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UBIKA WAAP client API to automate WAAP administration tasks

Project description


The UBIKA's WAAP management API provides a REST/JSON programming interface. It allows automation and scripting of WAAP administration tasks, such as management of reverse proxies and tunnels. The API documentation is shipped with the product itself. Once the product installed, you can access the documentation on the following URL https://ManagementWAAP:3001/api/v1/doc/

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.9
  • Package version: 1.0.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import ubika_waap_api_client


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import ubika_waap_api_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

import time
import ubika_waap_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ManagementWAAP:3001/api/v1/doc
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ubika_waap_api_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://ManagementWAAP:3001/api/v1/doc"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = ubika_waap_api_client.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ubika_waap_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ubika_waap_api_client.DefaultApi(api_client)
    add_network_interface = ubika_waap_api_client.AddNetworkInterface() # AddNetworkInterface | 

        # Create a network interface
        api_response = api_instance.add_network_interface(add_network_interface)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->add_network_interface: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://ManagementWAAP:3001/api/v1/doc

Class Method HTTP request Description
DefaultApi add_network_interface POST /networkdevices/interfaces Create a network interface
DefaultApi add_reverse_proxy POST /reverseproxies Create a reverse proxy
DefaultApi add_reverse_proxy_profile POST /reverseproxyprofiles Create a reverse proxy profile
DefaultApi addsslprofiles POST /sslprofiles Create SSL Profile
DefaultApi apply POST /apply Apply items
DefaultApi create_accesslogprofile POST /accesslogprofiles Create an access log profile
DefaultApi create_alerting_destinations POST /alertingdestinations Create an alerting destination
DefaultApi create_appliance POST /appliances Create an appliance
DefaultApi create_blacklist POST /blacklists Create a blacklist
DefaultApi create_blacklist_exception POST /blacklists/exceptions Create a blacklist exception
DefaultApi create_ca_certificate POST /certificatesbundles/ca Create a CA certificate of the specific bundle
DefaultApi create_certificate POST /certificates/import Create a certificate
DefaultApi create_certificates_bundle POST /certificatesbundles Create a certificates bundle
DefaultApi create_compression_profile POST /compressionprofiles Create a compression profile
DefaultApi create_crl_certificate POST /certificatesbundles/crl Create a CRL certificate of the specific bundle
DefaultApi create_icx POST /icx Create an ICX configuration
DefaultApi create_icx_category POST /icx/categories Create an ICX Category
DefaultApi create_icx_rule POST /icx/categories/rules Create an ICX Rule
DefaultApi create_label POST /labels Create a label
DefaultApi create_logfilter POST /logfilters Create a new Logfilter
DefaultApi create_normalization POST /normalization Create a normalization configuration
DefaultApi create_ntp POST /ntp Create a ntp
DefaultApi create_ocsp_certificate POST /certificatesbundles/ocsp Create a OCSP certificate of the specific bundle
DefaultApi create_ramdisk_cache POST /ramdiskcacheprofiles Create a Ramdisk cache profile
DefaultApi create_requesttimeoutprofile POST /requesttimeoutprofiles Create an request timeout profile
DefaultApi create_scoringlist POST /scoringlist Create a scoringlist configuration
DefaultApi create_scoringlist_exception POST /scoringlist/exceptions Create a scoringlist exception
DefaultApi create_secondary_tunnel POST /secondarytunnels Create a secondary tunnel
DefaultApi create_security_exception_profile POST /securityexceptions Create a Security Exception Profile
DefaultApi create_sysctlprofile POST /sysctl Create a Sysctl profile
DefaultApi create_tunnel POST /tunnels Create a tunnel
DefaultApi del_accesslogprofile DELETE /accesslogprofiles Delete an access log profile
DefaultApi del_alerting_destination DELETE /alertingdestinations Delete an alerting destination
DefaultApi del_appliance DELETE /appliances Delete an appliance
DefaultApi del_blacklist DELETE /blacklists Delete a blacklist
DefaultApi del_blacklist_exception DELETE /blacklists/exceptions Delete a blacklist exception
DefaultApi del_ca_certificate_bundle DELETE /certificatesbundles/ca Delete a CA certificates
DefaultApi del_certificates_bundle DELETE /certificatesbundles Delete a certificates bundle
