Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System
Project description
The most advanced open source document management system.
It is very easy to get started with Mayan EDMS, just deploy the official Docker Compose file.
curl -O curl -O docker compose up --detach
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For more in-depth articles, tutorials, and troubleshooting available in the Knowledge Base.
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Important links
4.9.1 (2025-01-22)
Fix workflow migration 0037 for the edge case where there are existing workflows without an initial state and without an initial transition. Version 4.9 does not allow workflow instances without an initial state being specified therefore these existing workflow instances are invalid. The migration will now detect and delete these invalid workflow instances. The migration will emit an error log in the console for each invalid instance with the corresponding workflow template label, workflow template ID, and document ID so users can fix and relaunch the invalid workflow templates.
Fix migration test case WorkflowTemplateTransitionTriggerMigrationTestCase asserting True values instead of value equality.
Update the target used to build the documentation.
Fix documentation file references.
Update Django from version 4.2.17 to 4.2.18 due to CVE-2024-56374.
Add missing includes to add the removals, deprecations and backward incompatible sections.
4.9 (2025-01-20)
Fix management command settings_show internal interface usage.
Update Python dependency versions:
amqp from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1
bleach from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0
boto3 from 1.34.122 to 1.35.85
coverage rom 7.5.4 to 7.6.9
Django from 4.2.16 to 4.2.17
django-auth-ldap from 4.8.0 to 5.1.0
django-celery-beat from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0
django-cors-headers from 4.4.0 to 4.6.0
django-debug-toolbar from 4.4.5 to 4.4.6
django-model-utils from 4.5.1 to 5.0.0
django-silk from 5.2.0 to 5.3.2
django-solo from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
drf-yasg from 1.21.7 to 1.21.8
extract-msg from 0.48.7 to 0.52.0
gevent 24.2.1 to 24.11.1
google-cloud-storage from 2.17.0 to 2.19.0
greenlet from 3.0.3 to 3.1.1
importlib-metadata from 8.0.0 to 8.5.0
ipython from 8.26.0 to 8.31.0
ollama from 0.2.1 to 0.4.4
packaging from 24.1 to 24.2
Pillow from 10.4.0 to 11.0.0
PIP from 24.2 to 24.3.1
pycryptodome from 3.20.0 to 3.21.0
pypdf from 4.2.0 to 5.1.0
qrcode from 7.4.2 to 8.0
redis from 5.0.7 to 5.2.1
Sphinx from 7.3.7 to 8.1.3.
safety from 3.2.4 to 3.2.13
sentry-sdk from 2.15.0 to 2.19.2
setuptools from 70.3.0 to 75.6.0
sh from 2.0.7 to 2.1.0
sphinx_rtd_theme from 2.0.0 to 3.0.2
sphinxcontrib-spelling from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1
twine from 5.1.1 to 6.0.1
wheel from 0.44.0 to 0.45.1
whitenoise from 6.7.0 to 6.8.2
Update Docker image tags:
Debian from 12.7-slim to 12.8-slim
Docker in Docker from docker:27.0.3-dind-alpine3.20 to docker:27.4.1-dind-alpine3.21
ElasticSearch from 7.17.24 to 7.17.26
PostgreSQL from 14.13-alpine3.20 to 14.15-alpine3.21
RabbitMQ from 3.13.7-management-alpine to 4.0.5-management-alpine
Redis from 7.2.5-alpine3.20 to 7.4.1-alpine3.20
Traefik from v2.5.7 to v2.11.16
Rebalance the Celery workers maximum tasks per child.
Remove the MIME type detection backend based on Python Magic.
Support passing a custom consumer timeout value to RabbitMQ via the new environment variable MAYAN_RABBITMQ_CONSUMER_TIMEOUT, which defaults to 1800000 milliseconds or 30 minutes.
Support passing custom server Erlang arguments to RabbitMQ via the new environment variable MAYAN_RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS. which defaults to settings the consumer timeout via MAYAN_RABBITMQ_CONSUMER_TIMEOUT.
Rename the makefile targets:
generate-setup to python-setup-generate
increase-version to version-increase
generate-requirements to requirements-generate
Split templating app template tag into separate modules.
Add the json_load templating filter.
Add a Docker Compose service to mount a cabinet.
Support disabling the search app.
Filter the document, document file, and document version pages by the user’s corresponding view permissions.
Split the cabinet app views module.
Adjust document version list permission requirement. The permission grant can now be more granular.
Remove the example insecure Traefik dashboard password.
Adjust document file list permission requirement. The permission grant can now be more granular.
Move the is_url_query_positive utility from the search to the views app.
Update FAQ document.
Formalize the pattern used to get all the request GET and POST data.
Add support for remembering the use choice to ignore confirmation dialogs. Applies to action confirmations, single object deletion, multi object deletion.
Split the user management app test and test mixin modules.
Rename all instances of the prefix self.TestModel to self._TestModel to prevent possible collisions with other test scaffolding objects and for uniformity with other test objects being made semi private a similar way.
Move the document file parsing event commit outside of the document file parsing cleanup transaction loop.
Add a flag to workflow template states to identify them as the final state of the workflow. The final state identified in the state list of the workflow template as well as marked with a darker color in the preview.
Split the workflow template state action test module.
Change the behavior of the workflow instance creation. It is no longer possible to launch workflows that do not have one state set as initial.
Log an error when attempting to launch a workflow without an initial state.
Fix context of the workflow launch view when only one document is selected.
Remove the logic to calculate the current state of a workflow instance. Instead store the state as part of the workflow instance.
Add model property workflow.< workflow internal name >.state_active. This deprecated workflow.< workflow internal name >.get_current_state.
Make the document workflow instance active state column sortable.
Make the document workflow instance completion column sortable.
Add support to ignore completed workflows. Documents in these workflows will not show up in the workflow main menu. They are also excluded from escalation checking and transition trigger processing.
Add the ignore_completed column to workflow templates.
Add the auto_launch column to workflow templates.
Move workflow model business logic code to the models mixins module.
Move transition trigger code from the handler to the manager module.
Optimize the valid transition calculation by converting it into a Django query filter and using the exists() method.
Events app updates:
Ensure event namespaces are unique.
Reuse event namespaces instances.
Preload the stored event type cache.
Explicitly cleanup test only event types.
Support deleting event types and event type namespaces.
Ensure even types are unique per event type namespace.
Support deregistering model event types.
Improve test mixin class inheritance. Reduces imports and test scaffolding.
Tag event tests at the mixin level.
Remove event type refreshes in views.
Document indexing app updates:
Split test mixins.
Improve test mixin class inheritance. Reduces imports and test scaffolding.
Tag event tests at the mixin level.
Reorganize base test case mixins. Ensure ID randomizer has higher priority followed by the event test mixin.
Tag workflow tests at the mixin level.
Tag metadata tests at the mixin level.
Rename links and icons to follow the great to lesser nomenclature.
Ensure random.seed is called only once per test suit execution.
Add support to disable search model fields. This is controlled via the new setting named SEARCH_MODEL_FIELD_DISABLE.
Add support for ignoring setting formatting errors. This will allow the system to start even when there are settings with badly formatted values. This does no apply to bootstrap settings which are low level do need to be correct in order for the system to start. Add the setting SETTINGS_IGNORE_ERRORS which defaults to True.
Add column to show if a setting had errors during loading and reverted to the default.
Update FontAwesome from version 6.5.2 to 6.7.1.
Log errors during document page preview generation.
Change how the navigation classes detected querysets. This allows the navigation code to work with objects that have a .model attribute.
Add search model and search field information view to the tools menu.
Add the description, search field class label, model field class label to the search field API serializer.
Move the SilenceLoggerTestCaseMixin mixin to the logging app.
Rename mixin SilenceLoggerTestCaseMixin to TestCaseMixinSilenceLogger.
Move the ClientMethodsTestCaseMixin, DownloadTestCaseMixin, TestServerTestCaseMixin, TestViewTestCaseMixin mixins to the views app.
Move the ConnectionsCheckTestCaseMixin, ModelTestCaseMixin, TestModelTestCaseMixin, RandomPrimaryKeyModelMonkeyPatchMixin to the databases app.
Move the DescriptorLeakCheckTestCaseMixin, OpenFileCheckTestCaseMixin, TempfileCheckTestCasekMixin to the storage app.
Move the psutil dependency to the storage app.
Add help texts to the document comment model.
Improve columns of the user view modes by replacing the app config representation with the app config verbose name.
Remove overridden user model meta ordering value.
Add help texts to the user first name and last name fields.
Ensure the select2 fields also apply the markup template to the selection as well as the result.
Move nested field label and help text extraction from the navigation app to the databases app and make it general purpose. Add label_for_field_recursive and help_text_for_field_recursive utility functions.
Fix workflow model completion model property typo.
Make document comment fields available for linking.
Improve .select2-templating entry template to not assume all entries have descriptions.
Smart link updates:
Add field sets to the conditions form.
Use select2-templating widget class for the foreign document data field.
Use select class for the inclusion and operator fields.
Make source metadata available for linking.
Add help texts to the workflow instance fields: workflow, document, state active.
Move the GitLab CI platform template into its own app named platform_gitlab.
Reduce the SSH connections used by the GitLab CI deploy stage.
Improve the method to pass custom arguments to Tesseract OCR.
Unify the label of empty dropdown options.
Add support for event pruning via backends. Four backends are added: EventLogPruneBackendLatest, EventLogPruneBackendLatestPerObject, EventLogPruneBackendLatestPerObjectEventType, EventLogPruneBackendOlderThanDays. Adds settings EVENTS_PRUNE_BACKEND, EVENTS_PRUNE_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS and EVENTS_PRUNE_TASK_INTERVAL which defaults to 30 days.
Setting updates:
Update the Setting and SettingNamespace classes to be singletons. Calling the creation of a new setting in a namespace or a namespace in a cluster with a duplicated identifier will no longer raise and error, instead the previously created instance will be returned.
Split the setting classes into separate modules.
Support setting the supervisor autorestart flag via the environment. Add the environment variable MAYAN_SUPERVISOR_AUTORESTART. Defaults to true for the Supervisod template, defaults to false for the Docker Supervisord template.
Add a PDF file metadata driver using PyPDF.
Support opening PDF as archives.
Add help text to workflow state actions informing that they will be execute in alphabetical order.
Override Django’s makemigrations command to support ignoring third party apps.
Add task type information view.
Add math template filters math_add, math_absolute, math_divide, math_exponentiate, math_floor_divide, math_modulo, math_multiply, math_square_root, math_substract. This change deprecates the math filters provided by the django-mathfilters libray which will be removed in the next minor version.
Update the version check code to use the new version of the PyPI API.
Add new documentation app and move the Sphinx dependencies to it.
Persist success icon when a file upload finishes.
Remove dropzone hard coded icons.
Tweak icon spacing.
Use font awesome fixed width icons style.
Move all icon related code and assets to a new icons app.
Remove hardcoded CD/CI and Docker package names.
Generalize the document sandbox to work with other models.
Enable template sandbox for document files and document versions.
Add template sandbox API view.
Add model property information tool view.
Use the best possible model label when composing the search form fieldset labels.
Make the intervals of tasks task_document_type_document_stubs_delete, task_document_type_document_trash_periods_check, task_document_type_trashed_document_delete_periods_check configurable via the new settings DOCUMENTS_TRASH_PERIOD_CHECK_TASK_INTERVAL, DOCUMENTS_STUBS_DELETE_TASK_INTERVAL, DOCUMENTS_TRASHED_DOCUMENT_DELETE_PERIODS_CHECK_TASK_INTERVAL.
Increase the document trash, trashed document deletion, and document stub pruning tasks default intervals to 30 minutes.
Support height change persistence for the template string, preview and result fields.
Add error logging to the file metadata drivers.
Support jump to any user specified page. Add setting APPEARANCE_PAGINATION_INPUT_ENABLE.
Add the range template tag.
Add settings to configure the elided pager. Add settings APPEARANCE_ELIDED_PAGER_ON_EACH_SIDE and APPEARANCE_ELIDED_PAGER_ON_ENDS.
Support separate GitLab CI registry push and deploy credentials.
Reduce the demo stage SSH connections.
Reduce the demo stage downtime.
Fix flatten_map not using the separator argument.
Add the dictionary_flatten template filter.
Add the object_flatten template filter.
Add a reset button to height change persistence elements.
Add a button to copy template code to the clipboard.
Cache the AJAX content element selector.
Centralize the AJAX content update logic.
Rename the AJAX content events for clarity.
Cover the height reset and copy button HTML into a JavaScript template.
Trigger the AJAX content updated event only when the content is ready for manipulation.
Convert .select2-templating elements only once per load.
Optimize the MayanApp JavaScript class.
Update ObjectLinkWidget to work with objects other than models.
Improve the worker, queue, and task type list views to include more information, memory size formatting, view inter-linking.
Support searching document by language.
Add template filter dictionary_get. This deprecates the existing filter dict_get. Both operate exactly the same differing only by name.
Add sharded directory filesystem storage backend.
Rebalance Celery tasks per child values.
JavaScript app updates:
Replace $.each with for…of.
Initialize AJAX menus asynchronously.
Rename usage of self to app for consistency.
Remove unused formBeforeSerializeCallbacks.
Remove hardcoded id_list from views and JavaScript.
Compose the URL query string using the URI API.
Replace string concatenation with template literals.
Rename ViewMixinOwnerPlusFilteredQueryset.optional_object_permission to object_optional_permission for consistency.
Build documentation features part dynamically from apps.
Fix inter document documentation references.
Update .gitignore to not include final app documentations builds.
Add tag version of date_parse to allow passing arguments. This deprecates the filter version and will be removed in a future minor version.
Add filter date_parse_iso to parse ISO 8601 dates.
Prefix the templating app tags and filter functions to avoid name or reserved word clashes.
Cap the default concurrency of the Celery workers.
4.8.3 (2024-10-04)
Fix multi part email source metadata inheritance. Ensure all parts of a multipart email inherit the source metadata of the previous levels.
Update Docker images tags:
Debian from debian:12.6-slim to debian:12.7-slim
elasticsearch from 7.17.22 to 7.17.24
PostgreSQL from 14.12-alpine3.20 to 14.13-alpine3.20
KeyCloak PostgreSQL from 13.14-alpine to 13.15-alpine
RabbitMQ from 3.13.4-management-alpine to 3.13.7-management-alpine
Update Python dependencies:
django from 4.2.13 to 4.2.16 due to CVE-2024-41991, CVE-2024-41990, CVE-2024-42005, CVE-2024-39330, CVE-2024-39329, CVE-2024-39614, CVE-2024-38875
django-silk from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0
gunicorn from 22.0.0 to 23.0.0 due to PVE-2024-72809.
elasticsearch from 7.17.9 to 7.17.12
jsonschema from 4.22.0 to 4.23.0
sentry-sdk from 2.8.0 to 2.15.0
PyYAML from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
pip from 24.1.2 to 24.2
python_gnupg from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3
pytz from 2024.1 to 2024.2
psycopg from 3.2.1 to 3.2.3
swagger-spec-validator from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
wheel from 0.43.0 to 0.44.0
4.8.2 (2024-07-14)
Update translation files.
Exclude PostgreSQL exception ProgrammingError when initializing file metadata drivers during the database migration.
4.8.1 (2024-07-14)
Add the enabled_default field to the file metadata driver API serializer.
Fix a file metadata issue preventing upgrades from series 4.7 to 4.8.
4.8 (2024-07-12)
Update dependency versions:
boto3 from 1.33.7 to 1.34.122
celery from 5.3.6 to 5.4.0
coverage from 6.5.0 to 7.5.4
coveralls from 3.3.1 to 4.0.1
django from 4.2.11 to 4.2.14
django-auth-ldap from 4.6.0 to 4.8.0
django-cors-headers from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0
django-debug-toolbar from 4.3.0 to 4.4.5
django-model-utils from 4.4.0 to 4.5.1
django-solo from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
django-storages from 1.14.2 to 1.14.4
django-test-migrations from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
djangorestframework from 3.14.0 to 3.15.2
extract-msg from 0.48.5 to 0.48.7
google-cloud-storage from 2.15.0 to 2.17.0
gunicorn from 21.2.0 to 22.0.0
importlib-metadata from 7.0.2 to 8.0.0
ipython from 8.22.2 to 8.26.0
jsonschema from 4.21.1 to 4.22.0
mozilla-django-oidc from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1
packaging from 21.3 to 24.1
Pillow from 10.3.0 to 10.4.0
pip from 24.0 to 24.1.2
psutil from 5.9.8 to 6.0.0
psycopg from 3.1.14 to 3.2.1
pypdf from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
redis from 5.0.3 to 5.0.7.
safety from 3.1.0 to 3.2.4
sentry-sdk from 1.41.0 to 2.8.0
setuptools from 69.5.1 to 70.3.0
twine from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1
wheel from 0.42.0 to 0.43.0
whitenoise from 6.6.0 to 6.7.0
Docker image tags:
Debian from 12.5-slim to 12.6-slim.
ElasticSearch from 7.17.20 to 7.17.22.
Update GitLab CI Docker in Docker image from 23.0.6-dind to 27.0.3-dind-alpine3.20 due to bugs and
PostgreSQL from 14.12-alpine to 14.12-alpine3.20
RabbitMQ from 3.12.14-management-alpine to 3.13.4-management-alpine.
Redis from 7.0.15-alpine to 7.2.5-alpine3.20.
Rename menu_about to menu_system to reflect it true purpose.
Update the system menu icon.
Remove hardcoded dropdown markup in partials/list/toolbar.html. Instead use the general purpose template actions_dropdown.html.
Split menu link resolution into two stages. Add caching to the class results of the navigation object inspection.
Remove AJAX navigation exclusion for the .btn-multi-item-action class and shift the responsibility of interaction from HTML/CSS to JavaScript.
Remove devpi-server and related make file targets.
Remove Docker Compose version tag.
Remove vagrant files and make file targets.
Update Copyright year from 2011 to 2024.
Split URL pattern definitions.
Support deleting notifications.
Reorganize events app modules.
Split form related code and moved it to its own app. All imports from django.forms are updated to explicit imports from mayan.apps.forms modules. New form modules are: form_fields, formsets, form_widgets, forms. Breaking change: the setting VIEWS_SHOW_DROPZONE_SUBMIT_BUTTON is now named FORMS_SHOW_DROPZONE_SUBMIT_BUTTON.
Breaking change for app. Split the navigation.classes module into navigation.links, navigation.menus, navigation.source_columns.
Fix model proxy menu exclusion.
Update the document type file metadata and OCR link labels for clarity.
Rename development setup targets. Change the prefix setup-dev to dev-setup. Update the OS target to include the OS name ubuntu.
Fix file caching app class name from FileCachingConfig to FileCachingAppConfig.
Add new app named “App manager” that displays the list of the discovered and active Mayan EDMS apps in an installation.
Increase the Celery workers maximum memory per child from 400MB to 500MB.
Decrease the Celery workers maximum tasks per child from 1000 to 500.
Humanize the document file size column.
Breaking change: Remove Debian Chinese and Korean font packages from the default Docker image. Removed package names: fonts-arphic-uming, fonts-arphic-ukai, fonts-unfonts-core.
Document template helper updates: Fixed the latest file help. Added a helper that returns the active version.
Templating updates:
Add template preview with syntax highlight.
Change the font family of the template to be monospaced.
Synchronize the scrolling of the template edit and preview fields.
Ensure the overscroll of the edit and preview fields does not affect the parent element.
Restrict the scrolling of the edit, preview, and result fields to vertical only.
Add the setting TEMPLATING_WIDGET_HIGHLIGHT_THEME to change the highlight style theme.
Return errors in the result fields instead of a view message.
Remove KeyCloak from the Docker Compose file.
Support enabling or disabling file metadata driver per document type.
Pass the value to SourceColumnWidget subclasses during initialization instead of during rendering.
Split Bootstrap specific markup and style into the appearance_bootstrap app.
Split document indexing serializers into separate modules.
Update the message delete view to use the MultipleObjectDeleteView instead of MultipleObjectConfirmActionView.
Tweak FontAwesome icon spacing and composition styling.
Improve the logic to show or hide the filter clear icon.
The filter clear icon is now shown if a filter has a value after a refresh or full page load.
Added persistent view mode setting. This features stores the user selected view mode for a specific view.
Add view to show the detail of each user view modes.
Show more information when a source column attribute can’t be resolved.
Remove the specialized and custom animated list toolbar checkbox and instead use a styled standard HTML checkbox.
Remove the icons class fontawesome-dual-classes. Replaced the two last uses with fontawesome-dual.
Move inline styles.
Rename icon class fontawesomecss to fontawesome-css.
Remove icons class fontawesome-stack.
Add file metadata Ollama app. This app is able to interface with Ollama models and share via messages any type of document information.
Rename the internal name of the file metadata events for correctness. Renamed from document_version_submit to document_file_submitted, document_version_finish to document_file_finished. Renamed using migration 0018. There is no user impact.
Add support for file metadata driver migrations.
Split the file metadata EXIF driver to its own app named mayan.apps.file_metadata_exif.apps.FileMetadataEXIFApp.
Split the file metadata extract MSG driver to its own app named mayan.apps.file_metadata_msg.apps.FileMetadataMSGApp.
Split the Docker templates into their own call named mayan.apps.platform_docker.
Add to_base64 template filter. Also accepts an optional altchars argument.
Support configurable Docker Compose RabbitMQ port, Redis host, Redis port.
Remove document count column of document types. This information is already available via the chart “Total documents per document type” and does not impact the database as much as the removed column.
Remove templating field help text link to upstream Django template documentation. Closes GitLab issue #1172. Thanks to Daniel Stolpe (@d.stolpe) for the report.
Add select2 support and a custom select2 HTML template to the templating field’s model attributes and filter/tags dropdowns.
Add file metadata API views. Add API view to display registered file metadata drivers, document type configuration, document file driver list, document file metadata entries, submit document files for processing.
Support link hover title.
Support menus without text.
Remove text from the user and system menus.
Add hover title for the reload button, system menu, user menu, and messages link.
Improve SourceColumn resolution of kwargs. Keyword arguments can now access the template context reducing the need for lambdas.
Add per file metadata option to enable the driver for new document types.
Breaking change. Update the permission required to view the list of detected file metadata drivers from “view file metadata” to “view settings”. This change is required as the driver list view now may contain low level credentials.
Make file metadata view columns sortable.
Add a column to the document file metadata list showing the full path to an entry including the driver’s internal name.
Pass the workflow instance log entry to the workflow instance states. This is to allow states to have access to the log entry that triggered the workflow transition regardless of the current state or transition. The workflow state action context is now composed of the keys: workflow_instance, workflow_instance_context, action, and log_entry.
