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Project description


Environment variables

  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_PORT=6789 - by default, the service will listen on port 6789.
  • ARCOR2_STREAMING_PERIOD=0.1 - controls the period of streaming a robot's EEF poses and joints.


  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_CACHE_TIMEOUT=1.0 - by default, ARServer checks for changes in scenes, projects or ObjectTypes max. once per second.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_CACHE_SCENES=32 - by default, ARServer keeps 32 last used scenes in its cache.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_CACHE_PROJECTS=64 - by default, ARServer keeps 64 last used projects in its cache.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_CACHE_OBJECT_TYPES=32 - by default, ARServer keeps 64 last used ObjectTypes in its cache.

Resources locking

  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_LOCK_TIMEOUT=300 - if a user do not log again within this timeout (in seconds), their locks are discarded.
    • Can be used to workaround 'Locking failed' issues - if set to some low value, it is sufficient to log out and after the locks got discarded, log in again.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_LOCK_RETRIES=13 - number of retries when trying to acquire the global lock.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_LOCK_RETRY_WAIT=0.15 - controls how long to wait between attempts to get the global lock.


  • ARCOR2_MAX_RPC_DURATION=0.1 - by default, a warning is emitted when any RPC call takes longer than 0.1 second.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_DEBUG=1 - switches logger to the DEBUG level.
  • ARCOR2_ARSERVER_ASYNCIO_DEBUG=1 - turns on asyncio debug output (helpful to debug problems related to concurrency).
  • ARCOR2_REST_DEBUG=1 - may be used to debug problems related to communication with the Project, Scene Build and Calibration services.


The format is based on Keep a Changelog,

[1.3.0] - 2024-09-12


  • Dependency on arcor2~=1.5.0.

[1.2.0] - 2024-04-11


  • Updated dependencies, switched to Python 3.11.
  • WriteLock RPC now does not return an error when a user tries to write-lock something already locked (by the same user).

[1.1.1] - 2024-01-23


  • InverseKinematics and ForwardKinematics RPCs were always returning Object not found error.

[1.1.0] - 2023-07-20


  • Compatibility with arcor2 1.1.0 (object pose must now be updated with obj.set_pose(pose)).

[1.0.0] - 2023-02-14


  • Dependency on arcor2 1.0.0.
  • Compatibility with the newest version of the Project service.
  • ARServer now also talks to Asset service (checks whether mesh/URDF exists).

[0.27.0] - 2022-12-12


  • Dependency on arcor2~=0.26.0.

[0.26.0] - 2022-10-28


  • Switched to Python 3.10, updated dependencies.

[0.25.0] - 2022-08-17


  • Adaptation to changes in API of the Build service.
  • Updated scene client (changed API).

[0.24.0] - 2022-04-25


  • New RPCs GetScene and GetProject.

[0.23.0] - 2022-01-25


  • Breaking change of WebSockets API (ActionStateBefore event).
  • Switched to Python 3.9, updated dependencies.

[0.22.1] - 2021-10-26


  • Added HTTP upload server for logs from AREditor
    • Logs are uploaded to /root/logs (could be changed using ARCOR2_AREDITOR_LOGS_FOLDER env variable)

[0.22.0] - 2021-10-25


  • When getting pose/joints from a robot fails, continue trying instead of giving up.
  • Handle KinematicsException to deliver a more precise error message.
  • Updating object models.
    • New RPC UpdateObjectModel.
    • Ability to lock individual ObjectTypes.
    • Various improvements regarding locking.
  • Proper handling of scene/project problems.
    • Any problem makes scene/project invalid, and then it can't be opened.
    • Scene/project problems are now checked when:
      • Scene/project is listed.
      • Opening a scene/project is requested.
    • Found problems are cached for better performance.
    • ObjectTypes are checked for changes during each listing of scenes/projects.
  • Deleting ObjectTypes reworked.
    • DeleteObjectType replaced with DeleteObjectTypes.
    • The new RPC takes list of ObjectType IDs.
    • Empty list means all ObjectTypes.
    • It returns list of id/error for types that could not be removed.
    • This is especially useful for usage with dry_run.
  • Updated environment variables, please see README.
  • Improved logging to debug 'Locking failed'.
  • Support for virtual collision objects.
    • AddVirtualCollisionObjectToScene RPC creates a new OT and adds its instance to a scene.
    • In the simplest case, each collision object will have its own ObjectType.
    • But it is also possible to add more instances as with other types.
    • When the last instance of VCO is removed, ARServer also removes the ObjectType automatically.
  • Ignoring hidden actions (a new flag in ActionMetadata).
  • New RPC ObjectTypeUsage returning scene ids where the ObjectType is used.
  • Support for debugging - relaying related RPCs to the Execution Service.
  • Better handling of exceptions in asyncio tasks.
    • More useful traceback is printed out.
    • In development mode, an unhandled exception leads to shutdown of a service.
    • In production mode, traceback is printed out and the service tries to continue.