DefaultApi del_compression_profile DELETE /compressionprofiles Delete a compression profile
DefaultApi del_crl_certificate_bundle DELETE /certificatesbundles/crl Delete a CRL certificates
DefaultApi del_icx DELETE /icx Delete an ICX configuration
DefaultApi del_icx_category DELETE /icx/categories Delete an ICX Category
DefaultApi del_icx_rule DELETE /icx/categories/rules Delete an ICX Rule
DefaultApi del_label DELETE /labels Delete a label
DefaultApi del_normalization DELETE /normalization Delete a normalization configuration
DefaultApi del_ntp DELETE /ntp Delete a ntp
DefaultApi del_ocsp_certificate_bundle DELETE /certificatesbundles/ocsp Delete a OCSP certificates
DefaultApi del_ramdisk_cache DELETE /ramdiskcacheprofiles Delete a Ramdisk cache
DefaultApi del_requesttimeoutprofile DELETE /requesttimeoutprofiles Delete an request timeout profile
DefaultApi del_scoringlist DELETE /scoringlist Delete a scoringlist configuration
DefaultApi del_scoringlist_exception DELETE /scoringlist/exceptions Delete a scoringlist exception
DefaultApi del_secondadry_tunnel DELETE /secondarytunnels Delete a secondary tunnel
DefaultApi del_security_exception_profile DELETE /securityexceptions Delete a security exception profile
DefaultApi del_sysctlprofile DELETE /sysctl Delete a Sysctl profile
DefaultApi del_tunnel DELETE /tunnels Delete a tunnel
DefaultApi delete_certificate DELETE /certificates Delete a certificate
DefaultApi delete_networ_interface DELETE /networkdevices/interfaces Delete a network interface
DefaultApi delete_reverse_proxies DELETE /reverseproxies Delete a reverse proxy
DefaultApi delete_reverse_proxy_profile DELETE /reverseproxyprofiles Delete a reverse proxy profile
DefaultApi deletesslprofiles DELETE /sslprofiles Delete a SSL Profile
DefaultApi download_ca_certificate GET /certificatesbundles/ca/export Download CA Certificates File
DefaultApi download_caocsp_certificate GET /certificatesbundles/ocsp/export Download CAOCSP Certificates File
DefaultApi download_certificate GET /certificates/export Download certificate File
DefaultApi download_crl_certificate GET /certificatesbundles/crl/export Download CRL Certificates File
DefaultApi download_log_filter GET /logfilters/export Download LogFilter File
DefaultApi file_upload POST /files Send a file
DefaultApi get_access_log_profiles GET /accesslogprofiles Get access log profiles
DefaultApi get_alertingdestinations GET /alertingdestinations Get alerting destinations
DefaultApi get_appliances GET /appliances Get appliances
DefaultApi get_blacklist_exceptions GET /blacklists/exceptions Get blacklist exceptions
DefaultApi get_blacklist_templates GET /blacklisttemplates Get blacklist templates
DefaultApi get_blacklists GET /blacklists Get blacklists
DefaultApi get_ca_certificates GET /certificatesbundles/ca Get CA certificates of bundle
DefaultApi get_certificates GET /certificates Get certificates
DefaultApi get_certificates_bundles GET /certificatesbundles Get certificates bundles
DefaultApi get_compression_profiles GET /compressionprofiles Get compression profiles
DefaultApi get_crl_certificates GET /certificatesbundles/crl Get CRL certificates of bundle
DefaultApi get_icx GET /icx Get ICX configurations
DefaultApi get_icx_categories GET /icx/categories Get ICX Categories
DefaultApi get_icx_filter_pattern GET /icx/pattern Get all ICX filter pattern
DefaultApi get_icx_rules GET /icx/categories/rules Get ICX Rules
DefaultApi get_icx_templates GET /icxtemplates Get ICX templates
DefaultApi get_labels GET /labels Get labels
DefaultApi get_licenses GET /licenses Get licenses
DefaultApi get_log_filter GET /logfilters Get LogFilters
DefaultApi get_network_devices GET /networkdevices Get network devices
DefaultApi get_network_interfaces GET /networkdevices/interfaces Get network interfaces
DefaultApi get_normalization GET /normalization Get normalization configurations
DefaultApi get_ntps GET /ntp Get ntps
DefaultApi get_ocsp_certificates GET /certificatesbundles/ocsp Get OCSP certificates of bundle
DefaultApi get_ramdisk_cache GET /ramdiskcacheprofiles Get Ramdisk cache profile
DefaultApi get_requesttimeoutprofiles GET /requesttimeoutprofiles Get request timeout profiles
DefaultApi get_reverse_proxies GET /reverseproxies Get reverse proxies
DefaultApi get_reverse_proxy_profiles GET /reverseproxyprofiles Get reverse proxy profiles
DefaultApi get_scoringlist_exceptions GET /scoringlist/exceptions Get scoringlist exceptions
DefaultApi get_scoringlist_templates GET /scoringlist/templates Get scoringlist templates
DefaultApi get_scoringlists GET /scoringlist Get scoringlist configurations
DefaultApi get_secondary_tunnels GET /secondarytunnels Get secondary tunnels
DefaultApi get_security_exception_profiles GET /securityexceptions Get Security Exception Profiles
DefaultApi get_sslprofiles GET /sslprofiles Get SSL Profiles