4.7.1 (2024-06-04)
Merge changes and fixes from version 4.6.5.
Update PostgreSQL Docker image from tag 14.11-alpine to 14.12-alpine.
Improve the titles of the settings revert view.
Update dependency versions:
wheel from 0.42.0 to 0.43.0.
mozilla-django-oidc from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1.
importlib-metadata from 7.0.2 to 7.1.0.
requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0.
pypdf from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0.
gunicorn from 21.2.0 to 22.0.0.
sentry-sdk from 1.41.0 to 1.45.0.
django-storages from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3.
google-cloud-storage from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0.
4.7 (2024-05-07)
Remove local version from the platform cache identifiers.
Add credentials backend for Google Service accounts.
Enforce stricter document creation event committing order.
Move the _save method to the document.model_mixins module.
Commit the credentials used event only when credentials are retrieved via the get_credential method, not when they are loaded from the database by the backend.
Track credential usage by objects. Added to sources, workflow actions and mailing profiles.
Commit the workflow instance transitioned event before the workflow template state action execute.
Workflow template state action test mixin improvements.
Rename ._test_workflow_template_states to ._test_workflow_template_state_list for uniformity.
Improve how test workflow template state actions are created and managed.
Improvements to the WorkflowInstanceTestMixin class to track test workflow instances.
Add event checking to workflow template state action tests in multiple apps.
Add support for download backends. Include the normal HTTP with direct storage backend and the Google Cloud Storage signed URLs backend. Update the document downloads app to support download backends for quick downloads of document files.
Moved mailing actions from the class module to their own mailing_actions module.
Remove flanker from the source_emails apps. Use pure Python libraries to parse emails.
Update dependency versions:
mozilla-django-oidc from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0.
django-model-utils from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0.
importlib-metadata from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2.
twine from 4.0.2 to 5.0.0.
devpi-server from 6.5.0 to 6.10.0.
django-debug-toolbar from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0.
ipython from 8.21.0 to 8.22.2.
pypdf from 3.17.4 to 4.1.0.
python_gnupg from 0.4.9 to 0.5.2.
python-dateutil from 2.8.2 to 2.9.0.post0.
sentry-sdk from 1.40.6 to 1.41.0.
extract-msg from 0.48.0 to 0.48.2.
django-celery-beat from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.
gevent from 23.9.1 to 24.2.1.
Remove live documentation auto build.
Remove tornado and sphinx-autobuild libraries.
Remove the development dependencies:
Remove the tox testing dependency.
Refactor workflow preview diagram generator.
Fix MSG file uncompressed uploads.
Add support for decompressing EML files.
Disable automated menu refresh on development mode.
Add support for EML file metadata extraction.
Improve how the test views are managed.
Refactor the API field ordering feature
Support automatic nested field ordering.
Add testing for field ordering.
Support settings the document language for periodic sources. Thanks to forum user @jeverling for the request.
Staging sources now have a default preview value of 640 pixels.
Improve the help text of the staging source preview fields.
Allow the JavaScriptCatalogPublic sub class to bypass authentication and avoid JavaScript errors for non authenticated users.
Add thousand separator to list header number details.
Split workflow template fields and workflow template triggers into their own modules.
Support workflow template field lookups. Specifying a list of options automatically changes the widget of the field to a select.
Workflow query optimizations.
Sort workflow transition fields by their label.
Split metadata models.
Split Python targets into their own makefile.
Make gevent the default worker for gunicorn.
Remove --without-gossip --without-heartbeat from the all-in-one deployment workers.
Remove tests from Python and Docker images. Python source package size reduced from 5.4MB to 4.2MB, 22% less. Wheel package size reduced from 8.3MB to 6.9MB, 16% less.
Add notification detail API view.
Unify condition field model mixin and helper methods.
Remove URI.js. Instead use the JavaScript native URL class.
Remove jQuery Lazy Load libary jquery-lazyload.
Remove jquery-scrollstop.
Stricter UI throttling defaults. From 10 requests in 5 seconds to 5 requests in 4 seconds.
Keep content when user cancels a pending request and the backend is still processing the previous one. Change icon to the progress state.
Support setting user locale default language and default timezone.
When loading a lazy load image, try to obtain the reason for the failure.
Sources updates:
Place the sources app storage cache under the control of the file caching app. This allows monitoring cache usage, purging the cache, and doing automatic pruning when space runs out. Add the setting SOURCES_CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE which defaults to 100MB.
Improve how staging storage files are retrieved and cached. Indicate preview errors with a dedicated AppImageErrorImage instance.
Support sorting documents by creation date in all view.
Add AppImageErrorImage indicator for when a document file has no pages.
Add support for error logging domains.
Track document file page count calculation errors. Page count detection errors are tracked in the document file error log as reported by the converter.
Add list toolbar widget to control the sorting.
Fix display of build number.
Remove Django Rosetta from dependencies.
Remove the testing app from the production build.
Restore the root logging handlers after every test.
Update image converter to load damaged and truncated images. Adds the setting CONVERTER_LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES which defaults to False for backwards compatibility.
Image converter updates:
Support catching AppImageError exceptions and returning the error template.
Add the context argument to the AppImageErrorImage class to allow passing context to the template such as error details.
Add a general purpose AppImageErrorImage to the converter for most image errors.
Docker Compose file updates:
Support configurable PostgreSQL max_connections.
Default PostgreSQL max_connections to 150.
Add PostgreSQL configurable initdb.d volume.
Add MAYAN_DATABASE_EXTRA_OPTIONS to allow adding any custom extra options to the database connection configuration.
Update the default PostgreSQL Docker image from 13.14-alpine to 14.11-alpine.
Add health check to the PostgreSQL service.
Add service to backup PostgreSQL.
Convert the MetadataLookup class into a general purpose template context registry. Add support for always available entries.
Add templating support to the sources inclusion and exclusion regular expression fields.
Improve how detail form field labels are extracted.
Add the cache source column for the defined storage name.
Improve the file caching cache detail form. Add fieldsets to the form.
Add management command to purge a cache. The command name is file_caching_purge_cache and requires the cache’s storage name.
Add workflow API views that return the documents attached to a workflow and the documents at a particular workflow state.
Consolidate the workflow state action code into a subset of the Workflow State model.
Store workflow state action errors into the error log of the document.
Update the convert workflow action to add transformations to support templating for the argument of the transformation.
Add a QRCode document version decoration transformation.
Add support for workflow transition field defaults.
Consolidate workflow transition field code into the transition model.
Add extra columns to show if a transition field has a default and a lookup.
Move the workflow instance detail link from the actions menu to the list facet menu.
Update the datetime field of the workflow instance entry list to be sortable.
Don’t run the initial_setup_or_perform_upgrade services when enabling the extra_worker_custom profile.
Make the source metadata key sortable.
Optimize and convert the batch source metadata code into a reusable coroutine with batch model creation.
Add source metadata search definitions.
Add source metadata API.
Remove the source field from the source metadata model.
Add support for searching big integers and positive big integers.
Support searching document files by size.
Convert the file metadata app to use the the bulk create manager mixin.
Add a button to refresh the AJAX view port.
Update FontAwesome from version 5.15.4 to 6.5.2.
Remove Link class argument link.html_extra_attributes.
Convert the action to move a document to the trash into a background task. Breaking change: A DELETE request now returns 202 ACCEPTED, instead of 204 NO CONTENT.
Update the messaging app workflow action to support sending messages to users by group and by roles.
HTTP request workflow action now supports storing the response in the workflow context.
Update ElasticSearch Docker image tag from 7.17.17 to 7.17.19.
Search updates:
Update the ElasticSearch backend search method.
Use generators to yield the ID list of scope results.
Stop yielding results after the count exceeds the search limit setting.
Increase scope result limit to 100000.
Add support to store search results into resultsets.
Convert the search backends into folder modules.
Support ignoring SSL certificates for ElasticSearch.
Fix document type model verbose name.
Fix detached signature link object reference.
Add search model detail API view.
Add the ID field of primary models as search fields.
Expose the document index instance depth and node count values via the API.
Add a document type API view to return all documents of that type.
4.6.5 (2024-06-03)
Merge changes from version 4.5.13.
Update dependency versions:
Django from 4.2.11 to 4.2.13.
importlib-metadata from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2.
pycountry from 23.12.11 to 24.6.1.
sh from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7.
twine from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0.
safety from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0.
Update Docker image tags:
PostgreSQL from 13.14-alpine to 13.15-alpine.
Python from 3.11.8-slim to 3.11.9-slim.
RabbitMQ from 3.12.13-management-alpine to 3.12.28-management-alpine.
4.6.4 (2024-04-23)
Merge changes from 4.5.12.
Update dependency versions:
setuptools from 69.1.1 to 69.5.1
twine from 4.0.2 to 5.0.0
ruff from 0.3.0 to 0.4.1
safety from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0
Pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0
graphviz from 0.20.1 to 0.20.3
python-dateutil from 2.8.2 to 2.9.0.post0
extract-msg from 0.48.0 to 0.48.5
redis from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3
4.6.3 (2024-03-28)
Merge changes from 4.5.11.
Add path support to the URL class.
Fix document print and password reset templates.
Fix display of build number.
4.6.2 (2024-03-04)
Add clamav to the makefile setup-dev-operating-system-packages target.
Update the Debian Docker image from 12.4-slim to 12.5-slim.
Move the flanker dependency from the sources to the source_emails app.
Update dependency versions:
redis from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2.
django from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11.
ruff from 0.2.1 to 0.3.0.
sentry-sdk from 1.40.1 to 1.40.6.
jsonschema from 4.20.0 to 4.21.1.
extract-msg from 0.47.0 to 0.48.0.
4.6.1 (2024-02-07)
Merge changes from versions 4.5.9 and 4.4.12.
Update dependency versions:
django from 4.2.8 to 4.2.10 due to CVE-2024-24680.
django-mptt from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0.
importlib-metadata from 6.8.0 to 7.0.1.
pycountry from 22.3.5 to 23.12.11.
django-silk from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0.
ruff from 0.2.1 to 0.1.6.
jstree from 3.3.16. 3.3.12.
django-solo from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
pytz from 2023.3.post1 to 2024.1.
greenlet from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3.
sentry-sdk from 1.40.0 to 1.40.1.
psutil from 5.9.6 to 5.9.8.
sphinx from 4.5.0 to 5.3.0.
sphinx_rtd_theme from 0.5.2 to 2.0.0.
Code style updates.
Sort imports
Collapse long import lines
Expand import lines that are too short
Fix variable names
Update translation files.
Fix sources app class method name.
Fix typos.
4.6 (2024-01-11)
Improve the index mirroring profile. Add MAYAN_MIRROR_INDEX_NAME to allow mounting different indexes without modifying the Docker Compose file.
Refactor the smart settings app. Setting value changes no longer take effect immediately or trigger saving the configuration file. Added a new view to save the current settings into a new configuration file. Setting post edit functions are now execute during startup and not after editing the setting. Added a new view and link to revert unsaved settings.
Override the test runner’s logging setup to avoid having its output being concatenated when calling management commands and makefile targets.
Add ruff dependency, version 0.1.6.
Update dependency versions:
Debian image from 12.1-slim to 12.2-slim.
jQuery from version 3.6.0 to 3.7.1.
Update use of psycopg2 version to 2.x to psycopg version 3.1.14.
AMQP from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0.
PIP from 23.2.1 to 23.3.2.
Add the Django series version to the setup generation script.
django-test-migrations from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0.
redis from 4.6.0 to 5.0.1.
wheel from 0.41.0 to 0.42.0.
bleach from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0.
django-auth-ldap from 4.4.0 to 4.6.0.
mozilla-django-oidc from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0.
pyotp from 2.6.0 to 2.9.0.
django-solo from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0.
django from 3.2 to 4.2.8.
django-mptt from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0.
sh from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6.
django-debug-toolbar from 3.2.4 to 4.2.0.
django-rosetta from 0.9.9 to 0.10.0.
django-silk from 5.0.3 to 5.0.3.
ipython from 8.14.0 to 8.18.1.
Pillow from 10.0.0 to 10.2.0.
pypdf from 3.14.0 to 3.17.1.
qrcode from 7.3.1 to 7.4.2.
node-semver from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0.
python_gnupg from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9.
graphviz from 0.17 to 0.20.1.
dateparser from 1.1.8 to 1.2.0.
pytz from 2022 to 2023.3.post1.
gevent from 22.10.2 to 23.9.1.
greenlet from 2.0.2 to 3.0.1.
sentry-sdk from 1.29.0 to 1.38.0.
whitenoise from 6.5.0 to 6.6.0.
django-cors-headers from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1.
jsonschema from 4.18.0 to 4.20.0.
CairoSVG from 2.5.2 to 2.7.1.
boto3 from 1.28.16 to 1.33.7.
django-storages from 1.13.2 to 1.14.2.
extract-msg from 0.37.1 to 0.46.2.
pycryptodome from 3.18.0 to 3.19.0.
celery from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6.
coverage from 5.5 to 6.5.0.
coveralls from 3.2.0 to 3.3.1.
psutil from 5.8.0 to 5.9.6.
django-widget-tweaks from 1.4.12 to 1.5.0.
Refactor file metadata app:
Allow multiple drivers to execute for the same MIME types.
Automatically find and import file metadata drivers.
Add a normalized internal name field for file metadata drive attributes. This solves the issue where attributes with spaces were not usable in templates. Spaces are converted into underscores. Uppercase letters in attributes are converted to lowercase.
Existing file metadata template references need to be updated for attribute letter casing.
Add view to display all detected file metadata drivers.
Process all file metadata drivers as parallel background tasks.
Add antivirus scanning for documents. Implemented as a file metadata driver and a new app named file_metadata_clamav. ClamAV and the latest database are included in the Docker image.
Support source column resolution for non model subclasses.
Convert the Docker Compose file into a platform template.
Generate unique test lock names to avoid unintended lock errors when validating the lock manager backend. Closes GitLab issue #1157, thanks to Mathias Behrle (@mbehrle) for the report.
Commit the event “document version edited” when a document version pages are remapped.
Normalize the permission system to work with single permissions per filter or check.
Mailer app refactor
Replace uses of mailer and user mailer to mailing profile.
Add mailing profile API.
Add generic object mailing API. Supports emailing object links and object attachments.
Add class ModelMailingAction to defined available mailing actions per model.
Use the __title__ and __website__ from the mayan module as the email’s body project name and website.
Move file metadata queue to worker D.
Update minimum and recommended requirements.
Lower the severity of searching indexing problems to INFO. This reduces user confusion between normal messages when processing the asynchronous task queue and actual coding errors.
Expose Django’s setting named CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS via the smart settings app.
Expose Django’s setting named CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE via the smart settings app.
Expose Django’s setting named CSRF_USE_SESSIONS via the smart settings app.
Optimize document type retention policy queries.
Minor optimization to the ACL calculation queries.
Fix search query warning when parsing dates. Default all date values the timezone UTC.
Convert worker nice levels from literals to config constants.
Optimize the file cache eviction selection.
Convert the Docker Compose Keycloak services into a platform template.
Check if database tables are available before preloading and caching permissions and file metadata drivers.
Use the correct post_load_modules method to execute initialization code after app module loading.
Reorganize make files. Remove unused and outdated targets. Move all Docker related targets to the Docker make file. Improve staging targets.
Reorganize templates:
Unify the blocks content and content_plain.
Show the logo in the login form.
Move the logo font to the head template.
Split templates into small components.
Move templates into sub-folders and shorten their names.
Fix double separator in the user menu.
Theme updates.
Switch from Apache 2.0 to GPL 2.0 license.
4.5.13 (2024-06-02)
Merge changes from version 4.4.16.
Fix the docstrings of the credential API endpoints.
Documentation updates:
Remove obsolete chapters.
Clear existing app documentation chapter folders when generating the app documentation.
Add previously remove dependency sphinxcontrib-blockdiag to the removals file.
4.5.12 (2024-04-22)
Optimize documents apps migrations 0086 and 0088.
Update document file source metadata permission label for correctness.
Fix source metadata help text.
Changes from version 4.4.15.
4.5.11 (2024-03-28)
Ensure credentials post_processing method is called.
Fix periodic source document type field to use the intended Select2 widget.
Fix workflow transition field model typo.
Merge changes from version 4.4.14.
Fix MSG file uncompressed uploads.
Add additional sources migrations for users that skipped the previous migrations during the upgrade.
Fine tune the commit of the credential used event.
Lower the severity of searching indexing problems to INFO. This reduces user confusion between normal messages when processing the asynchronous task queue and actual coding errors.
4.5.10 (2024-03-03)
Include changes from version 4.4.13.
Minor code style fixes.
Fix typos.
Updated the download file API to handle anonymous user gracefully.
Update Docker container image versions:
Debian from 12.4-slim to 12.5-slim
PostgreSQL from 13.12-alpine to 13.13-alpine
Python from 3.11.7-slim to 3.11.8-slim
RabbitMQ from 3.12.12-alpine to 3.12.13-alpine
Test updates:
Remove more direct uses of values_list.
Remove more direct imports of base test mixins.
Sort test mixins.
Testing style updates.
Update Django from version 3.2.23 to 3.2.24.
4.5.9 (2024-02-05)
Minor query optimizations.
Changes from version 4.4.12.
Update dependency version:
django-test-migrations from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0.
pypdf from 3.14.0 to 3.17.4 due to CVE-2023-46250.
safety from 2.3.5 to 3.0.1.
Don’t raise an error if a form view has no form defined. This can be the case for dynamic forms based on ACL where the current user has no access for any of the fields.
Complete the changes started in version 4.5 to normalize how the project/installation title and URL are calculated. The setting COMMON_PROJECT_URL is now removed as its intended purpose is now performed by the settings ORGANIZATIONS_INSTALLATION_URL and ORGANIZATIONS_URL_BASE_PATH. This change also fixes the title of the REST API documentation showing the text ‘None’ when the COMMON_PROJECT_TITLE setting was left to its default value.
Update Docker image tags:
debian from 12.2-slim to 12.4-slim.
elastic from 7.17.9 to 7.17.17.
keycloak from 20.0.1 to 20.0.5-0.
postgresql from 13.11-alpine to 13.13-alpine.
python from 3.11.4-slim to 3.11.7-slim.
rabbitmq from 3.12.2-alpine to 3.12.12-alpine.
redis from 7.0.12-alpine to 7.0.15-alpine.
4.5.8 (2023-12-07)
Code style fixes.
Add sanity check to DynamicFormBackendMixin to ensure form definition dictionaries are not mangled but copied instead.
Update the Debian Docker base image from version debian:12.1-slim to debian:12.2-slim.
Update Django from version 3.2.22 to 3.2.23.
Add missing mailing profile default field to creation and edit forms.
Fix Django file based mailer.
Replace hard coded mailer object_name with model verbose introspection.
Support Django series in setup generation script.
Update translation files.
4.5.7 (2023-10-25)
Fix select2 widget in the metadata edit workflow action form.
Remove obsolete example settings from the default .env file.
Migrate chapters to Knowledge base:
Appearance troubleshooting
Authentication troubleshooting
Autoadmin troubleshooting
Documents troubleshooting
Docker troubleshooting
Dynamic search syntax
File caching troubleshooting
Mirroring troubleshooting
Platform troubleshooting
Add note explaining the direct deployment installation method is no longer supported.
Merge version 4.4.9 changes.
Load test mailers classes by path and not my import.
Fix authenticated mailers. Add the mailer class method get_connection_kwargs to ensure each mailer prepares the corresponding connection arguments. In the case of the Django mailer, it decodes the stored credential ID back into a StoredCredential model instance and extract the username and password from the credential before merging the values into the super connection arguments.
4.5.6 (2023-10-12)
Fix editing existing metadata workflow actions.
Update the Docker image to skip changing the ownership of files if MAYAN_COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE is set to any truthy value (True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1).
4.5.5 (2023-10-06)
Move periodic task import checking to the task manager app and condition it to the debug or testing environments.
Update Django from version 3.2.20 to 3.2.22.
Migrate REST API sections to Knowledge base.
Migrate the sources chapter to the Knowledge base.
Migrate metadata chapter to Knowledge base.
Ensure that no two document versions are set as active at the same time, even when bypassing the set_active method. Close GitLab issue #1158 thanks to Mathias Behrle (@mbehrle) for the report.
4.5.4 (2023-10-04)
Docker builder updates. Improve how caches and proxies are calculated. Add support for Docker image mirroring.
Support runtime source action execution logic. Add method get_allow_action_execute to provide each source control to allow or ignore action execution.
Support invalid characters in Docker username. Support invalid CI characters like “$” such as those generated by Harbor for robot accounts.
Improve email testing code.
Fix dry run value interpretation for periodic sources. Fixes clean up of email, watch folder, and watch storage sources.
4.5.3 (2023-09-30)
Fix periodic task creation used for periodic sources. Add migration to fix previously created sources.
Migrate documentations chapters:
4.5.2 (2023-09-20)
Fix sources attempting to uncompress non compressed files.
Add migrations to fix incorrect source backend paths.
4.5.1 (2023-09-15)
Fix the default Docker Compose Mayan EDMS image tag for version 3.5.
Fix migration of existing document sources.
Fix the add_file method for the TarArchive class.
Fix the workflow template preview issue.
4.5 (2023-09-12)
Increase the size of the document indexing value field from 128 to 255 characters.
Rename all uses of “superuser” to “super user” or “super_user”.
Ignore staging folder file image cache error if the image cache is not already generated when deleting the staging folder file.
Update the Debian Docker image from version 11.5-slim to 11.6-slim.
Ensure the workflow state action column is not shown for the workflow state runtime proxies where is does not make sense to show.
Add escalation list column to workflow states list view.
Workflow preview updates:
Change the symbol to identify transitions, actions, and escalations with conditions from the math arrow to a math symbol for function (fn of).
Add escalations to the workflow preview.
Include escalation hash changes to invalidate workflow previews.
Add super user column to user list view.
Simplify and optimize the document indexing feature.
Ensure deleted documents are removed from indexes even if the index is disabled.
Split HTML widgets modules into HTMl and column widget modules.
Extract the workflow state action model into its own model module.
Separate workflow state action model data and business logic code.
Update the type of the document file size field to a PositiveBigIntegerField to allow tracking document files bigger than 2GB in quota queries.
Add the multi_container profile. Allows easy switching from a single all-in-one container Docker Compose deployment to a multi container deployment.
Improve template initialization to support custom tag loading. Closes GitLab issue #1135. Thanks to Alexander Schlüter (@alexschlueter) for the request and implementation suggestion.
Update the cache and cache partition purge loop to continue executing even when there are files that cannot be purged. Cache partition files will be skipped and retried on the next purge execution.
