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Functions to preprocess and normalize text.

Project description

clean-text Build Status PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Downloads

User-generated content on the Web and in social media is often dirty. Preprocess your scraped data with clean-text to create a normalized text representation. For instance, turn this corrupted input:

A bunch of \\u2018new\\u2019 references, including [Moana](

»Yóù àré     rïght <3!«

into this clean output:

A bunch of 'new' references, including [moana](<URL>).

"you are right <3!"

clean-text uses ftfy, unidecode and numerous hand-crafted rules, i.e., RegEx.


To install the GPL-licensed package unidecode alongside:

pip install clean-text[gpl]

You may want to abstain from GPL:

pip install clean-text

NB: This package is named clean-text and not cleantext.

If unidecode is not available, clean-text will resort to Python's unicodedata.normalize for transliteration. Transliteration to closest ASCII symbols involes manually mappings, i.e., ê to e. unidecode's mapping is superiour but unicodedata's are sufficent. However, you may want to disable this feature altogether depending on your data and use case.

To make it clear: There are inconsistencies between processing text with or without unidecode.


from cleantext import clean

clean("some input",
    fix_unicode=True,               # fix various unicode errors
    to_ascii=True,                  # transliterate to closest ASCII representation
    lower=True,                     # lowercase text
    no_line_breaks=False,           # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them
    no_urls=False,                  # replace all URLs with a special token
    no_emails=False,                # replace all email addresses with a special token
    no_phone_numbers=False,         # replace all phone numbers with a special token
    no_numbers=False,               # replace all numbers with a special token
    no_digits=False,                # replace all digits with a special token
    no_currency_symbols=False,      # replace all currency symbols with a special token
    no_punct=False,                 # remove punctuations
    replace_with_punct="",          # instead of removing punctuations you may replace them
    lang="en"                       # set to 'de' for German special handling

Carefully choose the arguments that fit your task. The default parameters are listed above.

You may also only use specific functions for cleaning. For this, take a look at the source code.

Supported languages

So far, only English and German are fully supported. It should work for the majority of western languages. If you need some special handling for your language, feel free to contribute. 🙃

Using clean-text with scikit-learn

There is also scikit-learn compatible API to use in your pipelines. All of the parameters above work here as well.

pip install clean-text[gpl,sklearn]
pip install clean-text[sklearn]
from cleantext.sklearn import CleanTransformer

cleaner = CleanTransformer(no_punct=False, lower=False)

cleaner.transform(['Happily clean your text!', 'Another Input'])


Use poetry.


If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a new feature, have a look at the issues page.

Pull requests are especially welcomed when they fix bugs or improve the code quality.

If you don't like the output of clean-text, consider adding a test with your specific input and desired output.

Related Work

Generic text cleaning packages

Full-blown NLP libraries with some text cleaning

Remove or replace strings

Detect dates

Clean massive Common Crawl data


Built upon the work by Burton DeWilde for Textacy.



Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

clean-text-0.6.0.tar.gz (12.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

clean_text-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (11.6 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file clean-text-0.6.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: clean-text-0.6.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 12.4 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.1.12 CPython/3.10.1 Darwin/21.3.0

File hashes

Hashes for clean-text-0.6.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 8374b385fc2a26e06383f62aed076fa6be115e5832239e2a7fd8b344fa8d2ab2
MD5 ccb1616887d53bd91f2c691cbdafd641
BLAKE2b-256 c35c3151736165b123611351c103908f24841d88df0dfe455ece15b2657adeae

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file clean_text-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: clean_text-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 11.6 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.1.12 CPython/3.10.1 Darwin/21.3.0

File hashes

Hashes for clean_text-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 4fedb156042f192cdef9ed5324b281465f1116aba96791e9289384a2e6bec4da
MD5 8fbf64794fbbd924897501cfa738d6ea
BLAKE2b-256 347fc99da1cf5b69ed112b3f21029f2cbf37ee4dbffc4607fa0c5601f1991410

See more details on using hashes here.

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