"):
# Let's create a Typography element with "Hello world" as children.
# The first step is to check Typography's documentation on MUI:
# Here is how you would write it in React JSX:
# <Typography>
# Hello world
# </Typography>
mui.Typography("Hello world")
- MUI Typography:
2.2. Create an element with multiple children
with elements("multiple_children"):
# You have access to Material UI icons using: mui.icon.IconNameHere
# Multiple children can be added in a single element.
# <Button>
# <EmojiPeople />
# <DoubleArrow />
# Hello world
# </Button>
"Button with multiple children"
# You can also add children to an element using a 'with' statement.
# <Button>
# <EmojiPeople />
# <DoubleArrow />
# <Typography>
# Hello world
# </Typography>
# </Button>
with mui.Button:
mui.Typography("Button with multiple children")
- MUI button:
- MUI icons:
2.3. Create an element with nested children
with elements("nested_children"):
# You can nest children using multiple 'with' statements.
# <Paper>
# <Typography>
# <p>Hello world</p>
# <p>Goodbye world</p>
# </Typography>
# </Paper>
with mui.Paper:
with mui.Typography:
html.p("Hello world")
html.p("Goodbye world")
- MUI paper:
2.4. Add properties to an element
with elements("properties"):
# You can add properties to elements with named parameters.
# To find all available parameters for a given element, you can
# refer to its related documentation on for MUI widgets,
# on for Monaco editor,
# and so on.
# <Paper elevation={3} variant="outlined" square>
# <TextField label="My text input" defaultValue="Type here" variant="outlined" />
# </Paper>
with mui.Paper(elevation=3, variant="outlined", square=True):
label="My text input",
defaultValue="Type here",
# If you must pass a parameter which is also a Python keyword, you can append an
# underscore to avoid a syntax error.
# <Collapse in />
# mui.collapse(in=True)
# > Syntax error: 'in' is a Python keyword:
- MUI text field:
2.5. Apply custom CSS styles
2.5.1. Material UI elements
with elements("style_mui_sx"):
# For Material UI elements, use the 'sx' property.
# <Box
# sx={{
# bgcolor: 'background.paper',
# boxShadow: 1,
# borderRadius: 2,
# p: 2,
# minWidth: 300,
# }}
# >
# Some text in a styled box
# </Box>
"Some text in a styled box",
"bgcolor": "background.paper",
"boxShadow": 1,
"borderRadius": 2,
"p": 2,
"minWidth": 300,
- MUI's sx property:
2.5.2. Other elements
with elements("style_elements_css"):
# For any other element, use the 'css' property.
# <div
# css={{
# backgroundColor: 'hotpink',
# '&:hover': {
# color: 'lightgreen'
# }
# }}
# >
# This has a hotpink background
# </div>
"This has a hotpink background",
"backgroundColor": "hotpink",
"&:hover": {
"color": "lightgreen"
- Emotion's css property:
3. Callbacks
3.1. Retrieve an element's data
import streamlit as st
with elements("callbacks_retrieve_data"):
# Some element allows executing a callback on specific event.
# const [name, setName] = React.useState("")
# const handleChange = (event) => {
# // You can see here that a text field value
# // is stored in
# setName(
# }
# <TextField
# label="Input some text here"
# onChange={handleChange}
# />
# Initialize a new item in session state called "my_text"
if "my_text" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.my_text = ""
# When text field changes, this function will be called.
# To know which parameters are passed to the callback,
# you can refer to the element's documentation.
def handle_change(event):
st.session_state.my_text =
# Here we display what we have typed in our text field
# And here we give our 'handle_change' callback to the 'on_change'
# property of the text field.
mui.TextField(label="Input some text here", onChange=handle_change)
- MUI text field event:
- MUI text field API:
3.2. Synchronize a session state item with an element event using sync()
with elements("callbacks_sync"):