Update the stale shared uploaded file and download file deletion loop to continue executing even when there are files that cannot be deleted. Remaining skipped files will be retried on the next iteration.
Setting updates:
Add a setting named CONFIGURATION_FILE_IGNORE which cause the setting system to not load settings from the config.yml file or save the current configuration to the config_backup.yml file.
Custom cache implementation removed in favor of Python’s functools.cache.
Add a set_value method to allow overriding a bootstrap setting’s value.
Support passing a global_symbol_table argument when updating the setting namespace global symbol table.
Create a temporary MEDIA_ROOT folder when running tests. This change allows further isolation of testing artifacts.
Add support for document download message templating. This allows customizing the message users receive when their document or document bundle is ready for download.
Add download file area API views. This API allows listing, deleting, and download actions.
Support local versions. Added explicit support for pep-0440 local version labels for custom builds.
Add support for per document type document stub pruning. This change adds the document type fields document_stub_pruning_enabled, document_stub_expiration_interval, and removes the setting DOCUMENTS_STUB_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL which is now configured per document type. All references of document type deletion policies are renamed to document type retention policies. By default pruning of document stubs is enabled to preserve the existing behavior. Disabling document stub pruning can be used to support document archiving where the document files are deleted but the document database information is kept for reference. Thanks to forum user @legosiv for the request and use case.
Update the file cache maximum_size field from a BigIntegerField to a PositiveBigIntegerField.
Workflow app updates:
Show the transition in the workflow template state escalation list view.
Ensure only correct transitions can be select for the workflow template state escalation in the user interface and the API.
Speed up tests.
Split test modules.
Rename test mixin classes to comply with naming conventions.
Add missing workflow template state escalation view tests.
On small screens, close main menu when clicking on links. Closes GitLab issue #1113. Thanks to BW (@bwakkie) for the report.
Improve version checking:
Add support for comparing versions.
Display version numbers when reporting version mismatches.
Add a new exception when the local version is more recent than the upstream one. Closes Gitlab issue #1037. Thanks to Bw (@bwakkie) for the request.
Sources refactor:
Split sources app into separate apps per source type.
Add staging storage and watch storage sources.
Consolidate specific source backend functionality into reusable mixins.
Add fieldsets to the source backend setup forms.
Add support for single or multiple document API uploads.
Refactor source dynamic backend form system.
Merge SourceBackend and SourceMixin classes.
Split dynamic backend form code into DynamicFormBackendMixin class.
Add setup_form prefix to the dynamic field methods to specify that these act on the setup and not the upload form.
Improve task manager app.
Add worker, queue, and task type list views.
Add source column help texts.
Remove unused sources_fast queue.
Increase default maximum worker tasks by 10x.
Add check named check_app_tests to ensure Mayan apps tests flag matches the actual state of the app’s tests.
Replace local version parsing code with wrapper for the Python packaging library. Add support to extract and manipulate more parts of the version string like the pre-release and post release parts.
Update the active version and latest file attributes of documents to be stored fields instead of computed values.
Release exporter updates:
Use pathlib for internal path computations.
Remove bbcode support.
Simplify code to not require Mayan or Django.
Support configurate release directory location.
Add icon class support to layers.
Add credentials app. This app provides a centralized location to store and protect external authentication credentials. By default two credential backends are provided: token, username and password. The credential backend system is extensible and other credential systems can be added.
Apps that use external authentication, like the mailer and sources, were updated to use credentials in their setup forms. In the case of features that use optional external credentials or where the credentials are the result of a template, like the HTTP workflow action, staging storage source, and watch storage source, the credential is selected and passed as a variable to the template.
Mark cache model field maximum_size as a database index to speed up cache calculations.
Add file caching dashboard administrator widgets.
Add container dependency to ensure containers are started only after the setup_or_upgrade containers finishes.
Move EventManager classes to their own module.
Update event system to work in asynchronous mode.
Add the EVENTS_DISABLE_ASYNCHRONOUS_MODE settings to revert the events system back to synchronous mode.
Split events queue into two queues for fast and slow tasks.
Create document file pages and document version pages in bulk.
Increase the default maximum memory per Celery worker child from 300000 to 400000.
Add new worker E and devote it for search tasks.
Eliminate the shared “Tools” queue. Each app is now responsible of defining its own queue for slow tasks.
Re-balance tasks queues.
Remove the unused signal signal_post_document_created.
Remove the options --without-gossip and --without-heartbeat from the run_worker script.
Add support for changing the worker log level via the new environment variable MAYAN_WORKER_LOG_LEVEL which defaults to ERROR.
Replace PyPDF2 with the original pypdf package.
Remove search many document level fields from document files, document file pages, document version, and document version pages.
Support Django’s CONN_MAX_AGE in Docker via the new environment variable MAYAN_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE.
Support setting the RabbitMQ Docker hostname via the environment variable MAYAN_DOCKER_RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME. Defaults to rabbitmq.
Update the document file deletion operation to be a background task.
Move Debian base image to 12.1 “Bookworm”,
Update Docker image versions:
mysql from 8.0.32 to 8.0.34
debian from 11.7-slim to 12.1-slim
docker from version 20.10.21-dind to 23.10.6-dind
postgresql from 13.10-alpine to 13.11-alpine
python 3.10.11-slim to 3.11.4-slim
rabbitmq from 3.11.13-alpine to 3.12.2-alpine
redis from 7.0.10-alpine 7.0.12-alpine
Update Python dependencies versions:
PIP from 22.2 to 23.2.1
Redis from 4.2.0 to 4.6.0
Wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.41.0
Bleach from 4.1.0 to 6.0.0
django-auth-ldap from 4.0.0 to 4.4.0
PyYAML from 6.0 to 6.0.1
importlib-metadata from 5.0.0 to 6.8.0
requests from 1.14.3 to 2.0.4
django-extensions from 3.1.5 to 3.2.3
django-rosetta from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9
django-silk from 4.3.0 to 5.0.3
flake8 from 4.0.1 to 6.1.0
ipython from 7.32.0 to .8.14.0
twine from 3.8.0 to 4.0.2
Pillow from 9.4.0 to 10.0.0
dateparser from 1.1.1 to 1.1.8
elasticsearch from 7.17.1 to 7.17.9
elasticsearch-dsl from 7.4.0 to 7.4.1
python-magic from 0.4.26 to 0.4.27
gunicorn from 20.1.0 to 21.2.0
sentry-sdk from 1.12.1 to 1.29.0
whitenoise from 6.2.0 to 6.5.0
django-cors-headers from 3.10.0 to 4.2.0
drf-yasg from 1.21.4 to 1.21.7
jsonschema from 4.4.0 to 4.18.0
swagger-spec-validator from 2.7.4 to 3.0.3
boto3 from 1.24.70 to 1.28.16
django-storages from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2
extract-msg from 0.36.4 to 0.37.1
pycryptodome from 3.10.4 to 3.18.0
celery from 5.2.7 to 5.3.1
django-celery-beat from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0
django-formtools from 2.3 to 2.4.1
psycopg2 from 2.9.3 to 2.9.6
Update duplicate bulk creation to work in batches of 100 entries.
Sources actions refactor:
Unify the sources action with new action, action interfaces and action interfaces argument classes.
The source action refactor converts source actions into reusable mixins.
Each action is responsible of supporting multiple interface types and the arguments for each interface.
Add watch storage source.
New API endpoints to inspect and execute the source actions.
Removal of the email metadata attachment support.
Removal of the email message attribute to metada support.
Update document and document file creation to happen in smaller units.
Update the SANE scanner source to perform the scan as a background task.
Update staging folder initial file copy to be a background task.
Tweak the PostgreSQL container command arguments.
Add a maximum Docker logging size for all Mayan EDMS containers.
Split documents queue into more smaller queues.
Move the duplicates queue to the C worker.
Move document downloads and document exports to their own queues.
Move the storage queue to the B worker.
Improve how dependencies copyright and license information is extracted.
Convert Dropzone.js to a Django widget for cleaner integration.
Search form updates:
Add fieldsets to the search form to group search fields by model.
Hide the ID search fields.
Sort search fields by their translatable label.
Show AJAX loading spinner in mobile devices. Closes GitLab issue #1140. Thanks to Arya Senna (@aryasenna) for the request.
Update how the project title setting works. The code was updated to reflect the actual purpose of the setting which is to identify an installation and not to do rebranding.
Ensure Tools and Setup view buttons are rendered with consistent heights.
Docker Compose file updates:
Use the variable MAYAN_DOCKER_RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME as the default host for the Celery broker URL.
Make the Redis Celery result database configurable via MAYAN_REDIS_RESULT_DATABASE which default to 1.
Make the Mayan EDMS Redis lock database configurable via MAYAN_REDIS_LOCK_MANAGER_DATABASE which defaults to 2.
Add note regarding opening up RabbitMQ data port.
Add ContentType API detail view.
Add message warning that it is not possible to change password of staff or super user accounts.
Add return links to the “Tools” and “Setup” areas to speed up navigation.
Add improved test case tag inheritance.
Sources metadata refactor:
Add source metadata support. The information about the creation of the document is now stored per source. To access this information a view and a property were added, {{ document.source_metadata_value_of.source_id }}. By default all upload store the ID of the source used. Other backends like store more information like the sender, receiver, subject, message ID.
Refactor the document tasks callback interface. The tasks now accept a dictionary of all the callback and their information.
Move immediate mode into its own mixin.
Import all test sources by path.
Support running for a test label/tag from the make file with make test TAG=.
Reduce the size of the secondary icon on FontAwesomeDualClassesDriver to make the source metadata icon more readable.
Update source backend’s get_upload_form_class to be an instance method and allow backends to dynamically change the form fields.
Fix the compressed label still showing up when the uncompress choice is never or always.
PropertyHelper updates:
Move all PropertyHelper usage to their own modules.
Add property helper file_metadata_value_of to document files.
Formalize PropertyHelper behaviors and testing. Closes GitLab issue #664. Thanks to Light Templar (@LightTemplar) for the report.
Tag all PropertyHelper with classes_property_helper.
Add document file introspection link and view. This view re-scans the document file and populates the size, checksum, and mimetype files. It also updates the document file page count and creates a new document version linking all discovered file pages. This view replaces the document file page count update view.
Deleting a document file page will now also delete any document version page linked to it.
New document versions create manually will not become active by default. Only new document versions created as a result of a document file upload will become active by default.
Pass the source backend action to get_upload_form_class to allow more dynamic field changes based on the action too.
Disable compressed document file uploads which are not longer supported.
Ensure the Keycloak database name is the same as the Keycloak PostreSQL one.
Upload wizard updates:
Support filtering of cabinet, metadata and tags during upload based on the access of the logged user.
Add support to disable the wizard next button when a required metadata type is not available to the user.
Split metadata test mixins.
Test improvements.
Preserve document creation user to allow quota tests to access the user uploading the document.
4.4.16 (2024-06-01)
Update the menu used to display the GPG key details as well as the document file signature details.
Reduce the explicit mixins of view MultipleObjectFormActionView by making it a subclass of FormView.
Only generate an action view title if none exists in the view context.
Disable automated menu refresh on development mode.
Remove CI worker tags.
4.4.15 (2024-04-20)
Remove local version from the platform cache identifiers.
Minor optimization to documents app migration 0080.
Update to support local and upstream version calculations.
Add makefile target to refresh the Docker and Python module versions.
Ensure Tools and Setup view buttons are rendered with consistent heights.
Lower the severity of searching indexing problems to INFO. This reduces user confusion between normal messages when processing the asynchronous task queue and actual coding errors.
Fix detached signature link object reference.
Update dependencies:
ElasticSearch Docker image from 7.17.9 to 7.17.20.
KeyCloak Docker image from 20.0.1 to 20.0.5.
MySQL Docker image from 8.0.32 to 8.0.36.
PostgreSQL Docker image from 13.10-alpine to 13.14-alpine.
Python Docker image from 3.10.11-slim to 3.10.14-slim.
RabbitMQ Docker image from 3.11.13-alpine to 3.11.28-alpine.
Redis Docker image from 7.0.10-alpine to 7.0.15-alpine.
Traefik Docker image from 2.5 to 2.5.7.
Update psycopg2 from 2.9.3 to 2.9.9.
Improve unconfigured task error message.
Support ignoring SSL certificates for ElasticSearch.
4.4.14 (2024-03-27)
Fix the document file and the user API list view ordering fields. The fields were mime_type to mimetype and remove has_usable_password which is a method and not a field.
Restore the root logging handlers after every test.
Allow the JavaScriptCatalogPublic sub class to bypass authentication and avoid JavaScript errors for non authenticated users.
Update dependency versions:
Django from 3.2.23 to 3.2.25.
pytz from 2022.1 to 2024.1
4.4.13 (2024-03-01)
Update PIP from version 23.3.2 to 24.0.
Fix source class and JavaScript MayanImage class .initialize() method name.
Fix typos and text formatting.
Encapsulate MPTT exceptions as validation errors when users attempt to perform invalid index template node tree manipulations.
Update DEFAULT_SEARCH_QUERY_RESULTS_LIMIT from 100000 to 10000 to workaround conflicting with ElasticSearch non scroll search limit.
Minor code style fixes.
Add an extra line to COMMON_EXTRA_APPS help text to clarify the apps inclusion order.
Changed the internal variable name of COMMON_EXTRA_APPS_PRE to avoid possible conflicts.
Add extra logging to report storage errors when deleting trashed documents as part of the retention policies.
Minor test fixes.
Fix workflow icon variable name.
Replace distutils with setuptool.
Add setuptool as an explicit dependency.
Replace distutils with setuptools following the deprecation of distutils.
Remove distutils from the Docker image.
Update dependency versions:
sphinx from 4.5.0 to 5.3.0.
sphinx_rtd_theme from 0.5.2 to 2.0.0.
Remove diagram generator markup. The library used to generate diagrams is not longer maintained and breaks after the last Pillow upgrade. Removed all diagram markup until a replacement can be found.
Update the Debian Docker image from 11.8-slim to 11.9-slim.
Separate code/template translation and JavaScript translation handling. Rename the app flag has_translations to has_app_translations. Add the app flag has_javascript_translations which defaults to False.
4.4.12 (2024-02-03)
Translation file updates.
Fix logging issue when unexpected cache file access problems are encountered.
Backport minor query optimizations.
Update dependency versions:
wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.42.0 due to CVE-2022-40898.
sentry-sdk from 1.12.1 to 1.40.0 due to CVE-2023-28117.
redis from 4.2.2 to 4.6.0 due to CVE-2023-28858.
pycryptodome from 3.10.4 to 3.20.0 due to PVE-2021-42084.
pip from 23.2.1 to 23.3.2 due to CVE-2023-5752.
dateparser from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 due to PVE-2023-62361.
extract-msg from 0.36.4 to 0.47.0.
PyPDF2 from 1.28.4 to 1.28.6.
Pillow from 9.4.0 to 10.2.0 due to CVE-2023-44271.
twine from 3.8.0 to 4.0.2.
Update CairoSVG from 2.5.2 to 2.7.1 due to CVE-2023-27586.
ipython from 8.21.0 to 7.32.0 due to CVE-2023-24816.
amqp from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0.
flake8 from 4.0.1 to 7.0.0.
Update the deprecated/removed Pillow constants: Replace ANTIALIASING with LANCZOS.
4.4.11 (2023-12-10)
Fix test asserts. Fix test that were asserting for True values instead of asserting for equality.
Fix document file page search content field label.
Continue purge loops even during errors. Update the cache and cache partition purge loop to continue executing even when there are files that cannot be purged. Cache partition files will be skipped and retried on the next purge execution.
Code style fixes.
4.4.10 (2023-12-07)
Support Django series in setup generation script.
Add missing mailing profile default field to creation and edit forms.
Update dependencies:
Update Django from version 3.2.22 to 3.2.23.
redis from version 4.2.0 to 4.2.2.
drf-yasg from version 1.21.4 to 1.21.7.
Code style fixes.
Fix typos in comments, help texts, transformations labels.
Use right field when sorting document file pages
Generate markup for GitHub issues
Tweak main view horizontal margins to avoid sidebar issue in recent Firefox versions.
4.4.9 (2023-10-15)
Fix the add_file method for the TarArchive class.
Docker builder updates. Improve how caches and proxies are calculated. Add support for Docker image mirroring.
Update Django from version 3.2.20 to 3.2.22.
Fix editing existing metadata workflow actions.
Update the Docker image to skip changing the ownership of files if MAYAN_COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE is set to any truthy value (True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1).
Backport periodic task import checking.
Backport source periodic task changes.
Update PyYAML from version 6.0 to 6.0.1.
Update the Docker builder image from version 20.10.21-dind to 23.0.6-dind.
Update the base Debian image from version debian:11.7-slim to debian:11.8-slim.
Update PIP from version 22.2 to 23.2.1.
Update the GitLab CI deployment stage to not install the Docker runtime.
Remove obsolete example settings from the default .env file.
4.4.8 (2023-07-15)
Fixes and improvements from versions 4.3.10 and 4.2.17.
4.4.7 (2023-06-03)
Fix sitemap URL scheme format.
CI documentation jobs improvements:
Install wheel to use modern Python package versions.
Don’t install or build the Mayan EDMS Python package and instead use the development code to build the documentation.
Ensure APT proxy quotes are escaped.
Fixes and improvements from versions 4.3.9, 4.2.16 and 4.2.17dev0.
4.4.6 (2023-04-16)
Update Docker image versions:
Debian from 11.5-slim to 11.6-slim
Docker from 20-dind to 20.10.21-dind
Elasticsearch from 7.17.0 to 7.17.9
MySQL from 8.0 to 8.0.32
PostgreSQL from 13.8 to 13.10
Python from 3.10-slim to 3.10.11-slim
RabbitMQ from 3.11.2-alpine to 3.11.13-alpine
Redis from 7.0.5-alpine to 7.0.10-alpine
Merged changes from version 4.3.8:
Fix sources app migration 0027 backend mapping path.
Don’t include local config values in app settings. Local config values are meant to override CI/CD and test settings, and not meant to be committed as permanent to the repository.
Improve deployment stages:
Use long setting versions.
Clean up volumes using the official method.
Pull images to ensure the latest copy is used even if the image has the same tag as the remote.
Ensure the workflow state action column is not shown for the workflow state runtime proxies where is does not make sense to show.
Ignore staging folder file image cache error if the image cache is not already generated when deleting the staging folder file.
Update Docker Compose file to work backward incompatible bug introduced in version 2.17.0 YAML processor (
4.4.5 (2023-03-11)
Merge version 4.3.6 documents app migration 80 workaround. Update migration 80 of the documents app to ensure the stored size of the converted document file size does not exceed the PositiveIntegerField database field maximum value of 2147483647 (
Merges from version 4.3.7:
GitOps improvements.
Move the helper module to the dependencies app.
Add OCI metadata annotations.
4.4.4 (2023-02-14)
Update image interface when generating QRCode image. Fixes OTP QRCode rendering. Thanks to forum user Ken Robinson (@DocCyblade) for the report.
Simplify OTP QRCode generation to lower the chances of future regressions.
Add a custom REST API exception handler to workaround inconsistent validation exception behavior in Django REST framework ( Closes GitLab issue #1128. Thanks to Jan Przychodniak (@janprzychodniak) for the report and debug information.
Ensure correct index instance nodes are deleted. Don’t delete all excluded index instances nodes. Instead delete all the index instance nodes where the document being processed is found but exclude the nodes recently updated. Closes GitLab issue #1134. Thanks to Nicholas Buttigieg (@nicholasbuttigieg) and Kyle Pullicino (@KPull) for the report and test scenario.
Remove the Python Transifex client. The new Go based client is required to be installed manually when working with translations (
4.4.3 (2023-02-11)
Improve transformation views to always pass the object having the transformation applied.
Add support to the Link class for dynamic view keyword arguments, icon, resolved object, and permissions.
Update the transformation, decorations, and redactions links to use dynamic view keyword arguments, icons, resolved objects, and permissions.
Move transformation and redactions links to either their own module. In the case of the documents app, the module is named
Improve permissions handling of the transformation, decorations, and redactions links.
Improve transformation and redaction link testing.
Sanitize tag labels to avoid XSS abuse (CVE-2022-47419: Mayan EDMS Tag XSS). This is a limited scope weakness of the tagging system markup that can be used to display an arbitrary text when selecting a tag for attachment to or removal from a document.
It is not possible to circumvent Mayan EDMS access control system or expose arbitrary information with this weakness.
Attempting to exploit this weakness requires a privileged account and is not possible to enable from a guest or an anonymous account. Visitors to a Mayan EDMS installation cannot exploit this weakness.
It is also being incorrectly reported that this weakness can be used to steal the session cookie and impersonate users. Since version 1.4 (March 23, 2012) Django has included the httponly attribute for the session cookie. This means that the session cookie data, including sessionid, is no longer accessible from JavaScript.
Mayan EDMS currently uses Django 3.2. Under this version of Django The SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY defaults to True, which enables the httponly for the session cookie making it inaccessible to JavaScript and therefore not available for impersonation via session hijacking.
Django’s SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY setting is not currently exposed by Mayan EDMS’ setting system, therefore it is not possible to disable this protection by conventional means.
Any usage of this weakness remains logged in the event system making it easy to track down any bad actors.
Due to all these factors, the surface of attack of this weakness is very limited, if any.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks exploiting this weakness to expose or destroy data.
Drop support for Python 3.7 and Python 3.8. Python 3.9 is now the minimum version supported. This change happened in version 4.4 but was not documented. Closes GitLab issue #1137. Thanks to joh-ku (@joh-ku) for the report and research.
4.4.2 (2023-01-23)
Merge request !106. Do not show server communication modal for interrupted AJAX requests. Thanks to Nicholas Buttigieg (@nicholasbuttigieg) and Kyle Pullicino (@KPull) for the patch.
4.4.1 (2023-01-19)
Fix list filtering template issue caused by caching.
GitOps updates:
Add makefile targets to trigger standalone builds.
Increase artifact expiration.
Add PIP and APT caching to documentation and python build stages.
Add GitLab CI job dependencies.
Reuse Python build in stages.
Convert branches into literals.
Remove duplicated code in jobs.
Simplify installation documentation.
4.4 (2023-01-16)
Update Docker image tags:
Docker from 20-dind to 20.10.21-dind
Elasticsearch from 7.17.0 to 7.17.7
PostgreSQL from 12.11-alpine to 13.11.2-alpine
Redis from 6.2-alpine to 7.0.5-alpine
Update dependencies versions:
Celery from 5.1.2 to 5.2.7.
extract msg from 0.34.3 to 0.36.4.
djangorestframework from 3.13.1 to 3.14.0.
drf-yasg from 1.20.0 to 1.21.4.
sentry-sdk from 1.5.8 to 1.21.1.
Pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.4.0.
Increase compatibility of the file caching storage usage with more S3 object storage implementations.
Add support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication. Adds the new authentication_oidc app.
Add the parent cabinet as the action object to the cabinet creation event when a child cabinet is created.
Add the cabinet deleted event. This event is committed when a child cabinet is deleted. The parent cabinet is recorded as the action object for the event.
Fix the function interfaces when calling get_mayan_object_permissions to get_mayan_view_permissions to override an API view permission layout.
Update navigation permission check to short circuit check when the current user has not logged in yet.
Cabinet updates:
Use the same permission layout to create parent and child cabinets from the API as from the HTTP views.
The create permission is now required to create parent as well as child cabinets. This change replaces requiring the edit permission to create child cabinets via the HTTP views.
Data from file and download content creation or examination now defaults to byte format instead of unicode.
Include Django Storages and boto3 Python libraries by default.
Use the optimized version (+=) of the + operator.
Moved the document version export code to its own app called document_exports. Existing export events and permissions are migrated automatically.
Improved invalid permission error handling. Instead of returning an error that stop execution when an invalid permission identifier is requested, the permission model will return a one line text indicating that the permission name is invalid. This error message will be displayed in place of the intended permission label.
This behavior was also extended to cover invalid permission namespace requests.
A troubleshooting section is added explaining the possible reasons for the and the solution.
Search refactor:
Added search syntax pre processor and convert all backend to work with it.
Simplify scoped search syntax.
Allow more than two operands per operator.
Implement NOT operator.
Improve AND and OR operators.
Split search classes into separate modules.
Add search field subclasses.
Move instance value retrieval to search fields.
Add virtual fields.
Add an “ANY field” virtual field.
All search is now conducted using an internal scope system.
Move search syntax decoding to its own class and subclasses named SearchInterpreter.
Move the search bar to the main menu top bar.
Add support for data typing.
Normalize data during index and search.
Testing improvement. Track test document IDs. Keep a list of the test document IDs in number and string format.
New reusable view mixin, MultipleExternalObjectViewMixin.
Add Hebrew to the default list of document languages.
Enable Docker BuildKit.
Add dedicated Docker build RUN cache.
Docker Compose file changes:
Configurable frontend HTTP port via the .env file.
Unify frontend and all_in_one profiles HTTP and Traefik configuration.
Support Let’s Entry TLS termination for all_in_one profile.
Configurable RabbitMQ administration HTTP port via the .env file.
Configurable Traefik dashboard, HTTP and HTTPS entrypoints ports via the .env file.
Configurable Traefik Let’s Encrypt certificate volume location.
Support Let’s Encrypt DNS challenge.
Isolate compressed file MIME type matching exception catching to the pertinent code.
Download file updates:
Associate download files to a specific users.
Add delete, download, and view permissions.
Add download file size column.
Support bulk document file downloads.
Move document file download code to the new document downloads app. Migrate existing document file download permission and events.
Permission updates:
Improve permission caching. Remove custom caching code and use upstream Django caching utilities.
Rename variables for clarity.
Update dependent code to match class interface changes.
Short circuit the source column source object resolution code to support the list template showing columns even on empty lists. Unlike models and queryset, empty lists of class instances won’t display any columns.
Download GPG keys in binary mode.
Show more details when a bootstrap setting parsing error occurs.
Add libfuse2, libsasl2-dev, and libldap2-dev to the development setup makefile target.
Convert pagination template into a partial.
Add .msg file metadata drivers.
Convert the metadata value and the file metadata value fields from character fields with a maximum length of 255 characters to text fields.
Improve the settings apps navigation.
Collapse action menus by default.
Split links in the list items template into action links and view (facet) links.
Remove Docker mirror configuration from the GitLab CI file. This is up to the runner to configure.
Show cache partitions and partition file totals. This helps determine how effective is a cache maximum size value by showing how many objects and files the cache size limit is able to yield.
Statistics updates:
Improve statistics navigation.
Add doughnut chart type statistic.
Add pie chart type statistic.
Add column displaying the chart type per statistic.
Update chartjs from version 2.8.0 to 3.9.1.
Unify chart templates.
Autoload statistics modules.
Unify ChartJS templates.
Support passing full chart context not just plot data.
Fix app URL layout.
Fix app URL typo.
Fix statistic queue view navigation context.
Add three document pie chart statistics: document count per document type, document file count per document type, document file page count per document type.
Add documentation directives to insert setting or setting namespace instances.
Improve search and object storage documentation by adding automated setting references.
Add third state to column sorting. The sorting states are now: ascending, descending, none.
Support sorting multiple columns.
Add a permission count column to ACLs.
Add support for setting choices.
Add an HTML to better format setting values.
Fix search again view redirect. Retain the query from the previous view.
Rename the “Search” facet link to “Basic search”.
Fix “Match All” behavior when using the “Search again” link.
Replace “Match All” field with a radio box to allow supporting search again persistence and also the default state of the field.
Convert the “Match All” field name into a literal.
Split the document file creation method into smaller units. This reduces the complexity of the several conditional statements.
Ensure the document file is created even if there are errors during the uploaded file introspection.
Encapsulate mozilla-django-oidc settings as Mayan authentication backend arguments.
Add support for OpenID Connect Discovery (
Add Keycloak Docker Compose service.
Make Docker Compose service image name configurable.
User interface updates:
Collapse views and actions by default.
Add collapsed views and actions icons.
Move views and actions markup to their own respective partial templates. This reduces duplication and improves usability of the markup.
Lower the z-index of the sidebar to avoid menus to display behind it.
Add simulated horizontal rulers to the body of tables.
Support slim dropdown menus.
Move navigation to the card footer.
Fix click events passing through views and action dropdown caret icons.
Make the words “Actions” and “Views” translatable.
Add two new table columns. One columns for views and another the actions.
Unroll single action menus to a button.
Reduce table padding to increase data area.
Minor spacing and margin tweaks.
Code style refactor and cleanup:
Strip trailing commas.
Sort arguments, dictionary keys and class methods.
Unroll nested contexts.
Separate model data and business logic code.
Move add or remove code to models. Directly and as added methods to external models.
Pass the user to action methods instead of injecting the user as the event actor. Injecting the user as the event actor will be done only on immediate methods that do not allow arguments or data layer model methods with well defined upstream arguments.
Add keyword arguments.
Rename mixins modules to be more explicit.
Normalize the UploadWizard class step_post_upload_process method arguments.
Remove many instances of force_text.
Move several upload_to functions to their corresponding app’s utils module.
Promote private _user argument to an official argument.
API views refactor:
Remove injected objects on API views. Each API view needs to query the object explicitly. This is change is less efficient but was made to mirror how upstream DRF works.
Pass the view object to the action object API view.
Add labels to serializer fields.
Track the user when purging caches and cache partitions.
Create a new permission to change the type of a document. When support for changing the type of a document was added, it was considered a property and controlled via the document property edit permission.
Since changing the type of a documents now causes a cascade of other changes, it was isolated as an individual class of event along with its own permission.
The new document change type permission is required for the document being changed and for the document type to which the document will be changed into.
Update the file metadata model verbose_name attribute to be the help_text attribute.
Update the document parsing verbose_name attribute to be the help_text attribute.
Update the document version OCR verbose_name attribute to be the help_text attribute.
Update the search API to provide a dummy model serializer during Swagger introspection.
Update the sources actions API to provide a dummy serializer during Swagger introspection.
Fix Swagger schema model definition introspection. Updated REST API views to behave like user interface views and returning querysets either via the source_queryset property or the get_source_queryset method. This prevents API views from overriding the queryset return methods and allows the SchemaInspectionAPIViewMixin mixin to work in all instances.
Add support for platform client backends to register tool links.
Lower the default Sentry client sample rate from 0.05 to 0.01.
Add new setting to disable automatic upload after dragging files to the DropZone widget. The setting is named VIEWS_SHOW_DROPZONE_SUBMIT_BUTTON and defaults to False.
Raise an ImproperlyConfigured exception when a model is registered for error logging more than once.
Move error logging registration of document models to the documents app.
OCR updates:
Move error logging from the document version to the document version page.
Add OCR backend _execute to avoid subclasses from calling the super class.
The base class now prepares the image to be processed and passes the file object to the subclass.
Move OCR finished event commit from the task to the manager.
Restore object event attributes when the event is ignored.
Error log registration now register error log permissions too by default.
Improve base settings initialization:
Replace os.path with pathlib.Path to do path manipulation.
Use the default secret key value only if the secret key file is not found.
Don’t obscure errors when reading the secret key file.
Remove the home_view setting from the default Template context. Template instances need to include their own context using the new context argument.
Add templating support to bootstrap settings. Template names are the same as the bootstrap setting but include the SETTING_TEMPLATE_ prefix. Environment variables, Python global and config file values are available to the template.
Remove deprecated management commands:
checkdependencies replaced by dependencies_check.
checkversion replaced by dependencies_check_version.
createautoadmin replaced by autoadmin_create.
generaterequirements replaced by dependencies_generate_requirements.
initialsetup replaced by common_initial_setup.
installdependencies replaced by dependencies_install.
mountindex replaced by mirroring_mount_index.
performupgrade replaced by common_perform_upgrade.
platformtemplate replaced by platform_template.
preparestatic replaced by appearance_prepare_static.
purgelocks replaced by lock_manager_purge_locks.
purgepermissions replaced by permissions_purge.
purgeperiodictasks replaced by task_manager_purge_periodic_tasks.
purgestatistics replaced by statistics_purge.
revertsettings replaced by settings_revert.
savesettings replaced by settings_save.
showsettings replaced by settings_show.
showversion replaced by dependencies_show_version.
Update the makefile to enable the Sentry client if the SENTRY_DSN value is passed to the runserver, runserver-plus, or staging-frontend targets.
Add new setting to disable logging message ANSI color codes. The setting is named LOGGING_DISABLE_COLOR_FORMATTER and defaults to False.
Standardize management command testing.
Move management command names to the literals module of each app.
GitOps updates:
Add configurable remote branch for GitOps.
Support a local environment config file names config-local.env. This file is ignored by Git and meant to override values of config.env.
4.3.12 (2023-12-10)
Don’t install Docker when deploying. Update the GitLab CI deployment stage to not install the Docker runtime.
Fix document file page search content field label.
Fix test asserts. Fix test that were asserting for True values instead of asserting for equality.
Continue purge loops even during errors. Update the cache and cache partition purge loop to continue executing even when there are files that cannot be purged. Cache partition files will be skipped and retried on the next purge execution.
Add event asserts in tests.
Fix the workflow metadata action select2 widget.
Code style fixes.
Use long form for the command options in the Dockerfile.
Skip Docker volume ownership code. Update the Docker image to skip changing the ownership of files if MAYAN_COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE is set to any truthy value (True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1).
Backport source periodic task changes. Use a constant instead of a literal to track the name of the source action execute task.
Fix the add_file method of TarArchive.
4.3.11 (2023-12-08)
Use correct field when sorting document file pages.
Fix typos in comments and transformations labels.
Code style fixes.
Fix code style warning E713.
Update dependencies:
Update Django from version 3.2.20 to 3.2.23.
redis from version 4.2.0 to 4.2.2.
drf-yasg from version 1.20.0 to 1.21.7.
PyYAML from version 6.0 to 6.0.1.
Add missing mailing profile default field to creation and edit forms.
Support Django series in setup generation script.
Use Mayan CLI full path in DockerFile.
Generate markup for GitHub issues.
Workaround Cython and PyYAML dependency bug from unpinned requirement version.
4.3.10 (2023-07-14)
Fixes from version 4.2.17.
Add new translation languages:
ar-eg: Arabic (Egypt)
ca: Catalan
de-at: German (Austria)
de-de: German (Germany)
es-mx: Spanish (Mexico)
he-il: Hebrew (Israel)
hr: Croatian
mn-mn: Mongolian (Mongolia)
ro-ro: Romanian (Romania)
sq: Albanian
th: Thai
tr-tr: Turkish (Turkey)
uk: Ukrainian
zh-cn: Chinese (China)
zh-hans: Chinese (Simplified)
zh-tw: Chinese (Taiwan)
Move language and timezone choice generation to locales.utils.
Sort language dropdown selection by language name and by language code.
Update dependency versions:
Django from 3.2.19 to 3.2.20.
django-model-utils from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1
django-mptt from 0.13.4 to 0.14.0
requests from 2.27.1 to 2.29
sh from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3
safety from 1.10.3 to 2.3.5
sentry-sdk from 1.5.8 to 1.5.12
whitenoise from 6.0.0 to 6.2.0
4.3.9 (2023-06-02)
Fix document parsing error logging. Use the correct argument name when creating new error log entries.
Fixes and improvements from versions 4.2.16 and 4.2.17dev0.
4.3.8 (2023-04-15)
Merged changes from version 4.2.15:
Fix sources app migration 0027 backend mapping path.
Include bug fixes and updates from version 4.0.24.
Don’t include local config values in app settings. Local config values are meant to override CI/CD and test settings, and not meant to be committed as permanent to the repository.
Improve deployment stages:
Use long setting versions.
Clean up volumes using the official method.
Pull images to ensure the latest copy is used even if the image has the same tag as the remote.
Update Docker image versions:
Elasticsearch from 7.17.0 to 7.17.9
Debian from 11.4-slim to 11.6-slim
MySQL from 8.0 to 8.0.32
PostgreSQL from 12.11-alpine to 12.14-alpine
Python from 3.10-slim to 3.10.11-slim
Redis from 6.2-alpine to 6.2.11-alpine
RabbitMQ from 3.10-alpine to 3.10.20-alpine
Ensure the workflow state action column is not shown for the workflow state runtime proxies where is does not make sense to show.
Ignore staging folder file image cache error if the image cache is not already generated when deleting the staging folder file.
4.3.7 (2023-09-10)
Merge changes from version 4.2.14:
GitOps improvements.
Support a local environment config file names config-local.env.
Split GitLab CI targets into their own makefile.
Move the helper module to the dependencies app.
Convert branches into literals.
Add OCI metadata annotations
OCI metadata change. Don’t remove the ‘T’ from the image date label.
4.3.6 (2023-02-19)
Update migration 80 of the documents app to ensure the stored size of the converted document file size does not exceed the PositiveIntegerField database field maximum value of 2147483647 (
Sanitize tag labels to avoid XSS abuse (CVE-2022-47419: Mayan EDMS Tag XSS). This is a limited scope weakness of the tagging system markup that can be used to display an arbitrary text when selecting a tag for attachment to or removal from a document.
It is not possible to circumvent Mayan EDMS access control system or expose arbitrary information with this weakness.
Attempting to exploit this weakness requires a privileged account and is not possible to enable from a guest or an anonymous account. Visitors to a Mayan EDMS installation cannot exploit this weakness.
It is also being incorrectly reported that this weakness can be used to steal the session cookie and impersonate users. Since version 1.4 (March 23, 2012) Django has included the httponly attribute for the session cookie. This means that the session cookie data, including sessionid, is no longer accessible from JavaScript.
Mayan EDMS currently uses Django 3.2. Under this version of Django The SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY defaults to True, which enables the httponly for the session cookie making it inaccessible to JavaScript and therefore not available for impersonation via session hijacking.
Django’s SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY setting is not currently exposed by Mayan EDMS’ setting system, therefore it is not possible to disable this protection by conventional means.
Any usage of this weakness remains logged in the event system making it easy to track down any bad actors.
Due to all these factors, the surface of attack of this weakness is very limited, if any.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks exploiting this weakness to expose or destroy data.
Simplify OTP QRCode generation to lower the chances of future regressions.
Remove the Python Transifex client. The new Go based client is required to be installed manually when working with translations (
Add Makefile target to allow testing individual migration tests against PostgreSQL.
Add a custom REST API exception handler to workaround inconsistent validation exception behavior in Django REST framework ( Closes GitLab issue #1128. Thanks to Jan Przychodniak (@janprzychodniak) for the report and debug information.
4.3.5 (2023-01-10)
Fix error when deleting a user form the user interface. Closes GitLab issue #1125. Thanks to friki67 (@friki67) for the report and Jan Przychodniak (@janprzychodniak) for the additional debug information.
4.3.4 (2022-12-19)
Merge fixes from version 4.2.13.
Fix reference to ocr_errors in mayan.apps.ocr.tasks.task_document_version_ocr_finished. Closes GitLab issue #1131. Thanks to Olivier D. (@odelseth) for the report and debug information.
Fix click events passing through views and action dropdown caret icons. Activating the dropdown menu by clicking on the menu’s caret no longer select the document file or version card.
4.3.3 (2022-11-15)
Fixes from version 4.2.12.
Add a patch for Python’s CVE-2007-4559 (
This is a language level vulnerability which exposed older versions of Mayan EDMS only when downloading JavaScript dependencies from the NPM registry.
Exploiting this vulnerability requires compromising an existing package hosted on the NPM registry and adding Python code specifically targeting Mayan EDMS. As part of the project’s design philosophies, dependencies are only downloaded from authoritative locations and each dependency is pinned to a specific version to guarantee immutable releases.
Due to all these factors, surface of attack of this vulnerability is very limited for older versions of Mayan EDMS, it is also very improbable, very difficulty to accomplish and very difficult to remain undetected.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks for Mayan EDMS exploiting this vulnerability.
Thanks to the TrellixVulnTeam for the pull request which lead to this Mayan EDMS specific patch.
4.3.2 (2022-11-12)
Use the correct icon for the document type file metadata setup link.
Merge bugfix version 4.2.11 and 4.2.12.
Update translation files.
Fix response structure of the search model API view. Ensure the search fields are displayed.
Fix hardcoded list mode argument.
4.3.1 (2022-08-21)
Fixes and improvements merged from version 4.2.9 and 4.2.10.
Fix the function interfaces when calling get_mayan_object_permissions to get_mayan_view_permissions to override an API view permission layout.
4.3 (2022-07-27)
Partials navigation updates:
Streamline JavaScript partials navigation code.
Make the AJAX response redirect code configurable. New setting APPEARANCE_AJAX_REDIRECTION_CODE added.
Remove repeated AJAX redirection middleware.
Add white outline to favicon.
Add support for optional get_mayan_object_permissions and get_mayan_view_permissions methods to allow API views to customize how required permissions are calculated.
Added support for form fieldsets.
Added fieldsets to the following forms:
document file properties
document type deletion policies
metadata type
Remove usage of flat values_list queryset in metadata managers module.
Prefix all test objects with an underscore to avoid clashes with test methods.
PartialNavigation.js improvements.
Clean URL query on form submit and use form data as the URL query.
Remove dead code.
Use constants where appropriate.
Search updates:
Add filtering support to list views. All list view that show instances of models with a corresponding defined search model, will show a text box for filtering the list. The syntax is the same as the standard simple search.
Empty list views now show the toolbar for cases where the list is empty due to a filtering term.
Define the q URL query key as an internal literal named QUERY_PARAMETER_ANY_FIELD.
Support AJAX request cancellation. This avoid the user interface from appearing to unresponsive when the backend is overloaded.
Support AJAX request throttling. Prevents users from requesting too many consecutive page loads. Defaults to a maximum of 10 requests in 5 seconds of less. This applies only to the user interface. The AJAX throttling resets when a pending request is completed. Added the settings APPEARANCE_THROTTLING_MAXIMUM_REQUESTS and APPEARANCE_THROTTLING_TIMEOUT. Display a message notifying users when throttling is in effect.
BaseBackend class improvements.
Selectable identifier via the _backend_identifier property. Defaults to backend_class_path for compatibility.
Update .get_all to return a list and not a dictionary.
Add property backend_id that returns the value of the class _backend_identifier property.
Convert document file actions from hardcoded logic to an extensible class using the BaseBackend class. Available classes will be loaded from the document_file_actions module. The id of the class defaults to the existing literal values for compatibility.
Add API endpoint called document_file_actions to list the available actions and their properties. API endpoint URL: /api/v4/document_file_actions/
Add document version modification backend. Convert the document version page reset and append functions into document version modification backends. Update document version views and API endpoints to use document version modification backends. Adds new API endpoints:
/api/v4/documents/{ ID }/versions/{ ID }/modify/
Add workflow action to send user messages.
Update WorkflowAction to use common.classes.BaseBackend.
Pagination refactor:
Remove django-pure-pagination package.
Use Django’s 3.2 new get_proper_elided_page_range for paging.
Remove duplicate URL query string manipulation.
Remove duplicated pagination template.
Make pagination argument configurable. Added the setting VIEWS_PAGING_ARGUMENT. Defaults to page for compatibility.
Update the default pagination size from 40 items to 30.
Support hyphenated text when using the Elasticsearch backend.
Add support for supplying files to source backend via the API. Add the accept_files property to SourceBackendAction which dynamically add a file serializer field for the corresponding action.
Add an upload action to the web form source. This allows using web form sources to upload documents from the API.
Support REST API list filtering. Filtering is done using similar logic to that of the user interface list filtering. However, the API list filtering also support filtering by any field and not just using the special “any field” q query key.
Merge fixes from version 4.2.2.
Move the purgeperiodictasks command from the common app to the task_manager app.
Drop support for Python 3.6.
Dependencies update:
Elasticsearch from 7.16.0 to 7.17.0.
Debian from 11.2-slim to 11.3-slim.
PostgreSQL from 12.9-alpine to 12.10-alpine.
RabbitMQ from 3.9-alpine to 3.10-alpine.
amqp from 5.0.9 to 5.1.0.
pip from 21.3.1 to 22.2.
psycopg2 from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3.
redis from 4.0.2 to 4.2.0.
FontAwesome from 5.6.3 to 5.15.4.
urijs from 1.19.7 to 1.19.10.
bleach from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0.
django-solo from 1.1.5 to 2.0.0.
jstree from 3.3.11 to 3.3.12.
PyYAML from 5.4.1 to 6.0.
django-model-utils from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0.
django-mptt from 0.12.0 to 0.13.4.
pycountry from 20.7.3 to 22.3.5.
requests from 2.26.0 to 2.27.0.
devpi-server from 6.2.0 to 6.5.0.
django-debug-toolbar from 3.2.2 to 3.2.4.
django-extensions from 3.1.3 to 3.1.5.
django-rosetta from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8.
django-silk from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0.
flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1.
ipython from 7.26.0 to 7.32.0.
transifex-client from 0.14.3 to 0.14.4.
twine from 3.4.2 to 3.8.0.
wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.37.1.
