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A Web Services API for Plone.

Project description

A Plone product that provides an XML-RPC API to Plone content and operations. In other words, a Plone web services API. One of the main goals is to provide a slim, versatile and extensive way to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) Plone content. The secondary goal is to provide an interface on which Plone and other systems can communicate with one another.

There are five known categories that the wsapi4plone is useful for: Cross Site Communication, Desktop Applications, Skinning/Theming, Batch Processing and Site Migration. The primary focus of wsapi4plone thus far is on Cross Site Communication (Plone to Plone communication), Desktop Applications (Desktop Authoring) and Site Migration (Plone Import/Export)






{ path: [{ attr: value, ...}, type_name], ...}


[path, ...]


Post a new content object





{ path: [{ attr: value, ...}, type_name], ...}


[path, ...]


Put or update information on a content object





None | [path, ...]


{ path: [{ attr: value, ...}, type_name, {misc_info: value}], ...}


Get a content object





None | [path, ...]




Delete a content object





{ path: {index_id: value, ...}, ...}


Finding what you’re looking for



get_schema(type_name, path='')


{ attr: {required: True | False, type: type_string, ...}, ...}


Get a content object’s structure





[type_name, ...]


Get the available content-types





{ state: current_state, transitions: [transition_name, ...], ...}


Get a content object’s workflow state



set_workflow(transition, path='')




Transition a content object’s workflow state

Installation (for zc.buildout)

To install wsapi4plone simply add the following lines to your Plone instance declaration. The next time you start Zope the calls will be available. No further installation is required.

eggs =
zcml =

Usage Examples (via the interpreter)

Setup the client connection using xmlrpclib with basic authorization.

>>> from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
>>> client = ServerProxy('http://user:password@localhost:8888/plone')

Finding what you’re looking for

We can use the query call to search for content in the site. This will also allow us to get a full index of all the content objects in the site if we do not provide any parameters. Example:

>>> q = client.query()
>>> len(q)
>>> q
{'/plone/front-page': {'CreationDate': '2007-04-02 15:28:30',
                       'Creator': 'admin',
                       'Date': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
                       'Description': 'Congratulations! You have successfully installed Plone.',
                       'EffectiveDate': 'None',
                       'ExpirationDate': 'None',
                       'ModificationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
                       'Subject': [],
                       'Title': 'Welcome to Plone',
                       'Type': 'Page',
                       'UID': '07f20e423b6ca478eb8691ff816b83a3',
                       'container': False,
                       'created': <DateTime '2007-04-02T14:28:30-05:00' at 6a9440>,
                       'effective': <DateTime '1000-01-01T00:00:00-04:00' at 71d558>,
                       'expires': <DateTime '2499-12-31T00:00:00-04:00' at 6a95a8>,
                       'id': 'front-page',
                       'listCreators': ['admin'],
                       'modified': <DateTime '2009-08-19T09:56:50-04:00' at 6a9620>,
                       'review_state': 'published',
                       'size': '4.9 kB'}, ... }

We can also pass criteria to the query call in the form of a dictionary. The query call is simply an abstraction of the Plone portal_catalog’s search method. Therefore, you can look at <<<google search: plone portal_catalog>>> for more information on the possible calls to the portal_catalog. A basic example would look like:

>>> q = client.query({'Title': "Users"})
>>> q.keys()

Get a content object

To get information about the site (or the current calling location based on the url used above) use the get_object call without any parameters.

>>> site_object = client.get_object()
>>> site_object
{'/plone': [{'description': '', 'id': 'plone', 'title': 'Site'},
            'Plone Site',
            {'contents': {'/plone/Members': {'CreationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
                                             'Creator': 'admin',
                                             'Date': '2009-08-19 09:56:51',
                                             'Description': "Container for users' home directories",
                                             'EffectiveDate': 'None',
                                             'ExpirationDate': 'None',
                                             'ModificationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:51',
                                             'Subject': [],
                                             'Title': 'Users',
                                             'Type': 'Large Folder',
                                             'UID': '6e22e44bbe5581e10e3ff4913cebf83a',
                                             'container': True,
                                             'created': <DateTime '2009-08-19T09:56:50-04:00' at 71abc0>,
                                             'effective': <DateTime '1000-01-01T00:00:00-04:00' at 71a8f0>,
                                             'expires': <DateTime '2499-12-31T00:00:00-04:00' at 71ac10>,
                                             'id': 'Members',
                                             'listCreators': ['admin'],
                                             'modified': <DateTime '2009-08-19T09:56:51-04:00' at 71ac88>,
                                             'review_state': 'published',
                                             'size': '1 kB'}, ... }]}

Analyzing the results

The get_object call will return data in a dictionary that is keyed by absolute path within the site. The value of each key is a list of three items. The items are loosely referred to as schema, type and miscellaneous, in that specific order.


