wxPython plotting widgets using matplotlib
Project description
wxmplot provides advanced wxPython
_ widgets for plotting and image display
of numerical data based on matplotlib
. While matplotlib
excellent general purpose plotting functionality and supports many GUI and
non-GUI backends it does not have a very tight integration with any
particular GUI toolkit. With a large number of plotting components and
options, it is not easy for programmers to select plotting options for every
stuation and not easy for end users to manipulate matplotlib
_ plots.
Similarly, while wxPython
_ has some plotting functionality, it has nothing
as good or complete as matplotlib
_. The wxmplot package attempts to bridge
that gap. With the plotting and image display Panels and Frames from
wxmplot, programmers are able to provide plotting widgets that make it easy
for end users to customize plots and interact with their data.
WXMplot provides wx.Panels for basic 2D line plots and image display that are richly featured and provide end-users with interactivity (zooming, reading positions, rotating images) and customization (line types, labels, marker type, colors, and color tables) of the graphics without having to know matplotlib. wxmplot does not expose all of matplotlib's capabilities, but does provide 2D plotting and image display Panels and Frames that are easy to add to wxPython applications to handle many common plotting and image display needs.
The wxmplot package is aimed at programmers who want to include high quality scientific graphics in their applications that can be manipulated by the end-user. If you're a python programmer who is comfortable writing complex pyplot scripts or plotting interactively from IPython, this package may seem too limiting for your needs. On the other hand, wxmplot provides more and and better customizations than matplotlib's basic navigation toolbars.
The main widigets provided by wxmplot are:
PlotPanel: wx.Panel for basic 2-D line plots (roughly matplotlib `plot`)
PlotFrame: wx.Frame containing a PlotPanel
ImagePanel: wx.Panel for image display (roughly matplotlib `imshow`)
ImageFrame: wx.Frame containing ImagePanel
2D Line plotting with PlotPanel /PlotFrame
PlotPanel and PlotFrame give the end-user the ability to:
- display x, y coordinates (left-click)
- zoom in on a particular region of the plot (left-drag)
- customize titles, labels, legend, color, linestyle, marker, and whether a grid is shown. A separate configuration frame is used to set these attributes.
- save high-qualiy plot images (as PNGs), copy to system clipboard, or print.
For the programmer, these provide simple plotting methods:
plot(x,y): start a new plot, and plot data x,y
Some of the optional arguments (all keyword/values) include
color='Blue' for any X11 color name, (rgb) tuple, or '#RRGGBB'
style='solid' 'solid,'dashed','dotted','dot-dash'
linewidth=2 integer 0 (no line) to 10
marker='None' any of a wide range of marker symbols
markersize=8 integer 0 to 30
xlabel=' ' label for X axis
ylabel=' ' label for Y axis
title=' ' title for top of PlotFrame
grid=True boolean for whether to show grid.
oplot(x,y): plot data x,y, on same plot as current data
with optional arguments as plot()
clear(): clear plot
save_figure(): bring up file dialog for saving image of figure
Image Display with ImagePanel and ImageFrame
This displays a numpy array as an greyscale or false color image. The end user can zoom in, rotate, or flip the image, and adjust the smoothing of the image and adjust the color table and intensity scale.
Programmatically, one can make the same adjustments to an ImagePanel by changing its configuaration attributes and running the redraw() method.
last update: 2018-Oct-13 Matthew Newville newville@cars.uchicago.edu
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File details
Details for the file wxmplot-2025.1.1.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: wxmplot-2025.1.1.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 144.7 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e7a3e6ffe7cf29a260a494ae009322f84222235f95ab5273014bfb7503fadfa8 |
MD5 | bbb0fecf11d30d1fb2dfaaf1d05632ba |
BLAKE2b-256 | b638574e589fe68788a71680ebbe3d0e8e90deb0640d7df353db75e67117a76c |
File details
Details for the file wxmplot-2025.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: wxmplot-2025.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 101.4 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.12.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 696770e7166a8c026f39911de6b15aab56cc6cc4b7740c6a04befe4819dae502 |
MD5 | b31732b74986a0efc7a4484e2d63a4c1 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 5ff9e3b4828a2a2a1b8ae738c2915f82a211001c1fc7620b378f3d888fb11baa |