Pillow from 8.3.1 to 9.2.0.
node-semver from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1.
packaging from 21.0 to 21.3.
python_gnupg from 0.4.7 to 0.4.8.
elasticsearch from 7.16.0 to 7.17.1.
django-activity-stream from 0.10.0 to 1.4.0.
chart.js from 2.7.3 to 2.8.0.
python-magic from 0.4.24 to 0.4.26.
gevent from 21.8.0 to 21.12.0.
sentry-sdk from 1.4.1 to 1.5.8.
whitenoise from 5.3.0 to 6.0.0.
cropperjs from 1.5.2 to 1.5.12.
django-cors-headers from 3.8.0 to 3.10.0.
djangorestframework from 3.12.4 to 3.13.1.
jsonschema from 3.2.0 to 4.4.0.
swagger-spec-validator from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4.
dropzone from 5.9.2 to 5.9.3.
pycryptodome from 3.10.1 to 3.10.4.
celery from 5.1.2 to 5.2.3.
django-formtools from 2.2 to 2.3.
django-widget-tweaks from 1.4.9 to 1.4.12.
furl from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3.
Sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.5.0.
Silence warning about unordered object pagination for:
Document index instance nodes
Workflow transition triggers
File caches
Convert API search model names to lowercase to revert backward incompatible change in version 4.2. Search model names via the API can now be specified in either lowercase (version 4.2) or hybrid case (version <4.2).
mkdtemp now accepts a dir argument like the upstream version. However the dir value is appended to the system wide value of STORAGE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY.
Staging folder updates:
Support inclusion regular expression.
Support exclusion regular expression.
Support subfolders.
Update scan code to use pathlib.Path.
Support pagination.
Add support for workflow escalation. This feature allows moving a workflow forward after the workflow has remained in a certain state after a pre-determined amount of time. Multiple escalations are supported for each state. Conditions using the templating language are supported.
Move model based classes to the databases app. Move the classes:
Convert the OCR app to the new error log system. The permission “View error log” is now required to view the document version OCR error log.
Convert the document parsing app to the new error log system. The permission “View error log” is now required to view the document file parsing error log.
Remove the Python package mock. This package is now available as unittest.mock in Python 3.3 onward.
Unify and remove repeated workflow API views code using parent resolution mixins.
Support adding help text to search model fields. By default the help text from the model fields will be used.
Increase the document type label size from 96 characters to 196.
Update the document type label field help text.
Search updates:
Rename search model instances from “…search” to “search_model…”.
Add support for removing search fields from third party apps. The method is called .remove_search_field(search_field=) and requires the search field instance obtained from the method .get_search_fields().
Remove the search_fields list and use the search_fields_dict instead for both purposes. The canonical method to obtain the search field of a search model is now using the method .get_search_fields().
Update the Elasticsearch backend default settings to match those of the official Python client.
Don’t introspect document file MIME type at download. Instead pass the stored values.
Support empty ranges for parse_range.
Add group_iterator to group iterators in to lists of tuples.
Refactor bulk object search indexing:
Rename mayan.apps.dynamic_search.tasks.task_index_search_model to mayan.apps.dynamic_search.tasks.task_index_instances.
Index only objects that exists instead of using blind ranges.
Update search_index_objects management command to trigger multiple task_index_instances tasks instead of just one.
Add date manipulation template tags. The new tags are date_parse to convert a string into a datetime object and timedelta to apply time transformations to a datetime object.
Add a size field to the document file model. Since this value is not expected to change, it is now a persistent model field and not calculated on demand by querying the storage layer. This change also improves document mirroring performance by removing one disk access per document and using the database stored size value which is immutable.
Support searching messages. Make the subject, body, date_time fields searchable.
Error logging updates:
Add error log entry delete permission.
Add support deleting individual error log entries or the complete error log of an object.
Add the error log entry delete event.
Support subscribing to the error log entry delete event of an object.
Add API views. Support added to view the error log of objects.
Migrations code style cleanup.
Rename code migrations functions prefix from operation_ to code_.
Add keyword arguments.
PEP8 code style cleanups.
Add support for cabinet mirroring.
Remove django-colorful. Use HTML5 color field instead.
Add support to randomize the tag color.
Document parsing updates. Closes GitLab issue #957. Thanks to LeVon Smoker (@lsmoker) for the report and initial suggestions.
Pass the original document file to parsers instead of attempting to pre-processing the document file to PDF.
Add parsing support for office document files and text files.
Rename test file literals for uniformity.
Rename management commands to include the app name where they are defined. Add a stub command for backwards compatibility.
checkdependencies replaced by dependencies_check.
checkversion replaced by dependencies_check_version.
createautoadmin replaced by autoadmin_create.
generaterequirements replaced by dependencies_generate_requirements.
initialsetup replaced by common_initial_setup.
installdependencies replaced by dependencies_install.
mountindex replaced by mirroring_mount_index.
performupgrade replaced by common_perform_upgrade.
platformtemplate replaced by platform_template.
preparestatic replaced by appearance_prepare_static.
purgelocks replaced by lock_manager_purge_locks.
purgepermissions replaced by permissions_purge.
purgeperiodictasks replaced by task_manager_purge_periodic_tasks.
purgestatistics replaced by statistics_purge.
revertsettings replaced by settings_revert.
savesettings replaced by settings_save.
showsettings replaced by settings_show.
showversion replaced by dependencies_show_version.
Split the document indexing models module. Module is split into index template and instance models.
Show item count even if the list is empty. This change prevents the list toolbar from “jumping” visually when there are no results.
Simplify how the view title is copied to the window title. Escaping is now performed by jQuery.
Add icons to all views. Every view now has a corresponding icon to be displayed with the title.
Normalize icon, link and view names. Follow the pattern object_sub_object_action.
Add warning message when user attempting to delete their own accounts.
Add support for Whoosh bulk indexing using the BufferedWriter class. When reindexing the search indexes, for every lock obtained, a group of object will be written as a single operation. The number of objects written concurrently is controlled by the settings SEARCH_INDEXING_CHUNK_SIZE.
Split converter app views into separate modules.
Add support for transformation argument forms.
Improve transformation argument column display.
Fix argument handling for the transformation TransformationDrawRectangle.
Check and reject negative percent values for the zoom transformation.
Fix asset transformations hash calculation.
Use a lower layer that the redaction layer to allow seeing the entire document when editing redactions. This is more natural as it gives the impression the redaction is actually being edited by being moved instead of showing two redactions (old in the image plus the interactive one).
Add transparency support to the TransformationDrawRectanglePercent transformation.
Unify the TransformationDrawRectangle and TransformationDrawRectanglePercent transformations.
Move transformation mixins to their own module.
Allow classes using APIImageViewMixin to specify the stream MIME type via get_stream_mime_type.
Fix repeated model manager definition in the DocumentFilePage model.
Support easier test document stub creation via the new auto_create_test_document_stub. It is mutually exclusive with auto_create_test_document_stub and requires settings auto_upload_test_document to False.
Add first name and last name fields to the test case user.
Generalize image transformations into reusable mixins: ImagePasteCoordinatesAbsoluteTransformationMixin, ImagePasteCoordinatesPercentTransformationMixin, ImageWatermarkPercentTransformationMixin.
Add support for signature capture. The signature capture app allows capture of handwritten signatures. The original point data as well as an SVG version of the signature is store. The point data represents the raw signature primitives that allows reloading them into the signature pad library. The SVG version allows for rendering as an image for preview. A transformation is added to allow pasting a signature as a page image.
Remove trailing new lines from the MIME type and encoding returned by the MIMETypeBackendFileCommand.
Make MIMETypeBackendFileCommand the default MIME backend.
Fix sorting and grouping of permissions in the workflow action to grant or revoke document access.
Remove SearchModel unused class method and improve result sorting.
Navigation updates:
Add support for extra HTML attributes.
Improve HTML data by allowing the entries to be resolved against the context.
Support empty URL values. When empty, the link is rendered without a href attribute.
Add link to make staging folder file selection easier. Closes GitLab issue #341. Thanks to Leroy Förster (@gersilex) for the report and initial idea.
Modernize Python syntax:
Pass generators instead of lists to sorted.
Update string formatting to use .format.
Remove creating of sets using the set factory and use instead the set literal.
New workflow events: workflow instance created committed when a new workflow is launched for a document and workflow instance transitioned committed when a workflow instance is transitioned to a new state, either manually or automatically.
Track the user when a new workflow instance is created or transitioned.
Optimize the document indexing by reusing the index instance node if it already exists.
Add support for document index event triggers. Historically document indexes used hard coded signals to trigger an index update. The indexing app was updated to now use events to trigger these updates. This has the additional benefits of allowing runtime configuration of the index event triggers, disabling the ones not relevant for an index to improve performance. New document indexes default to update on all available document events. Existing indexes will me automatically migrated and updated to update on all available document events. Index updates now support more events like adding or removal from cabinets. Closes GitLab issue #631. Thanks to Tobias Huhn (@twhuhn) for the request.
Convert the staging folder file selection input to a Select2 widget supporting text filtering.
Move the transformations TransformationDrawRectangle and TransformationDrawRectanglePercent to the decorations layer.
Add retry backoff maximum delay to the search tasks.
Add per user object event subscription view.
Add support for permission filtering to the notification views. This moves the access filtering of notification from the class to the view. The advantage of this change is that notifications are restricted when the access control is modified, even if the notification already exists.
Normalize how the search “Match all” parameter is evaluated.
Fix evaluation of “Match all” when using a single level scoped search.
Discard non supported images contained in MPO images files.
Use the Elasticsearch count API ( to obtain accurate search model status information.
Delete existing indexes when calling the Elasticsearch backend initialize method.
Wrap search backend errors into a general exception with a short explanation.
Documentation updates:
Set the Docker Compose installation method as the main method.
Add warning notes for the deprecated installation methods.
Expand the requirements section.
Move the requirements to their on chapter.
Update the features part.
Add management command common_generate_random_secret_key to provide random values suitable for use as SECRET_KEY.
Refactor initial setup and upgrade commands:
Consolidate management command code.
Move command code to a separate class.
Convert code to use pathlib.
Add support for disabling use of the media folder. Add the bootstrap setting COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE to disable use of the local media folder. When using this setting, all apps must be also configured via their respective storage backend settings to use alternate persistence methods.
When serving images using APIImageViewMixin, detect the MIME type of the data before sending the stream. This ensures the image will load correctly in all browsers that require a MIME type value in the header of the stream.
Change the UUID field to Elasticsearch field mapping, from Keyword to Text to avoid search indexing error when processing document containers with more than 910 documents. Elasticsearch’s Keyword field is limited to 32766 bytes and attempting to index a container with more than 910 documents would exceed this limit.
Update the Elasticsearch backend search query configuration to be more strict and lower the number of hits matched. Change the match query to match_phrase and remove the fuzzy query.
Ensure document version pages point to an existing content object when exporting. Otherwise they are skipped.
Improve document version export code to skip invalid pages. The page loop will skip pages with no content object and regard the first page found with a content object as the first exported page.
Don’t assume all storages have a preset mode attribute. Such is the case with the S3Boto3Storage when used for shared uploaded files. Instead introspect the mode and fallback to a safe default valur of 'rb'.
Disable the settings edit link when local storage is disabled.
Display a warning message in the setting edit view when local storage is disabled.
4.2.18 (2023-12-09)
Update the cache and cache partition purge loop to continue executing even when there are files that cannot be purged. Cache partition files will be skipped and retried on the next purge execution.
Fix document file page search content field label.
Upgrade Django from version 3.2.19 to 3.2.23.
Generate markup for GitHub issues.
Fix a setting help text typo.
Add missing mailing profile default field to creation and edit forms.
Support Django series in setup generation script.
Use Mayan CLI full path in DockerFile.
Update the GitLab CI deployment stage to not install the Docker runtime.
Backport source periodic task changes.
Update the Docker image to skip changing the ownership of files if MAYAN_COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE is set to any truthy value (True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1).
Fix the add_file method of the TarArchive class.
Fix select2 widget in the metadata edit workflow action form.
Update PyYAML from version 5.4.1 to 6.0.1.
Update drf-yasg from version 1.20.0 to 1.21.7.
Fix test that were asserting for True values instead of asserting for equality.
4.2.17 (2023-07-10)
Ensure only the filename of the uploaded file is used as the document label, omitting all path content.
Backport MIME type file command backend improvements to make it more usable in series 4.2.
Only clear the source error log if the source is enabled or was being tested.
Fix the POP3 source uncompress choices. The choice asking users is not valid for a non interactive source.
Include the file command in the Docker image to allow using it for MIME type detection.
Reference the valid document as the event target when restoring a trashed document to allow the event to be accessible.
4.2.16 (2023-05-31)
Fix error in staging target Docker credential variable names. Closes GitLab issue #1143. Thanks to Matthias Löblich(@startmat) for the report.
Fix workflow action test. Test was using the incorrect assertion type.
Remove extra punctuation in help text. Text being concatenated already has punctuation.
Fix document type change action form widget. The widget definition was incorrect causing the document type selector to use the regular HTML select widget.
Split the Whoosh backend search object deletion and addition into separate try and exception blocks.
CI documentation jobs improvements:
Install wheel to use modern Python package versions.
Don’t install or build the Mayan EDMS Python package and instead use the development code to build the documentation.
Ensure APT proxy quotes are escaped.
Move Wheel dependency version to top level config file.
Fix sitemap URL scheme format.
Add release step flake8 command.
Update the Docker Debian image from version 11.4-slim to 11.7-slim.
Update the Redis Docker image from version 6.2.11-alpine to 6.2.12-alpine.
Create a separate CSS class to handle unwanted second scrollbar on forms with an embedded carousel on Firefox. Closes issue #1144. Thanks to Rodrigo EvilNet Olguin (@evilnet1), @qra, @vintager for report and Matthias Löblich (@startmat) for the research.
Split DocumentTestMixin into DocumentTypeTestMixin and DocumentTestMixin.
Retry trashed document deletion on database OperationalError. On large number of documents or document with many pages, the level of deletions exceed the database capacity to fulfill them. This causes a query deadlock where one database process waits for a ShareLock on a transaction which itself is blocked by another ShareLock on the previous transaction.
After a timeout period of this circular transaction dependency an OperationalError exception will be raised and the trashed document deletion can be retried.
Closes GitLab issue #1146, thanks to DS (@dshah01) for the report.
Disable announcements app login template caching. Fixes announcement edits not showing up. Thanks to forum user @jwolfe for the report and debug information.
Add documents app task testing module.
Add events assertion to the document models test module.
Django was updated from version 3.2.16 to 3.2.19.
Reduce the amount of search update tasks during many to many model additions.
4.2.15 (2023-04-14)
Merged changes from version 4.1.12:
Fix sources app migration 0027 backend mapping path.
Include bug fixes and updates from version 4.0.24.
Don’t include local config values in app settings. Local config values are meant to override CI/CD and test settings, and not meant to be committed as permanent to the repository.
Improve deployment stages:
Use long setting versions.
Clean up volumes using the official method.
Pull images to ensure the latest copy is used even if the image has the same tag as the remote.
4.2.14 (2023-03-09)
Merged changes from version 4.1.11:
Removal of the Transifex Python client.
Support a local environment config file names config-local.env.
Support multi psycopg2 versions for testing. Upgrade testing now uses PYTHON_PSYCOPG2_VERSION_PREVIOUS for the previous version when testing against PostgreSQL.
Move the helper module to the dependencies app.
GitOps improvements and backports:
Add configurable remote branch for GitOps.
Add makefile targets to trigger standalone builds.
Reuse Python build in stages.
Convert branches into literals.
Remove duplicated code in jobs.
Split GitLab CI targets into their own makefile.
Increase artifact expiration.
Add PIP and APT caching to documentation and python build stages.
Add GitLab CI job dependencies.
Enable Buildkit builds.
Use APT proxy and cache in more places.
Cache Alpine APK packages.
Clean up cache directory definitions.
Update APT cache to be at .cache/apt.
Add multi cache support.
Add GitLab CI cache template tags.
Update deployment stages.
Don’t push to the master branch on nightly or testing releases.
Load config.env in all jobs.
Move common SSH initialization to its own template tags.
Convert YAML triple ‘’’ quotes to a single quote.
Sanitize tag labels to avoid XSS abuse (CVE-2022-47419: Mayan EDMS Tag XSS). This is a limited scope weakness of the tagging system markup that can be used to display an arbitrary text when selecting a tag for attachment to or removal from a document.
It is not possible to circumvent Mayan EDMS access control system or expose arbitrary information with this weakness.
Attempting to exploit this weakness requires a privileged account and is not possible to enable from a guest or an anonymous account. Visitors to a Mayan EDMS installation cannot exploit this weakness.
It is also being incorrectly reported that this weakness can be used to steal the session cookie and impersonate users. Since version 1.4 (March 23, 2012) Django has included the httponly attribute for the session cookie. This means that the session cookie data, including sessionid, is no longer accessible from JavaScript.
Mayan EDMS currently uses Django 3.2. Under this version of Django The SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY defaults to True, which enables the httponly for the session cookie making it inaccessible to JavaScript and therefore not available for impersonation via session hijacking.
Django’s SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY setting is not currently exposed by Mayan EDMS’ setting system, therefore it is not possible to disable this protection by conventional means.
Any usage of this weakness remains logged in the event system making it easy to track down any bad actors.
Due to all these factors, the surface of attack of this weakness is very limited, if any.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks exploiting this weakness to expose or destroy data.
Add a custom REST API exception handler to workaround inconsistent validation exception behavior in Django REST framework (
Add OCI metadata annotations
4.2.13 (2022-12-18)
Fix document file and document version print form submit button.
Fix tagged document list view permission filtering. The permission layout remains the same. Only the method in which the permissions is checked was updated.
Fix metadata add action actor assignment. This assignment is not currently used by either the view or the API which assign the actor directly themselves.
Silence Docker Compose warning “MAYAN_WORKER_CUSTOM_QUEUE_LIST variable is not set”. Closes GitLab issue #1129. Thanks to GR Buck (@graybuck) for the report.
4.2.12 (2022-11-13)
Fixes from version 4.1.10.
Add a subclass of Path that adds the method is_relative_to for Python versions lower than 3.9.
Add a patch for Python’s CVE-2007-4559 (
This is a language level vulnerability which exposed older versions of Mayan EDMS only when downloading JavaScript dependencies from the NPM registry.
Exploiting this vulnerability requires compromising an existing package hosted on the NPM registry and adding Python code specifically targeting Mayan EDMS. As part of the project’s design philosophies, dependencies are only downloaded from authoritative locations and each dependency is pinned to a specific version to guarantee immutable releases.
Due to all these factors surface of attack of this vulnerability is very limited for older versions of Mayan EDMS, it is also very improbable, very difficulty to accomplish and very difficult to remain undetected.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks for Mayan EDMS exploiting this vulnerability.
Thanks to the TrellixVulnTeam for the pull request which lead to this Mayan EDMS specific patch.
4.2.11 (2022-11-05)
Update Django from version 3.2.14 to 3.2.16.
4.2.10 (2022-08-20)
Make file improvements. Don’t require a local psql client to launch the PostgreSQL development container. Don’t require a local Redis client to launch the Redis development container. Fix the staging targets.
Display exception errors to console when Celery fails to initialize.
Use the DownloadFile filename attribute if available when performing the actual download action. Fall back to the previous logic of the string representation of the download file if the filename attribute is not set.
Ensure cabinet document is added using the correct method when using the upload wizard. Closes GitLab issue #1118. Thanks to haithoum (@haithembenammar) for the report.
Improve cabinet, metadata, and tag app tests.
Ensure document tag is attached using the correct method when using the upload wizard. Same issue to GitLab issue #1118. Thanks to haithoum (@haithembenammar) for the initial report.
4.2.9 (2022-08-04)
Add permission filtering to the source switch links. The permission filtering will be the same as the views: document create permission for the source links during document uploads and document file new permissions for the source links in the new document file upload view.
Don’t cache the impersonation and the settings app templates. This ensures the impersonation banner and settings change banner are triggered correctly in all edge cases where multiple frontend processes or load balancers are used.
Add make file development targets setup-dev-operating-system-packages and setup-dev-python-libraries.
4.2.8 (2022-07-22)
Fix the permission requirement of the recently created documents dashboard widget. The widget should filter by document view and not document type view permission. Thanks to forum user LeVon Smoker (@lsmoker) for the report.
Update Django from version 3.2.13 to 3.2.14.
Update Pillow from version 8.3.1 to 8.3.2.
Update cryptodome from version 3.10.1 to 3.10.4.
Remove the package firefox-geckdriver from the make file target setup-dev-environment as it is no longer available in recent OS LTS releases.
Update the GitLab CI file to support releasing testing build of the Python library and the Docker image separately.
Update Docker Debian base image from debian:11.3-slim to to debian:11.4-slim.
Update PyPDF2 from version 1.26.0 to 1.28.4. Closes GitLab issue #1106. Thanks to Stefan Denker (@denkerszaf) for the report and investigation.
Update Sphinx from version 3.5.4 to 4.5.0 to avoid bug #9038.
4.2.7 (2022-07-01)
Intercept document file and document version page transformation errors and show a corresponding error template. This allows accessing the page to fix the transformation error. Closes GitLab issue #1101. Thanks to Munzir Taha (@munzirtaha) for the report.
Backport search fixes from 4.3:
Normalize how the search “Match all” parameter is evaluated.
Fix evaluation of “Match all” when using a single level scoped search.
Improve extraction of URL search query parameters.
4.2.6 (2022-06-25)
Backport document content parsing template method. This fix allows accessing the parsed content of a document directly in a template.
Backport permission form widget choice grouping and sorting improvements.
4.2.5 (2022-05-21)
Remove unused authentication view.
Task manager app updates:
Add backend Celery queue deduplication to the CeleryQueue.
Enable app tests.
Add and improve tests.
Add support for runtime removal of queues.
Remove unused event link.
Make document version OCR submit view messages translatable.
Make file caching purge view messages translatable.
Make document file metadata submit view messages translatable.
Fix asset transformations hash calculation.
Fix asset image API view docstring.
Fix repeated model manager definition in DocumentFilePage models.
Transformation improvements:
Fix wrong parameter in the ImageDraw.Draw usage of the TransformationDrawRectangle transformation.
Add sanity check to reject negative zoom values for the TransformationZoom transformation.
Add warning message when users attempting to delete their own accounts.
Convert the signal handler that triggers search indexing on many to many fields changes into a background task. Solves user interface blocking when changing the document type to index template association on large installations.
Update Django from version 3.2.12 to 3.2.13.
Retry search indexing task when the object is not found. There are situations where the broker will route the message to the workers faster than the database can commit the data.