  • Ban HT mode changes while moving.
  • Arguments for getting robot joints (only affected multi-arm robots).
  • Handle locking exceptions on scene start/stop.
  • Copying of action points.
    • Fixed locking within CopyActionPoint.
    • Fixed update of orientation IDs.
  • Added locking to Project client to make the cache caching properly.
  • modified was missing for disabled object.
    • This happened when it was not possible to get object's base.
  • Copy AP - update of orientation ID in actions.
  • Removed 'delayed' unlocking of resources which caused race conditions in some cases and made the crashes hard to debug.
  • HT mode for single arm robots was broken.

[0.21.0] - 2021-08-05


  • Locks are not automatically released when aiming is done or cancelled.
  • Linear movements are used by default for stepping and table alignment.
  • Joints stream (RobotJoints event) now contains also gripper joints when available (depends on the particular ObjectType).


  • Getting action results (the result was always False).
  • ctx_read_lock made some RPCs impossible to success.
  • Object parameters checking.
    • Values and types of object parameters were not checked at all.
    • For now, only basic types are supported.

[0.20.0] - 2021-07-29


  • Support for multi arm robots.
    • Dealing with arm_id parameter in RPCs.
    • Streaming EEF poses for all arms.
  • Allow to reposition scene objects while online.
    • It was allowed to reposition objects using robot,
    • ...but disallowed to do it manually.
    • This was inconsistent and unnecessarily restrictive.
    • Now objects (except robots) can be repositioned anytime.
  • When creating a new project, common parameters are added automatically.
    • At the moment those are scene_id and project_id.
    • A user could use or remove them.
  • Collisions are not removed after stopping the scene.
  • ObjectType change detection is now based on modified instead of comparing source codes.
  • ARServer Project service client now stores cached scenes/projects.
  • Object aiming reworked.
    • RPCs were renamed and all of them now have dry_run.
    • There is a new method to cancel the process.
    • One user can be aiming one object at the moment.
    • Both the object and the selected robot have to be write-locked.
    • Improved logging.
    • Test was added.
  • Server no longer downloads URDF packages.
    • ARCOR2_DATA_PATH environment variable is no longer used.
    • Clients will get URDFs through reverse proxy from Project service.
  • NewObjectType no longer assumes that mesh already exists.
    • A file associated to mesh must exist in advance.


  • All calls to the Scene service are guarded against exceptions.
  • Renaming of project parameters fixed.
    • It was possible to use already taken name.

[0.19.0] - 2021-06-22

  • Update to API version 0.15.0.

[0.18.0] - 2021-06-11


  • Updated to work with Project service 0.8.0.
  • Allow fast re-login after connection was broken.
  • Added locking to const-related RPCs.
  • Log calibration-related errors.


  • Handle invalid ObjectType settings annotation.

[0.17.0] - 2021-05-21


  • Return value of GetCameraPose RPC updated.
  • Objects initialization order.
    • Object initialization order can be set using class-level INIT_PRIORITY variable.
    • The higher priority, the sooner are objects of that type initialized.
    • Initialization happens in parallel (for objects of the same priority).
  • SetEefPerpendicularToWorld now calls IK in parallel.
    • This provides almost 100% speed-up even when the robot service proceeds requests one by one.
  • Added locking of internal resources.
    • Created a lock module that allows to read/write lock existing or special objects. The module contains:

      • lock object with all necessary methods;
      • structures for keeping data about locked objects;
      • locking-related exceptions;
      • queue and task for notifying UI about lock data;
      • methods for auto-unlocking after timeout when user logouts.
    • Base tests of locking structure.

    • RPCs for (un)locking object, registering user name.

    • Events for (un)locking object.

    • Created a class for maintaining connected UIs.