The schema isn’t exactly a schema, but for lack of a better word has been called such. The data is a dictionary of the content object’s attribute name to value. Further information about the schema can be determined by using the get_schema call and the content’s type name.


The type is a string that represents the content-type of the object. The type name is derived from the name in the Plone portal_types tool.


The miscellaneous value is dependent on the content-type of the object and/or any extensions provided to the WSAPI by third party packages. This value will always be available, but may return an empty dictionary when there are no extensions for the content-type. An example of the default extension of container objects is the ‘contents’ key in the miscellaneous dictionary, which provides information about the contents of the container. The value shares the same data structure as the query call.

Get specific content objects by path

To be more specific about which objects you want returned, you can provide a list of paths to the get_object call. The path can be relative to the xmlrpclib initialization location or absolute. However, everything will always be returned with the absolute path, no matter if you use relative paths or not.

An example would be something like:

>>> objs = client.get_object(['Members', '/plone/front-page'])
>>> len(objs)
>>> objs.keys()
['/plone/front-page', '/plone/Members']

Put or update information on a content object

To put or update information in an existing content object we pass the put_object call a dictionary of keyed paths that are valued with a list of schema and type. The short of this is that you can do a get_object call and change/update the results, then simply pass those results through the put_object call. Let’s take a look at an example that changes the text body of the front-page object using the get_object call shortcut.

>>> frontpage = client.get_object(['/plone/front-page'])
>>> schema = frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0]
>>> # Drop everything except the feel we want, even though sending back the whole thing wouldn't hurt anything.
>>> schema = dict([ (x,schema[x]) for x in schema if x == 'text' ])
>>> schema['text'] = "Once a new technology starts rolling, \
... if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road. --Stewart Brand"
>>> frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0] = schema
>>> # get the results and send them back into the get_object call
>>> updated_frontpage = client.get_object(client.put_object(frontpage))
>>> updated_frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0]['text']
"Once a new technology starts rolling, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road. --Stewart Brand"

Post a new content object

To create or post a piece of content to a Plone site you would use the post_object call, which is almost the same as the put_object call. The only difference between the two calls is that the type (aka content-type) is optional with put_object, but not with post_object. Also, it should be noted that it is your responsibility to provide any required attributes, as the post_object call does not verify you have providing values for required attributes.

Knowing what content-types are available

Since you are required to use a content-type in the creation of an object, where do you find out what content-types are available. The get_types call is for this very purpose. Look at Get the available content-types for more information about the get_types call. Quick example:

>>> types = client.get_types()
>>> types
['Document', 'Event', 'Favorite', 'File', 'Folder', 'Image', 'Link', 'News Item', 'Topic']

Getting the required attributes of a content-type

Before you create new content it is helpful to know what attributes the content-type has. To do that we can use the get_schema call, which will return the attributes of a particular type and meta-data about the attributes. Look at Get a content object’s structure for more information about the get_schema call. Quick example:

>>> link_schema = client.get_schema('Link')
>>> [ x for x in link_schema if link_schema[x]['required'] ]
['remoteUrl', 'title']

Creating the content

To create object we need to give the post_object the same data structure you give to put_object and receive from get_object. What is the keyed value we give it? The key of the dictionary will be the to-be-created object id. Everything else is relatively straight forward, since it is so similar to the put_object call. Let’s take a look at an example where we create a Link to the PSU WebLion website in a Plone site.

>>> weblion = {'/plone/weblion': [{'title': 'PSU WebLion', 'remoteUrl': ''},'Link']}
>>> # Note: I could have used the relative path 'weblion' as the key rather than the absolute path.
>>> weblion = client.get_object(client.post_object(weblion))
>>> weblion
{'/plone/weblion': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
                     'contributors': [],
                     'creation_date': <DateTime '2009-08-19T15:05:48-04:00' at 6a9648>,
                     'creators': ['admin'],
                     'description': '',
                     'effectiveDate': None,
                     'excludeFromNav': False,
                     'expirationDate': None,
                     'id': 'weblion',
                     'language': '',
                     'location': '',
                     'modification_date': <DateTime '2009-08-19T15:05:48-04:00' at 6a95f8>,
                     'relatedItems': [],
                     'remoteUrl': '',
                     'rights': '',
                     'subject': [],
                     'title': 'PSU WebLion'},

Delete a content object

The delete_object call does exactly what it says, deletes objects. To use delete_object you pass it a list of paths. Like the other calls the paths can be absolute or relative to the client call location. Let’s delete the Members folder and the events collection.

