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Weibo Scraper

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Simple weibo tweet scraper . Crawl weibo tweets by containedId without authorization. There are many limitations in official API . In general , we can inspect mobile site which has it's own API by Chrome.


$ pip install weibo-scraper

Only Python 3.6+ is supported


  1. You can get weibo tweets by containerid .
>>> from weibo_scraper import  get_weibo_tweets
>>> for tweet in get_weibo_tweets(container_id='1076033637346297',pages=1):
>>>     print(tweet)
>>> ....
  1. You can also get weibo tweets by nick name which is exist . And the param of pages is optional .
>>> from weibo_scraper import  get_weibo_tweets_by_name
>>> for tweet in get_weibo_tweets_by_name(name='Helixcs', pages=1):
>>>     print(tweet)
>>> ....
  1. If you want to get all tweets , you can set the param of pages as None
>>> from weibo_scraper import  get_weibo_tweets_by_name
>>> for tweet in get_weibo_tweets_by_name(name='Helixcs', pages=None):
>>>     print(tweet)
>>> ....

So you can get result which are formatted and ordered by create time as below.

{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4241575901006618', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-20', 'id': '4241575901006618', 'idstr': '4241575901006618', 'mid': '4241575901006618', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '一个骚想法,可以利用travis来养爬虫<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[偷笑]"></span> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 40, 'source': '微博', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 1, 'bid': 'GhrzU4dRM'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4241386402186993', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-19', 'id': '4241386402186993', 'idstr': '4241386402186993', 'mid': '4241386402186993', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[吃瓜]"></span>', 'source': 'Weibo.intl', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': '05-19', 'id': '4241354860553929', 'idstr': '4241354860553929', 'mid': '4241354860553929', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '<a class=\'k\' href=\'\'>#程序员#</a>单步调试ing <a data-url="" href="" data-hide=""><span class="url-icon"><img src=""></span></i><span class="surl-text">程序员的那些事的秒拍视频</a> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 39, 'source': '秒拍网页版', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 2093492691, 'screen_name': '程序员的那些事', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 22503, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': 220, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': '关注程序员相关话题;吐槽、投稿、合作、招聘请私信联系', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 42, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 990653, 'follow_count': 371, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'follow_whitelist_video': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 46, 'comments_count': 15, 'attitudes_count': 60, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'weibo_position': 2, 'page_info': {'page_pic': {'url': ''}, 'page_url': '', 'page_title': '程序员的那些事的秒拍视频', 'content1': '程序员的那些事的秒拍视频', 'content2': '#程序员#单步调试ing', 'type': 'video', 'media_info': {'stream_url': ',video'}, 'object_id': '1034:6f9cdaf295d5dd827b749295f6d04f40'}, 'bid': 'GhlPo2k6l'}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 3, 'obj_ext': '1万次观看', 'topic_struct': [{'title': '', 'topic_url': 'sinaweibo://searchall?containerid=231522&q=%23%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F%E5%91%98%23', 'topic_title': '程序员', 'is_invalid': 0}], 'raw_text': '[吃瓜]', 'bid': 'GhmEg9aW5'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4241377967683238', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-19', 'id': '4241377967683238', 'idstr': '4241377967683238', 'mid': '4241377967683238', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[吃瓜]"></span>//<a href=\'谷大白话\'>@谷大白话</a>://<a href=\'重工组长于彦舒\'>@重工组长于彦舒</a>:……真是太惨了…………//<a href=\'御景零\'>@御景零</a>://<a href=\'河豚豚-\'>@-河豚豚-</a>: 顿时我都不难过了。。。这他妈太惨了', 'source': 'Weibo.intl', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'pid': 4241342886237509, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': '05-18', 'id': '4241154545078244', 'idstr': '4241154545078244', 'mid': '4241154545078244', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '多米诺骨牌爱好者的噩梦时刻。<a data-url="" href="" data-hide=""><span class="url-icon"><img src=""></span></i><span class="surl-text">阑夕的秒拍视频</a> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 47, 'source': '微博', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1560906700, 'screen_name': '阑夕', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 13998, 'verified': True, 'verified_type': 0, 'verified_type_ext': 1, 'verified_reason': '逐鹿网(创始人 微博签约自媒体', 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': '这个号好像又没有被禁言了。总之备用帐号是', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 12, 'urank': 48, 'mbrank': 7, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 797043, 'follow_count': 719, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'anniversary': 1, 'bind_taobao': 1, 'vip_activity2': 1, 'self_media': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'follow_whitelist_video': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1, 'wenchuan_10th': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 17976, 'comments_count': 1491, 'attitudes_count': 8115, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'cardid': 'star_140', 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'weibo_position': 2, 'page_info': {'page_pic': {'url': ''}, 'page_url': '', 'page_title': '阑夕的秒拍视频', 'content1': '阑夕的秒拍视频', 'content2': '多米诺骨牌爱好者的噩梦时刻 via@阑夕', 'type': 'video', 'media_info': {'stream_url': ',video'}, 'object_id': '2017607:6adf59d8bc630fe31011111012d56b44'}, 'bid': 'GhgCilj5a'}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 3, 'obj_ext': '505万次观看', 'raw_text': '[吃瓜]//@谷大白话://@重工组长于彦舒:……真是太惨了…………//@御景零://@-河豚豚-: 顿时我都不难过了。。。