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This Wagtail app provides several ui improvements to the Wagtail admin.

Project description

Wagtail UI Plus

This Wagtail app provides several ui improvements to the Wagtail admin.

Conditional checkboxes

  • Automatically check a target checkbox whenever a trigger checkbox is checked
  • The reverse also applies, when the target checkbox is unchecked, the trigger checkbox is also unchecked
  • This functionality can be used to create an "all" option among a list of checkboxes
  • Supported trigger elements: BooleanField
  • Supported target elements: BooleanField

Conditional visibility

  • Show or hide form fields based on conditional visibility rules
  • Regular page fields:
    • Supported trigger elements: CharField (with choices), BooleanField
    • Supported target elements: Any subclass of EditHandler
  • Struct block fields:
    • Supported trigger elements: ChoiceBlock
    • Supported target elements: Any subclass of FieldBlock (within the same struct block)

Collapsable panels

  • Click on the panel header to collapse/expand the panel
  • Set the default collapsed state
  • Supported panels: MultiFieldPanel and StreamFieldPanel

Stream field improvements

  • Added borders around blocks
  • Added panel-style headers to blocks
  • Added spacing between blocks
  • Permanently visible add buttons
  • Use more of the available space for blocks
  • Supported blocks: CharBlock, TextBlock, EmailBlock, IntegerBlock, FloatBlock, DecimalBlock, RegexBlock, URLBlock, BooleanBlock, DateBlock, TimeBlock, DateTimeBlock, RichTextBlock, RawHTMLBlock, BlockQuoteBlock, ChoiceBlock, PageChooserBlock, DocumentChooserBlock, ImageChooserBlock, SnippetChooserBlock, EmbedBlock, StaticBlock, StructBlock and StreamBlock

Struct block improvements

  • All of the above stream field improvements
  • If the first field in the struct block is a CharBlock, TextBlock or RichtTextBlock, show it's value in the block header after the block type
  • Click on the block header to collapse/expand the struct block
  • All struct blocks are default collapsed on page load, but newly added blocks are default expanded


  • Wagtail 2.6.2


  • pip install wagtailuiplus
  • Add wagtailuiplus to your installed apps


Conditional checkboxes

  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__checkbox-handler to the trigger element
  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__checkbox-handler--{block_name} to the trigger element, where {block_name} is equal to the block name of the trigger element
  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__checkbox-handler-target--{block_name} to each target element, where {block_name} is equal to the block name of the trigger element
  • Add conditional visibility rules to the target elements

To check a target checkbox when the trigger field is checked:

  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__checkbox-handler-checked-if--checked to the target element


Conditional visibility

Steps to configure conditional visibility rules:

  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__choice-handler to the trigger element
  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__choice-handler--{block_name} to the trigger element, where {block_name} is equal to the block name of the trigger element
  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__choice-handler-target--{block_name} to each target element, where {block_name} is equal to the block name of the trigger element
  • Add conditional visibility rules to the target elements

To hide a target element if the trigger field has a certain value:

  • Add the class wagtailuiplus__choice-handler-hidden-if--{value} to the target element, where {value} is the value of the trigger element

To match the values of a BooleanField, use the string value true or false. Multiple rules on the same target element are treated as an or, so if any of the rules match, the element is hidden. In the following example, conditional visibility is used to show a page chooser when building an internal link, or show a text input when building an external link:

class LinkBlock(StructBlock):
    link_type = ChoiceBlock(
        choices = [
            ('internal', 'Internal link'),
            ('external', 'External link'),
        label='Link type',
            'wagtailuiplus__choice-handler '
    link_page = PageChooserBlock(
        label='Link page',
            'wagtailuiplus__choice-handler-target--link_type '
    link_url = CharBlock(
        label='Link url',
            'wagtailuiplus__choice-handler-target--link_type '


Collapsable panels

The panels automatically become collapsable. To set the initial collapsed state of panels, add the wagtailuiplus__panel--collapsed classname to the panel, for example:

class HomePage(Page):
    content_panels = [
        ], 'My multi field panel', classname='wagtailuiplus__panel--collapsed'),


StreamField UI improvements

The UI improvements automatically apply. Just create your StreamField as usual, for example:

from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import StreamFieldPanel
from wagtail.core.blocks import (
from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
from wagtail.core.models import Page

class MyCharBlock(CharBlock):
    class Meta:
        icon = 'pilcrow'
        label = 'My char block'

class MyRichTextBlock(RichTextBlock):
    class Meta:
        icon = 'openquote'
        label = 'My rich text block'

class MyStreamBlock(StreamBlock):
    title = MyCharBlock()
    text = MyRichTextBlock()

    class Meta:
        label = 'My stream block'

class MyStructBlock(StructBlock):
    items = MyStreamBlock(required=False)

    class Meta:
        icon = 'list-ul'
        label = 'My struct block'

class HomePage(Page):
    my_stream_field = StreamField([
            ('my_title_block', MyCharBlock()),
            ('my_text_block', MyRichTextBlock()),
            ('my_struct_block', MyStructBlock()),
        ], blank=True, verbose_name='My stream field')

    content_panels = [


Project details

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Source Distribution

wagtailuiplus-1.3.14.tar.gz (9.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

wagtailuiplus-1.3.14-py3-none-any.whl (8.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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