Bindings for the CRABpy webservices and the Pyramid framework.
Project description
Bindings for the crabpy library and the pyramid framework
Building the docs
More information about this library can be found in docs. The docs can be built using Sphinx.
Please make sure you have installed Sphinx in the same environment where crabpy_pyramid is present.
# activate your virtual env
$ pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
$ python develop
$ cd docs
$ make html
2.1.1 (25-04-2024)
Land rendering fix voor laatste versie van pycountry (#216)
2.1.0 (24-04-2024)
HTTPNotFound niet altijd raisen bij lege list responses. (#196)
Query params ondersteunen bij zoeken in adressenregister (#195)
2.0.0 (13-12-2023)
Remove crab (#208)
1.8.0 (12-12-2023)
Support voor nieuwste pycountry versie (#204)
1.7.0 (24-11-2023)
Homoniemen toevoegen bij straten (#200)
1.6.0 (30-05-2023) vervangen door land.code (#191)
1.5.0 (23-05-2023)
Nice to haves (#184)
Support voor py3.10+ (#187)
1.4.0 (09-05-2023)
Adressenregister fixes (#179)
Verschil tss return HttpNotfound en raise HttpNotfound wegwerken (#178)
1.3.0 (05-05-2023)
Lijst gemeenten statisch maken (#173)
Exception handlig aanpassen (#175)
1.2.0 (13-04-2023)
Drop python < 3.8 support
Adressenregister implementeren (#165)
1.1.0 (30-03-2023)
Overschakelen naar nieuwe AGIV services (#164)
1.0.0 (13-04-2022)
Upgrade naar Pyramid 2.0 (#144)
0.12.0 (15-12-2021)
crabpy en crabpy_pyramid dependencies nakijken (#155)
0.11.0 (15-09-2021)
Drop python 2 support
crabpy updaten (#148)
0.10.0 (13-08-2021)
“naam” toevoegen aan straat renderer (#145)
0.9.0 (08-04-2021)
Drop suppport for Python 3.4 and 3.5. Supported versions are 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. This is the last version to support Python 2.
Updated to the latest pyCountry versions and adapted the API. (#119, #135)
Added the shape file of a perceel to the renderer. (#122)
Remove pyup integration (#133)
GetPostkantonByHuisnummerId ontsluiten (#138)
Sort parameter toevoegen aan alle requests (#140)
0.8.1 (06-06-2019)
Etag tween geeft soms errors (#102)
0.8.0 (11-01-2019)
Caching tween volledig herwerken (#97)
0.7.0 (2019-01-03)
Update crabpy to get new deelgemeente codes (#84, #92)
Include CAPAKEY by default (#46)
Allow passing custom crab wsdl (#75)
0.6.3 (2017-12-07)
Make compatbile with CRABpy 0.8.3
Make compatible with latest pyCountry. (#56)
0.6.2 (2017-08-29)
Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.2
0.6.1 (2017-04-20)
Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.1 and fix center and bounding box formats in responses (#47)
0.6.0 (2017-04-19)
Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.0 and use the CAPAKEY REST gateway (#40)
Blacklist for conditional tween (#41)
0.5.1 (2016-11-22)
Add niscode to CRAB gemeente renderer. (#39)
0.5.0 (2016-07-27)
Add HTTP caching headers. Both conditional GET with ETags and Cache-Control headers. Caching times are based on the ones passed to the gateways. (#37)
Empty proxy settings are filtered out before being passed to the gateways. (#38)
0.4.1 (2016-02-02)
Better error handling for capakey views. Generate HTTP 404 Not Found instead of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. (#36)
0.4.0 (2016-01-25)
Update dependencies. Update pycountry to version 1.19.
Add explicit support for python 3.5.
Add deelgemeenten. (#33)
Added postadressen in a few places.
Added a list of huisnummers to a CRAB perceel.
0.3.0 (2015-06-01)
Add Adresposities. Add endpoints that exposes the Adresposities linked to a certain Huisnummer or Subadres. (#26) [TalissaJoly]
Add Landen (countries). Add endpoints to get a list of Landen or more information about a single Land. (#30, #31) [TalissaJoly]
Return HTTP 404 errors for certain unexisting resources. (#25) [TalissaJoly]
Limit the number of results that can be returned in a list. There was some partial handling for this, but only when the user did not send any range headers. This behavious was deemed potentially hazardous and changed. Now, only a maximum of 5.000 records will be returned and range slicing works correctly. (#16) [TalissaJoly]
0.2.0 (2015-03-03)
Implement two service endpoints dealing with Subadressen (think of boxes in an appartment building). (#18) [TalissaJoly]
Implement a service endpoint for listing the Postkantons (ie. Postcode) in a certain gemeente. (#23) [TalissaJoly]
Cleanedthe code a bit by removing unneeded bits and pieces. (#17) (#19) [TalissaJoly]
0.1.1 (2014-09-18)
Minor release adding and cleaning up lots of service documentation. (#14)
Fixes a small bug when no capakey username or password was set and the capakey service was included.
0.1.0 (2014-09-05)
First stable release, matches with CRABpy 0.4.1
Exposes CRAB and CAPAKEY gateways.
CRAB Gateway also exposes some Provincie objects. (#13)
CRAB and CAPAKEy can be configured independently. (#11)
0.1.0a2 (2014-04-30)
Still alpha.
Coveralls support.
Proxy settings in ini file. (#5)
Range headers. (#9)
0.1.0a1 (2014-03-19)
Initial version
Project details
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Hashes for crabpy_pyramid-2.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 2e1d2d5aa3a5ecb9df9e8af90ab741a0645314ee1fec5254096d2caa85775b25 |
MD5 | d3ae840e55c17867dca181f721593f63 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 548abfc2f97e4e9aa412b92064455b1ed18b359840367ca245ac6d38a2cf6c17 |