DefaultApi get_static_blacklists GET /staticblacklists Get static blacklists
DefaultApi get_static_scoringlists GET /scoringlist/statics Get static scoringlists
DefaultApi get_sysctlprofiles GET /sysctl Get Sysctl profiles
DefaultApi get_tunnels GET /tunnels Get tunnels
DefaultApi getnormalizationtemplate GET /normalization/templates Get normalization templates
DefaultApi patch_accesslogprofile PATCH /accesslogprofiles Patch an access log profile
DefaultApi patch_alerting_destination PATCH /alertingdestinations Patch an alerting destination
DefaultApi patch_appliance PATCH /appliances Patch an appliance
DefaultApi patch_blacklist PATCH /blacklists Patch a blacklist
DefaultApi patch_blacklist_exception PATCH /blacklists/exceptions Patch a blacklist exception
DefaultApi patch_certificate PATCH /certificates/import Patch a certificate
DefaultApi patch_certificates_bundle PATCH /certificatesbundles Patch a certificates bundle
DefaultApi patch_compression_profile PATCH /compressionprofiles Patch a compression profile
DefaultApi patch_icx PATCH /icx Patch an ICX configuration
DefaultApi patch_icx_category PATCH /icx/categories Patch an ICX Category
DefaultApi patch_icx_rule PATCH /icx/categories/rules Patch an ICX Rule
DefaultApi patch_label PATCH /labels Patch a label
DefaultApi patch_network_interface PATCH /networkdevices/interfaces Patch a network interface
DefaultApi patch_normalization PATCH /normalization Patch a normalization configurattion
DefaultApi patch_ntp PATCH /ntp Patch a ntp
DefaultApi patch_ramdisk_cache PATCH /ramdiskcacheprofiles Patch a Ramdisk cache profile
DefaultApi patch_requesttimeoutprofile PATCH /requesttimeoutprofiles Patch an request timeout profile
DefaultApi patch_reverse_proxy PATCH /reverseproxies Patch a reverse proxy
DefaultApi patch_reverse_proxy_profile PATCH /reverseproxyprofiles Patch a reverse proxy profile
DefaultApi patch_scoringlist PATCH /scoringlist Patch a scoringlist configuration
DefaultApi patch_scoringlist_exception PATCH /scoringlist/exceptions Patch a scoringlist exception
DefaultApi patch_secondary_tunnel PATCH /secondarytunnels Patch a secondary tunnel
DefaultApi patch_security_exception_profile PATCH /securityexceptions Patch a Security Exception Profile
DefaultApi patch_sysctlprofile PATCH /sysctl Patch a Sysctl profile
DefaultApi patch_tunnel PATCH /tunnels Patch a tunnel
DefaultApi put_log_filter PUT /logfilters/import Upload LogFilter File
DefaultApi setsslprofiles PUT /sslprofiles Update a SSL Profile
DefaultApi shutdown POST /appliances/shutdown Shutdown/Halt the system
DefaultApi tunnel_backend_status GET /status/tunnels/backend Get backend status
DefaultApi tunnel_listening_status GET /status/tunnels/listening Get listening status
DefaultApi tunnel_runtime_information GET /status/tunnels/runtime Get runtime information
DefaultApi update_accesslogprofile PUT /accesslogprofiles Update an access log profile
DefaultApi update_blacklist PUT /blacklists Update a blacklist
DefaultApi update_blacklist_exception PUT /blacklists/exceptions Update a blacklist exception
DefaultApi update_certificate PUT /certificates/import Update a certificate
DefaultApi update_certificates_bundle PUT /certificatesbundles Update a certificates bundle
DefaultApi update_compression_profile PUT /compressionprofiles Update a compression profile
DefaultApi update_icx PUT /icx Update an ICX configuration
DefaultApi update_icx_category PUT /icx/categories Update an ICX Category
DefaultApi update_icx_rule PUT /icx/categories/rules Update an ICX Rule
DefaultApi update_label PUT /labels Update a label
DefaultApi update_network_interface PUT /networkdevices/interfaces Update a network interface
DefaultApi update_ntp PUT /ntp Update a ntp
DefaultApi update_ramdisk_cache PUT /ramdiskcacheprofiles Update a Ramdisk cache profile
DefaultApi update_requesttimeoutprofile PUT /requesttimeoutprofiles Update an request timeout profile
DefaultApi update_reverse_proxy PUT /reverseproxies Update a reverse proxy
DefaultApi update_reverse_proxy_profile PUT /reverseproxyprofiles Update a reverse proxy profile
DefaultApi update_scoringlist PUT /scoringlist Update a scoringlist configuration
DefaultApi update_scoringlist_exception PUT /scoringlist/exceptions Update a scoringlist exception
DefaultApi update_security_exception_profile PUT /securityexceptions Update a Security Exception Profile
DefaultApi update_sysctlprofile PUT /sysctl Update a Sysctl profile
DefaultApi update_tunnel PUT /tunnels Update a tunnel
DefaultApi upload_license POST /licenses Upload a license file

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

ubika_waap_api_client-1.0.1.tar.gz (386.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ubika_waap_api_client-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (1.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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