# If you just want to store callback parameters into Streamlit's session state
# like above, you can also use the special function sync().
# When an on_change event occurs, the callback is called with an event data object
# as argument. In the example below, we are synchronizing that event data object with
# the session state item 'my_event'.
# If an event passes more than one parameter, you can synchronize as many session state item
# as needed like so:
# >>> sync("my_first_param", "my_second_param")
# If you want to ignore the first parameter of an event but keep synchronizing the second,
# pass None to sync:
# >>> sync(None, "second_parameter_to_keep")
from streamlit_elements import sync
if "my_event" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.my_event = None
if st.session_state.my_event is not None:
text =
text = ""
mui.TextField(label="Input some text here", onChange=sync("my_event"))
3.3. Avoid too many reloads with lazy()
with elements("callbacks_lazy"):
# With the two first examples, each time you input a letter into the text field,
# the callback is invoked but the whole app is reloaded as well.
# To avoid reloading the whole app on every input, you can wrap your callback with
# lazy(). This will defer the callback invocation until another non-lazy callback
# is invoked. This can be useful to implement forms.
from streamlit_elements import lazy
if "first_name" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.first_name = None
st.session_state.last_name = None
if st.session_state.first_name is not None:
first_name =
first_name = "John"
if st.session_state.last_name is not None:
last_name =
last_name = "Doe"
def set_last_name(event):
st.session_state.last_name = event
# Display first name and last name
mui.Typography("Your first name: ", first_name)
mui.Typography("Your last name: ", last_name)
# Lazily synchronize on_change with first_name and last_name state.
# Inputting some text won't synchronize the value yet.
mui.TextField(label="First name", onChange=lazy(sync("first_name")))
# You can also pass regular python functions to lazy().
mui.TextField(label="Last name", onChange=lazy(set_last_name))
# Here we give a non-lazy callback to on_click using sync().
# We are not interested in getting on_click event data object,
# so we call sync() with no argument.
# You can use either sync() or a regular python function.
# As long as the callback is not wrapped with lazy(), its invocation will
# also trigger every other defered callbacks.
mui.Button("Update first namd and last name", onClick=sync())
3.4. Invoke a callback when a sequence is pressed using event.on_hotkey()
with elements("callbacks_hotkey"):
# Invoke a callback when a specific hotkey sequence is pressed.
# For more information regarding sequences syntax and supported keys,
# go to Mousetrap's project page linked below.
# /!\ Hotkeys work if you don't have focus on Streamlit Elements's frame /!\
# /!\ As with other callbacks, this reruns the whole app /!\
from streamlit_elements import event
def hotkey_pressed():
print("Hotkey pressed")
event.Hotkey("g", hotkey_pressed)
# If you want your hotkey to work even in text fields, set bind_inputs to True.
event.Hotkey("h", hotkey_pressed, bindInputs=True)
mui.TextField(label="Try pressing 'h' while typing some text here.")
# If you want to override default hotkeys (ie. ctrl+f to search in page),
# set override_default to True.
event.Hotkey("ctrl+f", hotkey_pressed, overrideDefault=True)
- Mousetrap:
- Github page:
3.5. Invoke a callback periodically using event.on_interval()
with elements("callbacks_interval"):
# Invoke a callback every n seconds.
# /!\ As with other callbacks, this reruns the whole app /!\
def call_every_second():
print("Hello world")
event.Interval(1, call_every_second)
4. Draggable and resizable dashboard
with elements("dashboard"):
# You can create a draggable and resizable dashboard using
# any element available in Streamlit Elements.
from streamlit_elements import dashboard
# First, build a default layout for every element you want to include in your dashboard
layout = [
# Parameters: element_identifier, x_pos, y_pos, width, height, [item properties...]
dashboard.Item("first_item", 0, 0, 2, 2),
dashboard.Item("second_item", 2, 0, 2, 2, isDraggable=False, moved=False),
dashboard.Item("third_item", 0, 2, 1, 1, isResizable=False),
# Next, create a dashboard layout using the 'with' syntax. It takes the layout
# as first parameter, plus additional properties you can find in the GitHub links below.
with dashboard.Grid(layout):
mui.Paper("First item", key="first_item")
mui.Paper("Second item (cannot drag)", key="second_item")
mui.Paper("Third item (cannot resize)", key="third_item")
# If you want to retrieve updated layout values as the user move or resize dashboard items,
# you can pass a callback to the onLayoutChange event parameter.
def handle_layout_change(updated_layout):