>>> client.delete_object(['Members','/plone/events'])

Get the available content-types

Plone comes with a nice variety of content-types and this is one of the reasons it is such a powerful system. We can use the get_types call to get the available types. In addition, you can provide the call with a path to the container to discover the available types for that container. Let’s take a look at the types that can be added to the current call location (the plone site) and the news object, which is a Large Plone Folder.

>>> client.get_types()
['Document', 'Event', 'Favorite', 'File', 'Folder', 'Image', 'Link', 'News Item', 'Topic']
>>> client.get_types('/plone/news')
['News Item']

Get a content object’s structure

You usually want a blue print or schematic before trying to start an engineering project. The same usually holds true for content objects, because not all content has the same shape or function. The get_schema call helps to determine the schema of a content-type, which is basically a blue print for the object. The call returns a dictionary of schema attributes for the given content-type. The dictionary is keyed by the attribute’s name and its value is a dictionary of meta-data.

Let’s take a look at the schema for an Image content-type.

>>> image_schema = client.get_schema('Image')
>>> image_schema
{'allowDiscussion': {'required': False, 'type': 'boolean'},
 'contributors': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
 'creation_date': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
 'creators': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
 'description': {'required': False, 'type': 'text'},
 'effectiveDate': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
 'excludeFromNav': {'required': False, 'type': 'boolean'},
 'expirationDate': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
 'id': {'required': 0, 'type': 'string'},
 'image': {'required': True, 'type': 'image'},
 'language': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'},
 'location': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'},
 'modification_date': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
 'relatedItems': {'required': False, 'type': 'reference'},
 'rights': {'required': False, 'type': 'text'},
 'subject': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
 'title': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'}}

Get a content object’s workflow state

You can only go so far with creating and updating content before, for instance, you need to transition the content from a private state to a public state. The get_workflow call returns a dictionary of two bit of information. One the current workflow state of the content. Two the available transition(s) the authenticated user can perform. Let’s take a look at the weblion object we created in the Post a new content object section.

>>> client.get_workflow('weblion')
{'state': 'private', 'transitions': ['submit', 'publish']}

Transition a content object’s workflow state

Using the get_workflow call has provided you with available transitions you can perform on the given content object. We can now use the set_workflow call to transition the workflow state of the content. Let’s publish the weblion object that was create in the Post a new content object section. In this example the second parameter, path, is optional and based on the current call location.

>>> client.set_workflow('publish', 'weblion')
>>> client.get_workflow('weblion')
{'state': 'published', 'transitions': ['retract', 'reject']}


0.1a3 (2009-08-24)

  • Wrote some documentation. More will follow in the next release.

  • Removed the Plone egg dependency, because it causes complications with Plone < 3.2.

  • Rewrote the tests for the WSAPI calls.

  • Fixed the get_workflow call to return only the transitions the current authenticated users can perform.

  • Fixed a bug in the Plone service adapter’s set_properties method, where the ISO 8601 format wasn’t being parsed correctly.

  • Removed a few lines that assume CMF type factories and management of objects. This part can be handled by the serviced container object’s api, which abstracts the process of creation and deletion.

  • The post_object call now derives the to-be-created object’s id from the path.

  • Modified the get_schema method to fix the Not Found? error. I’m not sure why it wasn’t finding the object, but something tells me it has to do with it the transaction not completing.

0.1a2 (2009-07-29)

  • Package name change from wsapi4plone to wsapi4plone.core.

0.1a1 (2009-07-08)

  • Initial release.

Maintenance Information

Tasks, enhancements and status information

You can view the current tasks and enhancements in the wsapi4plone report or on the Web Service API wiki page on the PSU WebLion website.

Report a bug

Submit a bug to the WebLion Trac site as a new ticket. Please try to determine if a similar ticket already exists before creating a new one. You can view current tickets and proposed improvements on the Web Service API wiki page.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

wsapi4plone.core-0.1a3.tar.gz (34.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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