Fix favorite document links reacting to favorite documents beyond the active user. Closes GitLab issue #1104. Thanks to Biel Frontera (@bielfrontera) for the report and initial implementation.
4.2.4 (2022-04-29)
Fix the documentation paths to the OTP backends. Closes GitLab issue #1099. Thanks to Matthias Löblich (@startmat) for the report.
Fix Docker pull counter.
Remove repeated Whoosh backend line of code from merge.
Add portainer installation files and documentation.
Remove hardcoded search model variable name from search_box.html template.
Fix the search model API URL reference. Closes GitLab issue #1098. Thanks to Bastian (@Basti-Fantasti) for the report.
Use the SEARCH_MODEL_NAME_KWARG instead of hard coding the search model API URL reference.
Filter trashed documents from the tag document count column.
Filter trashed documents from the cabinet document retrieval method. This brings code parity with tags which work in a very similar way.
Improve Python 3.10 compatibility. Add a compatibility module to encapsulate import of the Iterable class. Improves GitLab issue #1083. Thanks to Bw (@bwakkie) for the report and code samples.
Type cast LUT values when masking an asset for pasting via Pillow’s point().
Document metadata edit form validation updates:
Remove disabled attribute from the metadata type label field to avoid having its value removed when there is a validation error.
Remove the required flag from the value field when there is a required metadata for a document. The previous behavior cause the tabular form to display “(required)” in column title confusing users and causing them to think that all metadata type fields were required.
Raise validation error for specific required metadata entries and no for the entire form. This help users better understand which metadata field needs to be corrected.
Improve the required metadata validation logic to take into account existing values and empty forms when data was entered into the field but the update checkbox was left unchecked.
Bulk object search indexing updates:
Retry failed bulk indexing tasks.
Add max retry value to task_index_search_models.
Improve tasks error logging.
Update the Debian Docker image from version 11.2-slim to 11.3-slim.
Downgrade the Python Docker image from version 3.11-slim to 3.10-slim.
Pin Jinja2 version to workaround Sphinx bug. Sphinx Jinja2 dependency is not pinned or immutable, and causes the installation of an incompatible version breaking builds.
4.2.3 (2022-04-01)
Add restart policy to the Traefik container definition.
Remove duplicated Document.get_label method.
Fix an issue where a staging folder would not tag uploaded documents.
4.2.2 (2022-03-21)
Ensure the object copy permission is required for the object copy link.
Migrate old workflow EmailAction instances instead of sub-classing for backwards compatibility. Improves commit b522dac80f7f6cfb8c5db8a74d6d2d22bc8b281a and avoids a double entry in the workflow state action selection downdown list.
Ensure new document and file links access works like their respective views. The links will be active when the access is granted for the source as well as the document/document type.
Filter unread message count badge by message read permission.
Update document metadata model field label from “Metadata type value” to “Metadata value”.
Fix document file signature serializer label.
4.2.1 (2022-02-16)
Merge improvements from version 4.1.6.
Append the text “signed” to the label of a signed document file instead of using the temporary filename used during signing.
Ensure the signed document file is used when the file downloaded is requested and when calculating the signed document file checksum. Solves issue in forum post 6149. Thanks to forum user @qra for the report and debug information.
Update IMAP source store commands to be optional.
Update email sources SSL checkbox to be optional.
Undo POP3 source context manager changes from commit c19040491e20c9a783ae6191613bc8c5f7acb038. It seems Python’s email libraries do not have feature parity. imaplib was updated to support context managers but poplib was not.
Update requirements to specify Python version 3.6 to 3.9.
Update Django version 3.2.11 to 3.2.12.
4.2 (2022-02-12)
Update Django to version 3.2.11.
Update django-widget-tweaks from version 1.4.8 to 1.4.9.
File staging sources updates:
Use StreamingHttpResponse to serve previews.
Support office document files for preview.
Fix extra brackets in the encoded and cached filenames.
Simplify image generation.
Use context manager to ensure preview images are always closed.
Hide all links that depend on users being authenticated.
Add support for return binary content in batch API requests as a base64 string.
Add support for dynamic field API serialization. This feature adds the URL query keys _fields_only and _fields_exclude. Nested serializers are supported using the double underscore (__) separator.
Refactor ResolverRelatedManager.
Move Docker templates to their own folder.
Move the docker-dockerfile-update target to the Docker makefile.
Update Docker image tags:
PostgreSQL from 10.18-alpine to 12.9-alpine.
Python from 3.8-slim to 3.11-slim.
Update psycopg2 from version 2.8.6 to 2.9.2.
Update redis client from version 3.5.3 to 4.0.2.
Reduce the Sentry client default traces_sample_rate from 0.25 to 0.05.
Add the run_initialsetup_or_performupgrade command to the Docker entrypoint.
Docker Compose updates:
Add a Redis profile.
Default to RabbitMQ a broker.
Change default RabbitMQ image from 3.9-alpine to 3.9-management-alpine.
Improve Traefik configuration.
Add a dedicated network for Traefik.
Completed the Whoosh backend and made it the default search backend.
Ensure all test models are deleted, including intermediate many to many models created automatically.
Update DetailForm usage for the new interface.
Move flatten_list to the common app.
ResolverPipeline updates:
Support resolver_extra_kwargs.
Add queryset exclusion support to ResolverRelatedManager.
Update related field resolution using pure Django
Solve all search indexing edge cases.
Models are indexed using smaller tasks to improve scalability.
Refactor ResolverRelatedManager. Use Django’s internal get_fields_from_path for related field introspection. Support more related field cases.
Trigger indexing on related model changes
Fix lock manager management command test.
Don’t index None values in lists.
Unify the search test mixins.
Use TemporaryDirectory for test search backend. Do automatic clean up of the temporary index directory.
Remove the separate related model index signal handlers.
Make Whoosh the default search backend.
Support reverse many to many indexing.
Add indexing optimizations.
Rename methods for clarity.
Move the any_to_bool function to the common app.
Update base image from Debian 10.10-slim to 11.1-slim.
Move the parse_range utility from the documents app to the common app.
Retry Whoosh LockErrors by encapsulating then in the general app exception DynamicSearchRetry.
Added the search_index_objects management command to trigger the queuing of search models from the CLI.
Added the search_status management command to show indexing status of the search backend.
Move SQLite check to the databases app.
Add support for inclusion and exclusion regular expressions for watch folders. Closes GitLab issue #965. Thanks to Sven Gaechter (@sgaechter) for the request.
MIME type app updates:
Add support for MIME type detection backends.
Add PERL mimetype backend.
Add Linux file command backend.
Rename mimetype app to mime_types.
Add a search backend for Elastic Search.
Search app updates:
Support initializing the search backends.
Add method to reset backends.
Moved get_resolved_field_map and get_search_model_fields to the SearchBackend class.
Normalize true values for scope 0 match_all.
Added a new task task_reindex_backend to abstract backend reindexing.
Add constant maximum retries value to the task_deindex_instance and task_index_instance tasks.
Add ranged search model indexing.
Add the search_slow queue for long running search tasks.
Support backend initialization, reset, and tear down.
Automatically add the id field as a search field for all search models.
Separate backend initialization from app initialization.
Add Elasticsearch test container makefile targets.
Unify the files .env and env_file.
Switch all standalone containers to use a prefetch-multiplier of 1.
Change the Docker Compose network name from bridge to mayan.
Add the search_initialize and search_upgrade management commands. These are called automatically after the initial setup and after upgrades.
Add new search settings called SEARCH_INDEXING_CHUNK_SIZE to set the number of objects to prepare when performing bulk indexing.
Metadata validation and parsing updates:
Expand the parser and validator path fields to 224 characters.
Add automatic registration of parsers and validators.
Add support for passing arguments to parsers and validators.
Add a regular expression parser to replace values and a regular expression validator.
Authentication refactor:
Subclass Django’s authentication views to add multi form and multi factor authentication.
Add support for authentication backends. Authentication backends are able to control and customize the entire login process, including the forms presented to the user. Authentication backends can use mixins and can be subclassed to mix and expand their capabilities. Included authentication mixins: AuthenticationBackendRememberMeMixin Included authentication backends: AuthenticationBackendModelDjangoDefault, AuthenticationBackendModelEmailPassword, AuthenticationBackendModelUsernamePassword. Apps define authentication backends in the module
Removed the now unused EmailAuthBackend class.
New settings:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND which must be the dotted path to the backend used to process user authentication.
AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS which is an optional YAML structure to pass to the authentication backend.
Add Time based One Time Password (TOTP) support. To enable set the setting AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND to mayan.apps.authentication_otp.authentication_backends.AuthenticationBackendModelUsernamePasswordTOTP for username and TOTP login. For email and TOTP logins use mayan.apps.authentication_otp.authentication_backends.AuthenticationBackendModelEmailPasswordTOTP. New management commands to support OTP:
authentication_otp_disable: disables OTP for a user
authentication_otp_initialize: initializes the OTP state data for all users. This command is for debugging and maintenance in case the database migration does not correctly initialize the OTP state data for existing users.
authentication_otp_status: display the OTP status for a user
Add URL links to the document file and document version first pages to the document serializer in the API.
Convert the download file deletion interval into a setting named DOWNLOAD_FILE_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL which defaults to 2 days.
Convert the shared uploaded file deletion interval into a setting named SHARED_UPLOADED_FILE_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL which defaults to 7 days.
Don’t display API URL links to indexing instance and template parents that are also root nodes as these are not accessible.
Register more models using DynamicSerializerField to display the canonical serializer of the model when referenced by other objects.
For object that have children objects or that support nesting, the parent object ID is now added to the serializer. The layout is {parent object name}_id. A few objects already provided the parent ID but with a different schema. These objects also now have the parent ID field with the new schema even if it displays a duplicate value. The old ID field is now deprecated and will be removed in version 5.0.
Added a workflow state column displaying all created actions labels separated by a comma.
Added the mailing profile created and edited events.
User menu and views updates:
Reorganize all user links under a single “User details” link.
Allow editing the locale profile of users.
Allow editing the theme settings of users.
Unify user data related views.
Add “User theme edited” and “User locale profile edited” events.
Update the Django debug view CSS and layout to match Django’s original appearance.
Support Django debug JavaScript code.
Minor CSS optimization to the Django debug view.
Add Docker Compose password randomizer.
Include LDAP libraries and Python modules.
Events app updates:
Use the correct attribute for fetching event types. Use id instead of name.
Cache the event type instance in the StoredEvent model.
An incorrect event type ID will now return a KeyError instead of masking the exception and returning an error message. It is now up to the calling code which action to take when the event type ID is not correct.
The previous unknown event error message is now available as a literal named literals.TEXT_UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID.
Add workflow template transition trigger API. Closes GitLab issue #1044. Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur (@lanterieur) for the request and research.
Fine tune workflow template permissions to require the view permission instead of the edit permission when applicable.
Error log updates:
Added a global error log list to the tools menu.
Error log partitions now link to their underline object via content type too.
Error log partitions are now retrieve or created on demand.
Added cascade permission support to error log partitions and entries.
Update the ObjectActionAPIView view to allow passing extra context to serializers.
Add support for launching workflows from the API.
Refactor language activation to work with Django 3.2.
Added the mailing profile created and edited events.
Remove workflow instance exception usage. Current state property is now inspected.
Remove menu proxy inclusions. Model proxies are now included by default.
Add menu proxy exclusions.
Update the subject and body fields of the document email workflow action to be optional.
Redirect to current user to user detail view after password change.
Support two different psycopg2 versions for upgrade testing.
4.1.12 (2023-04-14)
Fix sources app migration 0027 backend mapping path.
Include bug fixes and updates from version 4.0.24.
Don’t include local config values in app settings. Local config values are meant to override CI/CD and test settings, and not meant to be committed as permanent to the repository.
Improve deployment stages:
Use long setting versions.
Clean up volumes using the official method.
Pull images to ensure the latest copy is used even if the image has the same tag as the remote.
4.1.11 (2023-03-08)
Install OS and Python dependencies as separate makefile targets.
Remove the Python Transifex client. The new Go based client is required to be installed manually when working with translations (
Sanitize tag labels to avoid XSS abuse (CVE-2022-47419: Mayan EDMS Tag XSS). This is a limited scope weakness of the tagging system markup that can be used to display an arbitrary text when selecting a tag for attachment to or removal from a document.
It is not possible to circumvent Mayan EDMS access control system or expose arbitrary information with this weakness.
Attempting to exploit this weakness requires a privileged account and is not possible to enable from a guest or an anonymous account. Visitors to a Mayan EDMS installation cannot exploit this weakness.
It is also being incorrectly reported that this weakness can be used to steal the session cookie and impersonate users. Since version 1.4 (March 23, 2012) Django has included the httponly attribute for the session cookie. This means that the session cookie data, including sessionid, is no longer accessible from JavaScript.
Mayan EDMS currently uses Django 3.2. Under this version of Django The SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY defaults to True, which enables the httponly for the session cookie making it inaccessible to JavaScript and therefore not available for impersonation via session hijacking.
Django’s SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY setting is not currently exposed by Mayan EDMS’ setting system, therefore it is not possible to disable this protection by conventional means.
Any usage of this weakness remains logged in the event system making it easy to track down any bad actors.
Due to all these factors, the surface of attack of this weakness is very limited, if any.
There are no known actual or theoretical attacks exploiting this weakness to expose or destroy data.
Pin Jinja2 version to workaround Sphinx bug. Sphinx Jinja2 dependency is not pinned or immutable, and causes the installation of an incompatible version breaking builds.
Support a local environment config file names config-local.env. This file is ignored by Git and meant to override values of config.env.
Support multi psycopg2 versions for testing. Upgrade testing now uses PYTHON_PSYCOPG2_VERSION_PREVIOUS for the previous version when testing against PostgreSQL.
Improve Python 3.10 compatibility. Add a compatibility module to encapsulate import of the Iterable class.
Move SearchModel.flatten_list to the common app module.
Move the helper module to the dependencies app.
GitOps improvements and backports:
Add configurable remote branch for GitOps.
Add makefile targets to trigger standalone builds.
Reuse Python build in stages.
Convert branches into literals.
Remove duplicated code in jobs.
Split GitLab CI targets into their own makefile.
Increase artifact expiration.
Add PIP and APT caching to documentation and python build stages.
Add GitLab CI job dependencies.
Enable Buildkit builds.
Use APT proxy and cache in more places.
Cache Alpine APK packages.
Clean up cache directory definitions.
Update APT cache to be at .cache/apt.
Add multi cache support.
Add GitLab CI cache template tags.
Update deployment stages.
Don’t push to the master branch on nightly or testing releases.
Add a custom REST API exception handler to workaround inconsistent validation exception behavior in Django REST framework (
4.1.10 (2022-11-13)
Fixes from version 4.0.23.
4.1.9 (2022-04-24)
Remove hardcoded search model variable name from search_box.html template.
4.1.8 (2022-04-23)
Fix the search model API URL reference. Closes GitLab issue #1098. Thanks to Bastian (@Basti-Fantasti) for the report.
Use the SEARCH_MODEL_NAME_KWARG instead of hard coding the search model API URL reference.
Merged changes from version 4.0.22:
Remove usage of flat values list in document checkout manager.
Remove usage of flat values_list queryset in metadata managers module.
Cleanup markup of the confirmation form.
Remove redundant modal close button.
Fix search proxies method decorator.
Reorganize converter office MIME type list.
Improve metadata validation error message.
Don’t display API URL links to indexing instance and template parents that are also root nodes as these are not accessible.
Remove repeated partition file close call.
Update Django version 2.2.24 to 2.2.28.
Reduce the Sentry client default traces_sample_rate from 0.25 to 0.05.
Add keyword argument to self.stderr and self.stdout usage.
In FilteredRelatedFieldMixin, split retrieval of the queryset to avoid the exception handler from capturing an AttributeError that it shouldn’t.
Updated the subject and body fields of the document email workflow action to be optional.
Migrate old workflow EmailAction instances instead of sub-classing for backwards compatibility. Improves commit b522dac80f7f6cfb8c5db8a74d6d2d22bc8b281a and avoids a double entry in the workflow state action selection dropbox.
Partials navigation updates:
Streamline JavaScript partials navigation code.
Make the AJAX response redirect code configurable. New setting APPEARANCE_AJAX_REDIRECTION_CODE added.
Remove repeated AJAX redirection middleware.
Add keyword arguments to zip file calls.
PartialNavigation.js improvements.
Clean URL query on form submit and use form data as the URL query.
Remove dead code.
Use constants where appropriate.
Backport new document link condition logic. Ensure new document and file links access works like their respective views. The links will be active when the access is granted for the source as well as the document/document type. Closes GitLab issue #1102. Thanks to Julian Marié (@Angelfs) for the report and debug information.
Improve logic of the new document file link
Access the view user in a more reliable way.
Test the new file permission of the document and not of the document type.
If no document is present in the view exit fast.
Update tests.
4.1.7 (2022-04-01)
Backport fixes from version 4.2.3
Add restart policy to the Traefik container definition.
Remove duplicated Document.get_label method.
Fix an issue where a staging folder would not tag uploaded documents.
Fix document file signature serializer label.
Update document metadata model field label from “Metadata type value” to “Metadata value”.
Filter unread message count badge by message read permission.
Update signature view permission label from “View details of document signatures” to “View document signature”.
Ensure the object copy permission is required for the object copy link.
Fix GUNICORN_REQUESTS_JITTER documentation setting name reference.
4.1.6 (2022-02-15)
Append the text “signed” to the label of a signed document file instead of using the temporary filename used during signing.
Ensure the signed document file is used when the file downloaded is requested and when calculating the signed document file checksum. Solves issue in forum post 6149. Thanks to forum user @qra for the report and debug information.
Update IMAP source store commands to be optional.
Update email sources SSL checkbox to be optional.
Undo POP3 source context manager changes from commit c19040491e20c9a783ae6191613bc8c5f7acb038. It seems Python’s email libraries do not have feature parity. imaplib was updated to support context managers but poplib was not.
Update requirements to specify Python version 3.5 to 3.9.
Update Django version 2.2.24 to 2.2.27.
4.1.5 (2022-02-03)
Fix CAA document links. Closes GitLab issue #1068. Thanks to Matthias Löblich (@startmat) for the report.
Remove superfluous apostrophe character in sort heading markup.
Fix email sources processing a single message but performing cleanup on multiple messages. The intended behavior is restore which processed one message and cleans up the processed message only.
Fix reference to shared_uploaded_files before the variable being available.
Use context managers for the IMAP and POP3 sources to remove the possibility of orphaned descriptors.
Create error log entries for objects that existed before the last error log changes. Fix GitLab issue #1069. Thanks to Will Wright (@fireatwill) for the report.
Expose the workflow template auto_launch field via the REST API. Thanks to forum user @qra for the request.
Add EmailAction subclass for backwards compatibility with existing workflow state actions.
Expose the checkout datetime, expiration datetime and user fields via the REST API. Thanks to forum user @qra for the request.
Print configuration path value when failing to access error is raised.
Fix references to the SourceBackendSANEScanner source backend class.
Reorganize the testing setting modules.
Remove unused MySQL testing setting module.
4.1.4 (2021-12-01)
Changes merged from versions 4.0.20 and 4.0.21.
Perform more strict cleanup of test models.
Clean up the test model app config cache after the test end not before the test model is created.
Improve lock manager test cases.
Add standalone Celery beat container.
Fix document version first page thumbnail image resolution. Closes GitLab issue #1063. Thanks to Will Wright (@fireatwill) for the report and the patch.
Add libjpeg and libpng to the dev setup target.
Fix editing OCR content via the API.
Fix the AdvancedSearchViewTestCaseMixin class. It had GenericViewTestCase as a base class when it is supposed to be a mixin and not have any.
Add AutoHelpTextLabelFieldMixin. This mixin tries to extract the label and help text from the model field when the serializer field does not specify any.
Add filtering to the parent field of the index template node serializers. Restrict options to the current index template and allows removing the now redundant validation.
Add index_template_root_node_id field to the index template serializer. Closes GitLab issue #1061. Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur(@lanterieur) for the report and initial implementation.
Fix responsive menu close button triggering home navigation. Closes GitLab issue #1057. Thanks to Raimar Sandner (@PiQuer) for the report and debug information.
JavaScript optimizations:
Cache argument length when in .fn.hasAnyClass.
Configure fancybox just once.
Set converter image functions as async.
Remove jQuery’s one usage.
Remove the error logger model locking and cache the model value instead at the time of registration. Closes GitLab issue #1065. Thanks to Will Wright (@fireatwill) for the report and debug information.
Rename ErrorLog model to StoredErrorLog. This change follow the normal paradigm when a service is provided by a model and a runtime class.
Make the StoredErrorLog name field unique to ensure get_or_create works in an atomic way.
Create the error log partition when the model instance is created.
Normalize the error log partition name format using a static method.
Delete the error log partition on model instance deletion and not just the error log partition entries.
Ensure a memory database is used when running the tests.
4.1.3 (2021-11-02)
Vagrant updates
Load installation value from config.env file.
Update supervisord during installation.
Setup the APT proxy during installation.
Change how APT and PIP proxies are defined to match the Docker build target.
Add makefile for vagrant.
Move devpi targets to the main makefile.
Sentry client backend updates:
Add more SDK options.
Add typecasting to options.
Add debug logging.
Add Celery integration.
Add Redis Integration.
Lower the default value of traces_sample_rate from 1 to 0.25. This value is better suited for production deployments. Increase to 1 for full debug information capture during development or testing.
File staging sources updates:
Use StreamingHttpResponse to serve previews.
Support previews for office document files.
Fix extra brackets in the encoded and cached filenames.
Simplify image generation.
Use context manager to ensure preview images are always closed.
Sources app updates:
Don’t assume all source backends provide an upload form.
Improve SANE scanner error handling.
Fix logging of non interactive source errors.
Show interactive source processing as a message.
Fix the copying of the bootstrap alert style.
Optimize the copying of the Bootstrap alert style by executing it only in the root template. This runs the code just once instead of running it on each page refresh. The element #div-javascript-dynamic-content was also remove and it is now created and destroyed dynamically once just.
Ensure that the resolved_object is injected into the context before passing the context to the link’s check_condition method. Suspected cause of the GitLab issue #1052 and #1049. Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur (@lanterieur) and Johannes Bornhold (@joh5) for the reports and debug information.
Converter updates:
Fix duplicate asset display. Closes GitLab issue #1053. Thanks to Ryan Showalter (@ryanshow) for the report.
Split the transformation cache_hash method to allow subclasses to modify how the cache hash is calculated.
Include the asset image hash into the asset transformation hash calculation. This change invalidates all cached page images that use an asset if the asset image is modified.
