Assemble texture packs for Minecraft
Project description
Minecraft Texture-Pack Maker
Texturepacker provides program maketexture for assembling texture packs for Minecraft using recipes written in a simple language expressed using JSON or as Python dicts, and a library of Python classes that can be used to do the same thing in your own programs.
Texture packs can be created by combining image files in PNG format, or images extracted from existing texture packs. This enables you to remix texture packs to use alternative textures for some elements if the original artist included them, or even to combine textures from two or more separate packs. One use for this might be to upgrade a pack designed for an earlier version of Minecraft to work with newly added items.
Python 2.7
Distribute (or Setuptools might work)
You should be able to install with the following command:
$ python install
You can test it worked by running it on an example recipe:
$ maketexture -v examples/
(These are included in the source distribution but will not be included in a binary install.)
To run automated tests, you need to install 2 more packages and then use Nose:
$ pip install nose mock $ nosetests tests
This should print a lot of dots and then report OK at the end.
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