    • Project methods to get object by ID, object parent and object children.

    • All RPCs that requires some kind of locking are now lock-guarded.

    • Updated existing tests to work with newly implemented locking.

    • Global variables SCENE, PROJECT and INTERFACES moved to new classes.

  • Rewritten cache for the Project service.
    • The cache is now always on (provides a significant speed-up).
    • External updates to the Project service are recognized properly.
  • New RPC AddApUsingRobot.
  • Support for multiple inheritance.
    • ObjectTypes can now use mixins.
    • It should be used like class NewObjectType(MixinA, MixinB, Generic).
    • E.g. the last ancestor should be something derived from Generic.
  • SetEefPerpendicularToWorld faster as it calls IK in parallel.


  • SceneState event was not sent to a newly connected UIs.
  • Results of actions are now forgotten when going offline.
  • Fixed support for link parameter type.

[0.16.0] - 2021-04-20


  • Action can't use its own result as a parameter (link parameter type).


  • Dependency on arcor2 0.15.0 with updated REST client.
  • Action parameter value is now always JSON.
    • It used to be a string for link/constant special types.

[0.15.1] - 2021-04-19


  • Dependency on bugfix release of arcor2.

[0.15.0] - 2021-03-30


  • New RPC SetEefPerpendicularToWorld.
  • New RPC StepRobotEef.


  • CopyActionPoint RPC: update action parameters to use copied orientations.
  • Scene now goes offline before execution and to the original state after it.
  • Scene-related messages adapted to a new terminology.

[0.14.0] - 2021-03-15


  • Improved logging for debugging robot features.
  • Suffix is added to copied AP/action instead of prefix.


  • Names for orientations/joints were not checked as valid identifiers.
  • Action names were checked, but should not be.

[0.13.0] - 2021-03-03


  • API to copy action point (including orientations, joints, child APs).
  • Robot-related API (MoveToPose, MoveToJoints, MoveToActionPoint) updated in order to contain safe parameter.
  • API to enable/disable robot hand teaching mode.
  • Concrete and helpful error messages when a name entered by the user is refused.


  • Only BareActionPoint was sent on parent change.

[0.12.0] - 2021-02-08


  • Improved scene-related messages.
    • Error messages now contain the name of the object which caused the error.
  • New MarkersCorners RPC for getting markers corners.
  • Support for an parameter (explicit parameters).
  • Improved check of action signature and annotation.
  • New WS API for execution state reporting.
  • Support for project constants.
    • Only basic types are supported so far.


  • Better handling of missing collision model.
    • If server can't get collision model of the object, the object is disabled.
    • Previously, this situation caused crash of the server.
  • GetCameraPose callback fixed (used to be Calibration).

[0.11.0] - 2020-12-14


  • Improved support for logic branching.
    • So far, only boolean outputs are supported.
  • Improved handling of return values (uses the same function as the main script).
  • The internal database of ObjectTypes in updated each time before opening a scene or a project.
    • Changes are notified using ChangedObjectTypes event (one event for added objects, one for updated and another one for deleted ones).
  • Support for camera/robot calibration.
  • Initial support for cameras (getting images, camera parameters).

[0.10.1] - 2020-10-30


  • RPC for IK/FK.

[0.10.0] - 2020-10-22


  • Updated due to a breaking change in arcor2_execution_data.

[0.9.1] - 2020-10-19


  • ARCOR2 dependency updated


  • fixed check for existing override

[0.9.0] - 2020-10-16


  • WS API for updates of scene objects parameters and management of project-defined overrides.
  • Integration tests refactored into multiple modules that can run in parallel.
  • UpdateObjectPose and UpdateActionPointPosition now has dry_run.
  • Box/Cylinder/Sphere models now have some constraints on their dimensions.

[0.8.0] - 2020-09-24


  • The first release of the separated package.
  • RPC/Events refactored.
  • ARServer script now has --openapi argument and is able to generate OpenAPI models for RPCs and events.
  • Detection of loops in: AP hierarchy, logic.
  • Caching client for Project service.
  • Proper handling of object inheritance.
  • ObjectTypes are stored in temporary module on disk.
  • Integration tests.

Project details

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Source Distribution

arcor2_arserver-1.3.0.tar.gz (76.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

arcor2_arserver-1.3.0-py311-none-any.whl (81.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3.11

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