Improve the way the absolute coordinates of the percentage asset paste transformation are calculated.
Use redirection instead of the output_file argument to allow the SANE scanner source to work with more SANE scanner versions.
4.1.2 (2021-10-27)
Don’t insert the value ORGANIZATIONS_URL_BASE_PATH in the path then it is None.
Fix ModelTemplateField not displaying the initial_help_text for the specific usage instance. The initial_help_text was being removed from the kwargs in the ModelTemplateField as well as the super class.
Workflows improvements.
Use the templating widget for the workflow document properties modification and the HTTP request actions.
Consolidate the workflow action help text.
Fix issue when attempting to create a Document version page OCR update workflow action. Instead of the model class, the template form field now passes the app_label and the model_name of the model via the widget attributes to avoid Django’s attribute template to attempt getting a string representation of the model.
4.1.1 (2021-10-26)
Move Docker Compose variables to the correct file. Move COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME and COMPOSE_PROFILES to the .env file.
Fix asset image generation. Closes GitLab issue #1047 for series 4.1. Thanks to Ryan Showalter (@ryanshow) for the report and debug information.
Improve sidebar menu heading display logic.
Fix leftover HTML markup in the server error dialog window.
Remove redundant close button for the server error dialog window.
Merged fixes and improvements from versions 4.0.17 and 4.0.18.
Update PIP from version 21.2.4 to 21.3.1.
Remove MySQL upgrade CD/CI testing pipeline stage until support is properly re-implemented for version 8.0.
Add CD/CI triggers for local testing.
Exclude all migration tests by tagging automatically at the MayanMigratorTestCase subclass definition.
Support multiple environments per dependency.
Update the wheel library to be a dependency of the build and the documentation environments to workaround a bug in PIP that causes "error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel'".
4.1 (2021-10-10)
Add support for editing the document version page OCR content. Closes GitLab issue #592. Thanks for Martin (@efelon) for the request.
Refactor sources app.
Add object permission support to source views.
Remove locking support from staging folder uploads.
Update staging preview to use new preview generation code.
Use streaming response to serve staging folder images.
Convert the sources from models into backend classes. The sources are now decoupled from the app. Each source backend can defined its own callbacks and use an unified background task.
Perform code reduction. Remove PseudoFile and SourceUploaded classes. Each source backend is now responsible for providing a list of shared uploaded files.
Multiform improvements:
Support multi form extra kwargs.
Move the dynamic part of the multi form method to the end of the name.
Add a white horizontal ruler to separate the form instances.
Consolidate the image generation task:
Remove document file, version, converter asset, and workflow template preview image generation.
Remove document_states_fast queue.
Search updates
Remove TASK_RETRY_DELAY and use retry_backoff.
Add the tag color as a search field
Improve and simplify query cleaning up by doing so after the scopes are decoded.
Fix Whoosh reindexing after m2m fields perform a remove.
Fix Whoosh search for related m2m fields with multiple values.
Improve tests for edge cases.
Fix document version API tests module.
Variables renamed for clarity and to specify their purpose.
Process the ‘q’ parameter at the class and not in the backend.
Ignore invalid query fields.
Index for search on m2m signal.
Return empty results on an empty query.
Produce an empty scope 0 on an empty query.
Improve tests.
Add UUID field for all document child objects.
Add detail view for groups.
Show total permission when running the purgepermissions command.
Add detail for file partitions.
Add placeholder absolute links for announcements, workflow templates, quotas.
Add detail view for stored permissions.
Rename role setup views.
Load user management first to allow patching
Register ACL events when enabling ACLs. Objects that are registered to support ACLs will also be registered for ACL events to allow subscribing to ACL changes of the object.
Allow bind either the events links, the subscription link, both or none.
Improve workflow app navigation.
Improve sidebar navigation.
Improve clarity of the action dropdown sections.
Make the index instance node value field an unique field among its own tree level. This prevents tree corruption under heavy load.
Update dependencies:
Docker Compose from 1.29.1 to 1.29.2
PostgreSQL Docker image from 10.15-alpine to 10.18-alpine
RabbitMQ Docker image from 3.8-alpine to 3.9-alpine
Redis Docker images from 6.0-alpine to 6.2-alpine
psycopg2 from 2.8.6 to 2.9.1
psutil from 5.7.2 to 5.8.0
jQuery from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0
jquery-form from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0
jquery-lazyload from 1.9.3 to 1.9.7
urijs from 1.19.1 to 1.19.7
bleach from 3.1.5 to 4.0.0
jstree from 3.3.3 to 3.3.11
PyYAML from 5.3.1 to 5.4.1
django-model-utils from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1
requests from 2.25.1 to 2.26.0
sh from 1.14.1 to 1.14.2
devpi-server from 5.5.1 to 6.2.0
django-debug-toolbar from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4
django-extensions from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4
django-rosetta from 0.9.4 to 0.9.7
flake8 from 3.9.0 to 3.9.2
ipython from 7.22.0 to 7.26.0
safety from 1.9.0 to 1.10.3
transifex-client from 0.14.2 to 0.14.3
twine from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2
wheel from 0.36.2 to 0.37.0
Pillow from 7.1.2 to 8.3.1
packaging from 20.3 to 21.0
python_gnupg from 0.4.6 to 0.4.7
graphviz from 0.14 to 0.17
django-activity-stream from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0
pytz from 2020.1 to 2021.1
python-dateutil from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2
python-magic from 0.4.22 to 0.4.24
gevent from 20.4.0 to 21.8.0
gunicorn from 20.0.4 to 20.1.0
whitenoise from 5.0.1 to 5.3.0
cropperjs from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2
jquery-cropper from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
django-cors-headers from 3.2.1 to 3.8.0
djangorestframework from 3.11.2 to 3.12.4
drf-yasg from 1.17.1 to 1.20.0
swagger-spec-validator from 2.5.0 to 2.7.3
dropzone from 5.7.2 to 5.9.2
extract-msg from 0.23.3 to 0.34.3
pycryptodome from 3.9.7 to 3.10.1
celery from 4.4.7 to 5.1.2
django-celery-beat from 2.0.0 to 2.2.1
coveralls from 2.0.0 to 3.2.0
django-test-migrations from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
mock from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
tox from 3.23.1 to 3.24.3
psutil from 5.7.0 to 5.80
furl from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2
django-test-migrations from 0.3.0 to 1.1.0
Launch workflows when the type of the document is changed. Closes GitLab issue #863 “Start workflows when changing document type”, thanks to Dennis Ploeger (@dploeger) for the request.
Add support for deleting multiple metadata types in a single action.
Tags app updates:
Use MultipleObjectDeleteView class.
Replace edit icon.
Code style updates.
Move theme stylesheet sanitization to the save method.
Remove final uses of .six library.
Add support for clearing the event list.
Events app updates:
Load all events at startup. Does not rely anymore of importing an event for it to become recognized.
Allow loading events by their name. Avoid doing direct imports when there circular dependencies.
Move the events app to the top of the installed apps to allow it to preload all events.
Only show the event clear and export links for object whose events that can be cleared and exported.
ACLs apps updates:
The ACL edited event is now triggered only once when all permissions are changed.
The action object of the ACL edited event is now the content object and not the permission.
Enable event subscriptions for workflow states, workflow state actions, and workflow transitions.
Support deleting multiple roles in a single action.
OCR app updates:
Use MultipleObjectDeleteView for the delete view.
Rename single and multiple delete view names.
Improve tests.
Document comments app API updates:
Modernize code to use latest internal interfaces.
Exclude trashed documents.
Reduce serializers.
Return error 404 on insufficient access.
Document indexing API updates:
Exclude trashed documents.
Split tests.
Add event checking to remaining tests.
Events app API updates:
Return error 404 on insufficient permissions.
Modernize APIObjectEventListView to use latest interfaces and mixins.
Document parsing app updates:
Update API to latest internal interfaces.
Add testing for multiple document file content delete views.
Speed up tests.
Add event checking to tests.
Use MultipleObjectDeleteView for the file content delete view.
Improve text string of the DocumentFileContentDeleteView view.
Document signatures app updates:
Exclude trashed documents from the API.
Add event checking to tests.
Track user when uploading signature files.
Workflows app updates:
Split API views.
Add trashed document test.
Code style updates.
Smart link app refactor:
Exclude trashed documents from API.
Improve existing tests.
Add additional tests.
Rebuild the resolved smart link API and serializer.
Add a new permission to view resolved smart links. This permission needs to be granted for the smart link and for the document/document type.
Update API to return error 404 on insufficient access.
Remove unused test mixins.
Split view and API test modules.
Documents app updates:
Exclude trashed documents from all API views.
New valid model managers for recently accessed, recently created, and favorite documents. These managers exclude trashed documents at the model level. The ‘objects’ manager for these model returns the unfiltered queryset.
Trashed document delete API now returns a 202 code instead of 204. The delete method now runs in the background in the same way as the trashed document delete view works in the UI. The return code was updated to reflect this internal change.
Track the user for the trashed document delete, restore and for the trash can empty methods.
Add event checking for some remaining tests.
Add additional tests.
Add BackendDynamicForm, a dynamic form for interacting with backends.
Add a reusable backend class named mayan.apps.databases.classes.BaseBackend.
Refactor mailer app:
Allow sending document files and document versions as attachments.
Update the UserMailer model to work with the BackendModelMixin mixin. This allows removing all backend managing code from the model.
Generate the dynamic form schema in the base backend class. Removes dynamic form schema from the views.
Use BackendDynamicForm and remove dynamic form code from the forms module.
Generalize document file and document version to support any type of object.
Update workflow action to send links to documents or attach the active versions.
Use the reusable BaseBackend class and remove explicit backend scaffolding.
Improve test open file and descriptor leak detection.
Close storage model file after inspection as Django creates a new file descriptor on inspection.
Ensure the name and not the path is used. Compressed files can include path references, these are now scrubbed and only the filename of the file in the compressed archive is used.
File handling was improved. Context managers are now used for temporary files and directories. This ensure file descriptors are closed and freed up in all scenarios.
Add detached signature deleted event.
Document signature app general improvements. Renamed links, icons and view for clarity. Split tests modules.
Metadata API updates:
Unify document type metadata type serializers.
Update the permission layout to match the one of the views. The edit or view permission is now required for the document type as well as the metadata type.
Add CONVERTER_IMAGE_GENERATION_MAX_RETRIES to control how many times the image regeration task will retry lock errors.
Add support for appending all document file pages as a single document version.
Moved signals, hooks and events outside of the document file creation transaction.
Capture the user for the document version page reset and remap action events.
Add conditions to the favorite document links.
Update mailing icons.
Remove submit button label and submit button icons.
The performupgrade command won’t try to hide critical errors and instead raise any exception to obtain the maximum amount of debug information.
Add support to filter the add/remove choice form.
Dependencies app updates:
Move the link to check for the latest version to the tools menu.
Checking for updates now required the view dependencies permission.
Unify request resolution for navigation classes.
Support retrieving a list of SourceColumn by name.
Dashboard app updates:
Extend dashboard widget interfaces.
Add list dashboard widget.
Move dashboard CSS from the appearance app to the dashboards app.
Add dashboard list and detail views.
Add setting to select the default dashboard.
Add template tag to display the default dashboard in the home view.
Refactor SourceColumn.get_for_source.
Add RecentlyAccessedDocumentProxy to allow adding a column with the creation date time.
Navigation refactor:
Rewritten link to source matching code.
Rewritten menu resolution.
Pass the resolved_object to link conditions.
Don’t trigger the settings change flag on user language changes.
Add settings to allow changing the default and the maximums REST API page size.
Add support for service client backends to the platform app.
Add service client backend.
Support overriding form buttons.
Improve metadata type form tab order. Disables metadata type name field to skip them during tabbing.
Support step rewinding for the sources wizard.
Add support for recoding email Message ID. The email source can now record an email Message ID from the header as it is processed into a documents. All documents created from the same email will have the same Message ID. Thanks to forum user qra (@qra) for the request.
Improve BaseBackend class
Add deterministic parent base backend class detection.
Register backend class only to their respective parent base backend classes.
Render main menu icons properly. The change in bbbb92edb85f192987fdfb4efc574bd79221b6ed removed literal CSS icon support. A single reference to the old CSS icon render was left behind which cause the icon object Python memory location to be rendered inline with the menu HTML. This cause the same menu to have different hashes when rendered by the different Gunicorn workers. Solved GitLab issue #1038. Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur (@lanterieur) for the report.
Add setting to change the menu polling interval. Values specified in milliseconds. Use None to disable.
Enforce CONVERTER_IMAGE_GENERATION_MAX_RETRIES setting and add logging message when the maximum retires are exhausted.
Messaging app updates:
Add API views.
Exclude superusers and staff users from being message recipients.
Add dedicated create message form.
Use Select2 for the user selection field.
Add message edit permission. This permission is required in order to change the message read status.
Add get_absolute_api_url method to download files, document versions and users. These URL are used to determine the message sender’s API URL.
Test view mixin updates:
Add a default ordering to the TestModel to silence warning.
Fix method.
Support multiple test views per test case.
Allow subclasses to supply their own urlpatterns.
Support passing arguments to add_test_view.
Add batch API request support.
Adjust event registrations:
Register cabinet document add and remove events to the Document model too.
Register document file parsing events to the Document model too.
Rename label of the document parsed content deleted event.
Replace the DownloadFile content object registration from the Document model to the DocumentVersion model.
Register the document file created, edited events to the Document model too.
Register the document version created, edited events to the Document model too.
Register the document trashed event to the Document model too.
Remove the document file created event from the DocumentFile model.
Remove the document version created event from the DocumentVersion model.
Register the document version page deleted event to the DocumentVersion model.
Remove the document version page deleted event from the DocumentVersionPage model.
Register the tag attached, removed events to the Document model too.
Register the web link navigated event to the Document model too.
Remove the document version page OCR edited event from the Document model.
Register the document version OCR submitted, finished, content deleted events to the DocumentVersion model.
Sort object and list facet links when using the list item view.
Support changing the operating system user when creating the supervisord file using the environment variable MAYAN_OS_USERNAME.
Reorder the Gunicorn arguments.
Make the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable an alias of MAYAN_SETTINGS_MODULE in the supervisord file.
Add MAYAN_GUNICORN_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY to the gunicorn invocation in the batch file.
Frontend updates:
Ensure list groups use <ul> and <li> instead of plain <div>.
Move mayan_image.js to the converter app.
Update afterBaseLoad to work by defining a list of callbacks. This allows defining callbacks from different apps.
Set JavaScript callbacks and setup method to run in async mode.
Move static inline app CSS to individual CSS files.
Fix workflow template API description text. Closes GitLab issue #1042. Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur (@lanterieur) for the report.
Add document template state action API endpoints. Closes GitLab issue #1043 Thanks to Ludovic Anterieur (@lanterieur) for the request.
Pin jsonschema to version 3.2.0 to avoid errors with
4.0.24 (2023-04-14)
Split dev environment makefile target into OS and Python dependencies.
Remove duplicated makefile target keys.
Pin containers to specific bug fix versions.
Enable organization app testing.
Add check named check_app_tests to ensure Mayan apps tests flag matches the actual state of the app’s tests.
Backport CeleryQueue class improvements. Enable task manager app tests.
4.0.23 (2022-11-13)
Add help text to the SEARCH_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS setting.
Backport an object storage documentation chapter fix from version 4.4dev0.
Don’t tag Docker images as latest for minor releases. As per Docker’s specifications, the latest tag is applied to the latest image built if no tag is specified. It is not meant to represent the latest version of an project, just the last image that has been built. However users commonly (and mistakenly) have come to expect the latest tag to represent the latest version of the project. The GitLab CI file is updated to fulfill this expectation.
Fixes from version 3.5.12.
Pin importlib-metadata to version 4.13.0 to workaround a dependency bug in Kombu.
Update tox from version 3.14.6 to 3.27.0.
Update Debian container from tag 10.10-slim to 10.13-slim
4.0.22 (2022-04-22)
Filter unread message count badge by message read permission.
Remove usage of flat values list in document checkout manager.
Remove usage of flat values_list queryset in metadata managers module.
Ensure the object copy permission is required for the object copy link.
Update signature view permission label from “View details of document signature” to “View document signatures”.
Update document metadata model field label from “Metadata type value” to “Metadata value”.
Fix document file signature serializer label.
Add restart policy to the Traefik container definition.
Remove duplicated Document.get_label method.
Add Docker Compose file port comment to remove when using Traefik.
Print the path when failing to access the configuration file.
Expose the workflow template auto_launch field via the REST API. Thanks to forum user @qra for the request.
Cleanup markup of the confirmation form.
Remove redundant modal close button.
Fix search proxies method decorator.
Reorganize converter office MIME type list.
Improve metadata validation error message.
Don’t display API URL links to indexing instance and template parents that are also root nodes as these are not accessible.
Remove repeated partition file close call.
Update Django version 2.2.24 to 2.2.28.
4.0.21 (2021-11-29)
Perform more strict cleanup of test models.
Clean up the test model app config cache after the test end not before the test model is created.
Improve lock manager test cases.
Add standalone Celery beat container.
Backport transformation cache_hash method split. Moved to two functions to allow subclasses to modify how the cache hash is calculated.
Backport asset image cache invalidation.
Backport asset duplication fix.
Backport asset percentage position calculation fix.
Add an explicit default value for MEDIA_URL. Ensures forward compatibility with future login dependency versions.
Move meta tags to their own partial template.
Add libjpeg and libpng to the dev setup target.
4.0.20 (2021-11-08)
Use overlay2 driver when using Docker in Docker in the GitLab CD/CI stages.
Update gevent from version 20.4.0 to 21.8.0.
Update gunicorn from version 20.0.4 to 20.1.0.
Add more explicit serializer read only fields.
4.0.19 (2021-10-27)
Backported fixes from version 4.1.2:
Fix ModelTemplateField not displaying the initial_help_text.
4.0.18 (2021-10-21)
Add settings to allow changing the default and the maximum REST API page size.
Ensure ORGANIZATIONS_URL_BASE_PATH is applied to properly trigger the root SPA template. Closes merge request !91. Thanks to Foo Bar(@stuxxn) for the original patch.
Add support for setting validation.
Validate the format of the ORGANIZATIONS_URL_BASE_PATH setting.
Smart setting test updates:
Add smart setting validation tests.
Add setting view tests.
Separate namespace and setting tests and mixins.
Add MySQL workaround for unique document version activation added to migration documents 0067 in version 4.0.17.
4.0.17 (2021-10-18)
Backport workaround for swagger-spec-validator dependency bug. Pin jsonschema to version 3.2.0 to avoid errors with swagger-spec-validator 2.7.3. swagger-spec-validator does not specify a version for jsonschema (, which installs the latest version 4.0.1. This version removes jsonschema.compat still used by swagger-spec-validator.
Add project_url to the Python setup file.
Add support for COMMON_EXTRA_APPS_PRE. This setting works like COMMON_EXTRA_APPS but installs the new apps before the default apps. This allows the extra apps to override templates and other system data.
Fix usage of .user.has_usable_password. Use as a method not a flag. Fixes the Change Password link appearing even when using external authentication.
Support blank app URL namespaces. These are used to register the urlpatterns of encapsulated libraries as top level named URLs.
Add a stacked Font Awesome icon class.
Ensure MAYAN_GUNICORN_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY is exported and available to supervisord.
Always change the owner of /var/lib/mayan/. Ensure that the mayan operating system user can always read and write from and to the mounted volume.
Fix asset image caching. Closes GitLab issue #1047 for series 4.0. Thanks to Ryan Showalter (@ryanshow) for the report and debug information.
Expand help text of ORGANIZATIONS_INSTALLATION_URL and ORGANIZATIONS_URL_BASE_PATH settings. GitLab issue #1045. Thanks to bw (@bwakkie) for the report.
Create the user_settings folder on upgrades too.
Improve initial setup folder creation error logic. Add keyword arguments. Use storages app touch function.
Ensure only one document version is active when migrating from version 3.5. Forum topic 9430. Thanks to forum user @woec for the report.
4.0.16 (2021-09-29)
Minor fixes merged from version 3.5.11.
Remove duplicated makefile targets.
Add keyword arguments to PIL methods.
Quote parameters of remaining migration query.
Track user when setting a version active.
Fix menus randomly closing on refresh.
Don’t trigger the settings change flag on user language changes.
Backport setting CONVERTER_IMAGE_GENERATION_MAX_RETRIES. This setting allows changing the image generation task maximum retry count. Celery’s built in default value is 3, this setting increases that default to 7.
4.0.15 (2021-08-07)
Improve the document version export API endpoint.
Enable tracking the user and persisting the value for the events.
Change the view class form a custom mixin to be a subclass of generics.ObjectActionAPIView one.
Improve test to check for message creation after export.
Avoid returning an error when using the GET method for the view.
Improve the generics.ObjectActionAPIView class.
Merge with ActionAPIViewMixin.
Add action_response_status for predetermined status codes.
Add message when the .object_action method is missing.
Fix the view to mark all messages as read.
Track the user when marking messages as read or unread.
Fix action messages.
4.0.14 (2021-08-05)
Fix a regression in the document version page image cache maximum size setting callback.
Fix converter layer priority exclusion for layers with a priority of 0. This fixes the preview layer priority when editing the redactions of pages that also contain transformations in other layers.
4.0.13 (2021-08-02)
Checkout test updates.
Silence debug output of tests.
Speed up tests using document stubs.
Improve organization URL and host settings. Closes GitLab issues #966 and #1002. Thanks to None Given (@nastodon) and Bw (@bwakkie) for the reports.
Patch Django’s HttpRequest object to override scheme and host.
Fix organization setting used to set the REST API URL base path.
Track user for event when submitting a document version for OCR.
Fix OCR version event texts.
Update the document index list and document cabinet list links to require the same permission scheme as the views they reference.
Add the document creation date time as a search field.
4.0.12 (2021-07-19)
Fix main menu active entry handling.
Fix ID number in document_url attribute of the DocumentFile and DocumentVersion serializers. Thanks to forum user @qra for the report. Topic 5794.
Add API endpoint to display the list of valid transition options for a workflow instance. Thanks to forum user @qra for the report. Topic 5795.
Add the workflow template content to the workflow instance API schema. Thanks to forum user @qra for the request. Topic 5795.
Clarify purpose of project settings.
Minor API serializer cleanups.
Add explicit cabinet serializer read only fields.
Fix multi scope search result initialization. Closes GitLab issue #1018. Thanks to Ryan Showalter (@ryanshow) for the report.
Detect and report when a search scope does not specify a query.
4.0.11 (2021-07-06)
Update date time copy code from migration document:0063 to work with database that store time zone information and those that don’t.