# You can save the layout in a file, or do anything you want with it.
# You can pass it back to dashboard.Grid() if you want to restore a saved layout.
with dashboard.Grid(layout, onLayoutChange=handle_layout_change):
mui.Paper("First item", key="first_item")
mui.Paper("Second item (cannot drag)", key="second_item")
mui.Paper("Third item (cannot resize)", key="third_item")
- Dashboard item properties:
- Dashboard grid properties (Streamlit Elements uses the Responsive grid layout):
5. Other third-party elements
5.1. Monaco code and diff editor
with elements("monaco_editors"):
# Streamlit Elements embeds Monaco code and diff editor that powers Visual Studio Code.
# You can configure editor's behavior and features with the 'options' parameter.
# Streamlit Elements uses an unofficial React implementation (GitHub links below for
# documentation).
from streamlit_elements import editor
if "content" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.content = "Default value"
mui.Typography("Content: ", st.session_state.content)
def update_content(value):
st.session_state.content = value
mui.Button("Update content", onClick=sync())
original="Happy Streamlit-ing!",
modified="Happy Streamlit-in' with Elements!",
- Monaco examples and properties:
- Code editor options:
- Diff editor options:
- Monaco project page:
5.2. Nivo charts
with elements("nivo_charts"):
# Streamlit Elements includes 45 dataviz components powered by Nivo.
from streamlit_elements import nivo
DATA = [
{ "taste": "fruity", "chardonay": 93, "carmenere": 61, "syrah": 114 },
{ "taste": "bitter", "chardonay": 91, "carmenere": 37, "syrah": 72 },
{ "taste": "heavy", "chardonay": 56, "carmenere": 95, "syrah": 99 },
{ "taste": "strong", "chardonay": 64, "carmenere": 90, "syrah": 30 },
{ "taste": "sunny", "chardonay": 119, "carmenere": 94, "syrah": 103 },
with mui.Box(sx={"height": 500}):
keys=[ "chardonay", "carmenere", "syrah" ],
margin={ "top": 70, "right": 80, "bottom": 40, "left": 80 },
borderColor={ "from": "color" },
dotColor={ "theme": "background" },
"anchor": "top-left",
"direction": "column",
"translateX": -50,
"translateY": -40,
"itemWidth": 80,
"itemHeight": 20,
"itemTextColor": "#999",
"symbolSize": 12,
"symbolShape": "circle",
"effects": [
"on": "hover",
"style": {
"itemTextColor": "#000"
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"textColor": "#31333F",
"tooltip": {
"container": {
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"color": "#31333F",
- Nivo charts:
- Github page:
5.3. Media player
with elements("media_player"):
# Play video from many third-party sources: YouTube, Facebook, Twitch,
# SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia, Mixcloud, DailyMotion and Kaltura.
# This element is powered by ReactPlayer (GitHub link below).
from streamlit_elements import media
media.Player(url="", controls=True)
- ReactPlayer properties:
Project details
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File details
Details for the file streamlit-elements-0.1.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: streamlit-elements-0.1.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 6.6 MB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/4.0.1 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.27.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.60.0 CPython/3.8.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 5f9f116f22df3ce4a8636b1dee7c2fd3dc3cb0c66267fd28c3e0314aa1d303a7 |
MD5 | 29f38af34200b4e229fa60d8eb81499c |
BLAKE2b-256 | 8d536ecfba409b61cdf246d4138bd9c1bef4b79a03fbeeee513ab0c7d43f18cb |
File details
Details for the file streamlit_elements-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: streamlit_elements-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 7.8 MB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/4.0.1 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.27.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.60.0 CPython/3.8.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 593c4b88c399c55879aa76f7f42970f30106f66acaa4baada6338ae5571790df |
MD5 | 8bf97b50c42d6d9a918e7f1c316254d2 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 1f0deecce69faeb4aec152f4036afe8a0f4f67b0af4fe0ff709243591ad2533d |