这他妈太惨了', 'bid': 'GhmqEweLc'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4241013532277076', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-18', 'id': '4241013532277076', 'idstr': '4241013532277076', 'mid': '4241013532277076', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '今年的法来管前几年的事儿,看来“法无禁止则自由”也得慎重了,说不定哪天就找你“秋后算账”了,还真是魔幻现实主义<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[吃瓜]"></span> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 116, 'source': 'Weibo.intl', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 1, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 1, 'bid': 'GhcWR9yn2'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4240080878993537', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-15', 'id': '4240080878993537', 'idstr': '4240080878993537', 'mid': '4240080878993537', 'can_edit': False, 'text': 'bat脚本也是蛮可爱的<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[吃瓜]"></span> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 25, 'source': 'Weibo.intl', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 1, 'bid': 'GgOGzBJD3'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4235944380946705', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '05-04', 'id': '4235944380946705', 'idstr': '4235944380946705', 'mid': '4235944380946705', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[喵喵]"></span>', 'source': '微博', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': '05-04', 'id': '4235943076174276', 'idstr': '4235943076174276', 'mid': '4235943076174276', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '这就叫做天道好轮回吧。 <a data-url="" href="" data-hide=""><span class="url-icon"><img src=""></span></i><span class="surl-text">电竞徐嘉诰的秒拍视频</a> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 42, 'source': 'OnePlus 5T', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 5851185687, 'screen_name': '电竞徐嘉诰', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 754, 'verified': True, 'verified_type': 0, 'verified_type_ext': 1, 'verified_reason': '知名游戏博主', 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': '上海交通大学电竞社社长', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 12, 'urank': 35, 'mbrank': 6, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 503801, 'follow_count': 315, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'follow_whitelist_video': 1, 'super_star_2017': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1, 'suishoupai_2018': 2, 'wenchuan_10th': 1, 'super_star_2018': 1}}, 'reposts_count': 26, 'comments_count': 40, 'attitudes_count': 56, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'cardid': 'star_021', 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'weibo_position': 2, 'page_info': {'page_pic': {'url': ''}, 'page_url': '', 'page_title': '电竞徐嘉诰的秒拍视频', 'content1': '电竞徐嘉诰的秒拍视频', 'content2': '这就叫做天道好轮回吧。', 'type': 'video', 'media_info': {'stream_url': ',video'}, 'object_id': '1034:aea03729fb9d29d56d39b061930abca5'}, 'bid': 'Gf52HpUd6'}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 3, 'obj_ext': '2万次观看', 'raw_text': '[喵喵]', 'bid': 'Gf54O3Yhr'}, 'show_type': 0}
{'card_type': 9, 'itemid': '1076031843242321_-_4234111034030736', 'scheme': '', 'mblog': {'created_at': '04-29', 'id': '4234111034030736', 'idstr': '4234111034030736', 'mid': '4234111034030736', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[吃瓜]"></span>', 'source': 'Weibo.intl', 'favorited': False, 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 1843242321, 'screen_name': 'Helixcs', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 2765, 'verified': False, 'verified_type': -1, 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': 'Thread', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 0, 'urank': 33, 'mbrank': 0, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 98, 'follow_count': 567, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'unread_pool': 1, 'unread_pool_ext': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1}}, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': '04-29', 'id': '4234104050556032', 'idstr': '4234104050556032', 'mid': '4234104050556032', 'can_edit': False, 'text': '小长假第一天,没人约没安排没心情没力气的你<span class="url-icon"><img src="//" style="width:1em;height:1em;" alt="[doge]"></span> \u200b\u200b\u200b', 'textLength': 48, 'source': '', 'favorited': False, 'thumbnail_pic': '', 'bmiddle_pic': '', 'original_pic': '', 'is_paid': False, 'mblog_vip_type': 0, 'user': {'id': 3229125510, 'screen_name': '小野妹子学吐槽', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_url': '', 'statuses_count': 17103, 'verified': True, 'verified_type': 0, 'verified_type_ext': 1, 'verified_reason': '微博知名博主', 'close_blue_v': False, 'description': '图文多转自日文推特,附以无责任吐槽。关注后易节操丧失、下限消亡、性向逆转、生理失调。', 'gender': 'm', 'mbtype': 12, 'urank': 48, 'mbrank': 7, 'follow_me': False, 'following': False, 'followers_count': 16510320, 'follow_count': 69, 'cover_image_phone': '', 'avatar_hd': '', 'like': False, 'like_me': False, 'badge': {'gongyi': 1, 'bind_taobao': 1, 'dailv': 1, 'zongyiji': 1, 'dzwbqlx_2016': 1, 'follow_whitelist_video': 1, 'super_star_2017': 1, 'lol_gm_2017': 1, 'user_name_certificate': 1, 'suishoupai_2018': 4, 'wenchuan_10th': 1}}, 'picStatus': '0:1', 'reposts_count': 468, 'comments_count': 482, 'attitudes_count': 3111, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'weibo_position': 2, 'bid': 'Gejcx2kEg', 'pics': [{'pid': 'c0788b86ly1fqtd8fwehaj20hm0d874x', 'url': '', 'size': 'orj360', 'geo': {'width': 359, 'height': 270, 'croped': False}, 'large': {'size': 'large', 'url': '', 'geo': {'width': '634', 'height': '476', 'croped': False}}}]}, 'reposts_count': 0, 'comments_count': 0, 'attitudes_count': 0, 'pending_approval_count': 0, 'isLongText': False, 'visible': {'type': 0, 'list_id': 0}, 'more_info_type': 0, 'content_auth': 0, 'edit_config': {'edited': False}, 'mblogtype': 0, 'weibo_position': 3, 'raw_text': '[吃瓜]', 'bid': 'GejnNgUzS'}, 'show_type': 0}



  1. Very Thanks For Twitter-Scraper

  2. Welcome to fork me .



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weibo_scraper-1.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10.2 kB view hashes)

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