Switch deployment instructions to use venv instead of virtualenv.
Add support for using local PIP cache to build Docker images.
Add a Vagrant setup for testing. Integrates project Closes GitLab issue #937. Thanks to Max Kornyev (@mkornyev) for the report.
Improve user_settings_folder variable creation. Works with MEDIA_ROOT paths with and without a trailing slash.
The GitLab CI upgrade tests now update a test document to populate the older version install and trigger more migration code paths.
Update all shell usage from bash to sh. sh symlinks to dash in the Docker image. This also expands the usability of the supervisor file for direct deployments in more operating systems. Closes GitLab issue #1013. Thanks to joh-ku (@joh-ku) for the report.
Replace the file with a Python alternative that can wait on network ports or PostgreSQL directly as a client.
Upgrade supervisord from Debian buster version 3.3.5-1 to Debian bullseye version 4.2.2-2. This version uses Python3 and was the last dependency that required installing Python2 in the Docker image.
Add the id field as sortable field in all the API that have ordering enabled.
4.0.10 (2021-07-02)
Simplify code block to delete OCR content of a document version.
Make document version timestamp time zone aware before copying them over during migration.
Split duplicates migration query into two separate queries to increase compatibility with database managers.
Add support to the GitLab CI for local apt proxies.
4.0.9 (2021-06-29)
Improve scope search.
Support more than two source scopes per operator.
Support match_all logic per scope.
Support returning a single scope without using the operator output.
Disable search limits when multiple scopes are specified.
Add separate query decoding method.
Increase the padding of the main menu panel anchors. Closes GitLab issue #1004. Thanks to Bw (@bwakkie) for the report.
Rotate the main menu accordion indicator when opened or closed.
Optimize jQuery usage of the $(this) object. Remove some unused jQuery code from the document card update methods.
Add more uses of update_fields to .save() methods.
Simplify logic using the document parser content update using update_or_create.
Raise document list errors on debug or testing.
4.0.8 (2021-06-23)
Update PIP to version 21.1.2.
Use longer version of the Celery worker option.
Make optional the user_id argument of task_document_file_page_image_generate.
Another round of worker queue assignments tuning.
Simplify the GPG temporary home preparation. A temporary directory context manager is now used that also guarantees that the temporary folder will be removed even on failures.
Don’t assume all signatures provide a date_time field.
Optimize file and version page image API. Load the page object only once per request.
Unify the supervisord templates. The direct deployment and the Docker image now use the same supervisord template.
Email the active document version. Instead of emailing the latest updated document file, the document emailing with attachment will now export the active version and email that as an attachments. This mimics more closely the existing behavior of this feature before the document version were separated into versions and files.
Update Django version 2.2.23 to 2.2.24.
Improve Docker Compose installation and upgrade instructions.
Fix the document type button not appearing. Update the cascade condition of the document type setup link to display when there are not document types created.
Don’t cache the missing items template to allow it to be removed when the missing items are fixed.
Event testing improvements for several apps.
The date and time of document version timestamps are now carried over during the upgrade from version 3.5.x to 4.0.x.
Update the file metadata submit actions to keep track of the user and apply it to the events.
Update the document parsing submit actions to keep track of the user and apply it to the events.
Apply small optimization to MultipleObjectViewMixin .get_object_list() method. The method now reuses the existing pk_list variable.
Fixed an issue with the document metadata add and edit actions which prevented the user value to be ignored at the event commit.
Convert the GitLab CI and Dockerfile into platform templates.
Update Docker base image from Debian:10.8-slim to Debian:10.10-slim.
Add serializer explicit read only fields.
Optimize documents app saves with update_fields.
4.0.7 (2021-06-11)
Fix typo in the CELERY_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD_ARGUMENT environment variable.
4.0.6 (2021-06-10)
Fix celery argument names in supervisord template. Set correct attribute names max-tasks-per-child and max-memory-per-child when starting celery workers. Closes #998. Thanks to joh-ku (@joh-ku) for the report and patch.
Use different environment when composing the child limits arguments. Update CELERY_MAX_MEMORY_PER_CHILD and CELERY_TASKS_MEMORY_PER_CHILD to use a separate argument variable, like CELERY_CONCURRENCY.
4.0.5 (2021-06-08)
Turn the release notes upgrade instructions into a partial template.
Add support for Celery’s max memory and tasks. Support --max-memory-per-child and --max-tasks-per-child using the environment variables MAYAN_WORKER_X_MAX_MEMORY_PER_CHILD and MAYAN_WORKER_X_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD.
Add commented Docker compose database port entry.
Support Gunicorn’s --limit-request-line via the MAYAN_GUNICORN_LIMIT_REQUEST_LINE environment variable.
Improve the Docker image environment variables chapter. Include missing variables and automate displaying the default values of several. Organize variables by topic.
Exclude trashed documents from the workflow runtime proxy document count.
Fix metadata form KeyError exception when required metadata is missing. Closes GitLab issue #997. Thanks to Raimar Sandner (@PiQuer) for the report and debug information.
Document file and version page image updates:
Improve document version page base image cache invalidation on source image transformation updates.
Optimize transformation list generation by replacing several loops with list extensions.
Avoid using the source content transformations when calculating the document version transformation list hash. This cause duplicated document version page transformation in some cases. Closes GitLab issue #996. Thanks to Reinhard Ernst (@reinhardernst) for the report and debug information.
Improve document version page image API URL hash uniqueness generation. Ensure browsers do not use a cached document version page image when the transformations of the source object of the version are updated.
4.0.4 (2021-06-05)
Merge updates from version 3.5.10
Remove event decorator database transaction Solves workflows not being launched on document creation. Closes GitLab issue #976 and issue #990, thanks to users Megamorf (@megamorf), A F (@adzzzz) for the reports and debug information.
4.0.3 (2021-06-03)
Merge updates from version 3.5.9
Fix user model theme related field error after deleting a theme already assigned to a user. Closes GitLab issue #972. Thanks to Niklas Maurer (@nmaurer) for the report.
Add duplicate document tool tests.
Speed up some OCR view tests.
Add explicit Docker logout repository in CD/CI jobs.
Fix permission required for the document content error list link to match the permission required for the document parsed content error list view. GitLab issue #954. Thanks to Ilya Pavlov (@spirkaa) for the report.
Fix permission required for the OCR content delete link to match the permission required for the OCR content delete view. GitLab issue #954. Thanks to Ilya Pavlov (@spirkaa) for the report.
Update dependency versions:
django-solo from version 1.1.3 to 1.1.5.
python-magic from version 0.4.15 to 0.4.22
Makefile updates
Unify Docker test with staging targets.
Replace underscore in target names with hyphen for uniformity.
Add Redis Docker test targets.
Lock manager updates
Rename get_instance() method to get_backend(). This method returns a class and not an instance.
Add management command tests.
Add optional _initialization method for backends.
Update the RedisLock backend to use a connection pool.
Update Docker entrypoint template to support default worker concurrency values. Now correctly passes the default concurrency value of the D class worker.
Updated REST API examples for version 4 of the API.
4.0.2 (2021-05-25)
Messaging app updates:
Add links to set messages as unread.
Automatically set messages as read upon accessing them. GitLab issue #981, thanks to Ilya Pavlov (@spirkaa) for the report.
Disable links to mark messages as read or unread based on the state of the message.
Clarify Redis and Lock manager upgrade steps.
Action dropdown template updates:
Move dropdown template partial to the navigation app.
Remove unused {{ link_extra_classes }}.
Remove obsolete dropdown HTML markup.
Fix action menu disabled link appearance.
Correct user_settings folder creation step. Closes GitLab issue #984. Thanks to Matthias Löblich (@startmat) for the report.
Ensure the API authentication has completed before doing initial filtering. Fixes API views returning 404 errors when using token authentication.
Minor source string fixes.
Update Django REST framework from version 3.11.0 to 3.11.2.
Update PIP from version 21.0.1 to 21.1.1.
Update django-mptt from version 0.11.0 to 0.12.0.
Add ordering to cabinets. Closes GitLab issue #986. Thanks to Hanno Zulla (@hzulla) for the report.
4.0.1 (2021-05-20)
Fix group and user setup link conditional disable not working as expected.
Fix Docker environment variables documentation chapter regarding worker concurrency.
Add troubleshooting section regarding document file access after upgrade to version 4.0.
Allow migration of the settings DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND and DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS for more situations.
4.0 (2021-05-19)
Add document version page list reset.
Add document version page delete.
Add document version hash from content object.
Improve file and version page max page calculation.
Add version page navigation.
Support document file deletion.
Move document download code to document file.
Add document file permissions.
Move page count update to document file.
Several renames for consistency. Use the major, minor, verb order for variable names in more places.
Point document to latest document version. This removes the document page views and makes them aliases of the document version pages views.
Add document version deletion.
Add document file properties view.
Remove page disabling/enabling.
Add document version page model.
Add caches, settings and handlers for the document version cache.
Add document version page image API.
Rename DocumentPage model to DocumentFilePage.
Invert the document and OCR migrations dependency. Makes the OCR migration dependent on the documents app migration. This allows disabling the OCR app.
New event ignore and keep attribute options
No results template for file list view.
Fixed version page append
Convert document model save method to use event decorator.
Update file hooks to work when there is not previous file.
Remove all remaining orientation support. Remove rotation test files.
Add multi document version delete.
Add a generic multi item delete view.
Longer document file action texts.
Document stub recalculation by file save and delete
Better document version page remap
Reorganize and split document model tests
Add file upload mixin method.
Unify the action dropdown instances into a new partial called appearance/partials/actions_dropdown.html.
Move the related menu from the “Actions” to the facet area.
Add sources to their own menu.
Add mode argument to SharedUploadedFile.
Split document app model tests into separate modules.
Split document app test mixins into separate modules.
Fix the appearance of the automatically generated view titles.
Add a new “Return” menu for secondary object views.
Use the “Return” menu for the document version, document version page, document file, and document file page views.
Remove the “File…” reference to the document file form fields as these are now obvious.
Add more return links. From document version to version list, from document file to document file list, from document version page to document, from document file page to document.
Add document version edit view. Allows editing the document version comment.
Improve the return links with the chevron as the uniform secondary icon.
Rename the document view, document version view and document file views to document preview, document file preview and document version preview.
Enable more cabinets, checkouts, document comments, metadata, linking, mailer, mirroring, web links apps.
Allow using staging folders for new document file uploads.
Add conditional source link highlighting.
Add document version create view and permission.
Add validation and test for repeated document version page numbers.
Improve page remap code and add annotated content object list support.
Don’t display the file upload link on the document file delete view.
Update shared upload file to allow storing the original filename.
Upload the new document file upload code path to conserve the original filename.
Rename DeletedDocument to TrashedDocument, same with the corresponding trashed fields and manager methods.
Add document file download event.
Update Dropzone from version 5.4.0 to 5.7.2.
Rename all instances of icon_class to icon as only icon instances are used now in every app.
Add icons to the mark notification as seen and mark all notification as seen links.
Switch both view to mark notification as read to use the POST request via a confirmation view.
Return the event type subscription list sorted by namespace label and event type label.
Make the search fields more uniform and add missing ones.
Add full label for search parent fields.
Add events for the document type quick label model.
Add dedicated API endpoints for the document type quick label model.
Update the file cache partition purge view to be a generic view that can be called using the content type of an object. Adds a new file cache partition purge permission.
Added ContentTypeTestCaseMixin.
Include EventTestCaseMixin as part of the base test case mixin.
Rename usage of “recent document” to the more explicit “recently accessed document”. This was done at the mode, view and API level. The recently accessed document API will now require the document view permission.
Rename the document model date_added field to datetime_created to better reflect the purpose of the field.
Add a RecentlyCreatedDocument proxy and associate the recent document columns to it.
Move the recently created document query calculation to its own model manager.
Add the recently created document API.
Add favorite documents API.
Rename the module to
Split the modules into and
Add date time field to the favorite documents models to ensure deterministic ordering when deleting the oldest favorites.
Rename the setting DOCUMENTS_RECENT_ACCESS_COUNT to DOCUMENTS_RECENTLY_ACCESSED_COUNT, and DOCUMENTS_RECENT_ADDED_COUNT to DOCUMENTS_RECENTLY_CREATED_COUNT. Config file migrations and migration tests were added. Environment and supervisor settings need to be manually updated.
Document stubs without a label will now display their ID as the label. This allows documents without files or versions to be accessible via the user interface.
Add the reusable ObjectActionAPIView API view. This is a view that can execute an action on an object from a queryset from a POST request.
Improve proxy model menu link resolution. Proxy model don’t need at least one bound link anymore to trigger resolution of all the parent model links. The inclusion logic is now reverse and defaults to exclusion. Menu need to be configured explicitly enable to proxy model link resolution using the new .add_proxy_inclusions(source) method.
Move the duplicated documents code to its own app.
Add duplication backend support to the duplicates app.
Add duplicates app API.
Add support for search model proxy registration.
Remove the views arguments from the SourceColumn class. Use models proxies instead to customize the columns of a model based on the view displayed.
Add document type change workflow action.
Rename WizardStep to DocumentCreateWizardStep. This change better reflects its purpose and interface.
Move DocumentCreateWizardStep to the sources.classes module.
Add automatic loading support for the wizard_step modules. It is no longer necessary to import these modules inside the App’s .ready() method.
Update API endpoints to use explicit primary key URL keyword arguments.
Split workflow models module into separate modules.
Remove usage of The event_actor attribute is used instead.
Convert the key creation and expiration fields to date and time fields.
Add creation and download events for keys.
Add event subscription for keys.
Include time of document signatures. Closes GitLab issue #941. Thanks to forum user Tomek (@tkwoka) for the report and additional information.
Add document signature tool to refresh the content of existing signatures when there are database or backend changes.
Moved ObjectLinkWidget to the views app.
Add global ACL list view.
appearance_app_templates now passes the request to the templates being rendered.
Remove the user impersonation fragment form the base.html template and moved it to its own viewport template.
Enable subscribing to user impersonation events.
Enable impersonation permission for individual users.
Allow impersonating users from the user list view.
Update jQuery from version 3.4.1 to 3.5.1.
Move user language and timezone code from the common app to a new app called locales.
Move common and smart settings app base template markup to their own apps via the viewport app template.
Rename document comment model’s comment field to text.
Support sorting document comments by user or by date.
Increase the size of the Lock lock manager model name field to a 255 char field. Closes GitLab issue #939. Thanks to Will Wright (@fireatwill) for the report and investigation.
Add example usage for the COMMON_EXTRA_APPS and COMMON_DISABLED_APPS. Closes GitLab issue #929. Thanks to Francesco Musella (@francesco.musella-biztems) for the report.
Reorganize mixins. Add a suffix to specify the purpose of the mixin and move them to different module when appropriate.
Refactored the notification generation for efficiency, scalability and simplicity. Only users subscribed to events are queued for notifications. Content types of event targets and action objects is reused from the action model instead of gathering from inspection. Nested loop removed and lowered to a single loop.
Optimize SourceColumn resolution. Support column exclusion for all object types. Ensure columns are not repeated when resolved even if they were defined multiple times. Improve docstring for the resolution logic in each level. Remove unused context parameter. Add SourceColumn tests.
Support defining the default SearchModel. This allows removing the hard coded search model name from the search template and allows third party apps to define their own default SearchModel.
Update MySQL Docker image from version 5.7 to 8.0. PostreSQL image from version 10.14 to 10.15. Redis image from version 5.0 to 6.0.
Move time delays from test and into its own test mixin. Remove MySQL test delays.
Standardize a class for the widgets of the class SourceColumn named SourceColumnWidget.
The cabinet view permission is now required for a document, to be able to view which cabinets contain that document. This change mirrors the permission layout of the metadata and tag apps.
File caching now uses the same lock for all file methods. This ensures that a cache file that is being deleted or purge is not open for reading and vice versa.
A method decorator was added to the lock manager app to ease usage of the same lock workflow in methods of the same class.
The error handling of the CachePartitionFile methods was improved. This ensures proper clean up of stray storage files on model file creation error. The model now avoids accessing the model file for clean up on model file creation error, which would raise a hard to understand and diagnose missing file entry error. The model now avoids updating cache size on either model or storage file creation error.
Support disabling form help texts via form_hide_help_text.
Docker image tagging layout has been updated. Images are tagged by version and series. Series have the ‘s’ prefix and versions have the ‘v’ prefix.
Added API endpoints for the Assets model.
Added cached image generation for assets.
Added asset detail view with image preview.
Added a detail view for the cache model.
Added the image_url field to the Workflow template serializer.
Added retry support for the workflow preview generation task.
Updated the autoadmin app to use the login template login_content template hook. This allows the autoadmin app to show login information without directly modifying the login template.
Update tags app to improve user event tracking on view and API.
Support deleting multiple document files.
Track document file deletion event user in views.
Rename setting_workflowimagecache_storage to setting_workflow_image_cache_storage_backend.
Support collapsing the options of the menus “list facet” and “object” when in list view mode. This behavior is controlled with the new settings: COMMON_COLLAPSE_LIST_MENU_LIST_FACET and COMMON_COLLAPSE_LIST_MENU_OBJECT. Both default to False.
Added a check to the task manager app to ensure all defined tasks are properly configure in their respective modules.
ACL apps updates: Add ACL deleted event, track action actor in API and views. Simply API views using REST API mixins. Update API views to return 404 errors instead of 403, move global ACL list to the setup menu, model that are registered for ACLs are now also automatically register events in order to receive the ACL deleted event, improve tests and add more test cases.
Update AddRemoveView to only call the underlying add or remove methods only if there are objects to act upon instead of calling the method with an empty queryset which would trigger unwanted events.
Add ExternalContentTypeObjectAPIViewMixin to the REST API app. This mixin simplifies working with models that act upon another object via their Content Type, such as the ACLs.
Update the ACL app to support multiple foreign object permission inheritance. Support for GenericForeignKey non default ct_field, and fk_field was also added.
Added support to export the global events list, object events list and user events list.
Registering a model to receive events will cause it to have the object event view and object event subscription links bound too. This can be disabled with the bind_links argument. The default menu to bind the links is the “List facet”. This can be changed via the menu argument.
Change the format of the file_metadata_value_of helper. The driver and metadata entry are now separated by a double underscore instead of a single underscore. This allows supporting drivers and entries that might contain an underscore themselves.
Add databases app to group data and models related code.
Add class support for scoped searches. GitLab issue #875.
Add sorting support to the API.
Updated how the user interface column sorting works. The code was simplified by using a single query variable. The code was expanded to support multiple fields in the future. The URL query key used for column sorting was changed to match the API sorting.a
Added the databases app. This app groups data and models related code.
Added a patch for Django’s Migration class to display time delta for each migration during development.
Docker Compose updates:
Use profiles for extra containers.
Converted to use extensions to remove duplicated markup.
A new container was added to mount an index.
Added support for Traefik.
Added sample .env file.
Update required Docker Compose to version 1.28.
Add a third document filename generator that used an UUID plus the original filename of the uploaded file. This generator has the advantage of producing unique filename while also preserving the original filename for reference.
Add support for the “Reply To” field for sending documents via email and for the mailing workflow actions. Closes GitLab issue #864. Thanks to Kevin Pawsey (@kevinpawsey) for the request.
Allow customization of the error condition when generating document images. This allows displaying more icons in addition to the generic document image error with additional contextual information and popup messages explaining the actual error condition.
Add key attributes to the document signature serializers. Forum topic 5085. Thanks to forum user @qra for the request.
Added key attributes to the document signature model as calculated properties.
Move detached signature upload from the created endpoint to a new /uploaded endpoint.
Added document signature events.
Refactored the workflows app.
Rebalance permissions needed to transition a workflow instance. The workflow instance transition permission is now needed for the document and for either the transition or the workflow.
Add more tests including trashed document tests.
Split API tests into instance and template tests.
Add workflow-instance-log-entry-detail end point.
Add parent URL fields to serializers.
Allow passing extra data when transitioning a workflow via the API.
Limit state options to workflow when using the API. This matches the UI behavior.
Renamed the AddRemove view main_object_method_add to main_object_method_add_name and main_object_method_remove to main_object_method_add_remove_name.
Add has_translations flag to MayanAppConfig to indicate if the app should have its translation files processed or ignored. Defaults to True.
Dependency version upgrades:
coverage from 5.1 to 5.5.
Django to 2.2.23.
django-debug-toolbar to 3.2.
django-extensions to 3.1.2.
django-rosetta to 0.9.4.
django-silk to 4.1.0.
flake8 to 3.9.0.
ipython to 7.22.0.
pycounty to 20.7.3.
requests to 2.25.1.
Sphinx to 3.5.4.
sh to 1.14.1.
sphinx-autobuild to 2021.3.14.
sphinx-sitemap to 2.2.0.
sphinxcontrib-spelling to 7.1.0.
tornado to 6.1.
tox from 3.14.6 to 3.23.1.
transifex-client to 0.14.2.
twine to 3.4.1.
wheel to 0.36.2.
Fix sub workflow launch state action.
Convert the workflow instance creation to a background task.
File caching app updates
Add cache partition purge event.
Use new event decorator.
Use related object as the cache partition purge event action object.
Allow cache prune to retry on LockError.
Add maximum cache prune failure counter.
Remove possible cache file lock name collision.
Add locking to the duplicated document scan code to workaround race condition in Django bug #19544 when adding duplicated documents via the many to many field .add() method.
Remove the default queue. All tasks must now be explicitly assigned to an app defined queue.
Update file cache to use and LRU style eviction logic.
Only prune caches during startup if their maximum size changed.
Add detection of excessive cache pruning when cache size is too small for the workload.
Detect and avoid duplicated queue names.
Add a fourth class of worker.
Re-balance queues.
Rename workers from fast, medium, and slow to A (fast), B (new workers), C (medium), D (slow).
Add support for passing custom nice level to the workers when using the Docker image run_worker command. The value is passed via the MAYAN_WORKER_NICE_LEVEL environment variable. This variable defaults to 0.
Avoid adding a transformation to a layer for which it was not registered.
Add LayerError exception.
Fix redaction ACL support.
Add support for typecasting the values used to filter the ACL object inherited fields.
Rename the mayan_settings directory, which is used to allow custom setting modules, to the more intuitive user_settings.
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Details for the file mayan_edms-4.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: mayan_edms-4.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 7.4 MB
- Tags: Python 2, Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.0.1 CPython/3.11.2
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Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 00368d8e6b4a623f051e4144f606f27693639452b4d35c826c8d91420d575f8e |
MD5 | 6ee38b904f2878d6484a43e1242ec988 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 7246f82b627dee8df6640993a2657fd027a4650dec171278a46bbf1153653aa6 |